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Dec. 13, 2023

Memories, Movies, and Merriment, Oh My!

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The Activity Continues

Episode 92: 2023 Holiday Special

Holiday Traditions and Hallmark Movies

Wow we really goofed off on this one! We talked a good 30 minutes before we even welcomed you. Don’t worry, we cut a lot of that. The intro is at about 15 minutes in. This would be one where you can just let it play and barely pay attention. You’re welcome, and happy holidays.

We talked about holiday traditions, holiday movies, and we laughed a lot. See below for the list of all the movies we talked about.


Content Warning:

We didn’t find anything we thought deserved a content warning, except that we use colorful language.


The Activity Continues is a podcast where soul sisters, Amy and Megan usually chat about the TV show, The Dead Files. Our other soul sister Amy (AP) keeps us in check with facts, figures, and other fun things. We talk about pets, true crime, ghost stories, haunts, dreams, and other creepy paranormal shit and sometimes we interview really cool people. Whether it be a paranormal professional, a Dead Files client, or a friend with wild stories.


So, grab your hot chocolate, hop in the sleigh, don’t worry, and join us when… The Activity Continues – Bonus Holiday Edition #2.


This episode was recorded on December 3, 2023, and released on December 14, 2023.


Episode links:

Deck the Hallmark: https://deckthehallmark.com/

Last Year’s Holiday Hallmark episode: https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/hallmark-movie-review/

Come on Ring Those Bells by Evie: https://youtu.be/Ygzvcy2B9jw?si=ttJyOHhL7XABzJfo

Yorkshire Pudding Recipe: https://www.seriouseats.com/the-best-yorkshire-pudding-popover-recipe


Movies we talked about:

Three Bed, Two Bath and a Ghost (AP’s non-holiday rec)

A Kind of Magic (Megan’s non-holiday Rec)

Navigating Christmas

Maple Valley Christmas

Christmas in Maple Hills

Rescuing Christmas

Cross-Country Christmas

Merry Kiss Cam (2022)

Mystery on Mistletoe Lane

Never Been Chris’d

Picture Perfect Christmas (2019)

Santa Summit

Holiday Hotline

A Biltmore Christmas (Amy L’s favorite)

A Season for Family (adoption one)

Genie (Peacock)

Family Switch (Netflix)



Hosted by: Amy Lotsberg, Megan Simmons, and Amy Piersak

Production, Artwork, and Editing: Amy Lotsberg at Collected Sounds Media, LLC.

Theme song. “Ghost Story” and segment music by Cannelle https://melissaoliveri.com


Socials and other goodies:

Our website, https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/ 

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/theactivitycontinues 

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Blog for extras: https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/blog/

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Thank you for listening, take care of yourselves. We’ll see you next year! (January 4, 2024.)

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Transcript 92 Audio


This is so stupid. So. Ohh so oh.

[Theme Song]


I'm Amy. I am recording a Maple Valley Christmas. I saw it on Frndly and I'm like. OK.

AP (Amy P)

That one wasn't as bad, but. You will see like if. You're gonna do it as a drinking game. Every time they talk about the goddamn hat. It should be a shot.


I just like I'm like the ohh God. OK, we're before we get into it. Let's intro because.

Amy L

Yeah, let's, let's talk about that when we're get to that. But so I don't have really any for as far as notes, I just took notes about the thing. I don't care how we do it, we can.

AP (Amy P)

I got. I got no notes.

Amy L

It's all in there, not me. These go in one ear and out the other.


This is a nice colander up here. It's a mesh colander. Nothing gets through.

Amy L

Yeah, mine's through. Just kidding. It all goes away. Yeah, mine.

Amy L

It is especially with these it's in one eyeball and out the other. Right, not all of them. There are good.


You know, and that we talk, there's some. No, there's some. I will say though, my favorite Hallmark movie. And I can't remember the name of it, of course. But it's not even a Christmas movie. It's not even. It's a it's a. It's a. It's a movie.

Amy L

Can be super helpful.

AP (Amy P)

That's like a rap. Right there. It's a it's a, it's.

Amy L

  1. It's a. It's a.


It's a Halloween movie where this uh oh.

Amy L

Ohh, you talked about that last year, went in our home, OK.


My God, yeah. The warlock the warlock loses his powers. It's the. Cutest. I'm gonna.

Find it or you find out what it's called, and then we will. We can watch.

Amy L

We can recap that sometime later in the season.


AP (Amy P)

OK, the. The three bed 2 bath and.

AP (Amy P)

A ghost. One was kind of Cute. On hallmark it during the fall here.

Amy L

Oh, I don't recall that.


One, I don't know that.

AP (Amy P)

One ohh I would I'd. Recommend watching it, I I probably messaged you guys about it back in like October when we watched it, but it was. Like a woman who, you know, she.


No, because I would have remembered that I never forget.

AP (Amy P)

You you want to take a bet, do you want me to search our? Chat and see if I.


I told you. Steel trap.

Amy L

No, actually, colander,


it's called the kind of magic.

AP (Amy P)


Amy L

Oh, the one you like, OK.


In 20 it came out in 2015 and it's unrated, so watch your children.

Amy L

Gonna be effenheims in it?


No, you kidding me? It’s Hallmark.

AP (Amy P)

though I will say there are several times that I'm just keep waiting for one of these Christmas movies to turn into, like Christmas Horror, Hallmark, which would be hilarious, which was on SNL with Nate Bargatze was.


Now I love it.

Amy L

I love him.


Ohh, you just talk about that. I do remember that, see.

Amy L

I haven't watched that episode.

AP (Amy P)

That one I talked about. Yep. Yep. And I did talk about, I think I mentioned the other one, but we hadn't talked about. But the three, three bed 2. Bath one ghost. Is it's kind of cute.

Amy L

  1. Well, we'll do it. We'll cover that in season 5. One episode.


Ohh this does look like a cute movie. Is this a Hallmark movie? The three bed 2 Bath one ghost. It looks really cute.

AP (Amy P)

It's a little cheesy because you know the the girl who plays the ghost is like, “well, doll, let me see how that is” and you know, she's trying to. Do like the 1920s talk and.


What, a Hallmark movie is Cheesy?

Amy L

no, you must be mistaken.


I don't think it was a hallmark movie then.

AP (Amy P)

Sacrilege, I know.


How dare you? Alright, well, I might have to watch that because that looks super cute. The house that Anna a new real estate agent has listed has a spirit from the 1920s that just won't go. Even worse, the ghost is afraid she won't be able to pass over until she reconciles Anna with her ex.

AP (Amy P)

Don't you see here, doll? Don't you know that you got?

Amy L

Yep, I like that kind of talk. I like those old movies.


I do too. Alright, I'm gonna have to watch that now.

Amy L

I will too.


That sounds cute, yeah.

Amy L

Ohh, they're cute. So cute. So cute.


Hi. Ghosty Fam, Welcome to the activity continues a podcast with three friends and Soul Sisters discuss episodes of the TV show The Dead Files and talk about other creepy shit as well.

AP (Amy P)

This week that we'll be talking about Hallmark movies and some holiday traditions and the hallmark movies we've been watching and texting and messaging each other, some voice messages and other things throughout the. Holiday season so far, yes.


Yeah. Yep.

Amy L

As far as content warnings, we don't really know. I mean, it's hallmark. So there's probably not going to be. We're not going to be talking about like triggering things. But speaking for myself, we'll probably still have some effenheimers. So just.


So not a lot. Oh, thanks.

Amy L

I mean, maybe not as much as normal, but yeah. So some things we want to talk about we had. Our holiday happy hour yesterday.


Hosuekeeping! Oh my God. It was so fun.

Amy L

And that was. We had a good turnout and it was it was a good number. I I wish everybody had come, but it was a good number and there was still some over talking, so it's hard to like tell. Who was talking when and all that? So we'll we'll work on that. We might use something other than zoom next time when there's more than 20 people that are patrons, I think we'll make it just paid patrons. So that'll less than the number of people. Although everybody that was there yesterday was paid Patron.

Another thing we want to let our listeners know is that Google Podcasts, if you don't already know Google Podcasts, is going away because Google loves to discontinue pieces of their platform that people use and enjoy. And that is one of the ones that they're getting rid of. And we just got a bunch of new, not a bunch of few new subscribers in the past month. I got my report yesterday and there's still new people subscribing on Google. So Yep. So I want to make sure that those who are, if you're listening on Google podcast.


And Google.

Amy L

You're going to have to pick another podcast, another podcast app, pretty soon.


Do you know? Do you know when it's supposed to go away?

Amy L

No, they said mid 2024, but they announced it a. Year ago so. It and they said, oh, nothing's changing for now in the announcement that they sent out last year. But then when I checked it today, it yesterday, I think it said it said it's going away soon. So it could be could be any moment. I would recommend getting a new. Podcast app. Umm Apple or not stitches. That's gone too. Pot bean.


How about Podbean do we, like Podbean.

Amy L

I like Podbean.

AP (Amy P)

I use cash box.

Amy L

I use podcast Republic, but that's only for Android unfortunately, but if you're an apple and you don't like Apple Podcasts because I know they kind of suck, then pod bean is. A good is a good one.


I just use Apple.

Amy L

Yeah, a lot of people don't like Apple. Uh, yes, we are on Spotify, but Spotify is nice because it it sends you a note when you're following someone and it says, hey, there's a new armchair expert episode or whatever. So it pulled up.


Me on Spotify. Apple does too. If you have it set up because it a banner will pop down and it will save new episode and.

Amy L



Hmm, OK.

Amy L

  1. Yeah. Yeah. Podcast Republic doesn't send you a message, I don't think, but it just automatically downloads if you have it set that way. And then you go look in your downloads and it's there. And that's how I know that there's a new episode of whatever I'm watching. There's only listening to. There's only a few that I automatically don't know. But anyway, so Google. I guess going bye bye. All right. So we're going to start with talking about holiday traditions, right? Mm-hmm. OK. We did get one submission from a listener, A patron. So we can read that if you guys want to talk about any of yours. I've talked about mine before, but I'll bring it. Up again, because it's a doozy.


Well, I don't Remember it so OK,

Amy L

that doesn't surprise me.


To my face!

Amy L

We've already discussed your memory today.

Alright, Amy, do you?


I have other good qualities too.

Amy L

I know you do. I know you do. I I'm burning incense. Everyone because of the gremlins in our sound. Recording lately and it's the smoke is just going right, right to my face. I had it behind you, but then it was right next to Vivian. I didn't want. Her to be smelling that, yeah.

AP (Amy P)

The gremlins are now ****** *** that.

Amy L

You're they're like, send it back. Send it.


It's like that audiogram when the person's like I'm staging my house and my kids are like, I can't breathe and she goes. I bet you can't demons!

AP (Amy P)

I see that. I see that. In a meme or a. Few things too.

Amy L

Yeah, I saw one that something about. If if you're not coming to my house, then the sage is working or something like that. Anyway, Amy gonna go first. Yeah. AP Amy.

AP (Amy P)

Yeah, I Sir, love to share our family tradition, which is making pierogi. So on my dad's side of the family, we are Polish. Good chunk of even doing the 23andMe. I think 1/4 of my. Genetic makeup comes from Poland, eastern Poland and excuse me, I keep clearing my throat. Right.

Amy L

Are you getting the incense from?

AP (Amy P)

Over here? Yeah, I think. The shade is burning a little too hard. Right now. Yeah, but so my my dad's side of the family. So my great grandparents came over from Poland in. Like the 19 teens. Somewhere my Grandpa was born in the US, but they came over and my. Great grandmother taught my grandmother, who was her daughter-in-law because she liked her. And taught her how to make pierogi in her. Way so every Pierogi if people don't know is like the dumpling of Eastern European cultures, or in a lot of ways, they're called different things in different areas. But it is basically a dough with a filling. So I swear every culture has there's empanadas, there's aiolis, there's.

Amy L

They do, and all those Asian dumplings.

AP (Amy P)

There's the dumplings. There's all sorts of them. So the pierogi is kind of our thing, and ours are ones that we only make around Christmas, sometimes around Easter, but. They're a long process and so. So my grandparents did them for a long time and then when they couldn't do them anymore, my aunt took them over and my mom, my sister and I would go and help my aunt make them. So my aunt taught me I had done them once or twice with my grandparents, and it is basically making a pasta dough. So eggs, flour, salt, water and an extra egg yolk. And I have found like the perfect ratio. Of what's that? X or egg yolk? So people have asked me for a recipe and I'm like, I can give you instructions because it's a lot of by taste, by touch, by feel like what does? It look like. And so we started making them with just my mom, my sister and I, and then whoever can make it up to my sister's house the last eight years. Now, I think this will be. Our 8th year making them. And I think last year we made four. 100 So it is.

Amy L

How big are they? Like what size?

AP (Amy P)

There, there are a couple of inches, so we typically take a a ball of dough that's about the size of a walnut. So a walnut in its shell. And so you roll that out and then. We roll them flat. Fill it with our potato and cheese mixture, which is. Potato, cheese, salt and pepper and our potatoes. We try to we eye hand. Them, but we try to dry them out a little bit because you don't want too much moisture in, at least in our filling and the cheese that we use is a dry curd farmer's cheese and it's harder and harder to find. It used to be dry cottage. Cheese and you? Actually still had to squeeze some moisture out. Of it with a cheese cloth, yeah. Yeah. And so you just want it a little bit drier because of the way that our dough and everything is made. So you roll out the, the, the dough. We do typically like 25 at a. Time so we can keep. Count and then you fill it pinch. It shut. So it's a Half Moon. In shape. And then we put them down so that the outside gets to dry a little bit. So that gets like you'll see the color change to kind of. A golden yellow color. And then we boil them and once they float to the surface, they're edible. So you always got to taste them. Make sure that they're good, but we fry ours. Yeah, and so we fry ours in peanut oil is a great one.


Right, right. Quality control.

AP (Amy P)

Because they get nice and golden Brown, but if you don't have peanut oil, we use like canola and throw a little butter in it. It helps them brown up so they're super healthy. But we yeah, experimented with, you know, adding some different flavors and whatnot. I am all for sharing, like, how to make them and teaching people or bringing people in to do so because traditions like this can't continue if they're just held on to right.

Amy L

Potatoes, cheese, butter, oil.

AP (Amy P)

And having had that experience, I've actually written down my instructions and and it's kind of a long thing, but it's it. It's one thing I make the dough and the filling the day before, and then we make everything the next day and we have found. You know, like as long as the dough stays cool and it doesn't get tacky when you're trying to roll it out. Then we don't have splitting or issues in of getting holes in the dough, which if you get a hole in. The dough then it's really hard to fry because the oil gets inside and just makes it pop and explode. Yeah, but it's, yeah. Finding like the right mixture. So I'll make like, I think we'll do like. 28 to 35 cups of flour, and then you think it's one egg per cup of flour, and it's one extra egg yolk. So I'll make 7 cup.

Amy L

Oh my God.

AP (Amy P)

Flour balls. So 7 eggs, 7 cups of flour, one extra egg yolk, because if you go any further than that with an extra egg yolk, it does it just it doesn't go anywhere. It doesn't help the elasticity or the color and texture so. Yep. And then so it'll.


Yeah, fine. That sounds really fun.

AP (Amy P)

Be 20 to 25 lbs of potatoes.


That's a lot of potatoes.

Amy L

Mm-hmm. Wow.

AP (Amy P)

It's a it's an ordeal, but I love it. It's it's something everyone's like. Wait, what are you making progress this year? This is this is around the. Time you make.

Amy L

Them. Right. Mm-hmm. And then do you give them away? As like Christmas gifts.

AP (Amy P)

We give them to. Family. So if people show up and and help you get to take some Pierogi home, and then you know my. Uncle and aunt and a couple family members who? That's kind of the tradition and gotten really good compliments that my Pierogi makes them think of. Their parents. So.


Ohh, that's so nice, yeah. That's the best compliment, yeah.

AP (Amy P)

Yes, lots of pepper, lots of salt. And we have found the way to as we dry out our potatoes instead of leaving them in a colander, as we talked about earlier a little bit, we actually put them, we put towels out and then we put parchment paper on top of that and we put the potatoes out on that. And then I salt and pepper them as they're laying out so that they're drying, but then also absorbing some of the salt and pepper to try and and get them as much as possible. And then still salt and pepper when I mix them.


  1. Yeah.

Amy L

Sounds delicious. I've had Pierogies at Kramarczuk's 


AP (Amy P)

I love Kramarczuk's .


So we we used to get our perogies from Costco so.

AP (Amy P)

Hey, you know, there's some really good ones out.

Amy L

There. So I bought some frozen Pierogi and I think they're still in the freezer, but I think they came with us from our old house, so I don't think they're good anymore.


That was a couple years ago.

Amy L

Yeah. A couple years ago. Six

AP (Amy P)

I do say I like. I like to try Pierogi when I see him on menus, but I'm kind of. Judgy. Yeah. Ohh I I'm. You know, it's not that they're not good. It's just they're different and. So and I know I've worked with people who owe so make groggy and they have a totally different recipe, but it's the same.

Amy L

Premise. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They make them at at the Lowry restaurant in Uptown, and Greg orders them all the time when they're on the menu. Usually it's only in the winter fall, and it's pierogies. And I. I wanna say it's like a beef steak with. Steak and Pierogies. That's what it is. But I think there's like. A gravy brown gravy that goes on a steak that I I don't remember exactly, but he orders them a lot and he. Really likes them. That would be fun make.


It's hard to not like potatoes and dough and fry.

Amy L

I know, I know. I I am such a sucker for any kind of dough wrapped something I love, you know, gyoza and. One times and perogies and anything that's like that.

AP (Amy P)

Well, they can set up sometime in. January or something and I can make up a batch that will get us about 100, give or take.

Amy L

Wow, that would be cool. Yeah, I could eat a quarter of that.


Yeah, that'd be fun.

AP (Amy P)

They can. They can be frozen too, and then we just they texture changes a little bit. But when we take them out, when we freeze them, use the air fryer or I've known people who will, you know, bake them in, like almost a lasagna type style with a red sauce.

Amy L

Ohh interesting.


Yeah, we do ours in the air fryer.

It's really good.

Amy L

Cool. Yeah, we should do that. Yeah. Yeah, cool. Alright, thank you. Megan, do you have a tradition? You. Want to share? With us, huh? You gonna have to make your own.


Not really. I mean, we just kind of we used to a few years ago when my sister-in-law first married into our family, we would do cookie decorating where we would decorate the cookies. And then my dad and brother would pick the winners and that kind of died out. Once we had, you know, they had their girls and it's kind of hard to do that. We do it now. So we'll still decorate the cookies. We don't judge them. Umm. I mean, I secretly judge but.

Amy L

Not out loud anyway, yeah.


Ohh you're doing orange and green.

Amy L

Ohh that's a interesting choice you're cooking but.

AP (Amy P)

But that seems Like something that could pick up again as the kids get older and you know, maybe just create creative.


It's just like awards. It's exhausting to decorate cookies. It's like I'll do like two, really, like dedicated decorations. And then I'm like, fuck this.

Amy L

Yeah, yeah.


Like it's mentally exhausting. Or maybe it's just me and I'm.

AP (Amy P)

Like kudos to People who do cookie exchanges and all that, I am thankful that we don't. I don't need anymore cookies and I don't want to try and give them away. And I feel bad when people make like these great, brilliant ones. And then I.


Oh yeah.

AP (Amy P)

Just don't.


Hmm. Yeah, yeah, it's too much. It's too much. So, but no, we don't really have any. We I mean the only thing we do, we just do, you know, presents Christmas Eve.

AP (Amy P)



And then Santa, so my brother and sister-in-law, they don't. Their kids have never believed in Santa or anything like that. But I think Jordan is going to, and we're gonna start I. Think next year. Because he'll be four then, so he'll kind of get it.

AP (Amy P)

So what's a fun one to do with kids? Because I when my dad coached, when we were younger, we used to have. Some of his players would do this for us and it was mixed oatmeal and glitter together, but then you threw it out in the yard because it's reindeer food. And so the glitter is used to attract. There's actually a little like story that goes with it. So I can't remember what the IT there's like, a little poem that. Goes with this. I found it before and I've I've given it to some.


Cute, yeah.

AP (Amy P)

Colleagues that have small children. But yeah, it was, you know, throwing the oats out and then the glitter is to attract the reindeer and then the oats are to feed them as they're waiting for Santa.

Amy L

That's cute. Are these is this just dry oatmeal or is it? OK, OK. And then and then the deer eat them. And then I suppose there's glitter poopies glitter deer poopies.

AP (Amy P)

No, just dry, just dry out. Yep. And the glitter. Yeah, the glitter is just meant to attract them in the in the moonlight or the Starlight, or they're attracted to glitter or whatever. There's just a cute little story that. Goes with it, so it it's. One thing that when I know I have. Colleagues with kids. Who have the belief in Santa and that sort of stuff adding to that magic is I I throw that out there for.

Amy L

Them. So I like that.


Yeah, that is. That's. I like that. Amy. What traditions do you guys?

Amy L

Have so we when I say we I. I, Greg and I don't really do that much for Christmas anymore. We just have my mom and Jackie over for dinner. My mom comes over Christmas Eve and we watch homework movies, and then in the morning. Well, morning. She gets up at like 2:00 PM and and then we have dinner at 3:00 or 4:00 and then she goes home. But when I was doing Christmas with her side of the family. And, you know, we've talked.


Hmm hmm.

Amy L

About those people. And so the whole time I was growing up, what we would do. And they still. Do this. One of the things they do is they sing the 12 days of Christmas. So when I was little, me and. And two of two or three of my other cousins, I. Can't remember which all were. Involved we would we drew these, we had this little paper that were like long skinny paper. That looked like little signs and we drew, we took turns drawing the five golden rings and the Partridge in a pear tree and all that. So these are all still there from the 70s laminated.

AP (Amy P)

Oh wow.

Amy L

And everybody gets one or each group of people. If there's cause, that family is humongous now. They all have kids who have kids. Who have kids with kids? It's humongous. And so they sing the thing and the hold up the sign when it's their turn to sing that thing.


Oh, that's.

Amy L

After. Yeah. That's cute. Yeah, after that. They bring out a cake and the oldest person in the room and the youngest person in the. Room sit together and with a. A A candle on the cake and they sing. Happy birthday to Jesus. And blow out the candle.

Amy L

  1. Yep. And then.

Amy L

Then they sing. Come on. Ring those bells, which is a song.


Honest singing going on.

Amy L

Yeah. So. Yeah. Ohh. We used to do like entire variety shows. Like the kids would come out and sing a song or do a dance. Then it would. It would all night, all night. And then yeah. And then and then the Santa comes, of course. And he the, the he he comes.

AP (Amy P)

Ohh my goodness.

Amy L

In and sits down and he has a big bag that all the parents have put stuff in for. Everybody in the room and and then he just sits there and hands them all out and says. Have you been good and blah blah blah? It was really fun when I was little. It was one of my dad's friends.


That sounds like a really good yeah.

Amy L

When I was little, it was one of my dad's friends, cause you know his back then he had a ton of. Friends and and one.



Amy L

Of them's name was Butch, Big Guy, and the belly was his own. And he was super sweet, jovial, knew the whole family. And so he. Yeah, it was really cute when I was little. And I remember when I was still.


That's fun.

Amy L

Believer I. I would get so excited we would hear he would Jingle the the the bells outside the maybe all and we'd all run. To the door. And we'd be like, screaming like it was the.

AP (Amy P)

Oh my God.


Beatles or something? It's so cute.

Amy L

It was really it. Was really fun when I was little.

AP (Amy P)

But it's just adults when there's more beverages coming in.

Speaker 8

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but yeah.


That's fine. That sounds like a really fun tradition.

Amy L

Yeah, a lot of that stuff was fun. Yeah, I I could never get behind that. Come on. Ring those bells, cause everybody has a bell and they all bring it. It's like the Christmas tree. Because Jesus's birthday.


Lot of balance.



Amy L

And they sing happy birthday to Jesus. But.

AP (Amy P)

You know. It's interesting. I have recently saw something and I kind of looked into it that the 12 days of Christmas are potentially all gifts of birds.


It is, yeah.

AP (Amy P)

The eight major milking and the 9 ladies, there's a well, there's a couple of them that are a little bit of a stretch, but the five golden rings, ring neck, pheasants. Oh, and it's something I read, said like, some of those might be.


11 words of leaping.

AP (Amy P)

Like feast type. Birds or like? Yeah, the Lords are leaping. They were saying, like, great herons or things like that because they look like. Very regal and that sort of stuff, but pipers are a type of bird and.


I found a meme this week and it said you OK, babe, you've barely touched the 184 birds I gave you over the course of the 12 days of Christ.

AP (Amy P)

You can have your own menagerie with all of. These but the. The drummers drumming and I was reading what they were saying about that and.


And like you know what?

AP (Amy P)

Bird makes most sense to me is grouse. I don't know if you've ever heard a grouse in the wild, but they drum their wings. They're literally like like conservationists or DNR and that sort of stuff when they're doing counts on on grouse, they'll go out and they'll listen for the drumming. And it's literally sounds like.


It could be woodpeckers drumming on the trees, so yeah.

AP (Amy P)

Yeah, that's one. Of the things that they were saying too is. With that but.


See, I know stuff about nature birds.

Amy L

Yeah, man, we didn't say you didn't. I know. We just said you wouldn't remember it. That's.

Amy L

I'm overcompensating.


All that's true. Valid fact that's valid. It's a valid .80. It's, it hurts, it hurts, but it's. True feel like we.

AP (Amy P)

Need to give Megan a gavel so she can just make a judgement done.


I'd probably make the same judgment like 10 times. Cause I forget. I mean, how many times this season did I tell you to name an episode like 1-2 and three? Ohh my how many times?


I was.

Amy L

And every.


And every time I was like, Oh my God.


This is the best idea ever. Just.

Amy L

Came up with this I. Know we actually have.


We haven't done it.

Amy L

We actually have two other ones. We've we've done it twice, so we should do one of those every.


And anyway.

Amy L

Season at. Least just have it.


And, can you fucking stop with this? We've done it 75 times. Fucking stop.

AP (Amy P)

On my Easter egg. And we only have 72 episodes out, but.

Amy L

I know, I know.


Every time you guys, I was so excited. I'm like, yes.

Amy L

Actually this is that's. About 92. I know.

Amy L

I got it so.

AP (Amy P)

But the the The thing is is that I would think about some of those two, but then I'd be like no, we've already done that. So when you would send.


I love it.


Yeah, I didn't have that response.

AP (Amy P)

It I'd be. Like I thought about that too.


See, I didn't. Have that follow. Up thought I just had the initial thought.

Amy L

OK, that's fine. That's what. That's why there's. Three of. Us. Yeah, we back each other up.


And then AP and Amy have a side on a chat on the side with a bat. Like, what do you think Megan's gonna say for this one?

Amy L

When do you think Megan's going to suggest an “Oh my” episode again? OK, yes, but seriously, I'm.


The struggle is real. The struggle is real.

AP (Amy P)

I haven't laughed this much. In a while my my my jaw hurts.

Amy L

Well, it's good for you.


Hallmark movies, traditions and laughing. Ohh my. Yes, there's the title.


You did it.

Amy L

You could name all of our bonus episodes. Oh.

Amy L

My Oh my.

AP (Amy P)

Ohh my dot dot dot.

Amy L

Yeah. Who wants to read our submission? I'll let one of you guys do it. I feel like I've talked enough.


You too, Amy can.

AP (Amy P)

Can't say I always talk enough, but I'm happy to. Read. We'll see if my eyes want to work that way. Are Are you ready and you're comfy?


Over there? Yep.

AP (Amy P)

OK, alright, so this is a holiday tradition from our patron, Shannon. For a few years there, when I was a preteen to young adults, my dad and I had a Thanksgiving tradition. We would watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Oh my God, I just fucking love Monty Python and the Holy Grail.


It's a flesh wound. Got big shot point teeth.

AP (Amy P)

The nice designee.


What are you gonna? Do bleed on me. Your arm's gone.

Amy L

Flesh wound. I'll check you out. OK. We should bring Greg in here because you could get the whole.

AP (Amy P)

Where did they get a coconut? How does Sparrow carry? A coconut, OK? Maybe we need to talk about the Holy Grail someday.

Amy L

I will bring Greg in on that one. I'll sit that one. Out he can do that.

AP (Amy P)

Yeah. When I was 10 or 11, we'd come home from my uncle's house. He hosted Thanksgiving most years, and he and my grandma and my mom cooked. And it was on a cable station. I'd never seen it before then and thought it was the funniest thing I've ever seen. Side note, this and blazing saddles are two of the funniest things ever.


I don't think I've seen blazing saddles. Ohh.

Amy L

Ohh you should see it. It's good. I like it better.

AP (Amy P)

So, so good and young Frankenstein. Ohh, but those are those are Mel Brooks. So little different genres.

Amy L

Than Holy Grail actually.

Amy L

Well, yeah. I like Mel Brooks more than. I like Monty Python.


Yeah, they're just general standing there.

Amy L

Still very different.

AP (Amy P)

Yeah, very different. But yeah, so good. OK, back to Shannon. Sorry, I'll stop jumping around. My dad enjoying. Enjoyed explaining the jokes to me that I. Was just. Maybe old enough for? Dot dot dot. And it became a thing every year for a while, also for 11 years I worked for the local Michigan company that paid lots of money to save America's Thanksgiving Day parade here in Detroit. So we had a big float and a balloon, and many employees in the parade. I'd watch it every year and see my coworkers on TV. No going downtown at 5:00 AM in the cold. For me to get it dressed up and who knows what and walk 3 to 4 miles. That didn't sound fun to me, but I had come down with Ari a year after I joined the company. So. I'm totally on board with you there, Shannon. I'm not going downtown at 5:00 AM. And if I'm going to walk miles, I'm hiking where there's not a.


I don't wanna go anywhere at 5:00 AM. I don't wanna go anywhere. I'm gonna know if it's something you're inviting me to something and it starts at 5:00 AM or it starts after 9:00 PM. I'm out. I'm sorry. I'm out. I'm asleep.

AP (Amy P)

Lot of people.


No, right?

AP (Amy P)

Oh, honey, after nine I am also one of those. That is like I'm in sweatpants and it's. 430 You're gonna have to. Do a lot to convince me to.


If my bras off, there's a high chance it's not. I'm not doing it.

AP (Amy P)

Yeah. And then Shannon also says Ohh, so the same uncle from above banned me from playing Nintendo Duck Hunt with them anymore because I was too. Good, of course. Ohh I love it. Thanks Shannon for sharing your stories.

Amy L

Thanks, Shannon. That's good. Thank you, Shannon. Yeah. Anybody else has any send them in.

AP (Amy P)

I can just. I could just picture her sitting there with her dad and he's explaining some of the jokes that would just go over a child's head.

Amy L

Yeah, yeah.


Yeah. Yeah. The nights you say me fun, fun, fun, fun story. So when I was in high school, I was in an English class and we had to do, like, put on a a, like, a skit about something. And so my partner and I were doing, like a Monty Python. And the Holy Grail. Type skit. So we got a bunch of letters and we taped them together. So he was wearing a chain, a suit of a chain mail suit. And so he we galloped into coconuts and then we. Did our whole skit.

AP (Amy P)

That's awesome. We also did at the nights we saved me for my 8th grade parents appreciation thing. We all had to do different things and my one of my groups we decided to do the Knights who say he and so we had, you know, the shrubbery and the white picket fence that they went with the shrubbery. Later on, and all of that stuff.


It's a classic.

Amy L

It is. It is.

AP (Amy P)

Speaking of classics time for our.

Amy L

Next, yeah, hallmark.

AP (Amy P)

Christmas movies of 2023.


The massive classics that they are? Yes, that's right. So this week I watched navigating Christmas. I think it.

Amy L

Was called. Yes. OK. So friends out there.


Oh oh God.

Amy L

The intro that you heard for this episode is a voice message that Megan sent to us while she was watching this. And we laughed so hard at it that we decided it had to be in the show. So that is the.

Megan’s Message:

This is so stupid. So. Ohh, so navigating Christmas. If you're gonna watch it, I'm gonna spoil it. So maybe don't listen to this message, but it's a single mom who goes with her teenage son out to this. I like this lighthouse to spend Christmas. On the White House and the guy that she falls in love with teachers and Morse code. Apparently with the flash.

And so he hears that his. Dad is now having a baby with his new girlfriend and he takes this boat out in the middle of the water and he gets stranded and they're all looking for.

Him. He gets phone cause he's using a flashlight to spell too Morse code with his flashlight. And the mom goes what's he saying? And the guy goes, he spelled out happy holidays. He's stranded in the middle of, like, this Bay Area and it's freezing out. But yeah, he's gonna spell happy holidays.


It was. Oh my God, it was so the the the plot of the movie is Melanie and Jason. So melani's the mom. And Jason's her teenage son from a previous marriage where they are divorced. And Jason's dad was supposed to take Jason skiing, but instead his new girlfriend is pregnant, but they don't want to tell Jason that. So Melanie lies to Jason and says his new girlfriend is sick. And so she books this. Like holiday at this lighthouse, where they're the caretakers of the lighthouse and so much fun. And you know, of course she's a big city gal and going off into Podunk nowhere to be with this. Oh my God, it's just. Like it was really bad. I didn't enjoy.

Amy L

This one I did not enjoy this.

AP (Amy P)

One either I did not watch it. That when you were telling me about, like, they taught him Morse code with the flashlights and like, OK, Morse code is not easy.


Oh my God.

Amy L


AP (Amy P)

To memorize in a short amount of time, and we all know that these movies only take place in like a fucking week.


No, it was like a week, yeah.

AP (Amy P)

Week, yeah. And then there's then the whole like. Kid out in a boat in the middle of the harbor, flashing a flashlight. Let me tell you that the normal beam of a flashlight does not travel that far.


Right. No, no, it's. Oh my God.

AP (Amy P)

Like you might see a flicker of a light. But you won't. I mean it's. It's not like it's travelling miles. So they'd have to be within a fairly.


So Jason learns that his dad's girlfriend is pregnant, and of course he just loses his fucking mind and he steals a boat and travels in. OK, you guys, he's traveling into like a Bay, like it's not even like he's out in the ocean like amongst the 50 foot waves. He's in the Bay. They're all acting like he's.

Speaker 8

Close area.


By the.


fucking gone forever. And so they're. Oh my God. Jason's never done this before. So then, Peter, the White House guy, is standing at the top of the lighthouse with his fucking binoculars, and he's like, oh, come on, Jason, give me a sign. And this is when Jason uses his flashlight, cause the boat of course, died. In the middle of the Bay, you know where.

AP (Amy P)

And nobody knows how. To paddle or grow oars, I'm sure.


No, no. Oh.

AP (Amy P)

My God, that would have been some. Helpful you know.


And so they're on like walkie talkies and Peter's. Like I found him. He's using Morris code to talk to us. And then Melanie’s like. And then Jason goes, he's signing happy holidays. I'm like, are you fucking kidding me?

AP (Amy P)

That's not what he was. That was not what he was sending. That was not the more.


No. And then I texted I was texting Amy about it, and I called it. What did I call it? Morose code.

AP (Amy P)

Scope he was sending. We're all positive on that.

Amy L

Ohh I don't remember.


It was Friday night and Greg went Womp Womp. I spelled Morse code wrong. I spelled it morose, like depressing, morose code.

Amy L

Morose. Uh-huh, yeah.

AP (Amy P)

My name. In his case.


The whole movie I.

AP (Amy P)

It's probably not wrong.


Know that hallmark movies are supposed to be corny, like that's part of the charm. But this. One was just bad.

AP (Amy P)

There are some and I think we were talking about this in our chat like. Amy or Megan? Was like. Has anybody ever not finished? The movie and Amy, you said you feel bad if you don't. And like I know within like 10 to 15 minutes. So I'm going to turn this off and.


Because I didn't finish. What was it? A Maple? Maple Hills Christmas or something?

Amy L

Oh, there's yeah. There's 2 Maple ones this year.


I know there are. It was just. Oh, it was so like there were so many plot holes in this it was worse than Swiss cheese. String cheese. OK, so the plot of this movie is this girl. Her family owns the farm, and it's like a Maple farm. And they wanna.

AP (Amy P)

Or cheese.


Expand to get into making ice cream or something. I don't fucking know. There's this issue with the land like Oh my God, the the land is not ours. So she goes to the local doctor to help like.


That's make any sense?


I just Oh my God, this this, this plot has more holes than string cheese or not string cheese. Swiss cheese has more holes than Swiss cheese. It was just, I mean, I was like 15 minutes in and I'm like, I can't do this. This is awful. This is so stupid. So don't watch that one.

AP (Amy P)

We started one and then I realized because my mom just went through and like, recorded ones that sounded good. And then we realized it was a Great American family channel. And it the movie. Sounded really interesting, but the amount of Botox in these women, and I'm sorry, like, do what you want, but it was unnatural looking like like there was a woman who is supposed to be playing an 80 year old woman and just like.


Just like so.


That's to.


Me, but don't be gay. Yeah. Yeah, right.

AP (Amy P)

It it, it was just too much and they were doing a they were having tea like a tea party and they all had to hold hands. And say a. Prayer, right, that in there and again. It's everybody's thing, but I'm. Like, really at a tea party. But yeah, we lasted let. I'm like, I can't.


Do it.

AP (Amy P)

I can't watch this. I can't. I can't. And half of the reason is because of the channel that it was on and what they stand for in a. Lot of that. But also, and I know Hallmark has not been the best at that, but they're.


Getting getting better, at least trying like they've had a few. I think it was last year or the year before. They did have a same-sex couple. That was the main couple in the story. Yeah. And it was a really cute movie too.

AP (Amy P)

Better they're.

Amy L

They're getting a lot better.

AP (Amy P)

They're yes.

Amy L

Yeah, it was last year. I like that one too.

AP (Amy P)

It's really cute. Well, and and they've heard, you know, like, hey, you never have any people of. Color as your main character. Lifetime is probably a little bit more ahead of the curve on those sorts of things, but yeah.


Hallmark has a mahogany channel now.

Amy L

I saw that I noticed that in the app. That's really great. I I think those movies should also be in the regular one. That should, or that we know to watch it.


Some of the movies look really good. I'm.

Amy L

Gonna have to.


Yeah, they. Well, there's a there's a lot.

AP (Amy P)

Of them that it's like, OK, I. Am gonna have. To do the Hallmark app or whatever. Because rescuing Christmas, which was filmed in Duluth.


Which in Minnesota?

AP (Amy P)

Is only available on there, and that's with Rachel Lee Cook. And I adore Rachel Lee cook.


She is really cute. Yeah, she's one of the ones that. I I she. Was in a really cute one with a I believe it was. She owned a winery or something with wine and she was in. That one, it was, she was.

AP (Amy P)

Did you see the? One where she traveled across country and I came. I can't remember. The name of it, but they.


We're really nailing this.

AP (Amy P)

End up in. Like, yeah, this one. Is a couple of years ago, but I've watched it probably three times and I know what happens in it, but it's like one of those that if it comes on, I'm like ah, it's a cute one because. They end up having like she and guy are traveling and they end up in an airport and. All the flights are grounded, so then they try to get on a train. And then. They get get on the wrong train and they end up in like a cattle cattle car of a train and then they end up in like Kansas and then they end up getting a they end up borrowing somebody's tractor for a little while and then a. If she buys a an old dog grooming truck and stuff.


Ohh. It's called cross country Christmas.

AP (Amy P)

Yes. Yep. That one's.


I'm looking up all of her her homework movies.

AP (Amy P)

That one's pretty cute, but yeah, there's there's some good ones out there. I will say other things that make it difficult. Sometimes the kids in the hallmark movies are.


Yeah. So season, I'm looking at a a story and it's ohh autumn in the vineyard. That's the one that I was looking. I was thinking of. She is just really cute. Ohh, but then there's summer in the vineyard too. Ohh and Valentine in the vineyard. It's a series.



AP (Amy P)

I bet there's. I was going to. Say is there winter and spring in the vineyard.

Amy L

There should know, yeah.


There might be, but I don't see. It on this list. Summer love was her first Hallmark movie.

AP (Amy P)


Amy L

But anyways, there's.

AP (Amy P)

I do like they have gotten. More leading people in the. Christmas movies, at least lately.


It's not just the same five, you know, Rachel, not lazily cook. Lacey Chabert and ******* pandas hater.

Amy L

Yeah, yeah.

Amy L

Like she she who? My mom calls... Yeah, my mom calls Lacey Chabert Chelsea For some reason. So I always call her Chelsea now.


Just so to me, she's like, like salt and pepper. Like, she's just like, good seasoning. But like plants. Like, she's not gonna jazz up a dish. She's not like oregano.

AP (Amy P)

Or vinegar, I mean.

Amy L

I can, I'm. She's growing on me. I I didn't like her at all at 1st, and then I watched the Scottish one. Uh, merry Scottish Christmas.


I still need to look at that one.

Amy L

It was cute. I mean, I I would give it 3 hot chocolates. That's my rating system.


OK, out of five.

Amy L

Three out of. Yeah, I would give it three if it wasn't Scotland, I would give it 1.5, but it's it's OK. Yeah. And and it's, you know, it's her and then.

AP (Amy P)

Her Scott Wolfe.

Amy L

She's playing a woman who goes to Scotland with her brother, who is played by Scott Wolfe, who was her brother in party of five. Yes, when they were children.




One of my favorite hallmark actors, aside from Tyler, because we all know. I love him. Is Ryan pavey? I'll watch almost anything with Ryan Pavey in it, cause I think he's really cute like and he's a decent actor for hallmark, you know.

Amy L

I like him too. Yeah, yeah, there's.


He doesn't overacted.

Amy L

There's another guy that I want to point out because and it's I liked the show I or the movie. I watched him in this year. It's. Called checking it twice. And the guy's name is Kevin McGarry.


Yes, you mentioned that and I was looking for it and. I couldn't find it.

Amy L

He well, it was on early.


Granted, I only looked like for two seconds, so it's not like.

Amy L

Cause it's one of.


It did a real deep dive.

Amy L

He it was like the second one. That I watched. This year. But he he's the one that was in the wedding veil series, OK? And he had this terrible Boston accent.


Ohh yeah. OK.

Amy L

Ohh Ryan, did no Kevin McGarry is his name.


Ohh, you really just fucking said that didn’t you. See you guys. You've seen it in real time.

Amy L

And checking it twice. I also had Kim Matula, who I really like and she was in. The ghost of Christmas Past, which was last year. That was like a retelling of the Scrooge store. What am I? What's the?


Real award for that. The Christmas it's not a Christmas, Christmas, Christmas Carol. I keep wanting to say story.

Amy L

Christmas Carol. Carol. I'm like it's a nice Christmas story. I know. Me too. And I'm like, Nope, that's the you'll shoot your eyes out.

AP (Amy P)

That's with Ralphie.

Amy L

Yeah, which is also a classic, but I really like checking it twice. It's called that because he's a hockey.

AP (Amy P)

Yeah. Oh, that's what I did. Want to watch? Speaking of hockey ones, did you guys watch Mary Kiss Kim from last year? OK.

Speaker 8

No, I might.

Amy L

Have watched it last year, but I.


Don't. I'm really far behind.

AP (Amy P)

You know, overall it's a pretty good one, but there's one thing in it that I'm like, if anybody actually lived in a northern city where there is snow, this would not happen and it is both of the main characters. It's like a faded, you know, as an audience, you're. Supposed to see like, oh, they both do the same thing. And it's snooping snow off. Of a metal pole or something in the street and eating it? No. Nobody fucking eats. No off of anything.

Amy L

No, no, no, no, maybe in 1940, but not now, not now.


That's gross. No, no.

AP (Amy P)

Yeah, but it's like they sit there and they both just like scoop snow off of, like, I think one's even like a newspaper. Like saying and I'm. Like if you do that, you do it in nature areas and.


Right. And don't eat the yellow snow.

AP (Amy P)

Not weird and like.

Amy L

Yeah, I was gonna say even in nature area, someone probably peed on it. Gross. No, no, it's not a good idea to eat snow.

AP (Amy P)

Yeah, if it's yellow or. Or blue if it's rabbits.


Don't do the research. Hallmark, right?

AP (Amy P)

Yeah, that was just one of. Those things that my mom and I. Were watching it last year and we both looked at each other and goes. You think they could have gotten at least a local to tell them that is not something anybody does because both of these people are supposed to be like local to the area or grew up in the area.


Right. I will say I do like it when. The snow is is horrifically bad, like when they glue.

Amy L

Oh, it's technol.


Like. No, no, no, not even that. When they like glue cotton balls to the boots or they glue it to the windshield wipers, I'm like.

Amy L

Or the cotton. The cotton on the floor. Yeah, yeah.

AP (Amy P)

Yeah, every once in a while you get it where it's like. Ohh. Like the one that they filmed to Duluth this year. They filmed in March, so they're gonna get actual slush. Yeah, they're gonna get that actual steam luck of snow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not pretty. No, but that's.


Yeah. Yeah, it's the gross. Yeah. It's not the pretty December snow. It's the gross shit Brown March snow. Yeah.

AP (Amy P)

Which is the thing that everybody always misses, though in these movies, is that you throw salt and sand down on the road. It is never just a pristine. White because if it's pristine white, that means that the snow has been packed down and it is now ice. You're gonna slide and that is not something that they like. Just you don't even have to do much. Call somebody who lives in in one of these states where there's snow often.


It's really slippery. Yep.

Amy L

Yeah, yeah. Or listen to my podcast give you.

Amy L

Guys just work.


Call us. We're available.

Amy L

For a small fee.

AP (Amy P)

Yeah, but I'll say what I roll.


Oh, sorry.

AP (Amy P)

Did really like this year was a mystery on Mistletoe Lane.

Amy L

I did watch that. And let me find my notes.

AP (Amy P)

On that one, that's from on the Hallmark movies and mysteries channel.


You guys like those more?

AP (Amy P)

Which I yes, I do like.

Amy L

Think I do.

AP (Amy P)

Those because they tend to have. A little bit more of. A plot, yeah.

Amy L

It's not the same story over and over.

AP (Amy P)

They they don't follow these drinking game rules of the typical hallmark ones as much. They still will have them. But.

Amy L

Like there's probably not a craft show.

AP (Amy P)

Yes, there are.

Amy L

Waits for.

AP (Amy P)

They have that place. They have the place, but I like the ones where you got a little bit. There's one. Well, I'll have to look it up while you guys are chatting here. Too, but there's one. Yeah, let me sign that before I talk about it, but I liked this one because I like the mystery and yeah, it's it's not hard. To guess it on what's going on.

Amy L

No, it was cute. It was cute. I gave that one. 3 1/2. Chocolates. Uh yeah, I liked that one, I thought. And I like that guy too. The the male lead and that one. I can't. I didn't put his name in here.


The kids.

Amy L

I can't remember his name.


What's the name of the movie?

Amy L

Mystery on mistletoe lane.


Ohh, you mean the one you just?

AP (Amy P)

Steel trap steel trap.


Calendar. Calendar my God.

Amy L

  1. Are you looking up the man's name? Yes. OK.


Smart and other way.


Victor Webster.

Amy L

Sorry, another. David, is that David? I don't remember his character. No, that was. The dad wasn't David the dad.


I don't know.

Amy L

Avery, what's her last name? Was it David? Maybe it was.

AP (Amy P)

David, I think David was the the guy, OK?


Well, the Dade name, it looks like is Wallace.

Amy L

You're right, it was Wallace. Victor Websters, the the actor. OK, well, that does not ring a bell in my noggin at all. But sure, I like him.


He wasn't working moms bringing down the house.

Amy L

He's been in a bunch of helmet ones.


Yeah, the wedding veil journey.

Amy L

That they don't. Ohh that's where I would have seen him. Yep.


Yeah, a Christmas cookie catastrophe. The Wedding Vale legacy. Not to make your memories five star Christmas.

Amy L

I think I saw that. Yeah, I saw the wedding bells. He was he was paired up with Alison Sweeney once. And I liked him with her. I do love her. She's not in any Christmas ones. This.


You do love.

Amy L

Year I don't. Think I have not found a single one with.


Ohh, he worked with Lori Loughlin with this.

Amy L

Her in it. You know what? She's good in the in the mystery ones. Yeah, yeah.


He stood in the mystery series, mystery ones. I like her enough. She can't do romance, though in my opinion.

Amy L

She those have. If there's a romance, it's very slight and it's not. You know.


No kissing, because that's sinful.

Amy L

Yeah, probably not a thing with that. She's not. She's not stuck up like that, is she? She's the one that I don't think she has. She's the one that.

Amy L

No, I don't know.

AP (Amy P)

She's the one who sent her her children to. Yeah. And she got a slap on the.


Right. She went to prison.

AP (Amy P)

Wrist and cried. About it, yeah.


No, she went to prison.

AP (Amy P)

Yeah, a slap on the wrist. She didn't get much time there like it was.


No, but she got more time than the other one. What was the other one's?

AP (Amy P)

Like 90 days or something. Yeah, they actually like admitted to it and I think paid.


Yeah, William, Macy's wife.

Amy L

Yeah. So what's the Huffman?

AP (Amy P)

Yes. Yeah, because she they I think paid some retribution on that.


Felicity Huffman, yes.

Amy L

Earlier on, I'm sure they threw money at it.


He at least Felicity, though, admitted she was. She did it, you know she did it and it was wrong. Lori's trying to fucking get out of it and denying it.

Amy L

Like balance.

AP (Amy P)

Yeah, and her. Her. Yeah.


I will say you guys, I hate to say this, but my opinion of John Stamos is kind of dropping because he's kind of doing a lot of like. Tik toks with Lori.

Amy L

He's he's been. He's been defending her the whole time.


He says.

Amy L

Which I don't know. I don't know the story, so I don't. It's not my business. I don't care. But I know that he was on something, maybe armchair expert. And he was talking about her and he. Was saying. We don't know the whole story.


OK, but the story is she paid them and she lied. And that's all you need to know there should. There's no nothing extra.

Amy L

I don't know. Maybe there is, I don't know.


That's, I don't know, but I'm really starting to be not a fan of John Stamos, which is like heartbreaking because, you know, I've been in love with him for.

Amy L

I don't know.


Total plus years.

Amy L

A long time, right? Right.

AP (Amy P)

Sometimes true colors come out and yeah.


I know.

AP (Amy P)

I know.


I know. Look at Matt, right?

Amy L

Don't get me started on that tool.


I know, I know.

Amy L

OK, I want to get to some of the good ones that I watched you guys did, but one of the.


Hi, this is.

Amy L

Yeah, I.


I've only seen the one I've really dropped the ball. You guys, I'm so sorry.

Amy L

Ones I really enjoyed. Well, maybe at the end of the year we can do a little New Year's Eve wrap up and talk about any. Other ones we see.


I hate that the Hallmark Channel app does not have the most recent movies. I fucking hate it. What's the point of view?

Amy L

I know, I know. So dumb. It's so dumb. I know. Anyway, there's ohh and some of these can be found on Peacock. Peacock is re airing some of them because I know when I started watching, never been crisped, which is the Tyler one. I love him. I started watching that and then I stopped like I thought it was halfway through. But when I went back to rewatch it, I was like, oh, I've seen this. Oh, I've seen this. Oh, I've seen this. I think I missed like the last 10. Anyway, when I went back to watch it again, it was gone. So then I had to record it unfriendly and wait for it to be reaired so I could finish watching it, but it was good. It was good. I liked it. I thought it was.


How was it?

AP (Amy P)

Yeah, yeah, that was one that had a different ending.

Amy L

Well, yeah. It it. Yeah. OK. One thing I will say is that I was gonna talk about a different one, but let me go back to that one. OK. So I did like that. They had a Hanukkah.


Don't spoil it because I haven't seen it.

Amy L

Aspect to it too. It was a there was two best friends and one celebrated Christmas and the other and celebrated Hanukkah. But they celebrated both of them together. Yeah, with each other. They went to each other's families. That's really cool.

Amy L

Mm-hmm. Yep. Yeah, I did.


I do like that.

AP (Amy P)

And and I like that they had. They showed like how families don't always get along with certain things and like. This one just felt. So this had to be like a new director or new producer, just somebody coming into this because there was just. Yeah, it felt very different than a lot of them, yeah.

Amy L

It did. I thought so. Too, and the only thing I didn't like. Is that they made the Jewish. Girl. Kind of a bitch like her. Yeah, I.

AP (Amy P)

I think both of them had their flaws and I think they just, you know, highlighted on one more than the. Other at times.

Amy L

I mean I they. Didn't make her sound like she's a bitch because she's Jewish, certainly. Wasn't like that, but.

AP (Amy P)

No, because I. Would say that I felt that the other friend was also kind of a bitch Really. Yeah. So just in case.

Amy L

I guess I just liked her better.

AP (Amy P)

The actress. Yeah, I I think it was just. I think that they were trying to show because they're they're two best friends who have been best friends for so long that like, they're something they're even before that they. But they're like finishing each other's sentences and they do everything together and then.

Amy L

Junior high or? Maybe yeah.

AP (Amy P)

But also by doing everything together, are they truly living their own lives? And so then we see so.


Are they losing their identity and just becoming one person?

AP (Amy P)

Yes. And then this is where all of a sudden they start to see some of their identity come out that's different than than each other. And they both blame the other person for some of those issues. So I think.


And that was never been dressed, yeah.

AP (Amy P)

I I think you just are going to be drawn towards one or the other a. Little bit more because. I saw like you see the one who. Goes for the. Guy and the one goes for friends that she didn't have in high school that she's now connecting with, and both of them get. Yeah, but then.

Amy L

The cool kids that wouldn't talk to them in high school.

AP (Amy P)

Both of them get jealous and mad at each other because they're both living things that the other would have. Liked to do too, but they. Can't date the same guy and they can't have the same relationship with everybody as they have.


Well, they could if they wanted to be polyamorous, but that's.

AP (Amy P)

With each other.

Amy L

Sure. I mean I.

Speaker 8

Don't think the guy would have.


That's a little too progressive for hallmark.

Amy L

It would have been fine.

Amy L

At this point.

Amy L

Yeah, I don't think.

AP (Amy P)

They're good. Yeah, Mr. Mr. Emma Vegan, but not a.

Amy L

Not there yet. They're not there yet. Vegan. Yeah, I'm a vegan. But it's salmon. He was funny. Yeah. Tyler was funny, and he was Chris.

AP (Amy P)

I I will say he.

Amy L


AP (Amy P)

You should watch ensuring that that was also a purposeful thing as they made him. So that it made him annoying so that you. Didn't fall in love with him as a character.

Amy L

So, but I still thought he was. Pretty fucking charming, though.


I love him. Tyler Haines. I him so much.

Amy L

Would have gone out with him. Tyler. Yeah.


Tyler, call me.

Amy L

Cause John Stamos is.


Out. He's out. You're in. Alright. You've been promoted.

AP (Amy P)

But definitely I. Hallmark please make more movies like this that are about friendship and family and stuff, and it doesn't mean.

Amy L

Yeah. Yes.

AP (Amy P)

You have to, you know, like that you're less than because you don't have a relationship at the holidays because that is. Where a lot of these.



AP (Amy P)

Movies go to is that ohh, you must be just that old spinster. Yeah, and you know.


Yep, Yep. The only thing you're missing in your life is love, and it's like, but no, no.

AP (Amy P)

Children, yeah.


You can have a full life without either of. Those things, that's. Right. That's right, you.

AP (Amy P)

Don't need it, so more more of these movies that have just something different to them. Just give us like people actually having. Liquid in their. Cups, yeah.


The one I watched, I started to watch but totally tuned out. They did. I will say they did have hot chocolate. It was really cute. What was it? It was the woman's next door. Oh my God. I have to find it.

AP (Amy P)

That's like half. Of the movies so.

Amy L

The woman next door. OK, well, you're looking OK. Or do you want to keep? Talking about it or.


No you can.

Amy L

While you're looking, I want to make sure that.


A picture, a picture. A perfect Christmas, that's what. It is OK.

Amy L

Is that a new one this year?


Any luck?

Amy L

I'm only watching 2023 ones this year so far, once I. Get all those done? Then I'll watch.


No, it was 2019. So it isn't over one, but it it was. Yeah. So the A professional photographer returns home for Christmas to visit her grandmother and is hired as a nanny for the young nephew of their next door neighbor. So I did start to watch it. It was cute.

Amy L

Ohh, an oldie a goodie. Something I think it's hot.




But, and they did have hot chocolate with marshmallows, so.


Well, one of those.


Yeah, it's almost all they never have liquid like they give them empty cups and we're. Like we're not. Stupid. There's nothing fucking in those cups.

Amy L

Can tell there's in there.

AP (Amy P)

At least put some weight or something and it just make it like just make the bottom have weight in it because the way that they they're like ohh look at. All this and if. You're like that is not how you would walk. Most people. Would you walk with a full cup of hot chocolate? Two of them, you're sitting there, staring at them and walking forward and being like, OK, stop. And they're sloshing a little.


You're not just like.

AP (Amy P)

Bit and.


Nonchalantly strolling down the fucking sidewalk with snow, blue deer boots.

AP (Amy P)

Where there's been a couple of times where somebody's had it and it's like tilted in. Their hand and you're like. They didn't catch that.

Amy L

One, yeah, there was. There was.


Someone in editing dropped the ball.

Amy L

There. Yeah, there was one that I watched today called Santa Summit and they had several mines. They had drinks and they were like fun drinks and they were real drinks. And they're drinking them and they get the whipped cream on their nose and everything. So it was real.

AP (Amy P)

I have both recorded.

Amy L

That was a really cute.

AP (Amy P)

One, but I'm probably watching that one tonight.

Amy L

Good. It was. I like that one a lot. And that was more about friendship, too. Yep. Each of the girls, you know, we're looking at a guy, but yeah, OK. But the one I want to make sure I mentioned because I've tried to do this like, five times and I've distracted myself every time it's called. Holiday hotline. Yep. And the. The premise is I'll just read it from in IMDb after leaving London Abbey connects with an anonymous caller while working at a cooking hotline. It's a Turkey hotline.


Cute like the bird or the country.

Amy L

The caller.

AP (Amy P)

The bird that is this, the one where he's trying to shut, like he's measuring the oven to put.

Amy L

Yes, yes.

AP (Amy P)

A Turkey in and I'm.


Like, why are you measuring?

Amy L

The oven and it's a big Turkey, so she the caller, is single dad John in quotes, who Abby unknowingly has become smitten with in real life.

Amy L

He is so.

Amy L

She comes to wherever this. Magical town is, yeah. And from London, where she has been, she has broken up with her boyfriend. Of course, the chefs at the restaurant she works at because he stole her recipe for for popovers. But what do they call him? Yorkshire pudding.

AP (Amy P)

Uh, it's putting.

Amy L

And Yep, and so she goes to this place and she stays at. An apartment building where this guy does like handyman stuff at this apartment building, so she meets him that way. And then there's another lady. This has a really big cast of and all the actors are good. She has a.


And like, can I go out on a limb and say that I bet the handyman is actually?

Amy L

John, the caller. Oh yeah it is. Ohh yeah, we know that right away. We we know that in the beginning. So it's not a surprise or anything but the she she gets one of the neighbor ladies says oh you should being that you're a chef you should go work at this hotline they're looking for. People. But she is English, British and the people that that are calling don't think that a British person would know how to make a Turkey. So she puts on an American accent and and she picks her different name. I think it's Peggy or something. So when she talks to him. He he doesn't know. It's her. She doesn't know it's him.


Right. Because she's got her British accent. But then in the ohh look at that, it's some. So it's sounds adorable.

Amy L

Yeah, yeah. Really cute, though. Really well written. It's funny, it's well written. It's called holiday hotline. Thank you. And then?


That's what they're calling in. I'm going to text you in 5 minutes.

Amy L

And ask you it is.

Amy L

What was the name of that one where there? Uh, the Turkey. So there's scenes where they're talking to each other and he's in his kitchen trying to put the Turkey thing together. And she's at the.


The Turkey.

Amy L

In place, but they have her. The way they filmed it is she's in the room. With him.


Hmm. Ohh yeah, but she's not. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Amy L

But she's they don't see each other. No. Right. Yeah, it's really cute. Anyway, I really liked that one. And.


That sounds really good and you watched that on friendly. Yes. OK. Yeah. I'm gonna have to look for that cause that does sound really cute. What's it called? Just kidding. That one.

AP (Amy P)

Are you gonna are? Are we going towards Biltmore next?

Amy L

Yes, you say quick. OK, alright. The this one holiday hotline was written by Julie Sherman Wolfe. And because I like the writing so much, I looked her up and she also wrote Hanukkah on Rye and the holiday spectacular, both from last year, which were two of my favorite.


For the restroom. Real. I'll be right back.

Amy L

Ones from last year. Yeah. So if you find a hallmark Special Hallmark movie that is written by Julie Sherman Wolfe, it's going to be a good one.

AP (Amy P)

I have. There's ones that I really liked and they're from a couple of years ago and there was like two or three in the series, but of course I can't remember what the name of it was, but it was a woman who was going to. She had. She's trying to find her father and she ends up going to this, you know, town or whatever. And she's he was a famous author. So people think that she's going there to just get money and stuff, but she's really just trying to find her identity. And and all this sort of stuff. And I can't remember. What it was, but they it. Was it was really interesting, I think. That was from like 2019. 2020 somewhere there.



Amy L

Well, if you think of. The name let me know. I'll put it in the shows.

AP (Amy P)

I probably won't. I tried looking it up. I tried looking. It up and that is.

Amy L

Not easy. Yeah, it's. Yeah. When you don't know any of the actors or anything, the hallmark one. I mean the hallmark one. Christ, the hotline one did have. I liked the guy in it. I liked both of them actually the girl was adorable. Yeah, but his name was. Is still Niall matter or matter? OK MATER. But I heard someone else pronounce it matter and she is Emily. Mint and she's very familiar to me. I looked her up and she's not British, so the accent, the British accent was fake. OK, the American accent was real. And do you want to wait for Megan to do the Biltmore one or I don't think she saw it. No, she didn't.

AP (Amy P)

I think we can get going.

Amy L

On it. OK. So yeah, Biltmore Christmas. Hear you guys. Oh, OK. Oh, that's right. She's got her, her, her Bluetooth headphones.

AP (Amy P)

I'll take and.


Hi, Megan.

Amy L

So a Biltmore Christmas, this is the IMDb synopsis follows Lucy as she is hired to write a script for the remake of a holiday movie. She joins a tour of the grounds. That's just written terribly. It takes place at a hotel. They don't mention that Biltmore. She joins a tour of the grounds, and when she knocks an hourglass over, she finds herself transported back in time to 1946. But it was actually 1947.

AP (Amy P)

By the way, did you know the? Did you get to see the commercials in between? Yeah, with some of those that show, like the behind the scenes that they did at the actual Biltmore, which is of the Vanderbilt family in Asheville, NC.

Amy L

Yeah, yeah. OK, OK. I didn't get where it was, but I know they're like selling tickets to it. You can go. So it's like in connection with. This film.

AP (Amy P)

Yep, it's Asheville, NC. So they were doing a lot of tourism for Asheville, so it was actually filmed at the built the true Biltmore.



Amy L

Yeah. Yeah, you look beautiful. Building. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I loved this movie. I laughed, I cried. It was. I loved door.

AP (Amy P)

Yeah, it was done. For Bethany Joy Lenz, who is the main character in this?

Amy L

Ohh she's a doll and I like the guy too. Christopher polaha. I really liked him too. He's he fit that old movie star image just perfectly in his tuxedo and his perfect hair.

AP (Amy P)

Yes. Yep. And in one of the like behind the scenes that they were doing, they were reading off like. Facts about what's been filmed at the Biltmore and that sort of stuff. They just they they had fun. Chemistry as they were like they're joking around with each other too, which? Is, you know, they're not necessarily reading off a script, but they're reading and then all of a sudden she just starts, like, reading. Really fast.

Amy L

Yeah, that was cute to see those little behind the. Scenes, things I liked that. This is this. Is by far my favorite one that I've ever seen, I think.

AP (Amy P)

Any year? Yeah, I I like this one too, because it did have it did have a different part of the story. It did have some ties and.


So far.

AP (Amy P)

We actually, you know, we made some comments. And I'm not going to give away any of the. Ending or anything. But we we made some guesses that were accurate, I'll say as we were kind of going through this, but. I liked you know that it showed in so many ways that we know often times that people don't get along on set and in that movie that they were showing is like the, you know lead did not like the leading lady and.

Amy L

And everybody who said that the other guy was like Mr. Friendly, Mr. Hollywood, everybody loves him was actually * ****. And I knew he would be because they said at the very beginning, I'm like, oh, she's gonna find. Out that guy's. Really. Actually. * ****? Yep. Yeah. I love a movie. When?


They're transported back in time. Ohh.

Amy L

And this one did it so well. And I'm like, how are? They gonna end this? I really didn't know how they were going to end it.

AP (Amy P)

I we kind of guessed that's one of the ones I guessed.

Speaker 8

I I really.

AP (Amy P)

I didn't guess completely how part of it was. Yeah, and you probably know what I'm.

Amy L

I know what mean I. You mean? Yeah, and.

AP (Amy P)

Talking about but. Yeah, yeah. But I I loved.


So good.

AP (Amy P)

The the woman that she meets. Who? Then becomes her friend and.

Amy L

Ohh yeah.

AP (Amy P)

On the tour and photographer and like is like, I'll be your lookout. Just goes with it right off the bat like, well, you. You weren't standing here now you are. So it must be real.

Amy L

I now believe in time travel. I'll be right here in 2023 waiting for. You when you. Get back. Yep. And say hello to.


I'm gonna have to watch this, cause this sounds really cute.

Amy L

So and so for me. Yes, really do. Megan, you gotta.

AP (Amy P)

Watch it. Yep, you.

Amy L

Do it's it's the best one this.

AP (Amy P)

It's called the Biltmore Christmas.

Amy L

Year I think. OK, in case you didn't catch that.


I'll forget. So thank you, Amy. But I will forget.

Amy L

I'll text you later.

Speaker 8


Amy L

Are there any ohh Heidelberg holiday? Did you see that one?

AP (Amy P)

Oh yeah, I saw. Ads for that one but haven't watched. It so that one.

Amy L

I watched the whole thing thinking that was Emily Osment. It was not. Her name is Jenny Claire Mason and she's adorbs and she sings. She's tiny and she sings. And I was watching this when Greg walked through the room. And he goes nice fake German accent because it takes place in Germany.

AP (Amy P)

She's just about like this big.

Amy L

So I looked up the actor. There his. This is what it says on IMDb. Frederick Frederick with lots of. Little umm, lots.


And stuff over there.

Amy L

Yep. Or axanthic Hughes rossier. His French name was born in 1992. That's what here I met Craig in Frankfurt, Maine, Hesse, Germany, but grew up in Russelsheim, Maine, Hesse, Germany. He is of German French ancestry and grew up bilingual, so take that.


If that's even his real name, I know.

AP (Amy P)

There's another one out there that looks interesting. It's the Norwegian holiday.

Amy L

Yeah, I have that one recorded I haven't.


Watched it yet?

AP (Amy P)

Yeah. That we've been kind of looking at that one and I'm like, you know what I I. Look at that a little bit, it's. Doesn't have like. The typical like. Leading guy in it from the commercials I've seen, you know the, you know, strong, strong jawline and you know, like trying to be a model type. Not that that's anything wrong with that. But just say that.


Right, yeah.


Like Ryan Pavey is what you're saying because he is very strong jawline.

AP (Amy P)

I don't know any of their names, I just like ohh yeah, I recognize that one from another one.

Amy L

Yeah, he is. He is strong jaws. I'm just starting to put them all together. I I like, Yep. Tyler and my Luke McFarlane.


Mm-hmm. No, Tyler.

Amy L

I love him and his movie was this year was catch me if you claws. Ohh cute which I wrote my one sentence review a stupid name hottie Santa.

AP (Amy P)

This makes me think that we just need to have like a checkerboard of like, you know, the guys leading guys and leading ladies and just check off like when they're in movies together.

Amy L

I almost started a spreadsheet today.


Why am I?

Amy L

Not even surprised by that. I literally was like. Then I can go by. Who's the writer of everyone and then Chuck the writer.


I'm actually surprised you don't have a spreadsheet.

Amy L

I know, I think it's. Cause I fell asleep. Otherwise I would have. But that one was cute too.

AP (Amy P)

Yeah, there's, I mean, they're I, I do think that they're getting better. My dad will say. You know, if you turn, he turns them on in the morning. Because Bodie, who's our resident expert on Hallmark Movies, likes to spend his day laying on the bed, watching hallmark and the old ones are.


Right, they are really bad.

Amy L

So bad, yeah.

AP (Amy P)

You know, and I don't know when exactly the whole like Hallmark era really took off where it's like they were always doing movies, but all of a sudden in the last few years, it's like everyone's.


Yeah, it's been like the last I was just like 1010 years 10/5 to 10 years is when it's really taken.

Amy L

Got to us.


Off I feel like it.

AP (Amy P)

Gets, yeah, in the last five, maybe that. It's really gone and. You know, that's where some of the demand of like, hey, you need to have some diversity of several different things high.

Amy L

People are actually watching this ****, yes.


At least at least they're listening. Yes, and they're doing it, I mean.

Amy L

Yes. Yeah. And, you know, they know that we have bingo cards and they know that we rate movies on.

AP (Amy P)

They put out freaking wine last year because they knew people played a drinking game.

Amy L

Yeah. And so they're playing along and they're putting stuff in there. I noticed last year they were like, would you like a hot chocolate wink wink? Yeah. Because I know that it's ohh. Somebody drink because they.


I will say I'm yeah.

Amy L

Miss the hot chocolate. I know.

AP (Amy P)

So there's there's definitely nods, there's sometimes somebody will say something like man, it. It never snows like this kind of snow or, you know, just like little things. And you're like


Yeah, yeah.

AP (Amy P)

Ohh we we see you. We hear you.


I mean the writers, though they can't be thinking that they're breaking any new ground with these movies. I mean, there's they're not, but they're cute. They're those feel good movies. Yeah. That you put on when you just want something easy that doesn't have any thinking or anything like.

Amy L

No, no.


That yeah, yeah.

AP (Amy P)

Exactly. And I think, you know, we've been watching a lot of them on the weekends and stuff and you know, my, my dad's always kind of made fun of us in the past series, he'll watch one or two, but this year he's really been like, oh, we should. Watch more Hallmark movies, and I think as I told both of you before, previously just with how this year has gone and this fall has been really hard for my family with, you know, just. Yeah, you know, the loss of a of a family member and a sickness of another just gets tough. And I think we all just kind of grasp for something that's.


Easy and safe and no problems and everything's perfect. And it for that hour and a half or two hours it just lets you.

AP (Amy P)

Easy and heartwarming.


You forget your life, you know, forget whatever is going on and you just fall into the movie.

AP (Amy P)

If you. If you record them. You can Fast forward and get them down to. About 84 minutes.

Amy L

Yeah. Yeah, I think that's what the last few years has been. I never watched them until two years ago and I think that's just because you know. Well, first of all. Well, eat you when the knockdown started, we were all watching more TV, but I think it's just it's a yeah, like you said, an escape just to. With all the **** show that the world is becoming so, yeah, before we get off the topic of of homework, I want to plug oh.


**** in the.

Amy L

You have something to say?

AP (Amy P)

I have one more movie that I don't know if you guys have seen this one and this is 1 where I say that unfortunately the kids acting.



AP (Amy P)

Makes it a little hard, but the story is good. It's called a. Season for family. And it is.

Amy L

OK, I haven't seen that.

AP (Amy P)

A woman who lives in California has an adopted son, and he's doing a class project and is trying to do like his family tree and they reach out to the adoption agency to try and learn more about his family and finds out that he has a. Brother. So she goes back home where the adoptive brother. Is she tried calling the adoptive father of this boy whose wife has passed away? And they never told their son that he's adopted. And so, but then they're you. Know weird things? Happen and they just keep running into each other over and over and over again. And then the boys become good friends and they kind of. Start dating, but. Like like I said. The boys start dating. No, the the boys. Become friends and the parents are dating.


OK, but they.

AP (Amy P)

The acting and you know the kids are adorable, but they're acting is you got one kid who is maybe a teenager who's supposed to be playing like a 10 year old.


Ohh yeah yeah.

AP (Amy P)

And the. Surprise eyes.


Ohh I know, sometimes you just gotta overlook.

Amy L

Just the.


The kids acting.

AP (Amy P)

Ohh yeah. You'll watch it and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Like they're. The the movie is good itself.


I will say I don't know if I could watch that one. Adoption movies are a big trigger for me. Yeah. I tend to get really upset for various reasons by them. Yeah. So, but I'll try.

Amy L

I'll try it.

AP (Amy P)

You don't have to, you can just.

Amy L

Yeah, push that.


If it's.

Amy L

Going to be weird for you, we can still talk about more movies. I just wanted to make sure because I meant to say this in. The beginning and I forgot there is a podcast called Deck, the Hallmark and it's three guys.


Ohh, you mentioned that in the chat. Yeah. See, I remember that.

Amy L

Three guys. Look at that. The one thing I remember. They they talk about the hallmark movies that are out this year. So I have listened to a couple episodes of there's. One I listened to was the Heidelberg holiday. Before I watched it and then I listened, listened to the, never been pressed. After I watched it. But. You recommend listening before you watch the movie or after it? Doesn't it matter? Think it makes any difference? I I made a point to watch the Heidelberg one because I had heard. The podcast already and it. Sounded cute. But it you know. And I was like, oh, yeah, I remember when they talked about this scene. You know, so it, I don't know. It's either way. I mean, I think.



Amy L

There's gonna be spoilers. I mean, you know, God. Well, how many small spoilers can you have in hallmark? Right, but it is. I just found it on my regular podcast app, but apparently if you have silo TV, they have video. It's on there like a TV show on there. So if you have file, you can watch it there. Otherwise you can just listen on. I don't know if there's another way to watch it video wise.

Amy L

Oh oh, cool.

Amy L

I haven't looked into that, but anyway one of the guys loves homework. One of them is man and the other one hates hallmark. So it's the three of them. Discuss. These shows and.


OK, that sounds real good. It's.

Amy L

Really good. And they're they're cool guys. They're, you know, they're not, bro. Bro, you guys. They're cool. Yeah, so. That's good deck the hall back. If you're looking for a Christmas podcast.


Which you isn't.

Amy L

I found it delightful. Are there any other ones? We want to talk about.

AP (Amy P)

None that I can remember names of.


I just have a lot to watch now.

Amy L

Yeah, I I would mention one more that I really liked. I gave it 4. And a half hot chocolates. Yeah, that's big. Yeah, well, the Biltmore. I didn't even get to tell you when I my biltmore that was. I wrote it down. That is 100 hot chocolates with extra whipped cream and Baileys. Wow. Oh.

AP (Amy P)

Was that a six?


It does sound good. I'm gonna.

Amy L

I really like that one. I really liked.

Amy L

Actually like, yeah.

Amy L

But this other one was called ready to go and I'm scrolling through my thing.

AP (Amy P)

I have some non homework. When we're when you're done with your hallmark one. OK.

Amy L

It's called. Where are you Christmas? Addie was just for a year without Christmas and she wakes up in a world of black and white. She must work together with the town mechanic to restore Christmas. Literally black and white, like she, but she's like.


Oh, cute.

AP (Amy P)

What's so interesting? Uh, huh?

Amy L

Everything's black and white. She's black.

AP (Amy P)

Like Pleasantville? Yeah, yeah.


And white like pleasant though, yeah.

Amy L

Somebody said it. I haven't seen Pleasantville, but someone said it's similar. Yeah.


Oh, so cute. I really like Pleasantville.

Amy L

Yeah. So I somebody in the stream, Marino said it to cross between Pleasantville and it's a wonderful life because it's so she ends up having to. Make the town remember Christmas because Christmas doesn't exist. She's like, when's? The Christmas pension. They're like the what? What are you? Talking about oh, so so like the.

AP (Amy P)

One where nobody remembers The Beatles.

Amy L

Oh, I don't know.

AP (Amy P)

That. Oh, there's a I can't remember the movie called, but it was. Yeah, it's somebody where he wakes up and nobody remembers The Beatles except for him. And then he finds, like, two other people who remember The Beatles and.


Was it a hallmark movie? No, I was gonna say that. Doesn't. I didn't know.

Amy L

I didn't know either. I didn't.


Either don't give me that dude dude.

Amy L

Does it sound like?


Something that the Hallmark Channel would do.


Listen, maybe they branched out. They've already. They've got same sex couples, so anything's possible.

Amy L

With them, yeah.

Amy L

There was one.

AP (Amy P)

It's called yesterday.

Amy L

That I picked out ohh, that makes sense. There was one that I I picked out because I thought it maybe was going to be lesbians, but it wasn't. I was disappointed. Maybe something. They'll get there anyway. That's that's. I think I've there's a couple that I've seen now that I haven't talked about, but that's OK. They weren't that good. Yeah.

AP (Amy P)

Yeah, there's a few out there, a couple that I we just stopped and didn't watch. But there are a couple. Streamers that I've watched Genie on heca.

Amy L

Oh yeah, I want to see that.

AP (Amy P)

That's with Melissa McCarthy. You told me you.

Amy L

Could watch that all by yourself.

AP (Amy P)

As a genie and it's a. It's it's around Christmas time. So Christmas is in the but it's it's kind of cute and it's about him trying to realize what he has in life is good enough. Sort of thing. So I I recommend that and kind of learning in. In this way they describe where the 3 wishes that a genie can grant comes from cause when he gets the genie she's like, no, no, no. You have unlimited wishes. And he's like, well. Where the 3 wishes come from. That comes later on and they tell you. Where? Where that.

Amy L

I have a guess. I have a guess is. It religious. Oh, I thought I was going to. Be the three wise men.

AP (Amy P)

No, but yeah, even there there is, there is a a connection with you know where she's like. What's what's all this stuff? And they're like, oh, it's Christmas. And he's like, celebrating Jesus's birth. And she goes. Who? And so he explains. It she goes. Ohh. So he wasn't lying.

Amy L

Yeah, put that in the commercials. He was the son of God. Yep, and.

AP (Amy P)

So that, that's cute and. Then we watched last night a family family switch.

Amy L

Ohh, that mentioned. Yeah, Jennifer Garner.


You said it was. Really cute.

AP (Amy P)

Yeah, it's with Jennifer Garner and Ed Helm. And then the the blonde girl. I can't think of her. Name is from Wednesday. She's Wednesdays, best friend. And then the boy is the boy is from mighty ducks, the new version.

Amy L

Ohh friends. Yeah, I love her friend.

Amy L

She's so cute.



AP (Amy P)

So there's some of it that is so like, because of course everybody's got some big thing happening the next day after they all switch bodies and you know, it all just gets sucked up. And but the best.



AP (Amy P)

You say they're walking around and this isn't a big thing, but they're going like you're like, why do they have the dog with them? Well, they also have a toddler. So I'll let you guess what happens when.


Everybody switches smoke, OK?


Ohk. OK alright.

Amy L

All right. How's funny?

AP (Amy P)

Well, just worth watching.

Amy L

Yeah, I'll watch that cause.


Just just for the.

Amy L

I love. I love Jennifer Garner.


Time I'm running around like a dog and the dog.

AP (Amy P)

And then they leave. They leave the kid. And the dog with the neighbor.




It's like I jinx and Sue.

AP (Amy P)

The the neighbors like Ohh I could.


See why you guys are screwed up. Ohh anyways.

Amy L

Cute. Alright, we'll have to watch that one soon.

Amy L

It's that was.

AP (Amy P)

Was a cute one and I. Think we're gonna watch? Candy Cane Lane with Eddie Murphy here. This week yet. That's on prime.

Amy L

I just remembered I had a dream last night that I was. Friends with Eddie. Murphy just came to me now.


That's weird. Yeah. Anyway.

AP (Amy P)

Do you think it? Why were you driven about Eddie Mercy?

Amy L

I have no idea, probably because I saw commercial for that show.


Could be that could be it, yeah.

Amy L

Yeah, I don't normally think about Freddie. Eddie Murphy, not Freddie. Freddie. Freddie Murphy. Eddie. I was going to say, yeah, I was going to say Freddie Mercury when I said. Yeah, neither of them. I think about very often. I I appreciate them both. Especially Freddie Mercury. Right. But yeah.

AP (Amy P)

Eddie. Eddie Murphy, not Mercury.

Amy L


Amy L

Alright. Should we wrap up?


Yeah, I think so.

AP (Amy P)

Probably I think you got enough for like 2 episodes.

Amy L

Wrap it up wrap wrap it up.

Amy L

Now I know probably. All right. Well, this is just a bonus episode. So we just hope that you guys had fun with their little holiday stuff. We will likely not be releasing anything until our season premiere, which is January 4th. But on that episode.


So go back and listen to some of our old ones.

Amy L

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can listen to last year's. Yeah, holiday. Hallmark wrap up. Yep. But on our.

AP (Amy P)

Let us know if there's any you.

Amy L

Enjoyed. Yeah. Yeah. Reach out to us on social. Yeah. Yeah. The that season premiere episode, January 4th. We will be recapping season 11 episode one.


Yes, we're always open for recommendations.

Amy L

And the reason we picked this is that the one of the clients. It was a family, somebody in that family has expressed interest in coming on the show as a. Guests. So we're gonna watch it and then we haven't said it yet. So it it still might not happen, but we hope it does. We hope it does. So that's that's why we're going to do that one. I did watch it again. Uh, we could go. Or so, but I'll watch it. I'll watch. It again it's. A good one. I thought was good. Yeah. So it'll be interesting.

AP (Amy P)

I will say I watched. I watched the episode this morning and I I wasn't going to take notes during it. Then I was like ****. It I'm, I'm. Already here. So yeah, I took my notes out and I have a bunch of notes and whatnot. And I was like, man, this last season, they did Amy dirty like.


They did. They did.

Amy L

It's real bad when you go back and watch the earlier ones.

AP (Amy P)

When you watched some of. The other ones and. Like they they made her cookie cutter at times this past season, compared to lively to previous seasons like we've made fun of like her being like yes, that's what I saw. Well this time she like directed a lot more in the in the sketch and was like no. I think you need to do this. Which is what they did for Cindy. Yeah. Right. Which then made Amy look even.


Worse, right?

AP (Amy P)

Yeah, in that part. So anyways, I'll say, yeah.

Amy L

Yeah. Because, you know, they were editing those first five episodes that Amy was on. Yeah, editing those when she was already gone. Yes. So they can edit them. How?


They were.


So they were probably.

Amy L

What they want, yes.


Shady. They were probably pissed off as shit at her. I'm sure they're like we're gonna fuck her over, make her look like an idiot.

AP (Amy P)

Well, and there is there is one point in this episode too that Steve says something and she's like ohh. Like, she's like like just her response to it was just like hmm, hmm. Like you can send some potential dissension already from back then.


Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Amy L

And that was season 11.

AP (Amy P)

Right. Yeah, so 2019. I think is when that season.

Amy L

Ohh yeah, that's. I mean, she said this. But going on. For 10 years. But yeah. I'm sure it got worse every year, especially as our political climate got worse every year.

AP (Amy P)

Yes, yes, it checks out the boxes for believability to me, yeah.

Amy L

Yeah, it does. It does. So all right, well, everybody.


So thanks for joining us, everyone. Yeah. Bye. Bye bye.

AP (Amy P)

See you later.

Amy L

Thank you for listening to the Activity Continuous podcast. We really appreciate you giving us your ears for a bit. Please reach out if you have a suggestion for which episode of the Dead Files we should cover next or if you have a spooky story you'd like us to share on the show. We can be reached at the activity continues@gmail.com or through our website or any of our socials links are all in the description of the show. Please feel free to drop us a note. And say hi. And join us next time when the activity continues, the activity continues is produced by me, Amy at Collective Sounds Media and is part of the Independent Collected Sounds Podcast network. We are also proud members of the Boo Pod network of Super Cool Podcasts.


Nailed it.


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