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Ghosts Gone Wild: Los Angeles

This is the first installment in our Spring Break Series, Ghosts Gone Wild.

This week we are discussing The Dead Files “The Deadly Picture Show” (Season 13 Episode 12) which aired October 2, 2021.

 We also talked about cults, twiddling knobs, wing walkers, inanimate objects with human faces, and Amy L did a spot on impersonation of Steve. We also talked about cooking mishaps. Yeah, we goofed off a lot.

NOTE: This is the NO FLUFF version, which actually still has a ton of Fluff. But I did cut out 17 minutes of us yammering about stuff before we even said “hello”. If you want the whole thing, come over to Patreon and join us for the behind the scenes stuff.

Content Warning:
This is a general content warning, many of the episodes of the TV show talk about murders, some even involving children. So that may come up in our conversation as well. So please proceed with that in mind. But if you already watch The Dead Files you’ll be prepared. 
In this episode we mention an airplane crash, murder by shooting, so trigger warning for those who need it. Also, we swear.

The Activity Continues is a paranormal podcast where soul friends, Amy, Megan, and AP chat about pets, true crime, ghost stories, haunts, dreams, and other paranormal stuff including the TV show, The Dead Files. We also sometimes interview interesting people, whether it be a paranormal professional, a Dead Files client, or a listener with spooky stories.

So, grab your favorite oatmeal cookie (with raisins or without), hop in the car, and join us where… The Activity Continues.

This episode was recorded on February 12, 2024 and released on March 7, 2024.

Episode links:
The Dead Files Official Podcast: https://pod.link/1642377102
Articles about the theater:
Los Angeles Theaters: https://losangelestheatres.blogspot.com/2017/03/silent-movie-theatre.html 
Los Angeles Times: https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/la-et-mn-cinefamily-shuts-down-20171114-story.html 
Article about the shooting of Lawrence. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2000/sep/08/culture.features2

This podcast is in no way affiliated with Warner Brothers, HBOMax, the Travel Channel, Painless TV, or the TV show The Dead Files or any of its cast or crew. We’re just a couple of fans that love the show and want to build a community of like-minded people who would enjoy hanging out and discussing the episodes and similar content.

Hosted by: Amy Lotsberg, Megan Simmons, and Amy Piersak
Production, Artwork, and Editing: Amy Lotsberg at Collected Sounds Media, LLC.
Theme song. “Ghost Story” and segment music by Cannelle https://melissaoliveri.com (https://melissaoliveri.com/)

Socials and other goodies:
Our website, https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/ 
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/theactivitycontinues 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theactivitycontinues/ 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheActivityCont   
Blog for extras: https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/blog/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/theactivitycontinues
YouTube: https://bit.ly/TAC_videos 
Newsletter sign-up: http://eepurl.com/hWnBLL

Email: theactivitycontinues@gmail.com (mailto:theactivitycontinues@gmail.com) and maybe it will be read on the show!
Or visit our website, https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/ and click on the microphone icon to leave a message and maybe it will be played on the show!

Are you a The Dead Files client, or a paranormal professional, and would be interested in being interviewed on our show? Let us know by filling out our guest form:

Please see our page on our website for all links and promo codes! 

Thank you for listening, take care of yourselves. We’ll see you next week!