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May 23, 2024

Unfiltered Perspectives and $12.99 Demons

This week we depart from our usual format of interviews and recaps, opting instead for a freewheeling chat about various topics

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The Activity Continues

Episode 113: Unfiltered Perspectives and $12.99 Demons


This week we depart from our usual format of interviews and recaps, opting instead for a freewheeling chat about various topics. We reflect on the season's activities including personal anecdotes. We also share updates on our experiences with past podcast guests and episodes, discussing the impact of these stories on both the subjects involved and ourselves.


We also talked about our visit to Dustin Pari’s show 'Ghosts: Do You Believe?' and share thoughts on Ouija boards, among other paranormal topics. Throughout the episode, we engage with a mix of light-hearted banter and more serious reflections on the experiences shared with you!


Grab your Ouija board* and join us where The Activity Continues.

*just kidding, leave the No-No Board right where it is



Content Warning:

We didn’t find anything we thought deserved a content warning, except that we use colorful language.


The Activity Continues is a paranormal podcast where soul friends, Amy, Megan, and AP chat about pets, true crime, ghost stories, haunts, dreams, and other paranormal stuff including the TV show, The Dead Files. We also sometimes interview interesting people, whether it be a paranormal professional, a Dead Files client, or a listener with spooky stories.


This episode was recorded on April 22, 2023, and released on May 23, 2024.


Episode links:

Spirit Mechanix: https://spiritmechanix.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spiritmechanix/

Contact:  info@spiritmechanix.com

The Missing Elements shop: https://themissingelements.shop/

Christa Barone’s business: Wicked Wisdom Consulting: https://wickedwisdomconsulting.com/

Michelle Barone’s business: Moksha Grace: https://mokshagrace.com/

Leah’s Business, Golden Phoenix Healing: https://www.goldenphoenixhealing.com/

History Goes Bump: https://historygoesbump.libsyn.com/

Dustin Pari’s Ghosts: Do you Believe? https://www.ghostsdoyoubelieve.com/

The Dead Files Official Podcast: https://pod.link/1642377102



This podcast is in no way affiliated with HBOMax, the Travel Channel, Painless TV, or the TV show The Dead Files or any of its cast or crew. We’re just fans of the show talking about paranormal shows & movies and other spooky stuff. We want to build a community of like-minded people who would enjoy hanging out and discussing similar content.



Hosted by: Amy Lotsberg, Megan Simmons, and Amy Piersak

Production, Artwork, and Editing: Amy Lotsberg at Collected Sounds Media, LLC.

Theme song. “Ghost Story” and segment music by Cannelle https://melissaoliveri.com


Socials and other goodies:

Our website, https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/ 

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/theactivitycontinues 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theactivitycontinues/ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheActivityCont   

Blog for extras: https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/blog/

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/theactivitycontinues

YouTube: https://bit.ly/TAC_videos 

Newsletter sign-up: http://eepurl.com/hWnBLL



Email: theactivitycontinues@gmail.com and maybe it will be read on the show!

Or visit our website, https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/ and click on the microphone icon to leave a message and maybe it will be played on the show!



Are you a The Dead Files client, or a paranormal professional, and would be interested in being interviewed on our show? Let us know by filling out our guest form:




Please see our Store page for all the links for all our affiliates. https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/store/


Thank you for listening, take care of yourselves. We’ll see you next week!


113 – Unfiltered Perspective and $12.99 Demons

This may not be 100% accurate as this is the transcript of the way the audio file was edited. However, the audio file became corrupted and so we ended up having to use the video file’s audio instead. That’s why a lot of the cross-talk is not edited the same way.


Amy: [fade in]… because we don't really have. I mean, there's no real structure to this. I just wanted.


Megan: Well, that'll be the first time.


Amy: Let's see how it goes. I mean, it’s all new territory for us.


[theme song]


ALL: Hello


Megan: Hi, everybody! Thanks for joining us again. Today we are taking a break from our interviews and our recaps and we'll just be chatting about what we've been doing this season.


What we have coming up shows, we're watching podcasts, we're listening to

pretty much anything that pops into our head. Whoops going to come out our mouth.


So I'm here with my co-hosts, Amy and AP.


AP, what are we? Do we have any warnings? What are we kinda talking about today? What do we have for the people?


AP: Hello, everyone, please see the show notes for any content warning today.


Megan: That was very Siri.


AP: We don't know what we're gonna talk about. We don't know where we're gonna go. We know that all of us are feeling a little funky today.


Megan: Yeah.


AP: And when that happens, things either fall, but usually skyrocket into oblivion. So.


Megan: I would say hilarity.


AP: Ummm


Amy: Let's hope for them.


AP: A few of us have tried to trail down. I told I told Amy she better have a fishing line ready just to pull us back out of these rabbit trails.


Megan: Yeah, it's fair, that's fair.


AP: Nobody follow the balloons down the down the sewers, please.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: Please don't.


Amy: I know that's kind of my job to reign everybody in, but I am not that good at it, because I don't like interrupting people and say, “Get back on track.”


So I just sit there going, ‘how am I gonna fix it? How am I? Gonna how am I gonna.’


AP: So you have to just find the little delicate ways when like, when you're facilitating of being like, “Hey, you know, I really appreciate that story. But we do need to talk about XYZ over here.”


Amy: Yeah


Megan: “Great comment, Diane, but can we get back to what the fuck we're doing here?”


AP: “Hey Joe, fuck off. That's has nothing to do with what we're talking about.”


Megan: “No, thank you. We're not talking about that right now.”


AP: So we have no idea what we're gonna talk about other than we're going to just kind of chitchat over the last several months of all the stuff that we've been going through. It's kinda like a Q1 wrap up, you know, little late, but.


Megan: You know. Honestly, it's not that. It's only like 3 weeks late, which in corporate world is basically on time.


AP: Well, when this comes out it will be about 8 weeks late.


Megan: Oh yeah, that’s true. That’s fair.


Amy: Yeah, we’re non-profit. So don’t worry about that, or put that… factor that in.


Megan: Factor it in.


Amy: I do have you know lists of all the things we’re going to talk about.


Megan: What?  No spreadsheet, though?


Amy: No no spreadsheet. Not this time.


Megan: I'm disappointed in you. I’m not mad, I, Amy. I'm just disappointed.


Amy: I printed out AP's notes, too.


Megan: Did you laminate it?


Amy: No, not yet. I got my laminating sheets right over here.


AP: Well, this one's more of a shred-it case after we're done with it. So.


Megan: No, we wanna. Remember this forever.


Amy: I mean, you know what? When we get famous. We can sign them. Sell them on eBay. $1.95.


Megan: Um aim higher. $5. Okay? Manifest it.


AP: Alight so, going back to, you know. Everything that we wanted to talk about Amy. It tells me that I'm supposed to just toss it to you now.


Amy: To me?! Yeah.


AP: Hope you can catch.


Megan: See that was me throwing it to you.


Amy: Got it.


Megan: And everybody missed it.


Amy: I saw it I saw you throw. I was just looking down, and I didn't catch it. Hit me in the head right there.


Megan: Oh!


AP: It was so far past me. I just didn't bother.


Amy: That's usually how I am in sports, how someone else will get it. I don't want to move.


Alright. Well, should we dive in on the things that we wanted to talk about, we can certainly stray, which I know we will.


AP: We already have.


Megan: Several times, actually.


Amy: But I want to go over...We don't really have to dive deep into anything, each specific thing. But I just wanna do a few comments about the things that we've done in the past from. Up until this point. From like, you know, mid-season, or whatever.


AP: Yep, I, and that's what I did. I just kind of went through and put a couple of bullet points in of different things I remember from each of those.


Amy: Yeah, I'm glad you did that, because when I read through it I was like, Oh, I forgot about that. Oh, I forgot about that.


AP: I looked through some of my notes.


Amy: Oh, look at you!


AP: Yeah.


Amy: AP for extra credit.


Megan: You are sooo smart, and she's making me look bad. Thanks a lot.


Amy: So the last episode we did was, of course, super Spirit Mechanix.


Megan: Delightful.


Amy: Oh, my God! So we, when we finished my face hurt so bad from laughing so hard that whole thing about the laminating was just.


Megan: And shifters.


Amy: Oh, my God! It was.


Megan: Hilarious.


Amy: I mean, yeah.


Megan: It was good. Yeah.


Amy: And just super cool people who really, really, really care. About helping people who need help. So I'm you know. I know we said this a lot, and I'm hosting this and all the socials for that episode.


But if anybody listening has any sort of haunting or anything going on in their home, but they need this kind of help. Call them. Email them. They will help you, or they will find somebody who will.


And they don't charge anything unless they need to travel, and then they travel.


Megan: And then you just pay the travel expenses. But they don't charge a fee like per hour or per day, or whatever there. And it doesn't, only it doesn't end when they leave, they continue the care.


AP: Aftercare.


Megan: Aftercare to make sure that you're doing okay. Your family, whoever was affected is doing okay. So it's it's they're just delightful people. So please listen to that episode. If you haven't.


AP: I would say, to throw in with that, too, is those of us who don't need a haunting cleansing, or any of that sort of thing, they do have a list of other offerings on their website where it is a pay for option.


But that would be something that would help them continue to be able to offer help to others as well. So I know we talked a little bit about the Chakra alignments and that kind of stuff. So I am very intrigued in you know. Maybe I'll look into that a little bit later.


Megan: Tarot Reading. Aura Reading. They do a lot of different things. They sell Tarot cards.


Amy: Yep, they have a whole store. They have a brick-and-mortar store.


Megan: Yeah, they do.


Amy: …but they also have an online store where they sell crystals and Tarot cards, oracle cards.


They have something on their website that's called a “Calm Your Tits Roll-on”. I meant to ask them what it was, and we just never got to that. So I don't know what it is. Perfume?


Megan: I would think maybe essential oils.


Amy: It’s a roll-on called “Calm Your Tits”. And I kind of want to buy it just because I like it.


Megan: I like the name. That way when someone is like “Oh, my God! You smell so good! What is that?” you could be like, “oh, first of all, calm your fucking tits. Second of all, that's also what it's called. Thank you.”


Amy: They were. They were really cool. AP were you going to say something else.


AP: Oh, I was just gonna say, and I think that episode was probably Amy had to do a lot of work on. But as a great reminder of how a technology is great, and it allows us to do a lot of things, but oftentimes depending on location. And what's going on. There are lags, and there are issues that we can't overcome in the moment. But probably many of you are working from home or working remotely, or having Teams meetings, or chat meetings, or whatever in similar situations. So it was just one of those it was like. There's a couple of times where the airspace hung for a minute, and we're like.


Are they frozen? Is something happening?


Amy: Did they misunderstand? They not hear me? Am I? Did they know I'm talking to them?


AP: Watching. I kept watching the fan in the background.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: Yeah, their ceiling fan!


AP: If you watch the ceiling fan all of a sudden it would start to slow down. It's like, Oh, that's when they're we're losing.


Amy: Internet lagged. Yeah.


Megan: I knew that there was a lag when I would make a joke, and nobody would laugh.


Amy: And I was like.


Megan: Oh, there's a lag, yeah. Cause….


AP: Megan, that wasn't the lag.


Megan: No, shut up it was, too.


Amy: In in in comedy, timing is….


AP: Is everything.


Megan: Everything.


Amy: Everything.


Amy: Yes, yeah.


Megan: So that's how I knew it was alike. Because I'm like, okay. That joke was fire.


Amy: Totally would have sailed if anybody could have heard it.


Megan: Like Magellan.


Amy: Yeah. yeah. It really wasn't that bad.


Megan: Magellan was on a sailboat or like a big ship that sailed cause they didn't have motors back then.


AP: It's like, I know, but it's just like, of all the references that you could have gone with.


Megan: I wanted to say Magellan, because if I said Christopher Columbus, then he like got here on accident, and that's not what I wanted.


AP: Well, yeah, he didn't stop for directions.


Amy: Typical.


Megan: Well, I know, but that's what I say. I tell people I'm like Christopher Columbus, cause I get to places like on accident. There's like doesn't make sense for me to get there. But…


I've lived in the Twin Cities now almost 10 years. I think it actually this year might be 10 years. Oh, Nope, 11 math! 11 years I've lived in the cities, and I still need my GPS.


AP: Oh yeah.


Amy: Oh, yeah, I've lived around my life, and I still do. The only time I don't is if I'm going somewhere I've been a hundred times.


Megan: It’s confusing.


Amy: I know.


Megan: There's a lot of roads.


Amy: There is a lot of roads, and they all have different names.


Megan: Or sometimes the same name. Yeah, but they're different roads.


Amy: Oh, especially when you're out in the suburbs. It'll be Something Circle, something trail, something it's and I'm like this.


Megan: Same name, for like.


Amy: You can be like “I live on Glenwood.”  I mean what there's 500 of them.


AP: Do you know what the most common street name is in the United States?


Megan: Elm Street.


Amy: Main?


AP: And Street, Second Avenue. Any of the 2nds.  Because first street or 1st Ave is often Main Street. So second is the most common.


Amy: That makes sense because then, if there's only 3 streets in some towns, it's not going to go up to 14,15.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: Alright!


Megan: I don't think I've ever seen Fifteenth Street. Oh, I bet New York City has them.


Amy: Oh, yeah, down at the U. I lived on Fourteenth.


Megan: Did you really?


Amy: Yep, down at the U. And there was a fifteenth.


Megan: Learning something about you still.


Amy: Right there. About a block away! Yeah. How long has it been?


Megan: 9.


Amy: Has it? Really? Yeah.


Megan: 2015 is when I started working at the place that we both hate.


Amy: The place that has no name


AP: Lord! Lord Voldemort's.


Amy: Yes, Deal Train!


Megan: Deal Train!


Amy: God, our boss.


Amy: Okay, moving right along. So before Spirit Mechanix we interviewed the lovely, lovely Barone ladies. Melissa ugh, Melissa.. Michelle!


Megan: Michelle.


AP: Michelle and Christa.


Amy: Christa. I was putting the names together.


Megan: Were amazing.


Amy: Oh, they were so much fun!


Megan: They were so, and Christa was a Libra


AP: She still is.


Megan: I mean she still is. She hasn't changed, but.


Amy: Birthday is one day before mine.


Megan: Nice


AP: Her birthday hasn't changed.


Megan: No, that we know of.


Amy: No.


Megan: That now that one was great, but a in a completely different way than Spirit Mechanix was, because that one it was like we had been friends for decades, and it was like, just

it just flowed so perfectly. to the point where Amy really struggled, editing it because.


Amy: I did.


Megan: It was like we would talk over each other, and then Amy and I would talk over each other, and then Christa and Michelle would talk over each other, but it was, it was so fun. They were delightful.


Amy: They were.


Megan: They were so sweet.


Amy: Yeah, they were. I will say in editing I found a lot of things that I did not hear at the time, because.


Megan: All of my jokes.


 Amy: okay, I'm married to an interrupter. So I have trained myself to listen to the person who is talking, and if somebody interrupts, they don't exist to me.


I have to block them out, so I can pay attention to the person who is speaking and in fact, we just did this the other day I was explaining something to Greg. I was telling him about a job I saw online, and I was telling him about the job, and he just kept saying something to me. And I'm like I'm talking. So I'm just going to keep talking.


Amy: And then he goes. “What's the pay? I've asked you 4 times!!” and I said, “Oh, is that what you were asking? You interrupted me, and so I wasn't listening to you.”


Megan: You should be like. “Oh, I'm sorry. Did the middle of my sentence interrupt the start of yours?”


Amy: Exactly. So when I'm when we're all doing that. And this is why I can't watch The View. It makes me absolutely insane.


Megan: And they're annoying.


Amy: And they're annoying. But they used to be good back in the day.


Megan: Used to be when they first started.


Amy: Yeah.


Amy: Trash. Yeah, no, I can't listen to it. Well, actually, I don't know. I haven't. I gave it up like 10 years ago.


Megan: Is that the one Sharon Osbourne's on.


Amy: Is she now?


Megan: She was on a talk show.


Amy: Oh, I don't know.


Megan: Anyways, as I interrupt you. I'm sorry.


Amy: I'm surprised I even heard you just kidding.


So I don't hear everything when people are talking over each other, but when I'm editing it I'm like oh, she was saying something at the same time.


You should see the wave files in Audacity. Every single track is like talking, talking, talking, talking, so I will like play one person's track and be like, Okay, that's what I heard. And then I'll play the next person's track, and I'm like, Oh, my God! I didn't even hear that that was hilarious.


Megan: That’s me.


Amy: Well, then, I try to like time, shift it like, put a space in. So I can make that part in so you can hear it. So if you guys listen to these episodes after I'm done editing them, you're gonna hear stuff you didn't hear. I guarantee you did not hear in real life.


AP: I'm used to when I was teaching, and everything is, you just start paying attention to everything around. So like I struggle when I'm in the office, and there are 4 people on phone calls near me, and I need to be on a call, and I need to talk. But I can hear everybody else's conversation going on, because I'm not trying to listen but I can hear all the different parts of the.


Megan: To me too.


AP: Conversation, and it all catalogs.


Megan: Me too and I can't like stop listening to it. I can’t tune it out.


Amy: I used to. I can't anymore. I had to learn how to tune it out.


Megan: And I'm like, I don't want to hear about Sally Jo over here making plans, and Billy Bob doing his thing like I need to focus.


Amy: Yeah. But I think I learned how to focus when we were working at the place together, Megan, because we were all in one big room, and everybody's yakety-yacking on their phones into each other, and throwing fucking…


Megan: Paper airplanes and balls and footballs, and basketball. Deal Train.


Amy: Screaming “Deal Train!”


Amy: I had to, I had to block everybody out.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: In order to get anything done.


Megan: Giving inappropriate massages to married men.


Amy: Oh, God! Don't get me started on her!


AP: Speaking of more yakety -yakking. Our next 2 episodes were even, or the 2 previous ones, to those with Leah and History Goes Bump.


Amy: Yes, we did that too.


AP: Were  also Yakity Yakkers.


Amy: Yeah, yeah, we were.


Megan: And we met Leah in person, which we were very, very excited, for.


Amy: Yes, we did. A little happy hour with Leah. That was really nice.


Megan: She's just as sweet as you can imagine.


Amy: She is, she's the best. Yeah. I just want to mention one thing. When we were talking about AP, you brought up something about Wisconsin, your parents, or so a grandparents, or something?


[AP shakes her head]


Megan: Yes, when we were talking to Leah at Happy Hour.


AP: I I mentioned. I know. It was right at the beginning, when we were talking, she had. So she's actually originally from Wisconsin.


Amy: She’s from Wisconsin, that’s what it was.


AP: And I. I went to school in Wisconsin.


Megan: Me too.


Amy: Okay. So that's what we were talking about. Maybe you mentioned it too Megan, I don’t remember.


She looks over like to the side, and she goes “oh! And a man just walked in and sat down in that table wearing a Green Bay Packers hat.”


Megan: Yup


Amy: and she is like, “Thanks. Universe! That was fun.”


And that's kind of thing like I wouldn't even have thought like that was a like a little nod from the universe, or whatever. I wouldn't even have thought that, but I thought that was really cool.


AP: She talked about it in the episode, too, but she talked about how she had somebody who sat down next to her at a restaurant when she was like, Is this person really here? And she just kept talking and whatever. And then she was kind of like, okay, they're trying to get my attention, she said. This is not normally how this works for her.


All I could think about is like Long Island Medium, where we always see in the show where she goes up. I'm sorry this is so weird. But I need to say something, and it's a little bit like what Leah had to do.


And to let somebody know that their loved one was thinking of them there.


Megan: And happy that they were on the trip they were on.


Amy: Yeah, which I made me think that, that person may be passed before the trip. The woman was maybe like, I'm not gonna go.


Megan: Do I go? Should I go?


Amy: Then she decided to go, anyway.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: I don’t know  for sure, if that's what the story is, but that's what I felt.


AP: That’s what I felt too.


Megan: What we're thinking. That's what we're making up. Yeah. But it was. It was a really, really, really sweet story that she told. So.


AP: There were so many stories that she told, and I know there was a lot of like amazing growth and everything. I just what I really loved. About that time, too, is, we heard a little bit more about her own family connections.


And some of the, you know the reasons why she's gone into directions that she has with getting messages or confirmation from family, and so I feel like it's a way for, Amy as you mentioned, with the not realizing the packers hat could have been something as a sign. But for us to open up a little bit and see like, Okay.


How many shows do we watch and listen to where they don't say coincidences happen, or like.


Amy: There's no such thing as a coincidence.


AP: Yeah, there's there's a reason why things kind of happen out there. And you know I we had my grandparents, celebration of life yesterday, and it was probably the most beautiful day that has been in the forecast for the last…


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: Yeah, it was.


AP: Prior, and even to the ones that are coming up. We've got some cool and rain coming yet, and.


Megan: Hmm.


AP: Yeah, I can't help but think that there was a little bit of … Maybe they had a little nudge into having a nice weather day, so.


Megan: So, yeah.


Amy: That's basically I know. I told you guys, I went to a funeral today. It wasn't actually a funeral. It was. It was a party. It was so you know, Melissa, our our composer of our beautiful intro. It's her father-in-law who passed away not too long ago.


So Tony, her husband, Tony our Realtor, his father. His father, Frankie, and my dad, were very close. They were very good friends. They did their the last, the show that my dad did the whole time he was like old and running this New Fogey Follies it was called.


And it was basically like a revue variety show thing for senior citizens.


And Frankie was the piano player. So he did all the music for the show. And so this this took place at Chanhassen Dinner Theater.


The room was full to bursting like you were standing like this. The room was filled with actors, musicians.


Megan: How fun!!


Amy: Comedians  All sorts. So it was, and I kept thinking my dad would love to have been here.


AP: He was.


Megan: I bet he was.


Amy: I'm sure he was. Yeah.


Megan: He and Frankie were probably there.


Amy: Oh, totally!


Megan: He was like. “I can't believe that person came like I didn't even know them.”


Amy: “Can't believe she'd show her face”. Yeah, yeah.


Megan: “And in that outfit?”


Amy: But it was really sweet. People came up and told stories about him and stuff, and and then we had to leave just before Melissa was gonna play.


Megan: No!


Amy: I’m bummed I didn't get to hear her play but we had to race home.


Megan: I’m sure it was perfect.


Amy: Yeah, of course, of course, cause she is perfect. But anyway.


Megan: She is.


Amy: Yes, so that celebrations of life are are. I love that. It’s the way to go. I don't want a dour funeral. I want a party.


AP: Fun and funeral. Please not...I want the party.


Megan: We put the F-U in funeral.


AP: Well, and like we even our cousins chat so on my mom's side of the family, which this was, we're all really pretty close, and Tammy and Kelly, my sister, and my cousin, we were texting me like.


Like, So what is what's everyone wearing? Cause I'm pretty sure grandma would want us wearing like bright colors. And yeah, and it was perfect cause Kell and I got our tattoos.


You know, a little over a week ago, and they do represent not just our birth months, but I was born 4 days after my Grandma Stanley, and she was born a day after our Grandma Piersak, so.


Megan: Cool, nice.


Amy: That's so cool.


Yeah, I love. Do you want to show your tattoo? Do you have a sleeve you could roll up so our friends can see it?


[AP shows tattoo]


Amy: Beautiful. I know you showed it in last one other time, too, but I think we ended up cutting that whole section. So I just.


AP: I'm sure. Yeah. So it's the marigolds and cosmos, and then daffodil. And then Kelly also chose cherry blossoms because March birth month flowers are both Narcissus variety.


Megan: I don't know what. What's our birth flower. I don't know.


AP: I just told you.


Megan: I, you told me like 7 different flowers, marigolds, and cherry blossoms.


AP: Nope, Marigold, and Cosmos.


Megan: Those are ours?


AP: Yeah.


Megan: Okay, I am gonna go with cosmo. I don't like marigolds.


AP: Oh, I love marigolds.


Amy: I don't know what a cosmo looks like. I mean, I know that I know Cosmo looks like.


Megan: I was gonna say, Amy, I think


Amy: Come on! It's pink!


Megan: Don't don't lie to us.


Amy: It’s in a martini glass.


Megan: Yeah. Don’t lie.


Amy: That kind of Cosmo I know, and the sky kind, I know.


AP: Yeah, the the flowers, the cosmos. They're kind of kind of like a similar to a little bit like a daisy marigold mix.


Amy: Oh Okay, cool. look at that off track again.


AP: Yep


Amy: alright. So then


Megan: Oh they’re very pretty.


AP: She's looking at flowers now.


Amy: I see that, yeah. Her face changed color, I can tell. She's when she's on her computer. Can her face changes.


Megan: They're very pretty. Okay. Yes.


Amy: Okay. So then we also did…


Megan: They look like your tattoo.


Amy: Gee!


AP: That’s good!


Amy: That is not something I saw coming!


Megan: Thank God, I'm here to tell you guys, because.


AP: You know we did. We did just draw it in the dark, so.


Megan: Well, good job, good on you.


AP: But yes, History Goes Bump.


Amy: Yes, History Goes Bump.


 Megan: I love them.


Amy: Diane and Kelly so much fun. Very professional, in that they did not talk over each other or over us. So we were. That was it was. It was great.


Megan: Yeah.


AP: Diane's had 10 years of experience.


Amy: Taking notes. I know.


Megan: Yes.


Amy: I know we've only been doing this for a couple of years. I did this for another year with my other friend, but it was just me and Heather. We really didn't talk over. We didn't get like oh, blah blah blah, because we were just talking.


Megan: No, you did stay very professional.


Amy: I mean, we tried.


Megan: And then there's us, just completely bizonkers.


Amy: It’s fine, but yes.


Megan: They are delightful.


Amy: History Goes Bump is great. They were so much fun.


Megan: We also were on their podcast too, if you didn't know that. So.


Amy: Yeah Few weeks before..  So we're all besties now. Yeah.


Megan: They don't know it, but we are.


AP: I love the story that Kelly told of the painting that her parents had that she had in her house, and then she brought it back like my brain is still like, Come on, somebody, take that in, get it evaluated. There's with she said, with how dark and heavy it is. There's gotta be something underneath it.


Amy: There's probably 10 paintings in there that have been painted over. I also would love to see a picture of it.


I would love to get a picture of it and put it out like for everybody to look at. And so people like Zoey, who can see things that aren’t there would be able to look at it and.


Megan: You even like, go about trying to see if what it was painted over like. How would you even do that?


Amy: You'd have to take it to a specialist.


AP: Yeah, you'd have to.


Megan: Right. But like, what do they do?


Amy: They put something on the top layer so they can peel the top layer of paint off without getting down to the next one. So.


Megan: Jeez! That sounds tedious.


Amy: Yes, it. Yeah.


AP: It is.


Amy: Takes years to do it for some, for some paintings.


AP: Where the like, how they can tell if a painting is an original painting, and how some of the ones that we've seen in museums and things are fakes, and they can figure that out. And a lot of it is due to the aging process. And yeah, you know, the types of what's in the paint and all that. Yeah.


Megan: And the colors.


Amy: How the paint was made, yeah.


Megan: We probably didn't have Marigold back when Leonardo da Vinci was painting.


[AP is shaking her head]


Amy: AP. Would you like to say something about that? Do you have a fun fact?


Megan: She's really fighting it. She's fighting it.


AP: I wasn't. It's not a fun fact, but I mean they are flowers that have been around for a very long time, so.


Megan: Yeah. But you know what, though, you know what I mean. Okay?


AP: Do I?


Megan: No, I don't even know what I mean.


Amy: Do I know what I mean? not really.


Megan: Do I know what I mean?


AP: Like, does she mean the color.


Megan: I meant the name. That was a bad example.


Amy: My guess is that painting paints back then were made with flowers to make the color.


Megan: Why you gotta be like this?


Amy: Just guessing!


AP: Yeah, there's a lot of pigments and everything.


Megan: I know I'm just teasing you because.


Amy: Cause isn't there a paint color that is made with bugs, with bug shells.


AP: Yeah, there's a, there's.


Amy: I don’t remember which one it is.


AP: Yeah, I've been a few different ones.


Megan: Puce.


AP: No


Megan: Should be cause. Cuz, that's gross.


Amy: Okay, And then do you have anything more to say with History Goes Bump?


AP: I was gonna say, I had talked with them a little bit about like the ghost tours like when you go somewhere, you do like a haunted tour, or whatever. And so I actually did message Diane, when I booked my one for Salt Lake City, so I'm excited to do that one.


Megan: Nice? Did she have any pointers or…


AP: She hasn't been out there. So it I just said, Hey, I'll let you know how this goes. Actually, she said. Hey, let me know how it goes, I said. Absolutely will.


You know there for me there's just a lot of the history stuff that's in there and like know. Oh, we see a window that's got lace behind it, so your brain plays tricks on you, and you might see something. But I love just getting to understand a little bit of the history of the area, so.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Pretty excited for that, and I'll tell you all about it when I get back.


Amy: Great. I can't wait.


Megan: Yay!


Amy: That sounds really fun.


Megan: So mark your calendars for that folks!


Amy: okay, so then.


Megan: Oh for cute.


Amy: We don't have to go too much into this one. Amy and I did a recap together, cause Megan was out celebrating her husband's birthday.


Megan: That I love very much. Blah blah blah blah blah.


Amy: Blah blah blah. He's fine. He's great.


Megan: Happily ever after.


Amy: Blah blah blah.


Megan: Romance.


AP: I just put. And like those kids that are in the show are teenagers to closing in on 20 at this point because that show is in season 2.


Amy: Right. That was an oldie.


AP: They were what? 4 and 7 or something like that. Yeah, yeah. And


Amy: I hardly remember that one.


AP: Yeah, I well, I went through and I flipped through my notes a little bit.


I wanted to say I really hope that the mom got the counseling that she needed and it she it did say at the end of the episode that she was seeing, getting the grief counseling, and it was kind of it seemed like the episode was a little bit of an eye opener to her.


Amy: Yes.


AP: “You know other people have told me that I haven't. I haven't processed. I haven't grieved”, and I just kind of. I've been reading a lot of like Reddit stories lately, just like I get bored. I flip through some. And one recently I read was about a person whose you know mom had a child before they were even born. That passed away, and then they lived their entire life in the shadow of this one that had passed away, and I was like, you know, it's.


Megan: That's hard.


AP: Right. And so you just gotta hope that it. And it did sound like that. Melissa was getting the help she needed to avoid some of that emotional trauma being placed upon her living children.


Amy: Right.


AP: And then just was like hope that the kids are also able to do, because they both had abilities and.


Amy: Yeah. And especially that little boy.


AP: Nathan was like. Like so far advanced like Amy was like. I don't even understand this. Yeah.


Amy: She's like this is more advanced than I've ever seen, especially in a kid. That's crazy. And I would love to hey at the clients if you're out there on that episode which was


Amy: I forgot what ...


AP: Season two, yeah “Evil underground”. April twelfth in 2013. And that one was Lili from A Haunted Happy Hour, shared that one because it was in Illinois.


Amy: Yep, that was her choice. Her recommendation.


AP: And yeah, would love to know, too, if how their abilities have developed, and if they've wanted them to, or if they've been able to, just, you know. Put them.


Amy: Shut down.


AP: Yeah, shut them down, and then this was Keokuk.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: So did they. At the end of that episode they were still looking for the a tribal representative to help them release Keokuk and all of the trap spirits.


We don't get an idea of who those spirits might have been. But Amy, you and I were like. I don't think that they would have been native spirits. I think they were other spirits that died in his vicinity.


Amy: Yeah, it seems weird for him to have collected his own people and kept them there, but yeah.


Megan: And I have no idea what they're talking about. Because I did not watch this episode because I cannot do child death.


Amy: Yeah And it wasn't just child death in history it was. It was current.


Megan: It was current. Yeah.


Amy: So that's why we skipped that one originally.


Megan: And history is…


Amy: It's not fun either…


Megan: But it's easier because you know nobody, that most of the time nobody that it directly affects is still alive.


Amy: Exactly. Yeah, yeah.


AP: Hmm.


Amy: So there's that. And then we did the Spring Break series, which was 6 episodes that we each picked two.


Megan: Ghosts gone wild.


Amy: Ghosts gone wild.


Megan: OW OW OW OW OW!


Amy: That was fun.


Megan: That was super fun.


Amy: That was AP’s idea.


Megan: Yes.


Amy: And I love it. And I think we're gonna redo it again in the winter.


Megan: Mmhm.


Amy: Do like.


AP: Or do it in the summer for winter.


Amy: Do it in the yes, that's what it is. Do it in the summer, and pick episodes that.


Megan: I was just gonna go with it.


Amy: …take place in really hella cold places, like Buffalo, NY and shit.


AP: Mmhm.


Yeah.I thought it was. I really enjoyed it, because it it gave us like an anchoring of a theme. But then all the episodes like we had some from very early on, some from more recent. We had businesses we had. We didn't look at any other part of the title, you guys, or all of you all, we just we literally looked at, where does it take place? And that was it.


I thought it was really interesting. And I hopefully, as everybody kind of went through, too. There was some infuriating episodes like the Nola restaurant guys.


Amy: The Vessel!


Megan: Oh, God, I can't even with them. Full on basic bitch right there. I can't even.


AP: And even like at the Hawaiian plantation one, there was 2 sides, because we had the sides where we learned… I mean, we've always kind of had that show of respect of spirits and history, and that sort of stuff. And we see that. But then we also see the one guy who just sees dollar signs in front of his eyes.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: So we had both of those.


Megan: I was so frustrated with him.


Amy: That guy was so infuriating.


Megan: He was like, “well, we're just gonna keep doing it, even if Amy says to not do it.”


Amy: Yeah. “Well, we’re not gonna stop.”


Megan: It’s like, then what the fuck are you here for? You're wasting all of our time.


Amy: Well, and the poor guy who was is the client who called them in.


AP: He wasn't there any more.


Megan: He was gone. Yeah.


Amy: Left his job before they even finished film…or not, before they finished filming, but before.


Megan: Before they released it.


Amy: Before it released. Yeah.


AP: Then there was the hotel one that was in California.


Megan: Not Hotel California by the Eagles. Different one.


AP: It was the one that they kept saying, is the It's like the center of the town. It's a staple of the you know. The landmark.


Amy: Oh, that's right! We can’t close it!


Megan: We can’t close, because.


AP: It was my first choice.


Megan: They need it.


AP: Yep.


Megan: The community revolves around this place. Does it?


AP: And that was one of those interesting ones I was like, well, why? Why do we keep going with this? But it did seem like the owner who called them in wanted to get them notoriety about having the hauntings there, whereas others on the staff really were like.


Can we please just make this workable?


Amy said it was one of those that had so much history and so much activity it would take decades to get rid of, and so she gave them steps so that they could.


Megan: Manage it.


AP: Manage. I don't remember if he I don't think he went through a lot of that.


Amy: No, I don't think I don't think so. I don't recall exactly. That was also a long time ago.


AP: But I do have a question for you two.


Megan: Oh crap, I didn’t know I had to study.


Amy: Didn't study anything.


AP: And this can also go out to listeners.


Megan: This is where AP’s teacher side comes in. I like to call this a pop quiz.


Amy: Pop Quiz!


AP: So my question. And again, listeners, you can also message us, or share your stories or your thoughts on this. But I do really like the business ones, cause they are different and there's, you know, maybe not so much connection to a family having some harm or something being done.


But after watching these with a more critical eye. What are things that you have noticed about these different businesses? The good and the bad.


Megan: I'm gonna be straight. I don't really like the business ones. Because I feel like most of the time, and not all not all businesses.


But a lot of times.


Amy: Hashtag, not all businesses.


Megan: Hashtag, not all businesses, but a lot of times they're doing them just to be to be put on the map.


Amy: To get a 1-hour free advertisement?


Megan: To get free advertisements.


AP: Especially ones that you see, like they've also had this ghost show and that ghost show and this ghost show.


Megan: And we do ghost tours, and you know, and that really upsets me because they're taking space away from people who are actually struggling and who, you know, like Michelle and Carissa…


AP & Amy: Christa.


Megan: Christa. Sorry. What did I say?


AP: Carissa. Correct.


Megan: Christa. Christa. Her brother, was so… bad. He couldn't even be interviewed on the show.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: He was so tormented.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: And who I mean, thank God, he's better now, but it's because of the show, and because of the help that they got, and the fact that a lot of these businesses, hashtag not all businesses, seem to bring these in just for the advertisement really upsets me.


So I'm not a big fan of the business ones.


AP: Oh, I will still continue to suggest those ones.


Amy: I like watching them.


Megan: I like watching them, but it just makes me mad because they took away from somebody.


AP: Oh, yeah. Oh I definitely agreed to that.


Megan: The only explanation is paranormal.


Amy: That's right. I do like them for… I think it's interesting it it's fun to be able to… those you should usually have more access to looking up stuff about them now, like we can look at that movie theater one.


That was a really good episode.


Megan: That was good.


Amy: And then we're like there's so many cool stories about it, like I mean, I shouldn't say cool. It was a murder, but you know there were…


AP: Interesting.


Amy: Look into the history of these and be like, oh, yeah, that was interesting. And there's more stuff that they didn't show.


AP: That one also had the group that they had some issues with the owning group, and that got glossed over from the time ...


Megan: There were lawsuits.


AP: Yeah, there was lawsuits and everything from the time that episode aired to when we recapped it right.


Amy: Right. Speaking of hashtag, that was a #metoo thing.


Megan: Yes, it was.


Amy: That was going on there with yeah, not the owners that were on the Dead Files.


Megan: No, not nobody. That was on the interviewed on The Dead Files, but no.


Amy: People that were that owned it. After that I think. But yeah, so I I do like the the business ones for that reason. But I I agree with you, Megan, it pisses me off that, especially when you get at the end and they're like, “Yeah, we're not gonna do any of that sign up for our ghost tours!”


AP: I am curious, though, when you look at some of those business ones, and then you look at some of the individual ones. So, playing a little doubles advocate here, because, you know.


Amy: Oh, I think I know where this is going!


Megan: that’s rare, you don’t do that!


AP: When you get. When you get some of the individual ones who call in The Dead Files, beg for their help.


Amy: Hashtag Brittany.


Megan: Brittany.


AP: Cause it's their dream house, and they can't afford to move or.


Megan: And we're gonna fight!


AP: Someone's going to die. Our marriage is going to break up. We'll do anything to do this. Then they get their list of things from Amy and they're kind of like, “Yeah, no” or in in some sort.


Megan: Those are frustrating, too.


AP: And in some cases we know that maybe they can't get those things in too. But it is a little bit of the playing that that side of getting your 15 min of fame, kind of thing.


Amy: Yep.


Megan: And I'm not gonna disagree with you on that, because that does happen. I will say that...


And I lost my train of thought literally in the middle of what I was saying.


AP: I think where you're going with that, though, too, is that it is because of what Amy said about you can find more information about the businesses. So the business's name recognition sticks around longer.


Like we know we can see some of that come through, and I think that's the interesting juxtaposition of looking at both of those, or looking through the years at where they didn't allow so much of that to happen, or they didn't show the name or say the name of the place.


Megan: I will say with businesses. I like when they interview a lot of like the customers or they're like man, one man, 2, or the employees, you know I do like that because it does give you more.


What's the word? I'm looking for interactions, you know, and more. Oh, what's the word I’m looking for? Evidence. That you that you wouldn't get with, you know?


AP: Yeah, cause it's not all the same family.


Megan: It touches more. People like more people experience it. So I like that. But I still I just you're taking away from people like Christa and Michelle and their family, who really desperately needed them to come in.


And that ticks me off, or like the one. What I can't remember. Which one it was, it might have been the Valisca axe murder where they found a Ouija board under the couch. Yeah.


Amy: Oh that was…


AP & Amy:: Lizzie Borden!


Megan: Lizzie Borden. I knew it was a famous one, but that one, and don't just don't with the Ouija boards, everybody.


AP: You mean the $12.99. Buy your own Demon?


Megan: Buy your own demon.


Amy: Which is a very nice segue into what I'm gonna ….


AP: I’ll take that 20 bucks, later.


Amy: Yeah, we gotta talk about.


Megan: Weren't supposed to mention that AP!


Amy: Got to talk about


Megan: supposed to be organic.


Amy: Dustin. So we all 3 of us went down to the Fitzgerald Theatre.


Megan: And Skeptic Greg tagged along.


Amy: He did. Well, he was my driver. I was like, do you want to come? Will you drive us down there?


Megan: I could hear his eyes rolling.


AP: They hit the floor once or twice.


Amy: Yeah, once or twice. So that's why I had him sit on the other side of me. So he wasn't sitting next to either of you.


But anyway, we went down to the Fitzgerald Theatre in Saint Paul and saw Dustin Pari. His show is called “Ghosts. Do you believe?”


Megan: We do.


Amy: Still, playing right now. I think by the time this airs the tour will be done. Even if it's not, I don't think it hurts to put this out here because he has put stuff out. He puts out like videos of what’s going on. It's not a secret.


So basically, the way the show is set up is he stands up there and tells stories, and then he's got there's like a screen behind him where he shows some videos of, he was, he used to be on “Ghost Hunters”.


Megan: Just going to say, who is he, Amy?


Amy: Yeah, he is a paranormal investigator who was on “Ghost Hunters” when he was just a young lad.


Megan: It was so long ago. Everybody.


AP: Bleach blonde tipped hair.


Megan: Yes, he had frosted tips, and he wore the golf visor upside down and backwards. That is very aughts.


Amy: With this white, spiky hair coming up through the top.


Megan: Bleach frosted tips. Yup.


Amy: And what I remember cause I watched that show from the beginning. What I remember is that when he came on the show they were like this little Pip squeak, and he would show up late, or whatever. And Jason and Grant were like, we gotta set this guy straight.


And they did. I mean, I'm not saying it's all due to them.


Megan: He was a gem. He was delightful.


Amy: He is really sweet. He's now, you know, all growds up. He is a father, a husband, he calls himself a non-judgmental Christian, which I was like, I'd like to see what that looks like. But and he seems to be, I mean he seems like a very up and up you know. Nice person. For humanity.


Megan: We laughed, we cried.


Amy: Yes! Oh, we cried.


Megan: Oh, when he talked about his mom.


AP: His mom passed away last summer, so summer of 2023, and he has the experience of being in the… he's a paramedic as well, and so he was there with her, and you know.


Megan: It was the way he tells it. It was heartbreaking.


Amy: It was a beautiful story.


Megan: But also there are comforting aspects to it. But I mean he's a really good storyteller, and I mean I looked over at Amy, not AP, but Amy cause I was in the middle of them. And we're just like, yeah just ugly crying like it was.


Amy: It was really sweet.


Megan: He cried a little bit, telling about it. You know it was. It was good.


Amy: He got a message from her.


Megan: He did.


AP: Hmm.


Amy: As she was being carted out the house.


Megan: Cause she died at home.


Amy: Yeah


Megan: And he does take questions from the audience too which was really, really cool.


Amy: And one of the questions, I have to look up on my on the drive because I took a screenshot of it.


AP: Was it the one about the succubus?


Amy: Oh no!


AP: Do you remember that one.


Amy: You can talk about that while I'm looking for the other one.


AP: There was somebody that was like asking …


Megan: Oh that’s right.


AP: If they can have sex with ghosts.


Amy: Oh, yes, can you have sex with ghosts? He was like, I thought this was going to be a PG show.


Megan: no, they didn’t call it that. They said can you make love to a ghost.


 Amy: So that's true.


AP: Worse, even worse.


Amy: I'm gonna go with no one that one. I think you probably have sex, but I don't think I'm like, Oh.


Megan: How do you have sex? You don't have, and there's nothing physical.


Amy: But if they can grab you in the shower like Michelle's succubus ghost.


Megan: Yeah, but can they do it for a long enough time?


AP: What was the did either of you? Was it the show “Lost Girl”?


Megan: [Singing]“I wanna get physical”


Amy: “Lost girl.” Yeah


Megan: that was a good show. I still need to finish it.


Amy: It was so good.


AP: You have a problem with finishing TV shows.


Megan: I do! It's hard for me to finish a show I need to be, like right now. I'm watching “Avatar, the last Airbender” or the cartoon. I've seen it.


AP: Have you seen the “Shadow and Bone”?


Megan: No, I've seen the whole series at least 5 times, and I still have to gear myself up for when it ends, because I don't like when shows end. I know it's weird. Don't make fun of me, but I need to be in the right frame of mind.


Amy: It took me probably a year to watch the last episode of “Parenthood” because I couldn't. I couldn't deal with the fact that it was over. Yeah, I get it.


Megan: That was a good show, though,  “Lost girl.”


Amy: Yeah, it was.


Megan: What I saw of it.


Amy: Fun show, yeah.


AP: Did you find the question you were looking for?


Amy: I did.   So the way that this worked is that Dustin did like a an hour ish hour, plus a little bit of this show where he just told stories and showed video clips and stuff like that. And then he said, Okay, we're gonna break.


There's a QR code. Scan it with your phone. Send me a message. The second half of the show was largely those questions put up on the big screen.


And people asked their questions to him, and he answered them, and my favorite was.


“How do you feel about the networks shelving most of the paranormal shows out there, and keeping some that are less credible on the air.”


Amy: And he, everybody laughed. Everybody burst into laughter.


Megan: Because we all knew.


Amy: And he goes. “I don't know what you're talking about.” which was even funnier.


Megan: Because he did cause. We all do.


Amy: Exactly what we were talking about.  I don't even remember exactly what he said, except that he was like, Yeah, well, that's what happens.


Megan: That's what it it money talks, and if you can throw money at ‘em.


 Amy: Now all those shows are on YouTube. So go on over to YouTube and watch.


Megan: Support them.


Amy: Watch. Everything.  


AP: Yep.


Megan: Yeah.


AP: I have a call out for everyone. If you go to a show like this, don't be an asshat and make noises just because you were brought there by probably your girlfriend or your wife, and you.


Megan: or your partner.


AP: Yeah. you you're you're sitting there. Well, in this case it was the I'm talking specifically about this douche canoe.


Megan: Yes


Amy: Behind us.


Megan: Yes, yeah. And he was shouting out, just trying to be funny. But he was just a dick.


Amy: He was a dick.


AP: Everybody else paid to be there, too.


Amy: Dustin handled it really well.


AP: He did.


Megan: He did He was very good at it, but AP And I were getting so annoyed.


AP: It was getting frustrating and just it, was not necessary. And I don't think anybody else… like the first time. Okay, funny.  The fifteenth time.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: The horse is dead quick kicking it.


Megan: Yeah, right, yeah.


Amy: Right.


Megan: The horse is dead, and it’s completely rotted, and all that’s left is bones. So let's maybe leave it alone.


Amy: Just shut the fuck up. Yeah.


AP: Yes, so.


Megan: But please don't, that not that any of our listeners would.


Amy: No, of course not.


AP: No, but it was just It's just one of those like, you know. Have some have some class.


Megan: Respect and respect. Yeah, for all I mean, it was a full theater like this, is not, this was not 20 people in, you know. The back of a restaurant like this was a big theater.


Amy: Big theater.


AP: Yeah, there was even people in the in the Lincoln Boxes, as I called them.


Megan: How do you know their named The Lincoln Boxes.


Amy: It's like, give it a minute. Just give it a minute.


AP: For those of you who can't guess. It's the little side balcony boxes that are there which.


Megan: Abraham Lincoln was shot. Not actually named specifically Lincoln Boxes. It took me a minute.  I got it.


AP: It’s more fun that way. But I also, we mentioned it earlier, too, with the transition. But one of my favorite things that Dustin just kind of threw off the top of his head was the someone asked about Ouija boards, and he's like, Yeah, “for $12.99. This demon can be yours”. And he was just kinda like you can do what you want with it.


Megan: Take home a demon.


Amy: Just be careful.


Megan: Or just don't do it.


AP: Yeah, and that's I. I don't have a thought to do that. But the theater itself was absolutely gorgeous. I don't think I've ever been to the Fitzgerald before. So that was, it was beautiful.


Supposedly haunted. Dustin told us that there's 2 spirits there, but supposedly nobody knows who the one woman spirit is supposed to be. So..


Amy: She has a name, isn't it Veronica? Or something?


AP: Yes, but they have no idea there's no record of her ever working there, or being related to anybody there so, or dying there.


Megan: The male spirit was sad. He was a stagehand that was drinking and.


AP: Froze to death.


Megan: Froze to death outside, which is like so sad.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: So yeah, that.


Megan: Hopefully. He passed out before he died.


Amy: Probably.


AP: Hypothermia sets in.


Megan: Yeah.


AP: Oh, yeah, I thought those were just kind of my, my little thoughts that associated without telling too much detail of Dustin's show. Right.


Megan: He was. He was very, very good, though. Yeah.


AP: Yeah, it was fun show.


Megan: It was a really captivating show.


Amy: Okay, thanks for joining us everyone. Next week we will be recapping the episode. “Inviting Evil”, which is, says, Season 9. Episode 9 on Max. Not sure what it is on everything else. We'll tell you about that next time.


This one was requested by our patron, Shannon. She actually asked for this a while.


Ago, but we already had scheduled a bunch of interviews, and so it got pushed until now.


So that is what we're doing next week, please join us, and also that's another good perk of being a patron. You ask us to do something. I will do it.


AP: Eventually.


Amy: I mean within reason.


AP: We get there, we get there. Yeah,


Megan: yeah, as long as it’s legal.


Amy: And we will take your suggestions, even if you're not a Patron.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: Very often we'll do them anyway. So that's that, that's what we're doing next week.


Megan: Alright! Well, thanks everybody.


Amy: Thanks.


Megan: Bye, bye.



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