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Aug. 8, 2024

TAC: The Sideshow 8: Synchronized Cocktails

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The Activity Continues

Join us as we discuss cocktails, old murder cases, podcasts we love, and fake Olympic sports.

So, grab a peach, and join us where… The Sideshow begins.

This is the conversation we had before recording episode 122.

Be sure to listen to the episode of The Activity Continues that followed this discussion. We interviewed Diane, the client from The Dead Files “Devil’s Triangle” (Season 11). That episode will be released on September 12th, 2024. 


Content Warning:

In this episode we mention sexualization of minor-aged celebrities so trigger warning for those who need it. Also, we swear.


The Activity Continues, our main even show, is a paranormal podcast where soul friends, Amy, Megan, and AP chat about pets, true crime, ghost stories, haunts, dreams, and other paranormal stuff including the TV show, The Dead Files. We also sometimes interview interesting people, whether it be a paranormal professional, a Dead Files client, or a listener with spooky stories.


This episode was recorded on July 29, 2024 and released on August 8, 2024.



00:00:00 Intro and Cold Open

00:03:00 Hello!

00:04:18 Sibling Hijinx

00:06:22 Live show options

00:13:32 AP’s Mysterious Voice

00:16:37 Bathroom Portal Update

00:18:57 Non-Existent Olympic Games and Medals

00:26:25 Lacquered Hair

00:29:31 TV Recs

00:33:38 Deadpool and controversy

00:39:30 Next week

00:40:20 Outro


Episode links:

Woman lacquering her hair with Gorilla Glue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m67CvQQR9E8

200 Cigarettes: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0137338/

Eric: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt16283824/

Hot Ones with Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLEL6i0YmkY

Fotor for AI artwork: https://www.fotor.com/referrer/1ygaknya



Hosted by: Amy Lotsberg, Megan Simmons, and Amy Piersak

Production, Artwork, and Editing: Amy Lotsberg at Collected Sounds Media, LLC.

Intro music: “Sawdust and Splinters” by Martin Klem

SS Outro Music: “Sad Clown” by Martin Klem

Outro music: “Ghost Story” by Cannelle https://melissaoliveri.com


Socials and other goodies:

Our website, https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/ 

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/theactivitycontinues 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theactivitycontinues/ 

Reddit: https://new.reddit.com/r/TheActivityContinues/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheActivityCont   

Blog for extras: https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/blog/

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/theactivitycontinues

YouTube: https://bit.ly/TAC_videos 

Newsletter sign-up: http://eepurl.com/hWnBLL


Thank you for listening, take care of yourselves. We’ll see you next week!


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Remember to join our Ghosty Fam over on Patron, https://www.patreon.com/theactivitycontinues/

Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/tac/donations


Transcript for The TAC Sideshow No. 8:


Amy: Hello. Are you coming in hot there, Megan?


Megan: Comin’ in hot with a peach. There's such a small window for the peaches.


Amy: I know.


AP: Is that a Georgia peach, a Colorado peach, a California peach. Well, Colorado peaches are the best.


Amy: Really? Alright.


Megan: Target Peach.


AP: Yes, Colorado peach is. Actually, Georgia doesn't do as much peaches as people think they do.


Amy: Really?


Megan: The 1st guy who I hoo-hooed with was from Georgia, and everybody called him Peach.


Amy: Nice. So,  hang on. I got something weird in my teeth.


AP: You know my dental hygiene is increasing, because, even though we're not in person, I go in like, do a light brush on the teeth, and swish some mouthwash.


Amy: Oh, really?


AP: Before we start, because we're usually recording after dinner, and I don't want to taste dinner while I'm talking for a while.


Amy: Well, I had a little piece of candy to help get rid of that, but I think I have like felt like I had a piece of coconut in my teeth, but I didn’t have any coconut.


Megan: Every time somebody says piece of candy. It makes me think of the family guy episode where they're trying to catch James Caan.

And they put pieces of candy down leading to a box to catch him, and he picks it up, and he goes. “Ooh Piece of candy! Oh, piece of candy! Oh, piece of candy!”


Amy: Did they catch him?


Megan: They do catch them. Yes.


Amy: Well, I guess that's the way to his heart.


Megan: I suppose. I mean to be fair, that's the way to most people's hearts. That's the way to my heart.


Amy: Yeah, that'll work for me, too. Usually.


Megan: Give me some candy.


Amy: I want candy. That was a good song.


Megan: [singing] I want candy, bum, bum, jump, bump.


Amy: You know she was like 14 years old when she got that record contract.


Megan: Oh, my God!


Amy: Lead singer. She was a child. And all these guys that like we're not that much older than her, but they were adults. We're lusting after her, and it was like. Gross!


AP: Yeah


Megan: Well, that's who did they have they, somebody they've had countdowns on the Internet to when somebody turns 18.


Amy: Ugh.


AP: So, yeah, like all the Jenner daughter.


Megan: Britney spears. I think there was one when she turned 18.


Amy: Of course.


AP: I'm sure. Christina.


Amy: Yuck.


Megan: Disgusting.


AP: Well is that some things that were about like with the Olympics, too, when they were doing like all the gymnastics, and I don't know if it was this year, or if it was previous years. But they're like on. She's only 13. Settle down like.



Megan: Let's maybe not.


AP: Can we? Can we just appreciate athletes for athletes and not sexualize them? Please thank you. Thank you.


Megan: Thank you especially 13 year olds.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: I mean in general, all of them. But that's a child that's a yeah, child. Yeah.

you pervert.


Amy: It’s gross.


Megan: And I'm gonna I'm gonna stand by that, “pervert”.


Amy: I agree. Okay.


AP: So is that is that, our cold open for everyone.


Amy: That. Yeah, that's our cold open. So welcome, everybody.


AP: Hey!


Megan: Welcome!


Amy: To the sideshow.


Megan: Sideshow chat. Boop bah doop bah doop doop


Amy: Eight?


Megan: I can't count higher than 5.


Amy: Eight.  I'm right.


AP: Use your other hand. Megan.


Megan: It's holding my paper towel for my peach. It's sticky.


AP: Did you bring yourself a wet wipe?


Megan: No, because I had to sneak downstairs, and the wet wipes are upstairs.


Amy: Gotta have of 2 of everything. That’s how we do it.


Megan: We’ve got a box of them, but.


Amy: We've got an upstairs, everything and it downstairs, everything. And I don't have any problem going upstairs. I'm just lazy.


Megan: We're usually not changing Jordan downstairs. So that's why there's no wet wipes in the basement.


Amy: Oh, that kind of wet wipes, OK.


Megan: He doesn't typically come downstairs.


Amy: Okay.


AP: I just I I can't stand sticky hands. I don't like being anything being sticky.


Megan: I have a spray bottle of water here for my clay stuff, so I'll just use that if I need to.


AP: Oh good.


Amy: You have a different background. You don't have the stairs behind you.


Megan: I know I changed last week, or the week before, or one time before, because if he opens the door to the basement, then I can just go real quiet.


AP: [whispers] So can we


Amy: Funny.


Megan: What?


AP: Exactly.  


Amy: You didn't hear that did you?


Megan: I see what you did there, I see what you did there. I didn't hear it, but I saw it.


Amy: But you saw it.


AP: My see, my family plays enough of that like “What did you say?” after somebody says something.


Megan: And then you say it like 3 times before you catch on? Or is that just me?


AP: Oh, no, I'm usually the one telling people like, what'd you say?


Megan: Yeah. No, I, Jon, does that to me, and after 8 years I'm still like I repeat it and repeat it. And then finally, I'm like “You, fucker.” still haven't caught on after 8 years.


Amy: One day, you know.


AP: You would not have survived in this family.


Megan: No


AP: Oh, my God! We used to scare the shit out of my sister.


Megan: Oh he does that to me too. And I'm like you realize that now I pee when I get scared. Poor Kelly.


AP: My Brother crawled into her room. Into her pile of stuffed animals before she went to bed one night.


Amy: Oh!


Megan: No, I hope he's paying for her therapy.


Amy: Yeah. No. Shit.


AP: Oh, you know we all did enough to each other.


Megan: That is so mean.  I used to crawl when we shared a room I used to crawl up go down next to her bed and be like

“Kelly. I'm going to suck your blood.”


Megan: You're mean.


Amy: I'm glad I'm an only child.


AP: We're best friends.


Amy: I know. I wish I had sisters or brothers now.


Amy: and I did. I did want sisters and brothers when I was a little older, but I guess I'm glad I didn't have them when I was real little.


Megan: Yeah, no, I, Jordan, might want them, but


Megan: not happy. Not happening. We're closed, closed for business.


Amy: Alright! So Who wants to start? I have. I have a couple of things.


AP: Go ahead!


Megan: Yeah, go ahead, I’ve got nothing.


Amy: The 1st thing I wanna mention.


Megan: Shocking! Just nothing. Just air up here.


Amy: The 1st thing I wanna mention is that we had considered doing a live show in Minneapolis here

at a bar, a really cool place. I won't go into it too much, because just because it's not going to happen right now.

We decided that we weren't ready that we couldn't get it together in time, because they wanted us to do it like next week.

 And there's a lot that goes into a live show, and we just did feel like we were prepared.


AP: Which is which is why people like book them months in advance to go and do that. [Noticies a squiggle flying in front of Megan’s face.] You have a hair flying in front of.


Amy: Is that a hair? I’m like what is that?


Megan: I just saw that, I’m like what? It looked like a sea anemone.


Amy: I know. I thought you were underwater.


AP: An an enemy, anemone


Amy: An em-an-en-a-me


Megan:  OK don't hurt yourself, kid.


Megan: Yeah, but.


AP: No, that was sounded like a really interesting idea. But I, yeah, definitely, there's a reason why they they get planned out so far in advance. And yeah.


Amy: There's a lot to it, and.


Megan: And that's why we drink is already working on like their fall show.


Amy: Yeah. And it's well, their show is big. I mean, there, there's an auditorium. People are there just to see them. That’s a totally different thing.


AP: Well, yeah, there’s is a tour.


Amy: Yeah. we're not. We're not quite there yet.


Megan: Well, be.


Amy: We will be, and I'm excited, and I wanna do that. And that's why I thought this would be a fun thing to do to just sort of like get our feet wet, you know,


Amy: And so we decided that we were not going to do that this time. But I would like to do it.

If they do it, and they do it on Sundays. And once football starts, you know, it's a bar, and people are gonna go there and watch the game, and we're not going to be sitting there trying to do a show during that. So.


AP: Cause I'll be watching the game. Sorry.


Megan: We’d be like Amy, what do you think? And she’d be like ‘that call was bullshit.’

And we're like, No, about the show. ‘Oh, I don't know what we're talking about.’


Amy: Right? Yeah, right? And I would be like, screaming how much I hate football.


AP: No, I can multitask pretty well. But yeah, I I do get a little animated in my sports.


Amy: Yeah, yeah. So anyway,  I wanted to just kind of throw it out there for people.


[Amy VO]

Hi friends, I have a little update to this discussion about the live show. We decided to go ahead and book the live show. It’s not until October so we have plenty of time to prepare but it’s going to be October 26 at the CC Club, and that’s in Minneapolis, in sort of the Lyn-Lake/Uptown neighborhood.


We hope you will al be able to join us. What we’re going to do is tell some ghost stories, tell our stories, then we’re going to read stories from people that send them to us. And we’re also going to invite people up onto the “stage”, the booth with us to tell their stories.


This will be broadcast live on whatever platforms we decide we want to do , or what you tell us that you want us to do. And it will also probably be edited to be released probably on Halloween but this will  basically be our Halloween Special. So we hope that if you’re in Minneapolis you can come join us for that live show, and if not that you’ll be able to watch it with us.


Amy: The other thing is okay. So this is one deal. We have a lot of listeners, but we have a lot of listeners in a lot of different places.  I believe that only one of our patrons also resides in Minnesota.


AP: Yeah, cause that was the other one.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Yeah, because I was the other one.


Amy: Yeah, the other one that I'm talking about is Melissa. So shout out to Melissa our composer.


Megan: I thought it was Heather.


Amy: Heather, Melissa's friend Heather. Or my Heather?


Megan: I don't know. Was it there heather.


Amy: There's a heather in in our Patreon, but she lives in Louisiana.


Megan: Ohhh not even close.


Amy: She's Melissa’s friend. in Louisiana. She's from here, I think, originally, or from somewhere, that heather.


AP: Heather, correct us since we're wrong.


Amy: I know she lives in Louisiana now, because I asked, I asked our Patrons, where are y'all from? And I asked on Facebook, too, and just to give you a little rundown. We have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 patrons. That answered, 7 patrons that I know live in the Us. But, like I said, only one of them lives in Minnesota, so that'd be a pretty dull live show.


Megan: it would.


Amy: Then we have …


Megan: I don’t know, Melissa can cheer us on pretty well, so.


Amy: She could. But an audience of one is maybe.


Megan: Is that even an audience?


AP: That's a lot of pressure on that one person.


Amy: Yeah, that's a lot. I believe she could do it. But.


Megan: Laugh at our jokes, or we'll cry.


Amy: Right. And and I'm sure we could bring people, you know, our friends and some family would probably come and stuff. But yeah, so what we and then like I was gonna say, the rest of ours are in Wales, England, and Ireland.


Megan: Oh, my God!


Amy: Are just our patrons. But then you look at like our stats And we have so 76% of our listeners are in the United States.

 9% is in the United Kingdom, almost 9, exactly the same amount. 9% are in Canada.



Megan: Yeah.


Amy: And 2% is in Australia.


Megan: Ay-ee!


Amy: and 1% is an Ireland.


Megan: I don't know what that was. I'm so sorry to everyone.


Amy: What did you do?


Megan: I went a like “Ay-ee!” for Australia


Amy: Ay-ee


Megan: but I'm so sorry to everybody in Australia that was terrible.


Amy: I think that what we when we do this, we're going to want to do it live online, right? So we're going to want to do like, I think some people do Instagram. Some people do Facebook. Some people do Twitch. So I want to throw that out to their to listeners. What platform would you prefer we go on?

Any? All? Youtube? I mean. It's probably possible to do them all at once. I have to look into that. That's another thing is, I'd have to figure out how to do that.

So I just want everybody to let us know when we do a live show, what platform would you prefer? We do it on, and I think maybe we'll probably do some little like maybe we'll do some side show stuff, live.

And like  just tell patrons and our Facebook followers and stuff, you know, we're gonna be on at 9 o'clock, or whatever, and then just do it quick, and not make a big deal out of it until we get our feet under us.


But anyway, so that's what's going on with live shows. We want to know what you guys would like us to do.


Megan: [singing] Live Shows, what do you want from us?


AP: And don't tell us like where you're going to be


Amy: In my kitchen


AP: while watching it that’s a little creepy.


Amy: Yeah, we don't care where you are physically, when you're watching.


Megan: As long as you're happy, and there, of your own free will.


Amy: Exactly. Yes, we don't want you locked in someone's basement.


Megan: Please don't be locked in someone's basement, but.


AP: Megan’s locked in her basement.


Megan: I am. I'm being held hostage by my toddler. But if you are. And they're letting you listen to our, podcast I mean, that's pretty pretty cool.


Amy: That’s pretty cool. That’s pretty cool.


AP: You know we we'll just work on getting you some tips, you know. Just  shoot us a message and and we'll we'll do what we can.


Megan: Pew-pew-pew-pew. That was you shooting us a message, in case you didn't know.


Amy: Alright AP! Do you wanna shout out one of yours.


AP: Yeah. Well, this happened just actually earlier today. So we'll we'll come back to my Olympics one.


Amy: Okay.


Megan: Okay.


AP: I was outside, and my mom was cleaning something off the patio and had the dogs outside, and I was marveling at Wesley, who's been kind of sick is he's finally on the mend and and doing well, and that dog peed for about 3 min straight.


Amy: Oh, boy!


AP: Which I was like, well, why,


Amy: The plumbing is working


AP: what's going on here? But it's well, it's because it's been very… water works the other way. And so now.


Megan: How’s his hump?


AP: It went down on Friday. So what that was was fluids. So they get subcutaneous fluids, which just means right underneath the skin, which gives them a kind of a camel back hunchback. So.

Yeah, he kind of accidentally poisoned himself, we think not sure exactly what, but he's doing better. He is very hungry.

Megan: Poor Pup

AP: He woke me up at 2 45 this morning. I thought he had to go to the bathroom, which has been. He's been able to hold it. But I was like, okay, let's get this outside because I don't want to clean that up. No, I think he was hungry.

Because he ate a lot today


Amy: Oh!


AP: Like. What he ate in one meal is more than he ate in like 2 days.


Megan: He just needs to replenish his little tum-tum.


AP: But I was out there and listening to them, and all of a sudden I heard something clear is say, Go, “Kyrie” in my ear, and honestly, I thought it was. Sometimes when I put my phone in my pocket, somehow I get into a random app or into.

Like something. So I I thought, Yeah, I thought I had just clicked into like my photos, and somehow scroll to one of the videos that I have of me yelling at the dogs around because it sounded like my voice.


Amy: And you were saying, Kyrie, which is Kelly's dog.


AP: Kyrie is my dog.


Megan: No, that’s her dog.


Amy: Oh!


Megan: That's Wes's, mom. Yep.


Amy: Oh, yeah.


AP: Good job Megan.


Amy: Wow! Look at you!


AP: Gold star.


Megan: oh my god yay!, and she's also Briggs’ daughter, isn't she?


AP: Granddaughter. Talon is in between.


Megan: I should have stopped.


Amy: You were so far ahead.


AP: Talon’s in between there.


Megan: I was so Good.


AP: But yeah, so, but I I heard it, and it just sounded. It was crystal clear, and it sounded very much like it was a video playing. And so I took my phone out of my pocket and I was blank screen like lock screen.

And I was like, that is so weird, and I looked around and she was running around with her ball in her mouth, like she usually does. And I was like, Okay.

 I don't know. I don't know what was. Oh, she's the happiest with this Pawzel ball thing. It's a large ball with a small ball on the inside, and she just carries it around like it's her baby.


Megan: Oh that’s sweet.


AP: But yeah, so that was my weird thing that happened at about


Megan: OK so you had a ghosty experience!

 AP:4:30 this afternoon. So about 2 h ago.


Amy: Wow!


Megan: Little ghosty-roo!


AP: Yeah


Amy: Could be. yeah. okay.


Megan: Okay.


Amy: Okay, with that. Next one I have a bathroom portal update.


Megan: Oh, please share.


Amy: Remember a couple of…actually it was I was listening again today to our episode of Diane's episode. Which was Ocean Full of Oysters.


Megan: Oh, the cop?


Amy: Preparing to set up…listeners. We are preparing right now to get ready to speak to Diane, who is the client from that episode.


Megan: The cops who had oysters for lunch.


Amy: Yes. Yeah.


AP: Yeah,


Amy: So in that episode we discussed how I have this portal in my bathroom, and that Zoey had told me how to smudge it all and everything and I had said to you guys, you know she never told me I could stop doing that. She just told me to do it every 2 weeks, so I've been doing it every 2 weeks, and you both were like you should probably ask her. So I asked her today cause I forgot all about it until I listened to the episode.


Megan: Amy’s  90, just smudging her bathroom.


Amy: I'm smudging, no bad energy!


Megan: Get out spirits!


Amy: So yeah, I buzzed her, and I was like, so you never told me if I should stop if I should just keep going. I've been doing it for 2 weeks for a year now. And she said, “Take a video of your bathroom and send it to me.” So I did that she looked at it, and she said, All good, no portals, all portals closed


Megan: Good. Smudging worked.


Megan: She works..


Amy: Yeah Must have. So yeah.


AP: No more, no, no more ouija dances on in your bathroom.


Megan: Do that? I told. Didn't I tell you to stop doing that? You just kept.


Amy: I, you know of course, I would never do that, but I didn't even think there was anything going on. I was just that we were on that Zoom, and she's like, there's people walking behind you.


Megan: It was so funny, she was so nonchalant.


Amy: I know. So I don't mean to freak you out. But I've seen like 15 people walking out of your bathroom.


AP: Just walking through your bathroom. Oh, no, she said. That door back there.


Amy: She didn't know it was the bathroom. You're right. and I was like, oh, that's my bathroom. She's like, I think there's a portal in there, I'm like, well, I wouldn't be shocked because there are windows face, I mean mirrors facing mirrors.


Megan: Facing each other. Don't do that.


AP: Mirror. Mirror, everywhere. Yeah.


Amy: It's a it's kind of a cool bathroom, but it's yeah, probably

 I don't know. I'll probably still do this, though. Amy: Ritual thing every once in a while, just to be, yeah.


Amy: Okay. AP, do you have another one?


AP: I do so I have 2 questions. We could a answer either one. So let me know which one you would do if you want a gold medal in the Olympics. What would it be for? But it does not have to be like an actual sport. That's out there right now.


Megan: Sharks.


AP: Just sharks.


AP: Shark information.


Megan: Just sharks any. I am a shark actually.


Amy: Nice.


AP: Have you guys have you watched? Oh, Amy, what was that one that we watched the the teen modeling cause that one guy loved sharks in the movie or in the show.


Megan: What?


Amy: Shoot. What was that called? Was on Netflix right.


AP: Mnn-hmm


Amy: Was a young girl…


AP:  It was something “Girl.” Geek Girl!


Megan: Was it a reality show?


Amy: Geek Girl!


AP: No, it's it's just. It's a really cute show.


Amy: It's really cute. Yeah, it's really cute. I was like, I'm too old for this show. But then I got after I got into it, and I was. Of course, Amy's  the oneThat's Ap. Is one that suggested that we watch it. So I was I was texting her, and then by the time I got to the end I was like, oh, this is so cute.


AP: It's very much, I said. It's it's kind of a look inside my brain at times, like I feel like they were watching me at times, because she uses giving random facts about things as like her at like way to communicate and connect with people.


Megan: Yeah, that would be your gold medal.


AP: And doesn't, doesn't get, you know, doesn't get along with a lot of other with people her age, and not not by not get along. But just


Amy: Feels out of sync, yeah.


AP: Yes, and that was completely me. Middle school, through high school and even college. So.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: OK, what's the other question?


AP: Yeah, so well, you said, sharks, Amy, what are? What would you do for if you got a gold medal and anything.


Amy: I don't know.


AP: We can share the the gold medal of cocktail drinking.


Amy: Oh, I can do that Yeah.


Megan: podcasts. You know all the podcasts.


Amy: Well, not all of them, but.


Megan: You know a lot of podcasts.


Amy: I pick up about 2 or 3 new podcasts every week. Yeah, every couple of weeks. I should probably give you guys recs.


AP: I don't know how you do that.


Megan: I know.


AP: I stick with the same ones.


Amy: Because I don't listen to. I don't listen to any of the ones that I picked up 2 years ago. They're still in my feed. But I don't.


Megan: Is. I'm caught up on the ones that I listen to.


Amy: Oh, really. That would never happen to me, never in a million years.


Megan: Because I only listen to like 3 regularly.


Amy: Oh, well, there's yes. Okay. So there are like 3 or 4 that I listen to the day they come out.

and those I'm all caught up on.


AP: Yeah, I don't listen to name when they come out. I just let them build up at times, because, like when I was at Matt's house. I listened to a bunch while I was outside with his dog. Or when I go for a run, I listen to a podcast typically because I'm it helps me be able to think a little bit, too. Yeah. So.


Megan: What what ones do you listen to the day they come out, Amy.


Amy: The ones I listen to immediately are Cabinet Of Curiosities, which is an Aaron Manke one.


Megan: I've subscribed to that one. I have never listened to a single episode.


Amy: They're so good they're so good to listen to at night because they're like 11 min. So you just listen to it. And it's usually 2 stories, and they're real short, and then you can be like, oh, no, I'll do one more, because I'm not quite ready to go to sleep. That one, and The Truth.


AP: That's me that's me reading a book. No, it's just a short chapter or just 5. 10 pages.


Amy: Yeah. Oh, I do that all the time.


Megan: Oh, speaking of podcasts, I just got a Patreon notice, an Old-Timey Podcast has a new episode, “The Disappearance of Agatha Christie, Part One.”


Amy: Oh, oh, yes, she went missing. That’s real. She went. She made herself go missing.


AP: Yep.


Megan: So the the main feed of an Old-Timey Podcast is talking about Hitler's death.


Amy: Oh, yeah, you were listening to that a while ago.


Megan: They’re going to get into conspiracies this coming week; which I did not know. There were conspiracies around Hitler's death, so.


AP: There's conspiracies around pretty much anything big like that.


Amy: That’s everything.


Megan: That’s true.


Amy: Yeah, the other one's The Truth, and that is short stories, fictional, like, like radio drama.


Megan: Oh, my God, I need. I need. Okay. I should listen.


Amy: So good, and there's a ton there are.


Megan: I've listened to Myths And Legends to fall asleep, and I've listened to every every episode so many times


Amy: Oh, yeah


Megan: … that I know exactly like just reading the the what it's about. I know if I like it, or.


AP: Description?


Megan: Thank you.


AP: I'm here for you.


Megan: But yeah, I should check that one out. What's it called truth?


Amy: The Truth.


Megan: The Truth. Okay. The Truth.


Amy: And it's just short stories. Very good. I love that one.


AP: So you're, you would have a gold for podcast collections.


Megan: Yes.


Amy: Probably. Yes, I list. I am currently subscribed to 146 podcasts.


Megan: Holy Shit.


Amy: It tells me at the bottom that it's updating them all, and it says 83 of 146.


AP: Now, if you could just have one person from every one of those podcasts also subscribe to ours, so they automatically download whether they're listening or not, it would just.


Amy: I know! Wouldn't that help? That would help a lot.


Megan: My God, I used to listen to one. This is so silly.

It was a professor who recorded his lectures on Astronomy 141, and Astronomy 161 last updated 2009 from Ohio State. But it was very nice.


Amy: Was it good to go to sleep too.


Megan: It was perfect to go to sleep, too. Yeah.


Amy: Yeah, there's a couple I have that are really old. They haven't done anything in a long time, and I keep them in there because I still love listening to them.


AP: Yeah.


Megan: For those who don't know. That's 15 years ago. It's 2024, and they last updated 2009. Yeah, he has such a good way of, I mean, if he had been my astronomy professor, I would have done much better than I did.


Amy: Are you sure I wouldn't have been sleeping through class? I probably would have been sleeping.


Megan: It was hard. That's why I couldn't be a marine biologist, because my brain is not scientific.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: As much as I wanted to, and I feel like if I could, I'd go back and try to be a marine biologist. But my brain just doesn't work that way.


Amy: Yeah. no, you're more creative.


Megan: Yeah. I'll write a book about a marine biologist.


Amy: There you go!


AP: I would start one, and then I would just be like, I'm bored and give up on it. So.


Amy: That's probably what I’d do.


Megan: AP. What would your gold medal be?


AP: Well,  didn't really put much thought into it. I was just like that'd be fun to just chat about. But yeah, probably random knowledge or the need to find the answer when it hasn't, when I don't know it. And somebody asks a question. I I have to go find it.

It's not because I want to prove anything. It's because I I just need to know the answer.

So it'd probably be in that. And then a shared gold in, you know. Cocktail drinking.


Megan: Yes. tied for first.st


Megan: Yep.


AP: Absolutely especially good ones, purple ones, purple gin ones.


Amy: Yes, yes, you know you could take the gold in making and creating the cocktails, and I could take the gold in drinking them.


AP: OK a Team Event, team. Event, yeah.


Megan: Yes, it's like synchronized diving. Yeah. But for drinking.


Amy: I can synchronize that! I can drink them as fast as you make them.

Bring it on.


AP: I'm just, I'm just thinking about synchronized diving and would be more like, all right, we're gonna cannonball this one. Yup, okay.


Megan: Oh, gosh! I mean.


AP: Speaking of that, I just saw the … one of the synchronized swimmers. So you know how they have to like lacquer their hair like literally they put…and she was. She was running our fingers on, and she's like, I can't. I can't get it out. I can't. What do I do? I can't.


Megan: Did she put Gorilla Glue in her hair?


AP: No.


Megan: Don't you remember that story from a few years ago.


AP: Yeah, wasn’t it….


Megan: It was like 2020.


AP: No, it was like 2022. It was close. It was more recent than that.


Megan: Was it? I just remember she put gorilla glue all on her hair.


Amy: Like on purpose or like somebody switched her regular stuff with Gorilla Glue?


Megan: It on purpose. She thought it would keep her hair in place.


Amy: Well it did, I bet.


Megan: And it did. She had to have surgery.


Amy: Holy shit.


Megan: Yeah,


AP: I’ll see if I can find it really quick.


Megan: Her whole head.


Amy: Oh, my God!


Megan: Covered in Gorilla glue.


AP: Yeah, I don't remember what it is that the the gorilla Glue girl she was actually also on, wasn't she? And worst chef, or Worst Cooks In America.


Megan: I think she was.


AP: I won't say her name. People can look her up, but she's got quite the following on Instagram and stuff.


Megan: Im sure she does now.


AP: Never wanted to go viral on TikTok. But yeah, she…it wasn't a mix up. It was she just thought it would help.


Megan: She was out of Hairspray, or gel, or something, or whatever she used.


AP: It was 2021.


Megan: So we were in the middle of both of us.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: Oh, yeah.


Megan: It was a sandwich!


AP: Yeah


Megan: of wrong answers.


AP: And that is how time and that is how time has like morphed where we're like 2019 was 5 years ago, but 2020 seems like forever ago.


Megan: Yes. Yeah.


AP: But 2019. Seems like it was last year.


Megan: Yes.


Amy: Time is definitely doing weird Shit


AP: Already fucking into August.


Amy: I know, it's August day after tomorrow.


Megan: Yeah, no, 2 days from now. 3 days from now.


AP: It's the 29.th


Amy: Oh, you're right. It's I was thinking it was on Wednesday. It's Thursday. Yeah.


AP: But yeah, it's I don't understand where time has gone.


Amy: It's just crazy.


Megan: It is. I saw a video on Facebook memories of Jordan as a baby.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: He was about 8 months old, and so he wasn't crawling yet, and so cute.

and you could just put him in one place, and he'd stay there, put him down and go do dishes, and you'd come back. And he was in the same place.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: I miss those days.


Amy: I mean you could get a seat belt for high chair or something.


Megan: I could. It's fair.


Amy: You'd probably figure out a way to get it out.


Megan: Yeah, you are. He's a trickster.


Amy: Yep. alright. Let's see, I think I had one more thing.  Yes. Oh, speaking of recommendations and stuff. I started watching a show last night, called Eric  on Netflix.

It stars Benedict Cumberbatch.


Megan: I love him!


Amy: And Gabby Hoffman plays his wife.


Megan: I don’t know who that is.


Amy: Have you seen 200 Cigarettes?


AP: Never heard of it.


Amy: It's a good movie.


Megan: I've seen only 100.


AP: Was this one that came out before we would have known about it.


Amy: It was probably.


Megan: Doesn't every movie come out before we know about it?


AP: I was just thinking cause when we talked with. Was it it in the in the episode with Diane? Yeah, Amy was mentioning something.


Amy: A murder.


AP: About a murder. And yeah, and you're like, yeah, I was back in like 90, 93. And I was like.

No, I was 92. And I was like I was, I was 7..


Amy: Yeah Well, but see, I don't think you have to be alive to know about a murder. I was, you know, I you weren't alive during Charles Manson's shit. And you know all about that. I mean, I know that's a little bit more famous but like.


Megan: Weren’t we?


Amy: You know, I I just I was thinking that today, too. And I'm like, why is everybody giving me so much shit about being young when that murder happened.


Megan: Because we’re mean.


AP: Because well, and I think that there's certain ones that have notoriety that continue to come up every year. But then there's other ones that you just never hear about again.


Megan: Like, Jodi Huisentruit 


Amy: So I still hear about the Jerry Hoff stuff all the time. They talk about it on the news.


AP: Because you…


Amy: They talk about it on the news.


Amy: But if you didn't know about it then., it doesn’t resonate.


AP: Because you had it …. It stayed in. Yeah, in that special part of your brain that is very nostalgic. And it's like, Oh, I remember that.


Amy: Yeah


AP:, but that's why, like, yeah, the Judy Huisentruit  and Katie Poirer and Dru Sjodin are so strong for me. There's been plenty of others but those 3 like, I remember quite well because of the formative timeframe.


Amy: Right Yeah,


Megan: yeah.


Amy: That makes sense. Anyway, this show Eric is is really good. It's about a little boy that goes missing. It's his son that goes missing. He's a puppeteer.


AP: Oh no! Fuck Puppeteers.


Amy: So he works at like a children's show. He and his friend created this children's show, and he makes the puppets, and he and his friend, and so it's the whole cast and everything, and his little boy.


Megan: Like Lamb Chop


AP: She's a dog toy.


Megan: Shut your mouth.


Amy: Lamb Chop.


Megan: Ooooh, we’re gonna have words.


Amy: -Uh-Oh! Rumble


AP: Bring it.


Amy: rumble in the jungle tonight.


Amy: He is.


AP: It is swampy like a jungle outside.


Amy: It is, it’s really gross.


Megan: I'm gonna take my Advil before I come to beat you up so that it kicks in.


AP: Can you schedule the time? So I'm prepared for it.


Megan:  It'll be Before 7 pm. For sure.


Amy: Okay, okay, got it?


Amy: Anyway, it's good. It's he's he's definitely got some mental health issues, too. So some there's some.


Megan: What genre would you say it is?


Amy: I would say it is a drama with a little bit of crime.


Megna: OK


Amy: because we don't know what happened to this kid, so is it like.


AP: So is it like a thriller?



00:35:30.650 --> 00:35:39.920

Amy: I would say, maybe it's a thriller. I mean, it's a series, and I've watched 2 episodes, so I don't fully know and it's it's kind of I want to say a mind fuck, but not like you know, Inception or anything like that. It's not like that. But there's definitely some weird shit going on.


AP: The Bear?


Megan: Memento?


Amy: Yeah, it's not. It's not that weird.


Megan: Yeah,


Amy: although it's weird, it's definitely weird. So anyway, that's that's my recommendation. I am liking it. So far, I'm really curious to see what's gonna happen. I we wanted to watch more, but it was like 9:30, and I'm like, Hmm, I gotta go to bed.

Megan: Oh, my God, I love that! You're I was thinking you were. Gonna be like, it was like 11-12. You're like, it was 9:30.


Amy: I gotta be in bed by 10. So I can watch Tiktok for 2 hours.


Megan: I realized this week that I have yet to finish The Circle.


Amy: Oh, yeah.


Megan: And I texted Amy that, and I'm like holy shit. I did not finish this. So I've been watching that.


Amy: It's good.


AP: I saw Deadpool over the weekend.


Megan: Oh, my God! What is everybody up in arms about? Can you tell us? All over, Tiktok, they're like “we left because it was blasphemous!”


Amy: What?


Megan: Yes.


Amy: Oh, I haven't heard anything about that.


Megan: Saying they left around Minute 3 because of it was blasphemous. And you.


Amy: Oh Jesus Christ  


Megan: You do not make fun of my lord, and.


Amy: Oh, boy!


Megan: Have you seen the other 2 or 3 Deadpools?


Amy: Oh my god.


AP: Hahah, I know what it is! He calls himself the Marvel Jesus.


Megan: There it is!


AP: I was like wait because he desecrates Wolverine. I don't understand.


Megan: Was it good?


AP: You know I love those kinds of movies. The plot line is real, thin.


Megan: Yeah


Amy: That’s good.


AP: But it's hilarious.


Amy: I don't need plot for those.


AP: Does have it point A to point B, but the shit in the middle. You're like well, that's interesting. Yeah, I will say, there are 3 very unique cameos that come in that have a fairly significant well, 4, 4. Okay, that have a fairly significant role.

 And I will tell you one of the…ugh Ryan Reynolds movies. They're just so good at making comments.


Megan: I know


AP: And one of them I want to tell you, but I don't want to ruin it for you.


Megan: Don’t tell us, cause I want to see it.


AP: But it is very much a character who in real life also had a relationship with this person, who they also played in a played opposite in a movie, and they make comment about that other character.


Megan: That's amazing. I love Stuff like that..


AP: That is. Yeah. And and I'm all I'm all here for it. I'm.


Megan: I mean, can you imagine just how much fun Hugh and Ryan had on that movie.


Amy: Oh, my God!


AP: So I love watching all these like videos of them into all this stuff. So they're trying to claim that you know, it was like, well, how did this one come about? And all this stuff? And apparently Hugh Jackman brought it up to Ryan Reynolds, that, hey? I'm ready to do something like this. Now he retired Wolverine, when he died, in 2017, spoiler alert.


Megan: Spoiler, 7 years later.


AP: 8 years later, 7 years later, whatever it is and yeah, and so apparently, he's like, well, I had to make him try out for audition for the role.

 It's so it's just it was so funny. And the there's a whole,,, There's 1 where there's a whole bunch of different Deadpools at one point. And so there's other people that are playing these characters. So you have to try and guess who some of them are. You see in the credits who they are. But yeah.


Megan: That's fun. Yeah.


AP: Ryan Reynolds, entire family was part of this.


Amy: Oh good.


Megan: That's so fun.


AP: Including his Yup, his one of his daughters. She has. She's a kid with an attitude one of his other daughters plays  Kid Pool, one his son plays Baby Pool.

His other daughter was a Hugh Jackman's wrangler.


Amy: Oh. well, I I highly recommend watching the Hot Ones with those two.


Megan: Oh, my God!  


AP: I saw the highlights of it.


Amy: We watched it last weekend, and it was hilarious.


Megan: I saw I saw one on Tiktok, and I sent it to Amy and Ryan Reynolds took a bite of it, and it was so hot he goes. “I cheat at Wordle!”


Amy: Yeah. “I don't know why I said that!”


AP: I will say there's a couple of times in there where his character turns to Wolverine goes. You're gonna do this till you're ninety! Ninety!


Megan: I really wanna see it. The other 2 were really entertaining. I and I will.


AP: And that's just that's what it is. And he breaks the 4th wall constantly. Yeah, and And this one was delayed because of the merger of one company with another company, actually, one company taking over one that's been known to be more PC. Took over one that is not as known to be.

And there's a lot of comments about it in the movie.


Amy: Okay. Oh, okay.


AP: It's worth it. I would I would see it in the theaters if you're not, you know. I don't see a lot of movies in the theater. But this one, this one's worth it.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: Well, that's good to know, cause every tick tock I've seen is up. Is somebody stitching somebody up in arms about the blasphemous of it.


AP: Yeah, like, gotta take a chill pill.


AP: It wasn't even it was further than well, no. What's the? Oh, yeah, it starts there. Then it rewinds to something else. But yeah, he calls himself Marvel Jesus.


Megan: “You do not make fun of my lord” Okay.


AP: Oh, they probably also didn't like all the “fuck, fuck, fuckety, fuck, fuck, fuck!”


Megan: Yeah


Amy: Probably not. People got to get sticks out of their asses.


AP: Or just shove them up a little further in.


 Amy: Oh, yeah.


AP: But yeah, so highly recommend.


Megan: You know. Good to know.


AP: If you have a sense of humor.


Megan: Which, if you're listening to us, you do because we are hilarious.


Amy: Hi-larious.


Megan: And modest.


Amy: Best of both worlds.


Megan: Humble.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: some might even call us humble not many.


Amy: Should we? Should we jump right up, jump right up, jump right in, wrap it up. That was a combination of both of those.


Megan: I don’t want to jump up.


AP: [backing up noises]


Amy: Yeah, no, alright. So thanks for joining us for this little chat-a-thon.


AP: Thanks everyone.


Megan: Thank you.


Amy: We will see you next week, and I believe the next episode is, let me look.  It's a recap.


AP: OK. Wouldn't it be the Alaska one? Is it mine?


Amy: Is. Yep.


Amy: It is the last of our Chilly Chat Season series, I mean, last of our Chili Chat series and the episode is called straight out of Stephen King”. And and The Dead Files episode. We're rap…that we're rapping.

We did not do this one in wrap form. We could try that sometime.


AP: No. My career already ended.


Amy: This one is called “Arctic Wrath”. It's from Season one. It's episode 21 on. Max. I don't know what it is anywhere else.

And that will be out on August 15.th So that is what we're having next week, and we will see you then.


AP: Whoop-whoop


All: Bye