This week we met with Diane, the client from The Dead Files episode “Devil’s Triangle” (Season 11 Episode 9). We covered it in our episode called "An Ocean Full of Oysters" which aired July 4, 2024. She told us all about why ...
In a dynamic conversation, hosts delve into the multifaceted experiences of guests Christa and Michelle, covering an array of topics that merge everyday life with the extraordinary. Beginning with light-hearted discussions on the quirks of pet ownership and personal anecdotes, the dialogue seamless…
This week we met up with Kayli who is the client from The Dead Files episode called “Darkness Rises” (Season 11 Episode 1) which aired July 9, 2019. Join us while we learn more about what it was like to have The Dead Files in...
This week we sat down with Laura Lane. She is the client from The Dead Files “Bound” Season 4 Episode 10. She dropped some super amazing truth bombs about her experience on the Dead Files. Some of it we suspected and some of ...
This week we talked to the clients from S15 E7, of The Dead Files “The Butcher” which aired September 7, 2023. Donalyn, Dennis, and Regan talked about shooting a “mayonnaise commercial”. We also talked about what it’s like li...
This week we have a nice treat for you! This is part two of a great interview, with Traci, the client from the most recent episode of The Dead Files “Killer Smile” (Season 15 Episode 5) which aired June 29, 2023. We had a gre...
This week we have a nice treat for you! We had a great interview, with Traci, the client from the most recent episode of The Dead Files “Killer Smile” (Season 15 Episode 5) which aired June 29, 2023. We are splitting this epi...
This week we are interviewing the client from the most recent episode of The Dead Files “Sudden Fury” (Season 15- Episode 2) which aired June 8, 2023. Her name is Annie and she’s a hoot and a half. We talked about behind-the-...
This week we have a special treat for you! We met with Randy, a Dead Files client from season 14. His episode is #9 and it’s called “Sudden Awakening”.
This week we were lucky enough to snag an interview with former clients Lance and Jennifer from The Dead Files Episode, Hell in the Heartland (which was season 8 episode 1)