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May 12, 2024

TAC: The Sideshow 01

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The Activity Continues

Welcome to our first SIDESHOW episode!

This week in our main episode, we discussed The Dead Files “Evil Descends” (Season 9 Episode 8) which aired April 1, 2018. That recap episode is called They Come from the Stars and it will be out on Jun 6, 2024.

But this is the conversation we had before we "started".

 Just Amy and Megan this time, as AP had to sit this one out. We talked about wigs, visiting the morgue, candy, and Barb’s Derby Day.


The Activity Continues is a paranormal podcast where soul friends, Amy, Megan, and AP chat about pets, true crime, ghost stories, haunts, dreams, and other paranormal stuff including the TV show, The Dead Files. We also sometimes interview interesting people, whether it be a paranormal professional, a Dead Files client, or a listener with spooky stories.


So, grab your beverage of choice, and join us where… The Activity Continues.


Be sure to listen to the recap episode, out June 6th.


This episode was recorded on May 6, 2024 and released on May 12, 2024.


Episode links:

Wig that Megan is considering: https://amzn.to/3JTELfN 

Watch Dr. G Medical Examiner: https://amzn.to/3QFPRsF

Dr. G DVD, Season 1: https://amzn.to/3QFPRsF

Amy’s Confections (is not gone!) https://www.amysclassiccandy.com/

Amazon links #CommissionsEarned



Hosted by: Amy Lotsberg, Megan Simmons, and Amy Piersak

Production, Artwork, and Editing: Amy Lotsberg at Collected Sounds Media, LLC.

Theme song. “Ghost Story” and segment music by Cannelle https://melissaoliveri.com


Socials and other goodies:

Our website, https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/ 

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/theactivitycontinues 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theactivitycontinues/ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheActivityCont   

Blog for extras: https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/blog/

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/theactivitycontinues

YouTube: https://bit.ly/TAC_videos 

Newsletter sign-up: http://eepurl.com/hWnBLL



Please see our Store page for all the links for all our current affiliates. https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/store/


Thank you for listening, take care of yourselves. We’ll see you next week!

A Paranormal Podcast

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TAC the Sideshow

[00:00:00] Megan: Why didn't you record all that? I, I should

[00:00:04] Amy: have. It's comedic gold. I know, I know. I should know better than to turn it off when you're not here. I mean, as soon as you get here, to turn it back on. Honestly.

[00:00:15] Megan: How many years we've been doing this now?

[00:00:18] Amy: Seems like forever.

[00:00:20] Megan: It's been five days.

[00:00:23] Amy: It's our third episode.

[00:00:27] Megan: Seems like years.

[00:00:28] Amy: Actually, I was, I was putting the, um, making the new folder in the drive for the, this and I'm like 115. It's 115 episodes. That's a lot. That's a lot.

[00:00:39] Megan: That's a lot.

[00:00:40] Amy: That's a lot of episodes.

[00:00:42] Megan: A lot of episodes.

A lot of episodes to cover on the show.

[00:00:48] Amy: You'd think we'd be hella famous by now.

[00:00:50] Megan: I know.

[00:00:51] Amy: I don't know what's, I don't know what the hold up is.

[00:00:53] Megan: Oh my god, Amy, you got purple hair? Let me see.

[00:00:57] Amy: Me?

[00:00:58] Megan: Well, in the notes it says Amy has cute purple ends to her hair.

[00:01:01] Amy: Oh, not me, Amy.

[00:01:03] Megan: Oh, other Amy.

[00:01:04] Amy: Amy Allen,

[00:01:05] Megan: I got real excited for a minute because I'm thinking about doing my hair purple.

[00:01:09] Amy: I know, I saw that picture you pulled out, except it was a wig and I'm like, just buy the wig

[00:01:14] Megan: it was a wig. I know. I might, because here's the thing. I like my sparkle that I have in my hair right now, the gray sparkle. And also the root issue, it would drive me nuts. And I talked to my stylist and she's like, well, you would need touch ups every like You know, six to eight weeks for 75 bucks a pop, which isn't bad for a touch up.

Like that's not bad.

[00:01:37] Amy: It's not bad,

[00:01:37] Megan: but. So, at that point, I'm like, well, then I'd probably just dye my hair brown and that way when the roots grow out, it wouldn't be as aggressive, but then I'm like, that's a lot of work. Like, maybe I should just get the wig, but then I don't know how to wear wigs. How do I, I don't, I don't, there's like an art to putting wigs on.

You don't just plop it on your head and go. No. It's, it's not like

[00:02:00] Amy: that. And also, you don't, you don't want to be wearing a wig in the summer either.

[00:02:03] Megan: No.

[00:02:03] Amy: It's fucking hot. So if you don't like that, but

[00:02:07] Megan: so if anybody has any tips on how to wear wigs, um, please let me know because I would love to, but I also don't, that's not like appropriation, is it?

Because I don't want to appropriate.

[00:02:20] Amy: I mean, as long as you're not wearing like black wigs with no, you know, a weave.

[00:02:25] Megan: I'd be wearing purple wigs.

[00:02:28] Amy: No, people have been wearing wigs of all.

[00:02:31] Megan: I just want to make sure. I just don't want to. Um, also my, I have nail polish on, um, and it's glow in the dark nail. Oh, you had that on last time.

Yeah. Jordan loses his goddamn mind over it. Best part of his day. Nice. Mom, I see your hand. Yeah. Go to sleep.

[00:02:51] Amy: Get the fuck out of my face.

[00:02:53] Megan: Good night. I said good day.

For those of you that don't know, that's a Gene Wilder reference. I don't know the movie. Is it Blazing Saddles? Oh, my God.

[00:03:10] Amy: I don't remember. I want to say it might be Young Frankenstein just because I know that one pretty well. I mean, I You know, I, I, I recognize that reference and I have only seen Blazing Saddles a couple of times and I've seen, I've seen, um, uh, Young Frankenstein many, many times.

[00:03:29] Megan: I'm looking it up on the internets because AP's not here.

[00:03:32] Amy: Okay.

[00:03:32] Megan: To do it and I, like, what did we even do before her?

[00:03:38] Amy: We just thought about it. We'll figure it out later.

[00:03:42] Megan: Nope, that's not it. Oh, it's from Willy Wonka. Oh. He's on the, he's writing, he's at a desk. Oh, it's with Violet and her stupid Violet and her dad.

[00:03:56] Amy: Yeah.

[00:03:57] Megan: Violet, not violent. Violet.

[00:03:59] Amy: You're turning Violet, Violet.

[00:04:02] Megan: Um, big news today. I went to the morgue. The

[00:04:07] Amy: morgue? Did you watch an autopsy?

[00:04:10] Megan: Not yet, but I did see bodies.

Oh. In bags. But, they have a, it's a very distinct smell.

[00:04:18] Amy: Yeah.

[00:04:19] Megan: And everybody warned me about the smell.

[00:04:21] Amy: Mm hmm.

[00:04:22] Megan: And it's like, have you ever smelled it?

[00:04:25] Amy: Mm mm.

[00:04:26] Megan: It's like, It's a thick smell and it's like you, it's like in your mouth and it wasn't even that bad. The, the person I was with said,

[00:04:36] Amy: and this is just, is this the embalming fluid or is this the body?

[00:04:40] Megan: This is the body because they opened the cooler. We opened the cooler and there were all the bags. I will say there was one really sad aspect of it that I think it's easy, uh, you know, following true crime to kind of disassociate that there's people attached to these cases. And so they had just in one of their rooms, they had, um, articles of clothing and some personal effects that had been found on a skeleton that had just been brought in that day.

And so it was like shoes, a shirt, and it was muddy, a phone, money, and it's like, you know, being, like hearing about it, people tell, you know, talk about it is one thing.

[00:05:25] Amy: Yeah.

[00:05:25] Megan: But seeing like all that's left of a person when they find them.

[00:05:29] Amy: Yeah.

[00:05:29] Megan: Is kind of, you know, Surreal.

[00:05:31] Amy: Yeah. Yeah.

[00:05:32] Megan: You know, and it's, I know you, you know, and I was talking to my friend, the doctor about it and she's like, well, you can't, you know, let get, get attached to every, and I'm like, sure. Like, that's a really valid point. You can't think about it or you'll go insane in that line of work.

But it's like, so it was just, it was just very interesting to see, like, The phone was new. Oh, like, it wasn't like a flip phone or a Nokia, it was like a, a smartphone.

[00:06:03] Amy: Yeah. Did they say how long the person had been dead?

[00:06:07] Megan: No, and I didn't ask. They did, um, I did get to see, so they take tissue samples from all the organs and they put 'em in a bag and I got to see a part of a lung and some brain,

[00:06:18] Amy: Ugh.

I don't know.

[00:06:25] Megan: It is very interesting and it, I told the person I was with, I was like, um, I'm, this is going to sound so sad, I'm like, but I do like to watch Dr. G, Medical Examiner.

[00:06:34] Amy: Yeah, I used to watch that too.

[00:06:35] Megan: And she's like, that is probably one of the most realistic that you will see. And I'm like, I loved her.

[00:06:42] Amy: I read one of her books too. At least one. Yeah. She's really interesting.

[00:06:47] Megan: She is really interesting.

[00:06:49] Amy: She's where I learned that, um, someone did an interview with her and they asked her questions that I don't know. People had asked them to ask her. And one of the questions that, that they asked her was being a medical examiner and seeing a lot of death.

What is one thing you would recommend? People do or not do. And she said, don't ever drive in a, um, a convertible or a car that has like the sunroof that opens all the way up because, well, like, you know how they have those, like the sunroofs that, They used to be just like a hole in the, in the, in the roof.

Yeah. And sometimes now they're so big and they open all the way and there's no mesh and there's nothing. And so there's just like a very small.

[00:07:41] Megan: Isn't that like a convertible?

[00:07:42] Amy: Well, convertible has nothing on the top.

[00:07:45] Megan: Yeah. Okay.

[00:07:46] Amy: So she was saying that, but then I, she was getting at that when there's not a full roof.

It's going to collapse if it rolls, if your car rolls over. So now I think about that all the time. And I think about, Oh, I don't want to be in a convertible. I don't want to be in a car that doesn't have a stable top. I have a sunroof in mind, but it opens up like this much. It's like. Oh, I don't know.

Maybe it's a foot wide, but there's a ton of, there's a ton of roof still, you know, it's not going to crush me.

[00:08:17] Megan: I'm really surprised she didn't say anything about riding a motorcycle with no helmet.

[00:08:22] Amy: She might have. This is just the one that's stuck out to me.

[00:08:24] Megan: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

[00:08:26] Amy: She might have.

[00:08:26] Megan: She's fascinating.

[00:08:27] Amy: Yeah.

God, it's really interesting. That's why

[00:08:30] Megan: Dr. G if you're listening, you can come on our show.

[00:08:32] Amy: Oh my God. Wouldn't that be amazing?

[00:08:34] Megan: Oh my God. I'd shit my pants. If we got Dr. G and Amy, Yeah, I'd have nothing left in me. Just right. My bowels would be flushed.

[00:08:43] Amy: You can always get Kenda too. I mean, that's true crime though.

I mean, so is, so is Dr. G, but

[00:08:49] Megan: So yes, it was a very interesting afternoon. Um, and the woman I met was very nice, but it was a very distinct smell.

[00:08:58] Amy: Yeah. I had, um, the reason I mentioned the smell when you told me that you might. be able to see an autopsy is Greg had told Greg's dad was a, um, uh, pathologist.


he had walked in on autopsies a couple of times and he said the smell was hideous. But I always thought it was a combination of the chemicals that they use and the That might be, but maybe not, maybe not. I don't know.

[00:09:26] Megan: I didn't, there weren't any bodies out when I was there because it was the end of the day and so they'd all cleaned up.

Um, but they did open the cooler and they saw, I saw it was like what you would think just like body bags.

[00:09:40] Amy: Yeah. How many were there.

[00:09:42] Megan: Oh, there was probably 20. Oh! It was full.

[00:09:46] Amy: Oh my god.

[00:09:48] Megan: Well, they, so the, the county that I was in, they service 18 counties in Minnesota. Oh, okay. There's only four medical examiners in the entire state of Minnesota.

Oh, really? So they have to, they, they only go and pick up in two counties and the rest of the counties, they arrange transport to the facility.

[00:10:07] Amy: Okay.

[00:10:08] Megan: Um, but I found out too, if you, if anybody dies in their home, they have to do paperwork of some sort on them.

[00:10:15] Amy: Oh, sure.

[00:10:16] Megan: They don't necessarily need to do an autopsy, like if you're 85 and you know.

Yeah. But that's a lot of paperwork.

[00:10:22] Amy: Yeah.

[00:10:23] Megan: That's a lot of paperwork.

[00:10:25] Amy: I love paperwork.

[00:10:27] Megan: I know you do because , you're weird.

[00:10:29] Amy: There's gotta be people like me

[00:10:30] Megan: in the best way.


[00:10:31] Amy: And people like you

[00:10:32] Megan: Exactly.

[00:10:33] Amy: In the same office. So that I can do the shit I like to do, uh, that you don't wanna do. And vice versa. Versa.

[00:10:38] Megan: And i, yes.

[00:10:39] Amy: You can talk to people and I can work on papers.

[00:10:41] Megan: Yep. And I can make phone calls. Your nemesis.

[00:10:44] Amy: Yeah. I don't like that. No, I'm, I'm much better. I made two phone calls today.

[00:10:47] Megan: Holy shit.

[00:10:48] Amy: People, I don't know.

[00:10:50] Megan: Did they both answer?

[00:10:51] Amy: Yes. I had to call, um, I had to call the restaurant we're going to for Mother's Day to find out if I need to make a reservation.

[00:11:00] Megan: Where are you going?

[00:11:01] Amy: Uh, we're going to D'Amico.

[00:11:02] Megan: Oh, nice.

[00:11:03] Amy: Yeah. They have a Mother's Day thing where moms eat free, free.

[00:11:07] Megan: You should say your mom. What are they going to do? Require proof? Yeah.

[00:11:12] Amy: Yeah. I don't, I'm a kid. Oh, I didn't bring them. Yeah.

[00:11:14] Megan: See, they're in college. Say they went to their dad's, say Greg's your second husband and they went to their dad's for Mother's Day.

[00:11:23] Amy: Yeah. Well, we're already going to say that Jackie is, is Greg's mom.

[00:11:27] Megan: Perfect.

[00:11:27] Amy: Cause I don't want to say, I don't want, I got two moms. I'm just going to say Jackie's Greg's mom.

[00:11:32] Megan: You could say you have two moms and then they're both married to each other, but I don't know if barb would go for that.

[00:11:36] Amy: I don't, she wouldn't even understand what I'm talking about. Jackie would think it was funny.

[00:11:40] Megan: Just give her candy. That's all you got to do is give Barb candy. That's right. That's right. She'll go along with whatever you say. Candy and gummies are her two weak points.

[00:11:49] Amy: Yeah. Chocolate gummies. She would lose her mind. I love chocolate gummies. She had some in her giant candy bowl.

[00:11:58] Megan: Did she try them though?

[00:11:59] Amy: I don't know if she tried them. I like them. The ones I tried, I tried one at her house when I was there and I saw 'em. I didn't like those, they were not very good. I used to get the gummies, uh, the, um, chocolate covered gummies. Mm-Hmm. At the candy place. That was in the building that we worked in.

Mm-Hmm. Well not in the building, but the building next door to where we worked when we worked

[00:12:17] Megan: together. Oh, was it right above the, um, like the food court?

[00:12:20] Amy: Yeah. It was Amy's, Amy's confections or whatever.

[00:12:22] Megan: Yes.

[00:12:23] Amy: Oh my gosh. I love that candy shop. And they had really good popcorn that they were always making hot popcorn.

[00:12:28] Megan: Yep.

[00:12:29] Amy: Oh, I love that place. It's gone now. Closed a long time ago. I think Amy, um, retired, but I think that she still has a store somewhere else. Anyway, those gummy bears were really good because they were the, the white clear gummy, gummy bears. So whatever flavor that is, is really good with chocolate. They were all the same.

[00:12:48] Megan: See, I thought we were talking about 21 and over gummies, not like normal people gummies..

[00:12:52] Amy: Oh, yeah. No, I'm sorry.

Yeah. No, my mom doesn't really care for those. She'll just buy them, but she doesn't, um, she doesn't eat them. I know.

[00:13:02] Megan: The impulse is strong with her.

[00:13:04] Amy: It is. I know. I know. I'm considering, um, calling the bank and asking if they have such a thing as a credit card with no number on it because I want her to be able to use her credit card when she's out somewhere, but I do not want her to be able to type it into the internet.

Yeah. So, I might have to, um, I might have to make that phone call

[00:13:26] Megan: they'd do something like that for elderly people.

[00:13:29] Amy: You would think. You would think they'd do that for kids, too.


[00:13:31] Amy: I don't know, but she's getting better.

I scolded her big time last time she ordered the Dolly Parton gummies that are not Dolly Parton at all. Well, they're good enough for Dolly. I'm like, that's not Dolly. Somebody took her picture and put it on an ad because they know you're going to fall for it.

[00:13:49] Megan: Cause they know the barbs of the world.

[00:13:51] Amy: Oh my God. There must be so many barbs.

[00:13:53] Megan: Oh my God. Yeah.

[00:13:55] Amy: That reminds me. She went to a Kentucky Derby Day party at her place on Saturday.

[00:14:00] Megan: Did she wear a hat?

[00:14:01] Amy: She wore a hat. She wore gloves. She wore a sparkly outfit.

[00:14:04] Megan: I love it, Barb.

[00:14:06] Amy: It was, it was pretty cute. She was very, very excited and I don't know if I mentioned that when she moved in, there were eight barbs in her building.

[00:14:18] Megan: How many are we down to?

[00:14:19] Amy: Three. Okay. Only three, but she said, she said me and the other barbs all sat together.

[00:14:27] Megan: That's precious. Oh my God. Barb, we love you as much as we make fun of you.

[00:14:33] Amy: Yeah. And then she.

[00:14:34] Megan: Take it easy, Barb.

[00:14:36] Amy: So then she, um, she was so excited. She wanted someone to take her picture, but, and then she, she called and left me a voicemail and she said, I'm trying to figure out how to take a picture of myself in my outfit.

I was, I, yeah, I tried calling her back and she didn't answer and whatever. I, I messaged her since then, but I have not spoken to her. And so then today I got her a new tablet and I set it up for her. And so I'm setting it up with her Google account and everything. And I put a Google photos on there and I looked at her Google photos.

There's five pictures of her. With just her face and the, and the hat, she's like holding the phone, you know,

[00:15:13] Megan: as close as she can. Yeah.

[00:15:16] Amy: Like, Oh, Barb.

[00:15:19] Megan: Oh, Barbie. Oh, you kid. You're such a kook. Yeah, oh for sure. All right.

[00:15:27] Amy: Yeah, we should probably get into it,

[00:15:29] Megan: huh? I know gosh, darn it.

[00:15:31] Amy: Yeah. Well, this could be a patreon bonus.

[00:15:35] Megan: Gracie, Vivi, the truth is I'll be back soon. I'm in the podcast, . Lovely podcast,

[00:15:49] Amy: All right. Ready? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Hello.