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Oct. 7, 2022

The Client Files: Lance and Jennifer

This week we were lucky enough to snag an interview with former clients Lance and Jennifer from The Dead Files Episode, Hell in the Heartland (which was season 8 episode 1)

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The Activity Continues

*this is the remastered/remixed version *


This week, we have a special treat for you. We are not covering an episode of the Dead Files, we are talking with some of their past clients!


That’s right, we were lucky enough to snag an interview with former clients Lance and Jennifer from The Dead Files Episode, Hell in the Heartland (which was season 8 episode 1)


We even had a special guest appearance by daughter Emi!


Lance and Jennifer talked about their abilities, the spirits in their home, the stuff they experienced, some of it was on the show, some will be new to you. This family endured so much: Screaming ladies, spoons that disappear and reappear, full-body apparitions, printers that spew out paper even when unplugged, foul-mouthed grandmas, and being thrown across the room!


You will hear about how a “paranormal investigative team” made things worse, which led to the Hell on Wheels Day when they decided to call for real help. Some stuff happened then that will SHOCK you!


Also it was confirmed that Amy is gorgeous in real life too.


The sound was a little challenging so while we are releasing this as an audio show, we really do urge you to go watch the whole thing, video format on YouTube. It’s easier to tell what is being said when you can see the people speaking.


Zoom is fucked up in that when someone speaks it mutes everyone else, and we were on a slight delay so we didn’t even know when we were talking over each other.


If you’re wondering why Amy was unusually quiet, that’s why.


Also this is a call to other past clients. If you would be interested in coming on our show and sharing your story we would love to have you! Send an email to theactivitycontinues@gmail.com


 The Activity Continues is a podcast where a couple of Soul Sisters, Amy & Megan, chat about the TV show, The Dead Files, true crime, ghost stories, haunts, dreams, and other creepy paranormal shit. Each week we each choose an episode to dissect and chat about. 


So grab your hankies, hop in the Cadillac, and join us when… The Activity Continues.


This episode was recorded on October 2, 2022 and released on October 7, 2022


Things we talked about for further info:

Jennifer mentioned the only ghost she can see is Sarah. Here’s more on her: https://www.mismastejasranch.com/search?q=sarah

Maya is their dog. They breed dogs too, but this is their family dog who they believe was sent to them as a protector. She saved Lance when he was being jumped. https://www.mismastejasranch.com/search?q=maya

Emi’s video with the Peanut Butter Scream https://youtube.com/shorts/lljsd8PhKAw?feature=share


Promo Partner: Dark Tales from the Road Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/darktalesfromtheroad/

If you’d prefer to watch the video versions of our episodes, please see

YouTube: https://bit.ly/TAC_videos

Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3iLoAqG


If you’re looking for all our links and other info go here: https://bit.ly/TACabout




Three Spirit Drinks. They create plant-based non-alcoholic elixirs. https://us.threespiritdrinks.com/theactivitycontinues and use the promo code THEACTIVITYCONTINUES for 15% off your entire order.


Thank you for listening, take care of yourselves. We’ll see you next week!



Hosted by: Amy and Megan

Produced by Amy at Collected Sounds Media, LLC.

Theme song. “Ghost Story” and segment music by Cannelle https://melissaoliveri.com/  


Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/theactivitycontinues

A Paranormal Podcast

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