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April 4, 2024

Ghosts Gone Wild: The Everglades

Spring Break 2024 #5

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The Activity Continues

This week we are discussing The Dead Files “Deadly Force” (Season 11 Episode 13) which aired October 2, 2024.

 Join us while we discuss college drinking experiences, the meaning of handing someone a hankie, and if regular old vampires should still be considered energy vampires. Also listen to us trying to do math to figure out the ages of people in a story in history.

Content Warning:

In this episode we mention throwing up from heavy drinking, deep depression, murder, suicide, graphic nightmares, inappropriate ghostly behavior, and childhood cancer, as well as other cancers. So trigger warning for those who need it. Also, we swear.

The Activity Continues is a paranormal podcast where soul friends, Amy, Megan, and AP chat about pets, true crime, ghost stories, haunts, dreams, and other paranormal stuff including the TV show, The Dead Files. We also sometimes interview interesting people, whether it be a paranormal professional, a Dead Files client, or a listener with spooky stories.

So, grab your beverage of choice, and join us where… The Activity Continues.

This episode was recorded on March 4, 2024, and released on April 4, 2024.


Episode links:

Dead Files Facebook discussion group https://www.facebook.com/groups/349685608487221

Richard J.Bolles



After his death: https://www.whitewayrealty.com/old-class-photos/the-bolles-school/the-history-of-the-bolles-school

Napoleon of Finance:

(mentions the Dead Files): https://e-governmentresearch.blogspot.com/2019/11/napoleon-of-finance-swindled-local.html

Florida Fruit Lands Co. https://jacquithurlowlippisch.com/tag/bolles-founded-the-first-of-his-florida-enterprises/

Pulmonary Edema and Neuroblastoma:






Spirit Mechanix






This podcast is in no way affiliated with Warner Brothers, HBOMax, the Travel Channel, Painless TV, or the TV show The Dead Files or any of its cast or crew. We’re just fans that love the show and want to build a community of like-minded people who would enjoy hanging out and discussing the episodes and similar content.



Hosted by: Amy Lotsberg, Megan Simmons, and Amy Piersak

Production, Artwork, and Editing: Amy Lotsberg at Collected Sounds Media, LLC.

Theme song. “Ghost Story” and segment music by Cannelle https://melissaoliveri.com


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 Thank you for listening, take care of yourselves. We’ll see you next week!

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106: Ghosts Gone Wild: The Everglades

Please note, this was created by Descript and is likely inaccurate.

AP: Oh, welcome. Ghosty fam. Thanks for joining us again this week. We're continuing our spring break series called ghosts gone wild. This is week five. So only one more left of these warm locations. This episode is one that Amy chose so she can tell us more about it.

Amy: Hello everyone. It is this one's called deadly force and it is season.

11 episode 13 takes place in the Florida Everglades and actually the town called Davie, Florida. The original air date, October 3rd, 2019. And the synopsis on the Travel Channel is Amy and Steve head down to the Florida Everglades to meet with the Reiki master who claims her family is being torn apart by violent paranormal attacks.

She is worried if Steve and Amy can't help, someone's going to wind up hurt or even dead. And I will say this, we all noticed that there were a lot of very. Reusable. Yes. Tropes sayings that they use a lot over and over and over again. This one is full of them. Mm-Hmm. So so much. Yeah. We, so if you wanna play

Megan: a drinking game, this would be a good one Yeah.

To do it too, or not. You might die. I mean, we,

Amy: I mean, small sips. Yeah. Don't

Megan: chug a drink. Yeah. You'll literally

Amy: die. Because there were so many. There were so many. We

AP: obviously you two never did power hour in college.

Amy: No, what's that? Oh

Megan: yeah, I did,

Amy: but

AP: I'm 40 now. You did, you did chugs of beer. Chugs of drinks, yeah.

Whatever you had, but it's, yeah, they play a song countdown and then every time it came up as a, whatever it was.

Megan: We, ours was Darude Sandstorm. So you just chug it to the, to the chorus of Sandstorm. Just finish your drink. And then you had to have a couple ready so that you would finish one and just pick up another one.

Finish that one, pick up another one. How are

Amy: we still alive? That's amazing. Yeah. Well, you had to

Megan: start

AP: early. You want to go with how we're still alive? Let me paint a picture for you. Okay. It's like 2000, 2008, 2009, even before that, between 2004 and 2009. We're at a house that is called the hockey house, which then turns into the lacrosse house and the basement is not much better than a dirt floor.

Nope. The lacrosse boys put in a stripper pole at one point and then there was a platform. Whatever. I just had loud parties with DJs and yes,

Megan: this is like every college house ever. Yeah floor

AP: Shoes are sticking to it. This is where we played beer pong And this is where we didn't use water in the cups We actually had beer in the cups and we use water to wash off the ping pong ball Because that was gonna save us it

Amy: was

AP: so unhygienic But we would, we would play with it.

You'd roll, it would roll off the table. You'd find it underneath somebody's shoe. It'd be sticky. You're rinsing it in and you're hanging it off there and then you're throwing it back across and still drinking when there's stuff floating

Amy: in your beer. Yeah. Oh yeah.

Megan: We had the swimmer's house in, in Stevens point.

We went to the swimmer's house. That was our big thing. I met a lot of Steve's there. A lot of Steve's. I swear. No Brad's and no Chad's, lots of Steve's lot. Like I swear every person I met was named Steve. Oh, that's so funny. And then I don't remember. And then you, Oh my God. I just, we could go on about

Amy: to this day.

Episode on how we got through college.

Megan: So one of the, one of the girls I was friends with, she knew people who threw like the best parties. And so we went to one called G. I. Joe's and corp, no, CEOs and corporate hoes. And so. I wore just like a pantsuit with a bra and just a, a suit jacket. Cause I thought I was thinner then.

And I, you know, to this day I cannot drink any brown because I took a shot of brown beer liquor, instantly threw it all up. So

Amy: really

AP: first shots I did really was before Christmas. One year when it was all the finals and everything, we were at hockey girl's house and we were getting ready to go out and it was always some sport.


Megan: yeah. Hockey house, swimmer house, lacrosse

AP: house. I played sports, so I was always with that group of people. Oh, I wasn't. And we, I mean, we were sitting at a table playing games and everybody was kind of leaving to go other places. And I was still sitting there with a couple ladies and guy sits down and has a bottle of black cherry Smirnoff.

Megan: Oh, I got gut rot just hearing those words.

Amy: Black

AP: cherry Smirnoff vodka. And he sets it down on the tables, like, I'm driving tonight, so I can't drink this. So what does our brilliant brain say? We'll

Megan: drink it. Well, we gotta drink it.

Amy: Yeah. Someone's gotta drink it.

AP: So we played games and the, I mean, there's shots going so quickly.

Yeah. And I do remember that night, which is crazy, but it was like That's amazing.

Amy: It was like

AP: I remember going out after Christmas and we were going hunting with my dad and my brother. We were headed out west to go pheasant hunting and I had a sore throat. So I had to use the chloroceptic, which is cherry flavored.

Megan: Oh my God.

AP: I just about puked right back into the anything black cherry for a long time.

Megan: Nope. It's amazing. Anyways, it's amazing. The point is, it's amazing we survived college with the

Amy: antics we did. Yeah, it is.

Megan: It is. Alright, we got some content warnings, people. Content warning. So, deep depression, we have a murder, we have a suicide, graphic nightmares, inappropriate ghostly behavior.

I feel Childhood

AP: cancer.

Amy: Oh, yeah. Childhood cancer. Kind of a big one. Yeah. Sorry. So. I mean, she's fine. She

Megan: came. She's fine. She lived. She's the Reiki master. Yeah. So she's living her best life, but yeah, she did have childhood cancer.

Amy: Yeah. And let's see. We okay. So as, as AP said, there's this, there's one more episode in the spring break series, but we do have some other fun things lined up.

We've got some exciting interviews. We are bringing back Leah, the shaman. And she went on this really amazing vacation to Thailand and she started in the UK. Was it UK? Yeah, she started. She's been all over. I mean, it was an amazing, it was a very long, I think, an amazing trip. I'll follow her on Facebook and saw her pictures and they look so beautiful.

Just beautiful. Like, you know, I don't know, a lot of you listening probably are following Cindy Kazza. And she recently went on a trip like this, where she just went and like learned from the natives about like how their spirituality is and all that kind of stuff. And it seems to me that this, I think this is what Leah did.

And because she, it seems like she came away with a lot of new ideas. And So, so I asked her if she would like to come on and talk to us about that. She said she'd be happy to. And she had a lot of really great stories to share, she said. So we're going to be meeting with her in a couple of weeks. And then that will be one of our first interviews back, back in the interview realm.

And then we have at least two clients potentially, potentially lined up. One one is interested. I just, right now she's in the stage of listening to us, our other episodes, to find out if she wants to or not. That's fair. And I haven't heard yet. So, we're not everyone's cup of tea. We're not everyone's cup of tea.

And that's why I always say, you know, go ahead and listen to us first. And if you like us, then we'll like you and we'll have a great time. Yeah. And if you don't

Megan: like us, that's fine. Then don't come

Amy: on. Yeah. No harm, no harm, no foul. Yep. So there is one that is in that process. And then the other, I just found the other day and she is interested.

I don't know if she has listened to us yet, but we've been chatting a lot and she's super cool. So not going to say who they are. But those are in the works. Pretty sure, pretty sure, pretty sure they'll both happen. But, and then we're also going to bring Zoe back. Zoe is our patron and friend who was, we brought her on once before to tell some cryptid stories.

Yes, she had some really good experiences. Yeah, she did. And she is I don't know if she considers herself a medium. Does she? Do you know? I don't know if she does. She is a tarot card reader. She's Pagan. I think she's a witch. I think she says she's a witch.

AP: But she's definitely super sensitive because she has done readings for

Amy: me.

And Amy. Yes.

Megan: She and I were talking. Yeah. And she's like, I need to do you a reading for you. And I'm like, yes, you really do.

Amy: Yeah, you should. You should do one with her. Schedule it with her. I know. I know. I do. So she's going to be on again and talking about how she does that and, and yeah, I know she sees spirits and she talks to spirits.

She found I, I posted a picture of, we did a house concert at my house and Melissa, our, our composer of our intro and. We did a house concert at our house and I took a bunch of pictures and I put them on Facebook and so he's like that one picture of the, this one part of your house, there's a little girl there.

And she said she talked to the little girl and the little girl likes my house because of the dogs. She likes to come and play with the dogs and she likes that it's peaceful and calm. And I'm like, really? Is

Megan: she in the right house?

Amy: But so I know she sees spirits and can talk to spirits and stuff like that.

I just don't know if she considers herself a medium or not. Yeah, I don't know if she does either. But at any rate, she will be back. And then the last. little housekeeping thing. Two things left. Oh, yep, there's two, you're right. As Megan mentioned if you want to play along a little drinking game with this episode because there's a lot of these repetitive phrases and things we, because there's so many and we realize that there are so many in All the episodes that we are going to design a little bingo game and by the time this is out, we will have it done.

I mean, you. Yeah. I mean, you can drink every time you get a piece on the bingo card. Or just dot

Megan: it if you're a non drinker. Yeah. Either way. Or put stickers or color it in or whatever your little heart desires. That's right. It is your bingo card.

Amy: That's right. So we'll, we'll get that and that'll be up and ready for you by the time this airs.

And then the last thing is I want to invite everybody to come on over to the Dead Files group, the Facebook group that we have talked about. There's a couple different groups and there was one that was a hot mess for a while and we were kind of making fun of it. Mm hmm. This one is pretty good now.

The, the it's very big. There's like 75, 000 people. There's a lot of people in it. Yeah. But it's good. It is good. There are lots

Megan: of discussions about the shows and about other paranormal stuff. Other paranormal

Amy: shows. Yeah, it used to be just Deadfellows. And now that the Deadfellows is sadly, probably not coming back.

Is it sad? It's

Megan: it's sad because we like the show. Yeah,

Amy: I can't imagine it actually being successful again, but whatever. What do I know? And it's

Megan: not because of Cindy or not

Amy: because of Amy. It's just No, it's just things have changed. Yeah. Whatever. So this Dead Vows group is morphing into more of a, like, all things paranormal and here we, if we want to talk about our experiences and has anybody had premonitions and things like that.

So I'll put the link in the show notes, I urge you all to come on over and join the party. It's real fun over there. And I think that's probably all I have. Either of you have anything else you want to bring up? Nope. Okay. Well, let's get her done. All right. So since this is the one that I chose, I wrote the overview for it.

So, cue the music. Tonight, we are traveling to Davie, Florida, which is in the Everglades. The client is Christa, who happens to be a Reiki master. She lives in this house with her mom, Michelle, and her father, Michael, or Mike. Her brother, also named Michael, and his fiancée, Cara. Was it Cara or Cara? It was Cara.

Cara. But Michael and Cara do not stay in the house. They are in an RV that is on the property, and we'll talk more about that later, but basically he can't stay in the house. Because of the activity. Right. They have been experiencing crippling anxiety, depression, brain fog, hearing voices, doppelgangers, nightmares, apparitions, and being touched.

The thief first rules out some random animals, then he gets to investigating and he finds out about a man who owned a lot of land during, including the client's, and the client's land, and he led a really interesting life. And we also learn of a murder suicide that seems like it should have been more a part of this whole picture, or at least talked about a lot more, but we'll get into that again too, or a little bit later.

We all had some questions on that, so we will talk about that. Amy meets two ghosts who seem to connect well with Steve's findings. One is pretty scary and honestly, she is being highly inappropriate with one of the living people and downright evil with another. Yeah. We see two sketches, one terrifying, and then onto the reveal.

And this is where we learn who these ghosts are and how to get rid of them. Amy gives them some advice. They say they're going to do everything she says, but will they? Stay tuned to see if the activity continues. They do

Megan: refer to her brother as Michael

Amy: Anthony. I thought it was Anthony. I wasn't sure. So I was going to write that.

I didn't write it down, but I was going to go back and check. And I thought, Oh, someone will tell me. Because

AP: the family kept going back to calling. They put Mike in the screen, but the family kept calling him Michael. Yeah. And then that was the dad. And then the son is Michael Anthony. And so that was their designation.

So that's where I got confused. I'm like, why did they use Mike if everybody else just calls him Michael? Yeah.

Amy: That is weird. Maybe the crew called him that to not be confusing. I don't know. But anyway, so I will. Okay. So the first thing Amy says, Oh no, no, sorry. Let me back up. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Let me start over. That was

Megan: me backing up. I don't know what that was.

Amy: Record scratch? Oh, I will say that one of the first things that Steve says is, as he's explaining to us what's going on, if Amy and I can't find a way to stop it, someone's going to get seriously hurt. So that's going on the bingo card.

Yeah. One. Matt had to remove, remove a lot of artwork and religious symbols, but once he's done, it'll

Megan: be ready for

Amy: tonight's walk. That's right.

Amy says there's too much death in this little place. There's hate, sadness, and loss and some kind of religion here. Then she hears witchcraft and don't go in there. Christa thinks that it could kill someone. She still looks like she's 15. She looks so young, so young. Like when she's on camera talking to Steve or whoever, she doesn't seem that young, but you look at like pictures of her.

She looks Very young. I don't know how old she was there. She's like, she's adult, I think. Because at one point Steve says, you're all adults. Why don't you

Megan: just move out? I feel like she's probably in her like early 20s. Yeah, she's probably 22 so

Amy: young. Girl, what's your skincare? I know. She's so cute too.

That whole family is really pretty. The whole family is just adorable. The ones we see. So she thinks, she shows a picture of mom, dad, her brother, and his fiance. They live in the RV, and Steve asks why they don't just get their own place. And she says she doesn't feel right leaving her parents to deal with this alone.

And she's worried about them. Yeah. And the animals have been affected. They have, they're basically on a little farm,

AP: aren't they? I think it's a hobby farm because they talk about like neighbors. But before that, Christa, Steve asks, What if Amy tells you you have to move out? And Christa goes Mom would be devastated.

It's our dream property.

Amy: Oh, yep. The other the dream home. It's our dream and they're gonna fight this together

Megan: Yep, so we got look at that. We're in five minutes. Yeah, we've had three totally got three

Amy: but

Megan: getting a

AP: bingo when they start Calling out the animals. Steve goes, well, you got roosters and goats.

I'm like, I think he means chickens. Cause chicken is the animal rooster and hen are the male and female. I


Amy: expect Steve to Shabby to understand or to know the difference. He

AP: probably saw that they have the red on top. And most people think that that's all roosters and it's not always. But I, I, I did put down a comment cause they were talking and they didn't give us a lot about like, well, are the dogs affected and, you know, it says, yeah, we have a new dog, how new, we don't know how old, we don't know, is this a rescue, does it like, there's a lot of what ifs because they talk about, well, the dog stands at the end of the hallway and barks and then acts like something grabbed her and I'm like, yes, I believe there's some stuff going on here.

Obviously there's definitely stuff going on. Yeah. Yeah. But if you've ever had an animal that has had, just gets woken up even or something like that or just kind of stares off, there could be a lot of things that go into that. So there, I just, there wasn't enough information there for my.

Amy: For your liking.

For my liking on dogs. Yeah, me too. Just the other day we were sitting there watching TV and Digby, our middle dog, was sitting on the floor like between us and the TV and he suddenly jumped up. And looked at his, like, looked behind him and then ran in the other room. And I'm like, did a ghost goose you?

He probably just farted. Oh, I mean, that's, yeah. Yep. Poor Digby. Not the first time that's happened. No. He's such

Megan: a gentleman. He's not used to farting. He's like,

Amy: I don't fart.

Megan: That is not me. And then he looked at Greg and he's like, I cannot believe you. And then he

Amy: left. Yeah. It's not the, the husband blaming the dog for the farting.

It's the other way around. It's the dog blaming the husband. That's how it is in my house. You sir are disgusting.

Megan: Then he trots off with his Just tail up and just, you can just feel the disdain rolling off of Digby. If any dog, one of your dogs is going to have disdain, it's for sure

Amy: going to be Digby.

Digby's the one that sits fancy. Vivian will just judge everyone. As soon as he sits down, the foot, the one foot goes over the other. Yep. Vivian just judges everyone. Yeah. And yells at them. Gracie wants to be your friend. And poor Polly doesn't know what's going on. And poor Polly just walks around banging into shit and shitting on the floor.

That's right.

Megan: It's really a shit show at Amy's house.

Amy: That's what I'm saying. Today it was literally a shit show. Literally a shit show. Poor Foxeski. Yeah.

Megan: So Chris is a Reiki master too. Steve asks her what led her down that road and as a child she had a neuroblastoma cancer, which is a brain cancer and it had a low percentage of survival.


AP: is not necessarily brain cancer.

Amy: That's right. Well, the one she had was though, was it? I don't remember her saying, I thought it

AP: was neuro makes you think that, but it also goes along with nerves in the gland

Megan: system. Maybe I just made that up. I thought she said brain cancer,

AP: but I looked it up on the American Cancer Society and I dropped some links about what neuroblastoma is.

Amy: I thought she said it, but maybe I, she might have and I missed

AP: it, but it probably affects the adrenal glands that sit on the kidneys. It's a very, it's a, it's common in children under the age of five. Common? Really? That's where it's common is in children under the age of five. It is considered a rare type of cancer where it's under 20 cases a year, but it's rare for somebody over the age of five to get it.

Oh, I see what you mean. Okay. Yeah. So it's a typically rare form of cancer.

Megan: That's common in young children.

AP: More common in those under the age of five. And I think I saw in the Facebook group that there was some comments that she was three. Okay. Oh, okay. When she was affected by it. So there's more information from Mayo Clinic but.

normally affects the adrenal glands that sit on the kidneys, but can affect other parts of the, the body. Stage four, which is what they said she had, has a very low chance. So typically stage four is

Amy: Well, stage four of any cancer is pretty low. Stage four is

AP: like highest.

Megan: I mean, low risk of survival. Oh, yeah.

That's what I meant.

Amy: Yeah. Risk of survival. I mean, if you let me

AP: finish my sentence, I'll get there.

So stage four has, it's a like higher end, like higher end cancer, like it's.

Megan: Like the Gucci of cancers

AP: but there's usually a lower chance of survival rates for this. This one has a relatively high. When you look at what stage four is at different cancers 50 percent survival rate beyond five years. A friend of mine passed away from colon cancer at the age of 28 was stage four. And that was like a 3 percent survival rate

Amy: past.

Megan: Yeah,

Amy: colon's a pretty bad one. That is a bad one. Get your colonoscopies, people. Yeah, clean those pipes. It's not fun, but it's worth it. And

AP: if you've got a history of it in your family, it can be genetic, so get it checked out. Yep. Check it

Amy: out. And if you're old, get it checked out either way.

AP: And they also, in some of the reading that I did with on neuroblastoma, is that it can run in families.

It doesn't, doesn't mean that it is genetic, but it is potential that it could be, they're still trying to understand how everything works, breast cancer and stuff as well. So yeah, this, it was, this was a episode that definitely impacted me in different ways. Not that I've known anybody with neuroblastoma, but I've known others, you know, Katie was somebody who I knew and with the colon cancer and she was like an older sister to me and

13 years, 14 years since she was diagnosed. Just about. Yep. 12 years, sorry. Math. But she was

Amy: 28. Yeah, that's young. Yikes. So, yeah, she said that she, when she looked into energy stuff but at three? She was interested in that stuff. Probably after I

Megan: would later. Yeah, she got older. Okay. And got yeah, so that would be that's what I took

Amy: from it.


AP: maybe it sounded like she had a few bouts of it with it. Maybe from the very early on, she said something about that. And Reiki was a way for her to help kind of mellow out her energies or like control her energies.

Amy: Well, Reiki is a healing thing too, right? So yeah, she said she had been doing well, Steve's like, so apparently this is a More than you can handle or something like that.

He said it kinda rude

AP: and I'm like, yeah. He said it rude in the reveal

Amy: too. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, dude, she's like 12 years old. . Yeah. I mean she wasn't, but obviously, and she's,

AP: I mean, poor thing is sobbing. Oh my about this. And I wrote down the tears and fear are definitely real. Not Britney. Yeah, not Britney.

And she's

Megan: definitely scared. Hashtag Now

AP: Brittany, she's definitely scared to lose her family.

Amy: Yes.

Megan: I did say when she was crying, he didn't offer a hanky. And I said, rude Steve.

Amy: I did that in my real life. Didn't he offer a hanky? Yeah, rude.

Megan: You offer everybody else a hanky, but not the 10 year old? Come on.

AP: I remember something long ago, and I don't know, I haven't ever looked into this if this was true, but somebody said that there had been some research into like, The handing of a Kleenex or hanky or something like that is actually almost like a brushing off, like, I don't want to deal with your emotions, so here's your link.

Huh. So somebody was tying it into like, it's a subconscious thing that people do to be like, I don't know how to deal with this. I need

Amy: you to stop crying now. Oh, I think it's sweet. Yeah, I don't think that's how, I don't think that's how Steve meant it when he

AP: gave them out. That is something that was put out there in the ether a long time ago around

Amy: the brain.

I don't think Steve's that rude either. No. I mean, he would probably if it was me crying, because I'm too liberal for him. Right. But but I don't. Your tears don't count. My tears don't count. But Allegedly, I should say. I'm only guessing what Steve would think. I don't think he would like me, but yeah.


Okay. Does anybody have any more about the, the first section with Stephen and Steve and Christa?

I love how you call him Stephen. I meant Steve Ann. That's when you're really mad at him. Stephen. Well, we have done, we have called him that before. We have

Megan: called him that. When we're mad at him, we full name him. We don't know his

Amy: middle name.

 Okay, so next we're at Amy and she sees an elderly woman who looks like a rotting corpse with two lights for eyes and ratty hair.

And I wrote, coming in hot.

AP: To me, do you get, is it Jeepers Creepers or something like that where the headlights like, I don't know, there's a, there's a few different shows like that. Oh, Bly Manor, in FlBlyanor. Yeah. Like I got an image of something

Amy: like that. Yeah. Yep. But when you say Jeepers Creepers 2, I'm, I think I'm picturing the, the movie poster and I think it does have spotlight eyes or something like that.

I, I bet Megan knows for sure. Cause Megan watches all that shit. I'm like,

Megan: horror movies, bring it on.

Amy: No, I don't. She's

Megan: regretting very to not, I part that on Jordan, because I know that I'm like ridiculously terrified of things.

Amy: Yeah. I, I mean, I'm trying not

Megan: to. Yeah. But it's,

Amy: he's kind of, he's starting to like, kind of

Megan: be more afraid of the dark now.

Oh, well. So he'll be like, mama do. And I'm like yeah, I know. I'm like, it's okay. It's just dark. But you know, in my mind I'm like, girl, I, yeah. Be afraid of it because you don't know what's out

Amy: there. It is. I mean, they're afraid of the, a fear of the darkest, fear of unknown. So

AP: just let your eyes acclimate to the darkness and then you can see a lot of stuff and you

Megan: can see the

Amy: monsters.

And that's even

Megan: scarier. Yeah.

Amy: Okay. That's me at 3 a. m. when I, after that, I have to let the dogs out and then I have to try and get back to sleep. And I just lay there with my eyes closed and I'm like, Oh, now I see something over here. You do that too?

Megan: Yes. And I'm looking. I'm like, Oh, the spots are yellow.

Oh, they're blue. Yep. Yep. Yep. And then I'm

Amy: like, I'm trying to be asleep. I see faces. I see people. No, I see spots. Not all the time, though. Anyways. I see, I see, like, swirls and, and I see faces. Yep, I see swirls. I don't see things that become faces and then they swirl back out. I

AP: had, last, over the weekend, when I went back to bed after feeding the dogs, it was a long hallway and there was doors on either side and there was a man that was coming walking towards me like he had something to say.

I wasn't scared or anything. I was just like, hey, what, who are you? But I didn't get any. I. But he kept coming. There was a couple of times and it was like, he'd start kind of like I

Megan: don't understand. You weren't afraid. I don't understand. I would literally be like, fozzy and just it'd be drop, drop, drop of shit as

Amy: I ran away.

AP: Do you, have you guys done like the glaucoma test or whatever, where they poof the eye, where it like has the little house and then it, it's, that was kind of like it, what it was, he'd get into focus and then it would set him backwards and then he'd get back into focus. And then said him backwards, but I know I had been talking to my grandparents over the weekend, but it's not not the shape of any of them.

Weird. He's a tall

Amy: man. Weird. Maybe he'll find out who he is sometime. Anyway, so this lady is loud and aggressive. Lights for eyes. Yeah. Lights for eyes. That's, that could be a good title, except that all of our titles are Ghosts Gone Wild. We could do AKA Lights for Eyes.

Megan: Lights for eyes. Rowdy hair.

Aggressive. Oh my. I haven't done it. Guys, I have a really great idea.

Amy: Never been done before. We've never done it. Okay. So this lady wants to be seen. She's, it wants to be the center of attention and multiple people are being affected. I know people like her. Yes, I'm right here.

AP: I wasn't going to say

Amy: anything to you.

I know, I know. One of my dogs is that person, Gracie. Yep. No hesitation. Nope. And you, we all know that one. Because you can't walk into a room without her going, Hi, hi, hi,

Megan: hi, hi, hi. Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi. Welcome,

Amy: welcome, welcome.

AP: I hated in this though, where Amy's like, she puts her mind in their minds. Yes.

Amy: Ew.

Yeah, I hated that. And then she says she's trying to talk to them, but it sounds like gibberish. And Amy says it makes no sense because her brain's all over the fucking map. Yeah.

Megan: Okay. First of all, same.

Amy: Yeah, same. It's called

Megan: ADHD. I was telling the girls in our chat, I started to do my notes Saturday and I, you guys, I watched 11 minutes of the show total.

Between that time I had made two phone calls, I texted two people, I had played a game and I'd done my word puzzle. It was like 30 minutes to watch 11 minutes because I just kept, I would write a sentence and then I'd stop and do something else. So my mind is all over the map, too, is what I'm

Amy: trying to say.

Write all that down so that when you go to talk to somebody, you can be like, here's They'll be like, do

Megan: you have an example? And I'm like, hold the

Amy: fuck on. I'm gonna, just let me pull out this scroll.

Megan: And I actually will write it on the back of a CVS receipt, and then I'll just have to have one piece of paper.

The joke is that the CVS receipts are really

Amy: long. That's right.

AP: It's not as funny if you have to explain it.

Amy: Well, our friends in the UK might not know. They might not know what CVS is and that their receipts are super long. That it has, it's super long, not because you buy a lot, it's super long because it has 5, 000 ads on the back.

Yeah. And coupons. And coupons. It's ridiculous. Anyways. We're never going to get through this episode. Yeah, we are. We are. We are in like the third section here and 47 minutes in. Okay. So, the living room. Are we, can we move on to the living room? Steve's turn. We can move on to the living room. Okay. So, we're in the living room.

There's crippling anxiety. Oh, no, this is still Amy. Yeah, we're in the living room. This is still Amy. Okay. I, I, it's a different color on my screen and it shouldn't be. Are you reading Amy AP's? My, my, my. I

Megan: color coded

Amy: my. I color coded what I did. I color, I just make Amy, I make Amy's and Steve's sections different colors so that I can tell what's happening, like who, whose it is.

But, and so this one, it was, it was green and then it was yellow and it shouldn't have been cause it's still Amy's.

Megan: No, this is This is Steve. Oh, wait, nevermind. I'm looking at my notes.

AP: It is Steve with the crippling anxiety and depression. Oh, you're right. You're right. You're right. Yeah, I know I'm right.

I thought this

Amy: was Amy feeling the crippling anxiety, depression, and brain fog. This is Christa telling

AP: Steve. And it's only happens when you're at home and you hear voices, but you can't figure them out. She sees a figure that's mimicking her mom. I

Amy: hate mimickers.

AP: Yes. Well, we learned a new term for it later on.

Amy: Yeah, we do. Oh, I didn't notice that term. Yeah, it was, and AP and I both tried to look it up and I didn't find anything. I

AP: didn't find anything, but I have some thoughts on it. Okay.

Amy: So I think now we are back to Amy. She sees the elderly woman. She's storming through. She says she doesn't know how these people stay in the house.

They might see this lady. She hates everything and everybody, but she wants to be alive again, which is not good, because it means she might try to possess someone or jump them. And she puts her hand over the living people's mouths and gets right in their face. Mm

AP: hmm. I said, that's creepy as hell. The way I do my notes, I've started doing like correlates to so and so.

So the different things. So like Steve is talking with Christa in her room and we start hearing about. Feeling of being held down while she's sleeping, she's awake and she knows she's awake, but she can't move, but it's not quite sleep paralysis because she can move her body, but she can't get up. Right.

The nightmares being super graphic. Yes. Specifically seeing her brother dying like he drowned in the bottom of the pool. And then she feels like something is attached and it crawls into my brain and tries to cause as much mental anguish. So that might be where you get confused on, is this Amy or is this Christa talking?

Cause Christa was very much going through like how Amy might describe something going on inside of her brain. Yeah. And she's like, it comes at me at night, stays with me all day.

Amy: Yeah. And Steve called it a temporary possession. Gross. Yeah. I hate that. Which we find out it kind of is.

AP: Yeah. Amy says, the woman comes in here to work.

Yeah. And Matt's like what do you mean work? To kill the person. Mm hmm. She thinks that by, she thinks that if she kills this person, she can take their soul to become alive again. I don't think that's

Amy: how it works. Mm mm. No. I mean, what she really wants is the girl's body. Yeah. She wants to be, inhabit the girl's body.

AP: Yeah. Mm hmm. But that's not what she must be resenting to Amy, so she's a

Amy: little. Yeah. Well,

Megan: she did say her mind was all

Amy: over the place. She's cuckoo bananas. We know that, so. Yeah. Mm hmm.

All right, now we talk to Mike, Christa's father, and like, like AP said, it says Mike on the thing, but they all call him Michael. He was not a believer, but he is now. Check, yep, there's another. We also have to add to the bingo card. The husband who the reluctant husband who thinks that everything is bullshit like mine.

He has seen apparitions. He saw a guy standing there looking at him and he turns and walks away. And Steve asked if it was just like a mist or whatever. And he said, no, full facial features. You know exactly what they look like. He even said he had a gray

Megan: beard. Yep. Like that's how Clear this apparition was.


AP: and Steve goes, you sure you're, you sure? And he's like, yeah, I'm sure I wasn't

Amy: dreaming. Yeah, fuck you, Steve. Just kidding. And then he says that he feels like he's watched in the bedroom and Steve asks if it's the dogs. Yep. You have three dogs, you sure it's not them? That's going on the bingo card too.

Megan: Yeah, I said not the dogs, Steve. Mm hmm. It's never

Amy: the dogs. I added a word in there.

Yeah, this is a

Megan: family podcast.

Amy: We're keeping it PG. No, we're not. No, we're not. I mean, I wouldn't say it goes, well, we're not. It's not a family podcast.

AP: But Mike or Michael said he feels like something grabbed him and like pushed him over. Like it wanted to sit next to him on the bed. But then it's also said like he feels like 20 people are, are tugging on me.

And then we cut to Amy. Yeah. And she, she's like, she's doing weird shit in here. She likes the mail. She wants the attention. Matt goes, why? She's got the hots for him. Yeah. And Matt's face, I took a screenshot, or I took a picture of that. Matt's face was like,

Amy: Yeah, it was funny. That's like better him than me.

That'll be in the in the video version of this. You guys want to watch that. It'll be right here. She's like

AP: petting him. Like, Oh, look at your eyebrows. Oh, look at your ears. Oh, look at this over

Amy: here. Like, it was so funny the way Amy's like. She's, she's touching the pillow, touching the pillow and she's poking at it like, Oh, look at your eyebrows.

Oh, look at your ears. And I'm like, Oh my God. And then she says, it's fucking weird. And I'm like, yeah, dude, it's fucking weird. Yeah. And then she says, it's constant. Oh my God. And this lady takes showers with them

Megan: to which I literally out loud went,

Amy: you, you like that. Yeah, she doesn't leave the house when she doesn't leave their side when they're, until they're out of the house.

Yeah. And Amy says they would have dreams about her. And

Megan: she did say there's nights that she'll touch the man all night long. She'll just be touching him all night. God,

Amy: can you imagine? No. He must think he has a spider on his face.

Megan: And he'll probably just casually brush it off.

AP: That was like the guy from the last episode.


Megan: So this past weekend I was sitting in the basement and I was watching a movie and I saw a spider on the wall.

Amy: Was it Rollergator? It was Rollergator.

AP: Did you watch like ten minutes

Amy: at a time or? No,

Megan: I watched the whole thing. What do you mean? Did I miss a joke?

Amy: Oh, because you, because you can't watch The Dead Files more than 10 minutes at

Megan: a time.

There it is. Yeah. So I was sitting watching Roller Gator and super movie. I watched it too. Megan

Amy: and I watched it at the same time and texted each other about it. It was so bad. Gummies were involved.

Megan: Yes. So, there was a spider on the wall and it was a big spider. And so I hit it with my, my slipper cause I called my husband and he didn't answer.

And I said, I've got to take things into my own hands. And so I killed, I hit the spider and it fell down behind the couch and I didn't know if it died. So that was the end of my night in the basement and it was like 10 o'clock and I went upstairs and I went to bed. I was like, I don't know where he is.

I'm out. John's like, are you serious? I'm like, yeah, he could come back and kill me. I still, to the, to this day, granted it was only two days ago, I don't know what the plot of Roller Gator was. I do not know what happened in that movie.

Amy: I don't know that it had a plot. It was a

Megan: stuffed, like a, like, not even stuffed, it was like a balloon of

Amy: a, of a, of a It was a puppet alligator, purple, that she carried around in her backpack.

Megan: Yeah, and its hands were weirdly on

Amy: its nipples. It was stuck to it. They were stuck to it because they didn't move. Because they were, yeah, it wasn't a good puppet. I

Megan: don't even know what the plot of this movie was. And there was a weird guitar the entire

Amy: movie in the background. It was, it looked like it was made by five year olds.

And then it had the terrible, this terrible dialogue. What was it, booger breath? It was what the Gator called somebody.

Megan: He called them fish, fish bait brains instead of fish for brains, fish bait brains.

Amy: It's, it's like what you would expect a, a, like seven or eight year old boy to write. Yeah. That's pretty bad.

It was so bad. It was hilarious though. It was.

Megan: Anyway, I don't know what got me on that tangent, but. The spider. Thank you. Oh yeah, the spider. Thank you. We made the connections. Thank you. I'm glad you, somebody is on top of this. That should be on the bingo card too. Megan gets confused.

Amy: That should be the free space.

Everybody gets that one. Everybody gets that one. Okay, so Michelle, the mom, she also felt someone sitting on the bed and touching her and she thought it was Michael and it wasn't him. And she said Michael's touching seems appropriate. I mean, Michael's, the way the lady touches Michael is appropriate,

Megan: inappropriate.

It's appropriate

Amy: for the setting. Yeah. And she sees her touching, the way the lady touches her as more loving. Yeah. Which,

AP: which, I don't think so.

Amy: Are you sure?

Megan: Yeah, because in the reveal, Amy's like, she wants him. She hates everybody else. So she's not lovingly touching you.

Amy: No, yeah, but

AP: we don't spend a lot of time talking about Michelle.

No, we have a first that I know of in the show. With Steve saying, so Michael Anthony's over there, huh? Can I talk to him? And she had already been talking about like some of the experiences that he's been going with. And she said, I don't know what's going on with him, but I don't think so. Yeah. And so that's a first.

She said he can't do it. He can't do it. And then we hear a little bit more later on, but I don't remember having one where we talk about somebody. No. And they're there can't

Megan: not, not that they can't

Amy: do it,

AP: that they can't do it. It's just a lot of times we get that they were interviewed and they just didn't show it.

Amy: Yeah.

Megan: Yeah. They, so I think they did that to showcase how bad he really was. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. Because he was in a very bad place that we learned

Amy: later. Yep. Yeah. And she did say at that time that he was held down in that back bedroom that used to be his back bedroom. Yep. And his overall behavior has become dark and depressed.


AP: moody. And she says, I'm afraid I'm going to lose my son.

Amy: Yeah. That was really sad. And this whole family was just so sweet. Yeah. Yeah, they were.

AP: When Amy goes into that back bedroom, she's like, Oh, there's sadness. Oh my God. I don't like it in here. Like, she's just very like, Oh no.

Megan: She's like, I just want to burst out crying.

AP: You feel like you want to start bawling in here, just wretched crying, which to me like wretched is like stomach. is so tight that you're almost puking because you're crying

Megan: so hard. Like you're crying with your whole body.

AP: Yeah. And she said, I don't know if it's the dead or the living crying, but she said, overwhelmingly, the feeling of the person is an empath and that Amy was getting, this person was getting physical with the person, hitting them in the stomach.

Hitting and tripping. She's just having fun torturing this person. Yeah,

Megan: the ghost is having fun torturing him and she said this, the person in this room needs help

Amy: ASAP.

Megan: So they were right about Michael to be worried about

Amy: him. Right. And I think another thing we need to put on the bingo card is that one of the clients has abilities.

Yeah. Oh, that's a good one. And this one, there will be three. Yeah. Or maybe even four. I don't know. They didn't really say that much about the dad, but everybody else. Okay, so now Steve's doing his offsite investigation. He meets with some animal control experts to rule out the fact that there might be animals that got inside the house.

They live in a frickin swamp. Yeah, they live in a swamp. They got roosters and chickens and goats. And the men's The animal

Megan: control, that's the title. The animal control experts names are Isaac and Kevin. I wrote them down.

Amy: They were

AP: delightful. I appreciated Isaac and Kevin because they're like, yeah, I mean, there's definitely rodent activity in the attic and roof, but they're not getting in the house.

So one of them said, I don't think this is the activity your clients are experiencing.

Amy: Right. And I'm like, Steve, really? You think that monkeys and pythons are grabbing them while they're sleeping? Well,

AP: I can tell you that a mouse falling on you does not feel like somebody grabbing you. Gross. Deer camp years and years ago, just have like naked beams up on the top and sleeping.

Put some clothes on

Megan: them for Pete's sake. This

Amy: is a family show. Have some

AP: dignity. And up in the loft, all the heat comes up to the top. So you sleep with like your leg out because you're just

Megan: sweating buckets. That's how the monsters get you. And

AP: well, the mouse got me. And all of a sudden I, I'm kind of half awake, but then I feel on my bare skin.

Four little feet running up my leg.

Megan: This is reason. This is reason 1 billion. Don't

AP: sleep outside. I kicked my leg across it. I mean, the room isn't very big and my buddy Kevin was the other caught like five, six feet away. And he goes, what was that? I go, a mouse. He goes. Dang it! So we clean out the, we do our best to clean out the mice, but they can get into anything.

But I can tell you, four little feet running up your leg does not feel like a human hand grabbing you. Even a mouse falling off of the

Amy: ceiling. I mean, that'd be a really big mouse. Great. Now I

Megan: have a new fear unlocked of a mouse falling on my

Amy: head. Great. It fell on my leg. It's fine. I always worry that I'm going to get a mouse crawling on me because we do, we used to anyway have mice down, down here in the basement, but.

I'm always

Megan: afraid of spiders. I didn't even think about mice. I'd prefer a mouse to a spider, honestly, but they have gross tails.

Amy: And they can carry rabies. So you could get real sick if you got bit by one. Okay. We need to move on because I'm just feeling everything on me. This'll cheer you right up. Amy was shown a bed with arms coming out from under and something grabbed her ankle and she said, there's a nice little hole under the bed and this lady does not want Amy to see it.

Cause that's where

Megan: she lives. She lives in the hole under the bed. Yep. The

Amy: ghost lady. So, great.

AP: Who lives in a hole under the bed, creepy corpse

Amy: lady, square pants with lights for ice.

Megan: Who lives in a hole under the bed, creepy

Amy: corpse lady, square pants with lights for We need to workshop it a

Megan: little. Yeah, we're gonna work on it.

It's in

Amy: progress. It's gonna be a new hit. I bet you Taylor Swift will sing it. Oh, for

Megan: sure. Yeah.

Amy: Oh, for sure. Oh, for sure. Oh, yeah. Next up is the genealogist,

Megan: not a gynecologist.

Amy: His name is Mark Fuehrer. And they're on one of those marsh boats. Airboat. Airboat. Okay.

Megan: Yeah. I was like, what was the point of that?

You guys

AP: go is I don't usually have my interviews like this or whatever the hell he said.

Amy: It's just kind of dumb. I'm like, dude, they must have paid a lot of money for that boat. And that's why they wanted to make sure they showed it. What was

Megan: the point? It had nothing to do with

Amy: anything. No, it

AP: didn't because they were in the Everglades.

And I, here's where I think it connects is to the person's story that we hear about. Because, yeah,

Amy: I guess they did want to show that we're in a marsh. Very loosely. Well,

AP: it was all land that he tried to sell.

Amy: So, Mark, the genealogist, tells us about. Not a gynecologist. Not a gynecologist. Richard J. Bolles. And there was some confusion on at least my part because I couldn't understand what if his name was Bolles, the closed captioning said B U L L S.


Megan: the closed captioning said Bolles.

Amy: And then later, it was B O L E S. Yeah,

Megan: and then the death certificate said B O L L

Amy: E S. Yes, yep. That's how I knew, because I saw, I paused on it. And that's where I found it online. Yeah. I did find a bunch of stuff on him, actually. I couldn't find anything at first, and then I know AP, you found some stuff.

And then I went back today and I found a whole bunch more stuff. So, I'll put the links to the show notes. We can talk about some of it if you want. They so skimmed

AP: over. Yes.

Amy: So much. This is actually a really fascinating story. It is. It's really, really interesting about this guy. So he was super charismatic ladies, man.

He was short five, six, which made me laugh because it's not how tall Steve is. So they call him the Napoleon of Finance. Which

AP: I never found any information on that. I looked up who they called Napoleon of Finance and I found somebody named like Ferdinand Ward or something like

Amy: that. Oh, really? I did find one article about Richard.

They called him Dickie. Dickie Bolles, and he it, it did mention Napoleon of Finance, but I didn't find it by Googling Napoleon of Finance. I found it by Googling Richard J. Bolles. Yeah, I, I Googled

AP: the Napoleon of Finance because I was like, well, if somebody's got a nickname like that, because he was, oh, so on the New York Stock Exchange at the age of 23.


Amy: 23?

AP: Yeah. Yeah. In 1800s, because he was born in 18, he was 73 when he died in

Amy: 1917. Oh, his, I found his birth date on, I found his grave actually. So I found the find a grave website. Okay. Anyway, I don't recall what his date of birth was, but at, at in 1908, oh, he was married. His wife's name was Julia.

Things went bad. He had some affairs and bad investments. In 1908, he got a half a million acres of swamp land from the government to sell.

AP: You forgot that he had a divorce. So has affairs, a divorce, bad investments, his life goes to shambles, which is definitely

Amy: a Julia. What? And then he, some of the property that he was given to sell is the client's property, and he convinced people who had never been to Florida that they should come here and buy this swampland.

He said it was, they called it Paradise. Garden of Eden. Yep. He

AP: called it the Garden of Eden, Tropical Paradise, and the Promised Land. So I found information specifically on this and why he got the 500, 000 acres because that wasn't really clear to us. Like why is he being handed this acreage? Yeah, I thought that was weird too.

So he didn't technically, I don't think he owned it, but he was given it to sell. So what happened was He had, he had other land schemes. It, he had a mine in Colorado and farms in Oregon. So he's approached by the governor and the former governor or the governor and the future governor of Florida, as they were doing reclamation of the swampland.

So they were supposed to be literally. Draining the swamp and putting it into more fertile soils to encourage people to live in Florida, but it didn't really get drained. So he had multiple companies out there to sell the land. So he had salespeople out there selling the land for him. And they had, one was the Florida fruit lands company where they were selling 180, 000 acres of the farm for up to 12, 000 acres or 12, yeah, 12, 000 farms, sorry, which is about 15 acres.

And each of those farms would have cost 240 in 1908, which is about 8, 000 today. Still a good deal. That's really good. Yeah. The salespeople went across the country promoting, you know, promising a garden of Eden, the tropical paradise or tropical land, and these swamp boomers were enticed enticed potential buyers with the sales literature, quoting government officials.

So this is a quote from one of the articles. These swamp boomers enticed potential buyers with sales literature, quoting government officials who extolled the possibilities of the Everglades. In one such advertisement, U. S. Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson said, quote, that doubting Thomas's were waiting for the Everglades to develop before buying would regret it all their lives, end quote.

And that was from a website that's everglades. fiu. edu that I got that from. So, it kind of He got put into this position a little bit because he could spin a tail and then when it started going south, the government was like, Oh, we didn't have anything to do with you because they went after him too.

Megan: Yeah, he was sued by them for fraud by

Amy: the government. Yeah, correct. Yeah. I mean, he's just a real estate broker. I mean, it said real estate was his on his death certificate. One more thing I want to mention about his death certificate. It said he was a widower. I didn't say he was divorced, I said he was a widower.

Did he divorce Julia the physical way? So, I don't know if, I was wondering, okay, well let's, let's move on a little to what happens with, when he dies, or if you want to talk any more about what happened while he was alive.

AP: Nope, just when he, when he passed was in a smoking car of pulmonary edema and in a large

Amy: heart.

Megan: And then they did say out of nowhere, a woman came forward claiming they'd been married for like 20 years with two children.

Amy: And that he was married that he was with this, she said she was with him even when he was married to Julia. To Julia. They were having an affair. So now I'm, now I'm wondering if she is like the first wife that died, quote unquote.

But didn't really? Like he just said she was

AP: Julia as the first wife and then that he divorced and then they didn't say anything about another person till she

Amy: came out. So maybe

Megan: he was married, kept her as a mistress for 20 years, but they only mentioned her. I don't know.

Amy: Yeah, I'm just wondering who this dead wife is.

Yeah. And that's why I'm wondering if this woman maybe was the dead wife wasn't really dead. And she came back saying, Hey, I've been here this whole time. I have kids with him. I've known, I've been with him for 20 years, but he somehow told somebody, she

AP: said she was, she was having an affair with him while he was with Julia.

So I

Amy: don't know. I don't know either. I just thought it was weird that it said, and they didn't, they didn't talk about this in the show at all. Him being a widower. I just noticed it on the death certificate, because I mean, I'm always nosy and I always stop and pause and take a picture. And it's. I'm curious

AP: if he, he, I'm, cause he divorced Julia, maybe he got married afterwards, even though he was starting to have issues and whatnot, I don't know.

All I know is that at one point I, he did,

Amy: well, he, oh no, okay. The woman that came back, the woman that came back, her name was Sarah, Susan Thompson Bolles. Susan, yeah.

AP: Yeah, Susan Thompson, who came out trying to get the, get his will, but she couldn't prove anything, basically. We don't really learn a lot about this.

We just know that she was there. And Steve has another super sensitive comment. Okay, so we got this dead con man and a secret wife and kids.

Amy: Way to be eloquent. He doesn't have a lot of respect for the dead con man, so that's why he called him. Yeah.

AP: I know. I'm like, but why don't we call him something else today? What does the dead con man make you think of?

Amy: I'm not tracking. I'm not tracking. Orange man. He's not dead.

I know he's not dead.

So you're saying Steve thinks this considers this guy a con man, but not his favorite guy. Yep. Okay. I thought I was supposed to be thinking of another dead con man and he's not dead. I did. I was thinking of the orange guy, but I, I was like, nah, that's not what she means. Cause he's not dead. Okay. Got it.

So they show Amy going into the house from the outside and it looks like she's entering the first time. So I think that's edited strangely. I think this is what she sees right away in the beginning. The elderly man in his seventies, he's about five, seven, and he's afraid of someone and she thinks it's his wife.

And that's the elderly lady and that he knows that she's crazy. And she said, Amy says he has some heart problems and thinks the lady may have killed him.

AP: So pulmonary edema is liquid in the

Amy: lungs. Okay. Does edema means swelling, right? Like fluid swelling. Yeah.

AP: So, pneumonia, maybe she tried to drown him once or

Amy: twice.

That classic

Megan: old tale. That old chestnut. Drown me once, drown me once, fool me once. Drown me twice, I die. I don't know why, but that was

Amy: terrible. We'll workshop it along with our song. We'll get back to you guys on that one. That'll be our second hit off of our first album.

When I was digging around, digging through the archives, I found an interesting article that I will put in the, in the show notes, but it's somebody had said one Iowa investor said after. Purchasing the swamp land and inspecting it, he said, I have bought land by the acre, and I have bought land by the foot, but by God, I have never before bought land by the gallon.

Ah, because it's swampy.

Megan: Because it's all

Amy: wet. It's all water. And then I was wondering why anybody was looking for any money, because I thought he died poorer because He was tied up in lawsuits. He was all these lawsuits, but it

AP: said, He was a millionaire. Yeah.

Amy: Multi millionaire. It said that amazingly, that in, in his trials, especially the biggest one, the jury decided that Dickie Bolles was a quote unquote honest man and he was judged innocent by the court.

He was later awarded 1. 4 million by the state of Florida for his past land sales.

AP: I think that There's more to the story here, and I do think that there is something that was, he was, he was a scapegoat for the government. I mean, he made some of those deals, and he made, but he was told that they were doing the reclamation, that they were You know, making this land into something that was usable,

but that doesn't get really shown

Amy: in the show. No, it doesn't. This is all just stuff we find. Okay. So now we're with Amy. She is she's talking about the old lady still, and she says that the lady is telling her to get out, but is showing her diamond jewelry and she's all about her appearance, appearance.

She likes to act like she has money. She says she was thin. I was skinny all my life. She had kids and did really bad things with money with that guy out there, Amy says, that she thinks is her husband. Mm hmm. That she may or may not have killed. So do we think this is Is this Julia or is this Susan? Susan.

I think Susan. Okay. 100 percent

Megan: it's to me. Yeah, Julia's, she's not around.

Amy: Right. That's what I thought too. Okay. So, and then I, my next section I wrote, did you have dream home on your bingo card? How about brutal murder? Yeah.

AP: Another brutal homicide in the old records.

Megan: Yes. I just, I hate that saying because to me, I feel like every murder is a brutal

Amy: murder.

Well, if you poison someone, that's not brutal. Brutal is like beating somebody or shooting them a hundred times or something like that. There are very peaceful ways to kill somebody. Trust me, I've seen a lot of TV shows. If you've been

AP: contemplating, Amy. Don't tell me I don't want to be an

Amy: accomplice.


Megan: deniability. Moving on.

Amy: Heard it here, folks.

Megan: Or did

Amy: you? No, I'll cut it. I'm kidding. I won't. So Steve goes to, Steve goes to talk to former detective Edward Wojtal. Wojtal? I

Megan: just, I would say Wodel.

Amy: Weidel? Weidel? I said Wojtal. Oh. I don't know. I don't know. If I knew his, his ethnicity, I might know how to say his name, but I don't.

He talks about a black couple, Lisa Forbes, who is 20, and Hugh Liverd, who is 27. And he said they had raised a four year old boy together, which I thought was really weird wording. Why do you need to say they had a four year old

Megan: son? Because later they say that. She bled to death in front of their little boy.

Amy: Yeah. So it apparently was their kid, but I was like, was that not their kid? Was it just her kid? Or I don't know. Anyway, September 11th, 1982, the couple was in Lisa's apartment, which is also weird. I thought it was like their apartment. Maybe they were separated. He grabbed hold up, hold up.

Megan: She would've been 16 and

Amy: he would've been 20, 23.

She would've been 16 and he would've been 23 Maybe. It,

Megan: it's, it was just No. When they had the baby, because if she was 20 in 1982, their boy

Amy: was 4

AP: 19 78, she would've been 20 or she would've been 16. Yeah. And he would've been

Megan: 23. Yeah.

Amy: Gross. Yeah. That's disgusting. What? Wait a minute. Say that again. So

AP: if she has a 4 year old boy.

Yeah. 20 minus 4 is 16. Right. 27

Amy: minus 4 is 23. And he would have been 23. Yes. Yes. When they

Megan: had the baby. Yes. So maybe it's not her little boy, but it's theirs

AP: now? I was wondering if it was her little boy because it was at her apartment then

Megan: too. Yeah. Oh, that's true. Or was he there with his little boy? I don't know.


AP: find anything else on this story when I tried searching for it. AP and I

Amy: both looked up both of these people and I couldn't find anything. I wondered if this story was just made up because I couldn't find anything. I found let me see. I'll find where I wrote, what I

AP: found. There was a Lisa Forbes, but she was Yeah.

Amy: She actually murdered somebody, went to prison for it, came out, wrote a book, is on the talk show circuit or whatever and then there was, there was a stabbing and a knife. Yeah, we didn't get to that part, but he grabbed a six inch kitchen knife, stabbed her slit her throat. She died in front of the child.

Megan: Yep. She bled out in front of the child. Yep. And

Amy: then he freaked out and ran, but I did find that there was in this little, I shouldn't say little town. I don't know if it's a little town. I've never heard of it before, but at any rate in Davie, Florida in 1985, there was a woman that was stabbed and her throat was slit, but that's not her name.

And she, she, she, Yeah, it's not. And the guy is still alive and in prison for doing it, and he's white,

AP: so. There were a couple that were found, like, in the canal or something like

Amy: that, so. There were a whole bunch of unsolved murders, but I couldn't find anything about these two. I couldn't find anything. I don't even know

AP: if this is true.

And especially, that's where I was like, well, maybe it's outside of Fort Lauderdale or something, but I was looking for that, but then again, Here's another one of the tropes that I'm like, oh, they use this to make it seem like it's closer where they said he drives to a swampy area that's about 2, 000 feet from your client's property.

That's between a third of a mile and a half mile.

Amy: Yeah, I put, I looked it up and it was, it's 0. 3787879. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I could not find anything about this. So who knows if it's even real. But

AP: then Amy had some connection cause it was to the, but it was connected to the RV, which I thought was interesting too, because that RV could have come from anywhere.

Something could have been in there. Yep. So Amy connects in, but she said, this is really weird. It's like someone's broken neck. It hurts really bad. I think it's a female. Oh yeah. They're dead. They're really dead. Really dark hair. She's a bigger girl. 5'10 in her 20s and

Amy: murdered.

And then she also sees a guy who's acting zombie ish. He's walking stiffly and strange. He's 6'2 220 pounds or more. She thinks he might be Black. This was in the 1980s. He was in his 30s. And he gets up on you, made her nervous. And he showed her a swamp area. It sounds like this is who Amy is seeing, but I Yeah.

AP: We don't, we don't talk about them in the

Amy: reveal either. No, they never come up again. No. Yep. Which is bizarre. But they aired, that they aired. True, true, true. Absolutely could have happened. That reveal could have been 12 hours long, cut down to 10 minutes. And here's another another repeat. I saw several disturbing things on my walk.

Blank stood out. Stood out the most. Yeah. So she says she wants to she has Old man who's bald, lots of wrinkles and she says lots of wrinkles on top, but she's just gesturing her upper lip, super bushy eyebrows and a thick neck. And then the old lady who made the hole under the bed to rest. And she, her body is decomposing, which I didn't remember her saying that before.

She said that at

AP: the very beginning. She did. Like a rotting

Amy: corpse. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I did. Yeah. You're right. You're right. With the eyes and all. Yeah. Jeepers creepers. So she is coming up under the comforter and then the other thing on the bingo card is, yes, that's what I saw.

So, anybody else want to talk about the reveal?

AP: I had in here that at least from the way they edited it, when Steve starts talking about, you know, we, we get in there first off, he throws Christa under the bus that she does Reiki, but this is obviously out of her league. And I was like, really, like, you couldn't have found a better.

Megan: A nicer way to

Amy: say that,

AP: And Amy just kind of was like, Oh, okay. Yep. Like she, she's nodding. It appears that she's nodding on it long. Like, yeah, I figured somebody was doing something or had some abilities here. We talk about a little dead guy who is very afraid of the deceased woman.

Amy: What? Your cat?

What was it? Jordan. Oh.

AP: And then Amy has a, what I call a lightbulb moment when they start talking, cause they were talking about Richard Bolles and when the lawsuits are mentioned, she's like, Oh, I always call those lightbulb moments cause it's like something just turned on for

Amy: everyone. I want to mention before we get too far.

When, when Amy was talking about the male and she said, he's a little guy, I put him at 5'7 and I wrote shots fired because Steve is that height and I felt like she was like, he's just a tiny little guy, kind of like you. But

AP: I think I, I kind of took it as like a little old man, like kind of maybe hunched over a little bit or something like that too, but I like your, I like your thought.

And then we get the first picture, the first sketch right away. And I was actually surprised cause Steve didn't really give away like he usually does. It was just kind of like, you guys tell me and Michael, the, the father goes, I got a nod in my throat. Cause that's the guy I saw. And Amy says. Holy shit.


Amy: And then

Megan: they said, he said, I have a picture of him, you know, well before he died and he looks so old. And I said, if he's that old long before he died, what did he look like when he died?

Amy: Yeah. Cause the picture they showed, he was raising. Yes.

AP: Yeah, I, you know, the sketch was, it was good. I like, I was like, we didn't get a very long glance at it to see if it was.

It's really, I didn't, I didn't take a screenshot of it. Oh, I did.

Amy: But it's in the drive if you want to look at it.

AP: And then then we get like the dead woman is finally the connection is there. Amy is like, yeah, they don't like each other. She was a housewife supposedly. So this was something that.

learned in some of the other information is that supposedly they got married or this came out that they got married in 1896, but she couldn't prove it to the courts.

Megan: Yeah. She didn't have the, the marriage certificate

Amy: to prove it.

AP: So that's not something we heard earlier on in the show. That's what we heard.

In the reveal, so getting new information that's kind of vital in the reveal. Yeah,

Megan: that's another thing that we've come across before. But again, we don't know if they have that and they cut it.

AP: And he and Julia were married when they were like, they said he married Julia at 23. Okay, they were young. Yeah, so he would have been 53 ish when he married Susan.

Okay. Because he died at, yeah, he died at 73.

Amy: So,

Megan: Unless they have like a commitment ceremony and not like

Amy: an actual marriage. Who knows?

Megan: Or she might have just been full of shit and trying to get money.

Amy: Yeah. Amy,

AP: well, I mean, Amy does say it does feel like they're married. So, yeah, she does confirm all of the activity that the family is feeling the confusion, the touching, the the brain fog, the, the chaos, the depression, she calls the old woman an energy vampire.

Amy: Yes. I used to work with one of those. Aren't

AP: all

Amy: vampires

Megan: energy vampires? No, they have like blood vampires and then energy vampires. They're different. But what's your blood? Yeah, but it's not the actual energy. It's just your blood. You're getting real technical.

Amy: That's

AP: what I mean. I know what an energy and a blood vampire are, but I'm just kind of throwing it

Amy: out there that they are, right?

You're just being silly. You're being a silly goose. Silly goose. I will note that. Why don't you go back to the

Megan: pond if you're going to be a silly goose.

Amy: So this is where then Amy talks about when Amy talks about the, the voices being gibberish and she says she realizes, Crystal realizes this is the one her brother has heard.

Yes. And that's when Amy says she does. This woman does image borrowing and this is the thing that's like the doppelganger or the mimic. She does image borrowing. Well, I googled image borrowing and I could not find anything. And I

AP: think I've, what I feel like it's like, is like she's putting on a mask.

Like she is, she is putting on a full figure mask that she is the person, but she's not necessarily doing their mannerisms and all the things that. would mimic everything, but she's doing just enough that you make out of the corner of your eye or down the hallway, you think it's the other person.

Amy: Well, and Christa did say, she looks a lot like my mom.

She didn't say she looks exactly like her, but she looked enough like her for her to go, Oh, my mom's over there. And then it wasn't her.

Megan: I will say too, when they talked about the gibberish, Christa, when she was talking to Steve had said, she'll hear. Like gibberish being spoken. She's like, I don't understand what they're saying, but they, and then Michael Anthony said he heard someone speaking to him in tongues, which was just Susan being gibberish

AP: is, you know, breaking down at that point.

Amy: You

Megan: can tell they're a very close family. Cause she's so worried

Amy: about her brother. Yeah. Oh, and Steve does give her a hanky. Yeah, he

Megan: did. I said about fucking time, Stephen.

AP: Amy tells them that this woman has the hots for Michael and Michelle goes, she's got to

Amy: go. Yep.

AP: I was going to move on to the second sketch. Are you ready for that? Yep. And then Steve is back to, you're not going to want to see this.

Amy: Yep.

Megan: This one was fucking terrifying, terrifying. That artist was phenomenal. That artist did a wonderful job on this sketch. It was terrifying. I was not a fan.

AP: And I, like, I play a little game as I go watch these shows to see which scene is Amy going to depict. Yeah. And so I try to guess. That's who she's going to draw.

Did you guess? Oh yeah. Coming out from underneath a hole under the bed?

Amy: Yeah. A troll? Yeah. Yeah. That was really creepy. Makes me

Megan: think of, and that's why we drink with Em's troll hole. Yeah, but that sounds like a fun one. That's a fun one. That's a very much a fun troll hole, and this was not a fun

Amy: troll hole.

AP: Yeah, and after we see the picture, then Amy starts talking about the back bedroom and says that person is in trouble and needs help. They're in such a dark place. I couldn't, you know, like, and Steve says he was in such a dark place. I couldn't even talk to him. And Amy's like, whoa. And Christa starts going on how you know, she's concerned for her brother and Amy's like, well, you're the one who's most in danger, girl.

Like, yeah. And then

Amy: the words of Whoopi Goldberg, you in danger, girl. And

AP: then we find out about Christa's cancer and Amy's reaction was like, Oh, okay. Like, it was like, she's putting the pieces together, like, Oh, now the puzzle picture is clear. And she's like, yeah, she wants to jump you and she wants to kill you.


Megan: she has jumped her. She has been doing temporary possessions. So that's why they recommend what they do at the end. Yes.

AP: Yep. And that's after we hear about Christa getting jumped, we hear Michael say, I'm pissed as fuck and there's nothing I can do about it. And then Michelle says, I want this bitch out enough.

Amy: Enough.

Megan: That's when she said it. Okay. I knew she said it at some point.

AP: And we take our commercial break to go to advice. But

Megan: then I will say Michelle did get up and hugged Christa because she was losing it. And I'm just like, you could just tell that this family was just really, really close and just genuinely concerned for one another, which is not always the case, Brittany.

But yeah, yeah. And then we do cut to commercial for the commercial. What

Amy: do they do? And the other very repetitive, very much repeated phrase, and for that, I'm gonna turn it over to Amy. Yep. So, Amy says she's gonna get a team in here that she works with. Her team. She

Megan: specifically said. Yep. Yep. Yep. Or a team

Amy: of people, she said, a team I work with.


Megan: Yeah. I think, which I thought was interesting because most of the time she'll say you need to find a Reiki master, but this time this is so serious that she's like, I'm going to trust the people that I work

Amy: with. Well, and I think she always wanted to, but they aren't always available to help everybody cause they do this on their own as well.

Not just when Amy asked them to. I did find out this is spirit mechanix. Okay. So and she said they have all types of abilities and they will take Michael Anthony and Christa away from the home, do a cord removal. I'm Michael Anthony. I'm Michael. And an exorcism for Christa. Because she's been

Megan: jumped and she said each time you're jumped, it leaves, they leave aspects of themselves in you.

Oh, that was just so

AP: gross, which like to me explains part of why Christa doesn't ever remember she like, she says she feels some of these things, but she doesn't remember. She doesn't see herself in danger because she's not because the woman's like, she doesn't

Megan: know. Right. She doesn't know everything happening to her.

Amy: Exactly. Yeah. And then she just starts crying.

Megan: Chris is crying because like, you hear the word exorcism. That's very scary. That's scary.

Amy: That's really scary

Megan: because you think of the movie that I will never see, but Oh my God. I'll never in my

Amy: life. See it. Never. The first time I watched it. I actually, I was still sort of a believer back when I watched it.

And so when I watched it and she was doing, I won't even, you probably know what scene I'm talking about. Is it the split soup scene? No, it's before that. And she's doing something with a cross and and saying something awful. And I was like, Oh my. God, my house is going to get struck by lightning and I had to turn it off.

I, I don't know that

Megan: scene. I only know the split pea soup scene.

Amy: Okay. My

AP: dad used to go, because it came out when he was in high school or like in that time frame, and he and his buddies would go into the theater and they, especially it came out around this time of year where there was the shamrock shakes.

And they would go up into the upper balcony of the Heights Theater. Your dad is

Amy: terrible, but that's funny.

AP: That's one of the worst things that he's done. But I'll save this for off-air.

Okay. Troublemaker. And so, you know. Sounds like it. I didn't learn any sarcasm from him.

Amy: Nope. Nope. Nope. No, I didn't learn any of that from my dad either. That's for sure. So she says that the woman will be removed, the guys, their team members will get bulls out and then the woman will have to be forcibly removed because she does not want to go.

But she said

Megan: Richard wants to go, like he'll be easy to move on. He wants to move on, but yeah, she's like, no, I don't want

Amy: to go. Like, bitch, you gotta go. Bitch, you gotta go. And then Christa has the best quote.

AP: Before that, though, Steve says, Well, I was going to ask if you were going to take Amy's advice, but that feels like a stupid question.

And Michael goes, Yeah, don't even bother asking. Yeah.

Amy: And that would have been the time that it will say. They couldn't find a Reiki master, so they're not, they can't, that's always how that works. They're like, Oh, of course we are. Of course we are. But no. So yeah, I just want to mention Christa's great line.

Yeah. I didn't survive cancer to be taken out by this lady. Yep. Good on you girl. And then two months

Megan: later, this was so, and I loved, so they do a video update. Yeah. Everything's good. They said the difference in our life is like night and day and the thing that made me happiest was Michael Anthony was in the video

Amy: with his fiance.

Yep. And he talked. He talked and he was like, it's night and day. Like this is life changing. Yeah. That made me feel really happy. That made

Megan: me so happy. This

AP: is the kind of thing that we've are missing when this show does not return. But then we see some of the other crap that we've seen over the time and heard from some of the clients that it happened to.

Yeah. That, you know, gives you that like, yeah, yeah. Yeah.

But I'm so glad that this happened. That they got the stuff that they needed taken care of.

Amy: Yeah.

Megan: You could just tell they were all lighter. They were all smiling. You could, I mean, you could just tell the difference. They read the script

AP: really well. They read the

Megan: script.

Amy: They practiced in front of mirrors.


Megan: all life changing. Nope. Nope. Hold it back. Hold it back. It's life changing. No need a more. They need more. So they really did practice,

Amy: but no, it was good to see that. It made me really

AP: happy. Because I was nervous there, Amy, when he was like, no, you don't, you don't even have to bother asking us that question.

Like, oh, please. But Amy, Amy said it was her team coming in. So I had a lot more faith that it was.

Amy: And I think that she would prefer to have always been able to offer up the spirit mechanics to do this. But you know, it was right after this. Scared it was Covid. Mm-Hmm. . And they were busy. They couldn't do it.

They're, you know, and Mm-Hmm. . So I think they got backlogged. At least that's what I heard is that they got really backlogged. Oh, by the way, if anybody who's on Spirit Mechanics team is listening to this, we would love for you to come on the show. We would love to hear about what you do and Yes. Different, the different cases that you've done.

'cause you know, I've done a lot of 'em and pretty, pretty love, love to hear that. Pretty, pretty with sugar on. Okay, so that was super fun. That was good. I,

Megan: this was a really good

Amy: episode. We've

AP: had a couple of good interesting episodes in, in the last few here. Yeah.

Amy: It's been good. It has.

Megan: Well, thank you for joining us, everybody.

We really, really appreciate it. Next week is our last spring break recap. We'll be in New Orleans. I think that's how you say it. New Orleans. New Orleans. It is called Deadly Vessel. It was Season 11, Episode 7, and it originally aired August 21st, 2019. So, stay tuned for that. Watch it between now and next week if you want to follow along with us or

Amy: not.

I mean, that's Or if you remember it. I don't remember it. I

Megan: don't know. I remember a lot of things. I don't remember this. I don't. Steel trap. Yep. Colander. So yeah. Well, thanks everybody. Thank you everybody. We'll see you next time.

Amy: Bye.


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