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June 27, 2024

TAC: The Sideshow 5: Amy’s Bougie Past

Well, friends, turns out when we don’t meet every week we end up with a sh*t load to talk about, even though we text each other every day.

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The Activity Continues

We jumped right out the gate with a thread that started with student loans, and it ended with Dobby the house elf. We don't have the strength for Barb today and AP is banned from talking about leeches forever. Also we discuss dogs and unwanted Potty Pals.

So, grab your favorite shower beer, and join us where… The Sideshow begins.

 Be sure to listen to the episode of The Activity Continues that followed this discussion. It was episode 119 and we discussed The Dead Files “Dark Inheritance” (Season 3 Episode 14) and our episode will be released on August 1, 2024. 


Content Warning:

In this episode we mention smoking (cigarettes, pipes, cigars) so trigger warning for those who need it. Also, we swear.


The Activity Continues, our main event show, is a paranormal podcast where soul friends, Amy, Megan, and AP chat about pets, true crime, ghost stories, haunts, dreams, and other paranormal stuff including the TV show, The Dead Files. We also sometimes interview interesting people, whether it be a paranormal professional, a Dead Files client, or a listener with spooky stories.


This episode was recorded on June 17, 2024 and released on June 27, 2024.


Chapter Markers

00:00:00 Intro & Hello

00:00:10 Debts and Bougie Pasts

00:08:09 Points and House Elves

00:10:20 Anniversary Celebration

00:11:59 What’s in Your Mouth?

00:13:28 Barb’s Eye Appointment

00:20:44 AP’s Fishing Adventure and Bleeches

00:31:40 Dog Birthdays and Unwanted Potty Pals

00:34:17 Board Games and Video Games

00:41:49 Closing thoughts and TikTok chairs

00:42:46 Next week

00:43:12 Outro


Episode links:

Lake Insula: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/state_forests/forest.html?id=sft00026#homepage

Netflix Games: https://help.netflix.com/en/node/121442 

Fotor for AI artwork: https://www.fotor.com/referrer/1ygaknya

*Game: Ransom Notes: https://amzn.to/45wfyBS

*Game: Clue Conspiracy: https://amzn.to/4evZYdG

*Amazon links #CommissionsEarned



Hosted by: Amy Lotsberg, Megan Simmons, and Amy Piersak

Production, Artwork, and Editing: Amy Lotsberg at Collected Sounds Media, LLC.

Intro music: “Sawdust and Splinters” by Martin Klem

SS Outro Music: “Sad Clown” by Martin Klem

TAC Outro music: “Ghost Story” by Cannelle https://melissaoliveri.com


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Our website, https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/ 

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Thank you for listening, take care of yourselves. We’ll see you next week!


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TAC: The Sideshow 5: Amy’s Bougie Past

Debts and Bougie Pasts


Amy: Okay, so welcome everybody to the sideshow. Once again, this would be episode number 5, I believe.


And we're gonna jump right out the gate, because AP. Has something very exciting she wants to share. We don't know what it is. We only know that it’s something exciting.


Megan: She's been teasing us.


Amy: Yeah


AP: So it's something that's been haunting me for 15 years since I graduated college.


Amy: Goodness, wow!


AP: I submitted my last payment for my student loans.


Amy: Yay!


Megan: That's so exciting!


AP: It is.


Amy: Oh that feels so good.


Megan: Thank God!


AP: They that it was like you know, just it's low. It was low interest rate. So.


Megan: Okay.


AP: Paying off the monthly whatever. I paid pretty much all the way through the pandemic. So I was really hoping that we would get that that back pay, because that would have been almost life changing because I was under $10,000. I continued to pay, and I would have gotten money back actually.


But the platform was gonna be changing again. So I was under $3,000. And it was like, you know what? Let's just bite the bullet. I have it. We're gonna do it. Yeah.  So I hit the submit button.


Amy: Yeah, nice.


AP: About an hour and a half ago.


Amy: Oh, nice! Nice! Well, congratulations! That's that's very exciting.


Megan: And


AP: Thank you.


Megan: that's a big big thing.


AP: And it is taken so long, so anybody else who is listening, who might be struggling with it.

Just do what you can and get there. It'll hang over you for a while, but you'll get there.


Amy: Yep.


Megan: It's…they're rough.


Amy: Yeah, I remember feeling that that when that happened for me, too.


 And yeah, it's tough. But I will say it's at least it's it's not like that, you know, like a standard loan.


 Which is, it goes again on your credit score and all that. And you know, student loans don't really affect so much if you like. I deferred for the longest time.


Megan: They can’t affect credit. But I've had background checks before where they've been like what's going on. And I'm like, well, I was with an abuser, and I made $30,000 trying to support 2 people, one with a severe drinking problem, and who smoked the most expensive cigarettes that I had always paid for. So, of course.


Amy: Nice.


Megan: Marb-Reds.


Amy: Those are the expensive ones?  Oh, honey. I smoked Dunhills.


AP: I've never heard of that brand.


Amy: They are from the UK. And a friend of mine in.


Megan: You are so, bougie!


Amy: Well, a friend of mine in college brought me.


AP: Thank you, Megan. I was thinking the same thing.


Amy: A friend of mine brought me back someone he was on there in a trip. He brought me back a whole case, or whatever. This was in the 80s.  And they were. They were so chi-chi and cool, and I loved them, and so.


Megan: You are so, bougie!


Amy: So I smoked those for a while.


Megan: Zoey If you're listening, let us, if you're listening. Of course she's listening. Are. What are they called done? Is that a bougie like cigarette over in the UK?

 Zoey weigh in. Zoey will tell us.


Amy: I don't know. I don't even know if it still exists, but it was a big deal at the time.


AP: I’m on it!


Megan: Amy’s like “I get my cigarettes from the UK. Thank you.”


Amy: Only that one time, although I did buy them here, but they were very expensive, and I was in college, and I was broke. So …


Megan: I don't smoke, so loser.


AP: That is what it looks like when it comes up.


Amy: What?


AP: I just searched it. Dunhill cigarette and that is what comes up. This guy and the.


Amy: Oh, that's funny! They used to be. They used to come in a in a square case.


AP: It's a Westminster, London, based cigarette.


Megan: Oh!


AP: Brand owned and manufactured by Alfred Dunhill, Limited and British American tobacco.


Amy: Yup.


Megan: That is Westminster. Yeah, those are bougie. They probably have gold in them.


Amy: They have. I was gonna say they are the the when I used to buy them that that looks blue, but when I bought them. They were Yup. They were dark red, and they had gold around the outside of the package.


Megan: God, Amy I love you so much.


Amy: Except they were square. They weren't. They weren't rectangle like our cigarettes. They were square, and they sat, Yup and they sat in a in a row like that. Oh, my God!


Megan: Do you have your own cigarette case, too?


Amy: Of course I did.


Megan: Of course, you did, why am I even asking?


AP: Tell me that you had a Cruella de Ville like long smoking thing.


Amy: Those for parties. Yeah,


Megan: I love you so much right now.


Amy: I did. I loved smoking.


AP: Megan, we should be Amy for Halloween, Amy from the eighties in the Halloween.


Megan: Zoey, we’ll send you money. Send us some Dunkirk Dunhill? Not Dunkirk.


AP: Dunkirk is a little bit.


Amy: No, I think you can get them at a smoke shop here. If they still sell them, I think they do.

I'll have to get some. I haven't smoked in 10 years,


AP: Good for you.


Amy: but I'll have one.


Megan: I smoked for like 3 months in college. And then I'm like, Yeah, my mouth every day in my mouth woke up, I tasting like ass. It was disgusting.


AP: Never smoked.


Megan: I smoked Virginia slims. They were.


Amy: So did I!


Megan: Nice and thin, yup.


Amy: The Virginia Slims Ultra light Menthol. That's what I smoked for the longest time.


Megan: 3 months, and then I'm like, this is disgusting. My mouth tastes like ass, and I reek, so I quit doing it.


Amy: Well, I smoked because all my friends did, and it drove me nuts when.


Megan: So you gave into peer pressure.


Amy: so I smoked because it didn't bother me if I was smoking.


AP: I had.


Megan: Peer pressure, Amy!


AP: My cousins because they smoked my older cousins on my dad's side.

They smoked when they were teenagers and stuff, and I remember vividly having an argument with one of them at Christmas, and I can't remember which, if it was one or the other, and they're like I no way you go your whole life without smoking. No way you do that. I'm like bitch watch.


Tell me I can't do something. I am that person that it's like you just went against my ego. Now I have to do it. Yeah.


 Yeah. And I never planned to, anyways.


Cigars. I've had an occasional cigar, but that's that.


Amy: That I haven’t done.


Megan: They’re gross.


AP: That that was like a couple of times in college. But no, no cigarettes.


Megan: My ex-husband likes cigars, so I tried it a couple of times, not my cup of tea.


AP: Now, mind you, these were like Swisher Sweets.


Amy: Oh, like I have tried those.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: I thought you might like a stogie.


Megan: I will say I do love the smell of cigar smoke walking by a cigar shop like there's 1 on Grand Avenue in St. Paul and I used to walk by it when I worked for my bank a couple of jobs ago. Yeah. And it just so it smells so good like.


Amy: Well, and the fresh tobacco smells delicious too.


AP: We have a guy who, when we go walking, especially in the winter, he has a pipe And he has pipe tobacco.


Megan: That is so distinguished.


Amy: Oh, it smells good.


AP: And everybody like everybody who goes walking or anything in this area. Everybody knows who he is. Don't know his name, but you.


Megan: Pipe Man!


AP: Walks up from his house up to a corner where there's a bench by a bus stop, and he sits there for a while, and he smokes his pipe, and that's it's like his exercise.


Probably his wife is not allowing him to smoke. Yeah.


Amy: Probably.


Megan: Probably, but.


AP: Oh, it smells so good! And then there's It's funny, because cedar chips that somebody puts down in near their house have a very similar smell after it's rained especially. And so I went for a walk the other day, and I was like, oh, where is? Oh, it's not him.


Megan: I bet he would be so interesting to talk to.


AP: He just seems like such a nice guy, too,


Amy: Cool. I would call him Sherlock.


Megan: Oh yeah!


Amy: the only one I know who smokes a pipe.


Megan: Yeah, or Popeye.


Amy: Popeye, that's right. Corn cob pipe.


AP: And with a button nose, 2 eyes made out of coal?


Amy: That’s a different guy. That's Frosty.


AP: That's frosty, frosty.


Megan: That’s Frosty.


Amy: We only see him in the winter.


Points and House Elves


Megan: Speaking of frosties. So I'm on Weight Watchers, and I'm down 9 pounds right?


Amy: Yay


AP: Yay!


Megan:  And I had a frosty once a couple of weeks ago, one time in my life.


AP: Once upon a time, once and.


Megan: Okay, no, I'm just kidding. I got a frosty a couple of weeks ago. I got a large frosty, okay. chocolate and for reference, I have 24 points to use in a day. So that's a reference. Okay? Large frosty was 36 points.


Amy: Yep.


Megan: Oh, my God! So my friend Rachel, who's doing weight watchers with me one night. She's like I challenge you like to find the the highest point value item you can, and like eating out and stuff. So we both went to Cheesecake factory because.


Amy: Oh, that's where you'll find it.


Megan: Okay. So there was one. Her husband found 110 points for like an Italian dish. I can't remember what the name of it is.


Amy: Wow!


Megan: But one of their shakes, a shake, an Oreo shake, 96 points.


Amy: Yep.


AP: Yep.


Megan: For a shake. Yeah, I'm like, are they making it with lard?


Amy: That's cream.


Megan: And be using like heavy cream.


Amy: It's cream and sugar.


Megan: They’ve got like a cow in the back that they're just squirting it right into the blender.  That's how you milk a cow. I think.


Amy: Over the shoulder like that?


AP: It's a really tall cow.


Amy: Just grab it, over the shoulder


Megan: Hey? I'm very short. Okay.


Amy: You are short. I don't think you're that short, but unless that’s a really tall cow.


AP: Are you like house elf short at this point with a….


Megan: Depending on what house? Maybe. Okay.


Amy: Oh, there you go!


Megan: If we're in Nottenheim and the land of the Giants and Norse mythology, I could be.


AP: I was going more along the lines of Hogwarts.


Megan: Oh. Dobby the house elf!


AP: We got there!


Megan: Where did this conversation start?


Amy: It started with student loans, and it ended with Dobby.


AP: Yeah.


Megan: Dobby the house elf.


Amy: That's just that portion. There’s more to come!


Megan: Let’s play Six Degrees of Separation. How did we get from student loans.


AP: Like an ancestry chart.


Megan: Yeah To Dobby, the house elf.


Amy: Yeah, I can do that. I'll try it out to a mind map. Yeah, I can do that.

 Okay, before we get too far off track. I wanna make sure that we cover this one thing.


Megan: We're really on track right now.


Anniversary Celebration

Amy: I know. Well, we're supposed to be off track for the 1st hour. It's fine, but I wanna make sure we cover this and don't forget the thing, the thing I have on here that I just wrote. “I have something” like And winky. Megan knows what this is, but I didn't say anything to AP. About it.

AP, we forgot to celebrate your anniversary with us.


Megan: We did. One year!


AP: Aww!


Amy: It was like 2 weeks ago., and and we forgot we should have done it last time we we recorded. Because it was right. It was like your 1st episode, I think, was like June 5th  or something like that, which I guess that's still would have been a little late. But so

congratulations! Thank you for being with us, and for sticking with us for a whole year.


Megan: Thank you for being with us for one year.


AP: Oh, my gosh, you guys. You've had me for a whole year so crazy, I know, cause the first episode was when Megan was sick, and so I,  Amy went over to your house, and that was the weekend before Briggs passed away, and then after that I was out for a little bit, because I just needed my recovery space, right?


Amy: And then we brought you back for realz.


Megan: We are. Yeah. A whole year later, you know.


AP: Can. So much goes on in a year.


Megan: I mean, it's crazy.


Amy: And it seems to go so fast. And then when you recap a year, it's like that was a lot.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: A lot in that year.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: Which is why it goes fast, I guess.


Megan: Crammed a lot.


AP: Can't believe it's June already, like.


Megan: I believe it's middle of June.


AP: Middle June.


Amy: Middle June. I know.


Megan: Yeah, I know, where.


What’s in Your Mouth?


AP: I'm waiting for when I lose my camera. Here, guys.


Amy: I was just gonna say I've been noticing a flippity flop there.


AP:  My hands are in my lap.


Amy: I'm gonna just send you anyone.


Megan: Likely story.


Amy: Hang on, Grace, she's got something in her mouth. What do you have.


Megan: That's never good.


Amy: What do you have? Oh, it's oh!


Megan: Toddlers whenever they have stuff… Oh, my God! Last night Jordan sucked on the cat food and put it back in the cat bowl. The food got wet and John's throwing it away. And I'm like I'm like, “Jordan, did you put the cat food in your mouth?”



Amy: “Yeah, sure, did, yeah.”


AP: What was the…


Megan: He's at the age where he doesn't know to lie.


Amy: That’s good.


AP: What was the Story of the little boy who sucked all the salt off the pretzels and put them back.


Megan: Oh, no, it was Em and, it was he sucked all the chocolate off the peanuts.


AP: No, no, there was one about somebody had pretzels in a bag at a super bowl party, and the Kid sucked all the salt off and put them back in.


Megan: That’s disgusting.


Amy: Gross.


Megan: That's disgusting.


AP: It's it's hard to.


Amy: Nasty. kids. Kids are gross well, yeah.


Megan: Kids are gross.


Amy: That camera. Here it goes. Well, hopefully, your sound won't go.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: You can get it back, and we could still hear you.


Megan: I mean, the sound usually doesn't go and your camera goes. It's usually.


AP: No, it's usually just a camera. I'm like contemplating just unplugging it and trying to shove it into something else and see how it works. And then I'm going to punt it.


Megan: That’s a model for guys, everywhere.


AP: Well.


Megan: I'm here all week folks.


Amy: Oh dear.


Megan: And just like that. This one's from G to R.


Amy: Yeah. Well, I knew it wouldn't be too long.


AP: No.


Megan: Surprised we made it this long honestly.


Amy: I know.



Barb’s Eye Appointment


Amy: Can I tell you guys, my.  I will not make till the whole version. Yeah.


AP: You can't.


Megan: You can't.


Amy: But the whole, just a recap.


Megan: I love how she just completely ignored us.


AP: She just just keeps going. She asked us if she could tell us and we said no, and she just ignored it. It was like.


 Amy: It was a rhetorical question.


AP: By the way, everyone, this is a Monday night, and I don't think any of us are drunk so.


Amy: No, I am drinking water.


AP: I have sparkling water and juice.


Amy: But on Friday went to the eye doctor with Barb.


Megan: With barb. Oh, barb.


Amy: Yeah. Took Barb to the eye doctor.


Megan: Oh, my! Gosh, Ok.


Amy: She! Cause she her glasses are they're pretty janky, and they don't stay on her face, and so she doesn't like to wear them. And so we I was like, I don't think you can see for shit, and so we.


Megan: Well, you told us the sign story from.


Amy: Yeah, she couldn’t see the signs and stuff. Yeah.

 so yeah. So we went in. And we did a, we did like a tandem appointment together, because this is she's used to going to like old tiny places where, like they put she in the chair, and they sit you back. And they, you know, like no equipment, basically, except for the sign on the wall.


Megan: Was she born in 1800, like what?


Amy: Well, it's close.


So she's not used to any kind of technology. So I was like, this is really cool. You wear like a VR thing on your head and take pictures of the back of your head. And all this, yeah, this place I go to is really cool.


Megan: Bougie.


Amy: And so yeah, me and my cigarettes. And so I wanted her to get to. I wanted her to have a really really good prescription that you know she couldn't get wrong, you know.


So take her to this place and I. So I figured she would be like weird about like all the technology and stuff. And you know, having to do all the different ways of doing things. And so I was like, maybe I should go first.st She can watch me and blah blah blah.


Well, anyway, the people there were really really cool. They were so good to her. All women.


Megan: Nice.


Amy: Really good, to which she had an issue with in the car on the way home.


But all women and they were all like they. They almost treated her like she was a little kid, you know. They're like, you're doing such a good job, you know. It's really cute.


And but I there was a couple of funny things.


First of all, we all know she lies right.


AP: What?


Amy: Like a rug. So where I'm telling her I'm telling the doctor I need to get her glasses that she will wear all the time keep on her face, not take off and put on, take off and put out.


She wears them around her neck on this thing, and then she walks into the wall and the breaks the arms off. You're the bows off, you know, right? So telling the doctor all this, and then, like about 20 min later she says to my mom.


“so you wear your glasses all day every day?”, and she goes “yep” and the doctor turns her back to her. My mom looks at me and goes.


[laughing, making a gotcha face]



Amy: I look at her and I go. “She just made a face. She's lying to you. She made a face!”


Megan: My God, your mom is a literal toddler, and I love it. I love it.


Amy: And then and then later, we're when we were all done, and we're both sitting at opposite stations, getting our picking out her glasses and getting them fitted and bringing them up and everything. So she's got her glasses around her neck.


Megan: Right, and she wears them all the time.


Amy: All the time. She I I said to the doc, “she wears them all the time. They're just around her neck. They don't go on her face.”


Megan: right not on her face.


Amy: So. So she is. I I finished mine. I go over to help her, and we're talking about if she wants bifocals or progressives and stuff.


And so then she says, “do you know where my glasses are? I don't know what I did with them”, and I go. “Do you mean those?” And I point to the ones on her chest, and she's like, Oh!


And then and then, as we're wrapping up and she says, “well, so when are my? When are these going to these classes going to be done?” And they said, about 2 weeks. And she's like “2 weeks? What am I supposed to do until then?”


 I'm like…


AP: what have you been doing?


Amy: What about the glasses you have sitting around your neck right now? Oh, God! It was funny, and they were all laughing so hard at her.


Megan: She’s crazy!


Amy: And the doctor even was like, “Thank you so much for bringing her in, this is the highlight of my week.”


And then when we left, we parked directly out front, and there's big windows out there. So as I get the car and I'm put helping her get her seat belts on. They're all lined up in the window watching us.


AP: This also shows you the importance of asking the right question.


Amy: Yes. Yes. Yeah.


AP: Do you wear your glasses all day? Yup! Do you wear your glasses on your face all day?


Amy: Oh!


Megan: Still would have said yes, she would have.


Amy: She would have lied anyway.


AP: Oh, yeah.

But yeah, I mean the stories that you tell about your mom. Just remind me of my grandpa so much like.


There's also a danger with the doctors and dentists, and all of that, doing some of those things like telling my grandpa that he has the heart of a 50-year-old when he's 87.


And has had quadruple bypass, has had stents, has had plenty of things, like don’t, let’s not. We don't need to say that, cause all he, cause I'm sitting there going. Oh, they just were being nice, and he's all like “I got the heart of a 50-year-old, and I've got the body of a blah blah blah”, but like


 No. So let's.


Megan: No, no.


AP: Let's let's let's not. And say we did. Okay.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: Like, I know you think like you're you're helping, and you're being good.


AP: Like.


Megan: But like you're not.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Yeah, so there's a there's a line,


AP: So, Amy, how many times has your mom asked you? When the glasses are coming?


Amy: So far only once, but I've only talked to her once since then.


Megan: So it’s a one-to-one ratio.


AP: So 100% of the time I was.


Amy: I was going to go to over to our house today, to help her with her phone. But I she didn't get back to me until like an hour ago, and so I didn't have time. So I will be doing that tomorrow, and I'm guessing she'll ask me again.


Megan: When you said that it made me think of the scene in “Mrs. Doubtfire”, when they're trying to change him into a woman And he said, “how about like Shelley Winters?” and the guy goes, “I don't have the strength for that.”


I don't have the strength for Barb today.


Amy: Yeah, it was pretty funny. Oh, and then we had to go to Dairy Queen on the way back, so I got a good picture of her with her.


Megan: I saw.


Amy: Big box of Dilly bars, and her.


AP: I enjoy that you said, “big box of dilly bars” like right here. [gesturing to chest]


Amy: Wel she was holding it like that.  She was holding it like a baby.


AP: I know, but you started off like this for those who can't see.


Amy started off, and giving us a drawing of a box with her fingers, but then stopped like she was honking some horns.


Amy: Ee-err-eeh-err!


Megan: Oh my god.


Amy: Oh, it was fun!


Megan: That is fun. That is fun.


AP: That's good.


AP’s Fishing Adventure


Amy: Amy, did you want to talk about your fishing trip.


AP: Yeah. So we were up fishing my dad, my brother and I, at the end of last week, which, by the way, we drove up Wednesday night, and those of you who live in Minnesota area. We had some horrendous storms that rolled through in different parts. We were, we were just north of Cloquet, and there's lightning all around us, and it just…deluge. Just could not see the road like, Thank God, my brother was driving, but.


Megan: Yeah.


AP: So you could hardly see the road in front of you. The windshield wipers couldn't go fast enough to keep up with the downpour.


Amy: Oh I hate that.


AP: Luckily it wasn't that long of a downpour, but…You know, and I'm also glad we weren't actually staying in the Boundary Waters at that point. But people there were there were people they sent out you know, over the years up in the Boundary Waters area. They've been putting reception towers to help get better reception out there. So they were able to send out texts out to groups that were out there.


Megan: Oh!


AP: That were registered. You know you have to register you have to buy a permit if you're staying overnight, and that sort of stuff, and you have to put a phone number on that you can be contacted at. So they've been trying. They at least try to do that right.


So we we went out, and it was fishing was a lot of fun. It was so windy, and we have a three-person canoe, and it was just so windy that 1st day, and we didn't go out on the main lake, but we so we paddle and portage, and so get into a spot in the river, and we just start officiating. And it's like we're looking up, and some really dark clouds coming over wind picks up a little bit. Fishing gets really good downpour.


 Stops, clears up. Fishing is okay. Clouds start to roll in again. 8 times we got downpour on at least. While we were out there. We got almost 2 limits of fish, and you know, and it was just kind of funny, you know, fun watching my brother catch stuff. And my Dad was just basically holding us in place Amy, the picture that I gave you for our father's day post. My, my dad.


Amy: Like a minnow.


AP: Yeah, see what's my dad didn't catch any fish to put on the stringer but and we

 but we were stopping to clean the fish.


They, the fish, were hungry when we were catching them, so they were eating minnows left and right. So a lot of times they plucked the plucked the line, and then got back on the hook and whatnot and which goes past the theory of that if a hush, a fish gets hooked once they don't eat again for 36 to 48 h. We'll tell that to the ones that had like 4 minnows in their gullets. They were throwing them up basically.


Amy: God.


AP: My my dad grabbed one of the partially digested minnows out of the water and built it up.


Megan: I just want to say that I was holding my own in a fish conversation with AP. In our text thread.


AP: You were.


Amy: You were, was reading that, and I was.


Megan: She showed a picture of a fish, and I was like, “Oh, that's a walleye?” She goes, “Yeah, it was.” And then we talked about how to take fish off the hook, and how Northern’s are slimy, and I'm afraid of them. When I was little I was afraid to catch a Northern.


AP: Same.


Megan:  and I always had a pet fish when I so when I was little, my Dad would take my brother and me fishing like all the time. To this rock co like our quarry that one of his friends had and so every time I caught a fish my dad had to hold it and I had to pet it and then we let the fish go.


AP: That's awesome.  I have a lot of great memories going up there fishing. I've got all my biggest fish up in the boundary waters. I had like a 18 pound northern one time.


Megan: Wow!


AP: Yeah, I was 17 or 18, and we are fishing.


Megan: A lot of minnows.


AP: We were fishing in this little bay that we called Moose Bay.

It's up on a lake called Insula, which “insula” is Island, and I mean, if you go and look up Insula Lake, it is massive and easy to get lost in, and everything.


We were down in this little bay and it's a flat, sandy bottom, and the if you've ever been up in Northern Minnesota there's not a lot of sand beaches in areas, but this one had a big, beautiful, sandy area, and you would often see moose prints across the sand there. So we were fishing out there, and I hooked something, and I thought it was a snag, so I thought I hooked a rock on the bottom because my rod just went.


Just doubled over, and it was holding just down. It wasn't moving, and I was trying to reel it in.


My hunting. Uncle was in the back. He's like, where are you snagged? Where are you? Snagged? I'm like, I think it's over there, and he goes. We weren't even over there.


Well, I look at where my line is, and I see behind my the other canoe that was with us my dad and one of the other canoes, my dad and sister. I think we're in it and I see the back of a fish and I'm like “Dad, did the stringer get unattached from the canoe?” That's not a that's not a Walleye.


My line snapped.


Megan: Ohhh.


AP: I was scared of Northerns for a long time, so I'm sitting there, and I am.


I like they were laughing because I was shaking the canoe. I was.


Amy: Ohhh


AP: jittering so much in the front because I was like Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Get re-tied up I think my uncle hooked it and it snapped his line, and then I got it on another time, and we got her up, and they had to put her into the net between 2 canoes, and we had to take her into shore.


Get her. She was so big for the net, so she was.


Megan: How long was she?


AP: 41 inches.


Megan: Holy Shit.


Amy: On my god.


Megan: Big fish.


AP: On 6 pound test line and or 8 pound test line and an 8 ounce jig. So just like not we are fishing for Walleyes.


Megan: Yeah. Wow.


AP: So we we got her in. I touched it as they were holding it for me, and we released her. But we released her. It took a little while because had to get the swim line. So we just kind of held her in the water until she kind of acclimated, and then so once she stopped, stopped rolling from side to side, and just kind of sat there. You kind of filter the the water back and forth across their gills and stuff and give them they have, If you look at a fish. They have a line across their bellies or on their sides. That's their swim line. So they have a swim bladder that has to be filled for buoyancy, so it allows them to stay right side up.


And so we got her right side, and she took a couple of minutes to get settled, but she just kind of swam slowly off. We watched her go for a while, and we did not see her fall up on shore anywhere. So yeah, it was the coolest thing.


Megan: That's really neat.


Amy: I've never seen one that big.

I used to fish with my dad, too, up at the cabin, but we always just mostly caught Sunnis, Crappies we did. He did get a Northern one time, but we ate that. Yeah. And then.


AP: Northern are very good. They're just very bony.


Amy: I remember I remember eating, though, and then we would get the what are the… It's like…Bullheads.


AP: Bullheads.


Amy: Those are gross.


AP: Which, lipped fish you are not supposed to put back in the water.


Amy: Oh, really.


AP: That yup catfish.


Amy: Sure! We just put him back and.


AP: Or not catfish, but carp and bullheads and that sort of stuff are really not supposed to go back into the waters for the most part especially invasive. You're just.


Megan: they're gross.


Amy: Well, this was in the seventies. I don't know if that was a rule back then.


Megan: Gross there. Yeah.


Amy: They are gross though.


AP: Oh, you know what's also really gross?


Friday. We get done from our day of fishing, where we didn't catch much on Friday. It was a beautiful day and I mean there was less Wind didn't have to worry about being in the office. So even though we weren't catching a lot.


The most fun we had was our bait was just dangling over the edge of the canoe, like when we were traveling around. Whatever damn Bass kept jumping up and hitting it like all of a sudden. You're having to grab the edge of your rod because it's starting to bend over. You're like what's going on 8 feet or 8 inches under the water?


So I get back to the house we're staying in. I'm taking a shower, and I'm washing my feet and I see something black between my toes, and I just think it's like leaf leaf foliage cause we're in. You know, we're in water area that has a little bit of stuff in it, whatever you know, it's clear water, but it's gonna have stuff in it.


AP: Then it wasn't…It wasn't coming off. And then I was like,


Megan: Yeah.


AP: I was making all sorts. Oh, that's so gross noises now. The house that we were in the bathroom was through the kitchen. It was a galley style kitchen, and on the other side my brother was just sitting in the living room and I came out. He goes “What was going on?”


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Leech. It was a baby leech stuck. It was a blood sucker. So there's leeches, and then there's the blood suckers. It was. I have a bruise on the underside of my toe from where it was hooked on.


Amy: Wow.


AP: But it was under. It was between my my baby toe on my left foot, and it was curled around.


Megan: Ewww


AP: Couldn't see it, so it must have been hooked on on the outside, like just underneath.


Megan: Disgusting!


AP: So I was traumatized and victimized by a blood sucker over the weekend.


Megan: You should call somebody about this. There's got to be a lawsuit You can like Jump on.


AP: But in my 35 years going up there I've never had a leech on me.


Megan: I hate leeches.


Amy: Oh, I used to get him all the time at our cabin. I used to call him bleeches. When I was little I would scream, “Bleaches!”


AP: It's a combination of bitch and leech.


Megan: “Bitch” and what they are leeches. Now I feel stuff crawling on me.


AP: If you ever do have one on you or some on you…salt.


Amy: Yeah, that's what I’ve heard.


AP: Yeah, you salt.


Amy: My dad would just yank him off me.


Megan: That hurts.


AP: Well, yeah, my best friend. When she was little well, little younger. She was 9, 10 somewhere in there they were playing in the river up along the border, and they ran into like a swamp. Part of the swampy area came out with …


Megan: Nope.


AP: When leeches are really little, they're clear.


Megan: [gasps]


Amy: They are?


AP: Like when they're when they're just coming out of.


Megan: AP is banned from talking about leeches forever.


AP: Her legs were covered in baby leeches.


Amy: Oh, nasty! I've never seen a baby one, I guess. I mean I never seen a clear one. That's for sure.


Dog birthdays and Unwanted Potty Pals

Megan: Okay, let's talk about the next topic. I don't care what it is.


Amy: What's the next topic.


AP: I was gonna say, you know. it was Wesley's birthday last week.


Amy: Oh, right!


Megan: Let’s talk about that.


Amy: Happy birthday. Wesley.


AP: Hey, my little stinker boy, he is a whole 2 years old now, as of the 27.th It'll be 2 years since I've had him.


Amy: Oh!


Megan: Aww.


AP: I know. And oh, my God! You guys, did I tell you about how embarrassing he is?


Megan: I mean.


Amy: I mean, I think it's come up.


Megan: Yeah.


AP: So my mom and I went for a walk a couple of weeks ago, couple of Saturdays ago.

We went up to a lake near us, and it was like we walked up there. I wanted to go run him in the water a little bit, but somebody was hogging the boat launch area with their dog.


Megan: What a dick!


AP: I know. I sat there for like 20 min, just waiting. I was like fine, so I just took him in at on the edge of the beach, but he loved it.


But we got up to the lake, and there is a pavilion there with restrooms that I was like. Well, I need to go to the bathroom, so I gave my mom his leash.


I start walking away, and you hear [whining] it just screaming, and then panic barking.  


AP: I turn to her like this is so embarrassing. Whose dog is this as I'm walking.


Amy: I’ve never seen this dog in my life.


AP: As I'm walking back.


Megan: Somebody get their dog, this is weird.


AP: I hear people laughing at me because I are laughing at him, and I'm just like, Oh, I can't take you anywhere And luckily, when my mom had to use the restroom, I had treats, so I kept his attention.


Megan: Nice.


AP: Yes. So I guess, get you someone who is as obsessed with you as he is.


Amy: Yeah, I that's what I have in Gracie. She doesn't like to not be able to see me.


AP: gotta push open the bathroom door. Make? Sure you're there?


Amy: Oh, she's in there before I even close the door. She's so fast. She and Vivi both are so fast.


Megan: That's what Jordan and I'll be like. “Can you go sit with dad?” “No”.

So I'm in there going number 2, and he's just sitting in there and then he’ll go “Mama, you stink.” And I'm like, “Yeah, I told you, get out.”


Amy: I gave you warning. I told you this was gonna happen.


Megan: This is your fault.


Amy: No one to blame but yourself.


Megan: Yeah.


Megan: “Ew, mama?” Oh, you know what.


Amy: Well, next time when I tell you to beat feet.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: Beat feet.


Board Games


Well, I have one more little kind of fun thing I wanted to share with you guys. I got a new game this weekend. We played it on Friday night some friends came over.


Megan: Is that what you were telling me? What you what you shared with me? The water.


Amy: No, that's that's that. Okay, that's another thing.


AP: Oh! Is this Ransom Notes?


Amy: Yes. Did you see the thing?


AP: Yeah. We have it.


Amy: Do you? It's called Ransom Notes, and it's a little like Cards Against Humanity in that

 you get like a prompt, and then you have to answer it.


AP: It’s not easy!


Amy: It's not, I am not that good at cards like games like this.


AP: And it wants you to like, do things really fast? And all of us are like, what are we supposed to be doing.


Amy: Yeah, it's so you get you get a card that says like, describe blah blah blah.

and then you ha! You get these little you know those magnets refrigerator magnets that have the words on them, and you just grab a bunch and you have them to choose from to make your answer.


Megan: Oh my god, that sounds like so much fun. What’s everyone doing Saturday?


Amy: Yeah, maybe we can do that.


AP: I don’t know.


Megan: I'm I'm kid free. So.


Amy: Okay.


 Well, I was. Gonna say, I took, I'll give you an example. So here one of them was and I'll post this on socials. But it's the the prompt is “write the warning label for a new Viagra alternative.”


Megan: My God!


Amy: And I don't even know who did this. It wasn't me.


Megan: Isn't.


Amy: None of mine were any good.


“robust weapon Protrudes, wash bottom, do tug.”


Megan: I'm gonna say, that was Greg.


Amy: It might have been Amoreena. I'm not sure. But anyway, I took a bunch of pictures because there was a bunch of them that were really funny.


Megan: That's fun.


Amy: So that's a fun game. If anybody's looking for that ransom notes, I'll put a link in the show notes.


Megan: I do like fun games.


Amy: But  when I went to buy it,  I bought it from the game maker right the company cause I found the ad on Instagram.


I'm like, Oh, that looks fun! And so I bought it, and it came like the next day, like really quick. But then I went. Oh, you know what. I could have probably bought this on Amazon, and it would have been here quicker, this was before I got it.


And I go to Amazon, and it goes you purchased this game in December of 2023. I'm like, “The fuck I did!”


I remember now I bought it for Jackie.  I bought the game, gave it away and forgot all about it.


Megan: That's funny. That's a Megan move right there.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: Like when we're getting ready to watch Rifftrax, and I'm like, “Oh, my God, Amy, let's watch ‘Munchers’”, and she's like “we fucking watched that.”


Amy: We watched that last week.


Megan: No recollection of it.


Amy: No, that's okay. There's, I mean, some of those you don't want to remember. Anyway, they're pretty bad.


Megan: Yeah, they're pretty pretty pretty bad.


AP: I do have the new clue game.


Megan: fun.


AP: Hold on! It's right behind me. Give me a second. It’s called Clue Conspiracy.


Megan: Nice. Oh, that's fun!


AP: I haven’t played it yet, but I have.


Megan: What the hell. Okay, why aren’t we getting together and having a game night.


Amy: I know we should.


AP: I also have a bunch of like the murder mystery ones where it takes you through. Oh, look at my camera. Decided to go out.


Amy: That right when you talk.


AP: But I have a bunch of the murder mystery ones.


Megan: I’m telling you we need to get together and have a game night, because I will play this shit out of some games.


Amy: Yeah, we should do that.


AP: I have a regular Clue, too.


Megan: That's why would we do that when you have clue constraints.


Amy: I have regular clue. That's an old tiny one, I mean. That's an old version.


Megan: That’s like saying.


AP: I have the one with Mrs. Orchid


Megan: Here’s one with Dunhill cigarettes and here’s one with Marb Reds. What do you want? Not even a contest.


It's not even a contest. Also do we name our side chats? Because if so, we could call this Amy's Bougie Past.


Amy: Okay. we can.


Megan: Just saying I'm just. That's an idea I'm throwing.


Amy: It is an idea. I like it. I like it. I'm already thinking about what the artwork could be.


[AP’s camera went off again]


Megan: There it goes again!


AP: I set my drink down.


Megan: how dare you?!


Video Games

Megan: Netflix game. That's one of the prompts.


Amy: Yeah, that is one of the prompts. So that was the other thing I was gonna talk about. I just didn't know if we wanted to take any more time doing this, but we get some time.


Netflix games. Yeah, that was on my list. I learned I did not know this until this weekend, when my friends came over that Netflix has games that you can use on their mobile app. And Amoreena was telling me about a game called Cozy Grove, and it's a.


Megan: Ok that sounds really fun.


Amy: It's if you it sounded really cute, and it was like you are…

It had to do with ghosts.  You're a ghost, and you live in a cemetery, and you're trying to, I don't know. Looks so cute. So I looked it up. I could not find it. I think it must be apple, only so you guys can look for it. But I couldn't get it.


Megan: AP doesn’t have Apple


AP: I don't have Apple.


Amy: Oh that's right.


Megan: I'm the only betrayed.


Amy: Yeah. You're the only.


Megan: I'll look it up right now.


Amy: Okay. So while you're doing that, I will say, though, that I did find some other fun games. And one of them I took a screenshot of it sent to Megan because it was called way of water*, and it all takes place under the sea, and there's sharks, and there's turtles, and it's really pretty like it's done really well. And you have to like clean these little spaces under under water to help the fish. And and it's it's really cool. So there's a bunch of cool games.


*it’s called World of Water


Netflix has so many games that are like they have a “Love is Blind” game. They have games about their the Netflix shows, which I need to look into a little bit more.


AP: So I'm seeing this as I just looked it up. It's a video game, and it's a switch.


Amy: Oh!


AP: Nintendo switch.


Amy: Oh. well, that and makes sense because she has that, too. It looks really cute. But I can't play it.


AP: Says, play Cozy Grove Camp spirit when it comes to Netflix on June 25.th


Amy: Oh, it's coming to Netflix. Okay? Well, it'll be out by the time this is released.


Megan: What's the other one? The water.


Amy: So I think it's called Way Of Water.


AP: Isn't that a movie.


Amy: Maybe that's maybe that's what I'm thinking of It's something water.


AP: Wasn't that the one with the weird sea…


Amy: Yeah with the lady. And the yeah, I think you're right.


Megan: Oh, yeah, and it won like a bunch of awards.


AP: And everybody thought it was weird as hell.


Amy: But it was pretty good World Of Water. The game is called World Of Water.


And then I also found another one called Ghost Detective but I got frustrated because it's a hunt and peck. You know you have to like it shows you a screen, and you have to find the fan. Find the banner.


Megan: Oh, I love those! Those are fun!


Amy: I do too, but this I got stuck in because you had to. You had to get 3 in a row done, but I kept running out of time and you can, only you can only get more time if you like. Punch in more credits, and I used up my credits, and now I'm stuck


So I can't play unless it refreshes my credits because I'm not paying dollars real dollars to play a game like that.


AP: No.


Amy: But anyway, so Netflix games, I didn't even know it existed. But they have a lot of fun looking games, and so I will be playing a lot of those.


Megan: If anyone knows how to search them, let me know, because when I go to search them it just brings me to all the shows.


Amy: That's what was doing for me, too.


Megan: So I don't know how to search games.


Amy: No, I don't, either. And it it'll say, like, you know, comedies, movies, whatever. Why doesn't it say games and list the games.


AP: It has. It does have a thing for games. But it doesn't give you a an option to like look for


Closing thoughts and TikTok chairs

Amy: I bought a new Tiktok chair.


AP: Did you?


Amy: Yeah, you know how I have to move my Tiktok chair over and I always run over my feet.


Well, it's because I know. I said last time that I wheeled it over. I didn't. It doesn't have wheels, so I pull it over, and that's why I keep hitting my feet with it.


AP: Got it. Got it.


Amy: Because it rotates around.


AP: Hmm.


Amy: It crashes into my feet. So I'm like I need to get wheels for the bottom of that chair. So I bought wheels, universal wheels, and I got them, and they didn't fit. They don't. You can't put them on.


AP: Of course not.


Amy: So I went to look for wheels that I can put on that chair, and they are $35 to $40. Well, the Tiktok chair was on sale for $40, so I just bought another chair and put it over here, so I don't have to move it back and forth.


AP: I mean, if you're gonna spend the money.


Amy: I mean in that way. When you guys come over to record, one of you will be able to sit in a crisscross chair.


AP: Makes sense.


Amy: And I'll have 2 of them.


AP: There you go!


Next Week

Amy VO: Thanks for listening friends, and if you made it this far, we are friends.

Be sure to join us next week when we recap another Dead Files episode. This one is called Arctic Wrath and it’s from Season 1, it’s episode 21 om Max anyway.

 This was AP’s choice, and it will be the last one in our Chilly Chats series. So be sure to catch that next week.


Thanks everyone!


The TAC Sideshow episodes are well, the sideshow to our main event The Activity Continues where we recap episodes of The Dead Files TV show. Since we spend a lot of time going off the rails we thought we’d just release those parts separately for those who like hearing friends chat about any and every topic. Sometimes paranormal, sometimes not!


We hope you enjoyed the show. We’ll see you next week!