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June 13, 2024

TAC Sideshow 4: Tech Gremlins and Excessive Lip Balm

Tech Gremlins and Excessive Lip Balm

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The Activity Continues

Despite the tech gremlins turning off AP’s camera, we managed to gab for almost an hour (don’t worry a lot was cut). Megan had to sit this one out, but Amy and AP had fun.

We tackled the very important question how many lip balms is too many lip balms? Please help us get to the bottom of this on our socials. Amy reminisced about Lip Smackers from the 1970s.

We spent a LOT of time talking about formatting documents for neuro-spicy brains. Spreadsheets might have come up. Quite a bit was cut from this discussion, but what was left in was done so in case it helps someone else not to feel alone. Brains are indeed weird. Heck, maybe this can be your sleep story this week.

AP shared a great cocktail hack. Let us know if you try it!

We discussed a couple of competition cooking shows we’re currently watching. There are spoilers if you’re not caught up with these.

So, grab your favorite Lip Smackers flavor, mix up a cocktail, and join us where… The Sideshow begins.


This is the conversation we had before recording episode 118. Be sure to listen to the episode of The Activity Continues that followed this discussion. We dissected The Dead Files “Never Alone” (Season 2 Episode 11 or 9) and that episode will be released on August 1, 2024. 


Content Warning:

We didn’t find anything we thought deserved a content warning, but we still swore.


The Activity Continues is a paranormal podcast where soul friends, Amy, Megan, and AP usually chat about pets, true crime, ghost stories, haunts, dreams, and other paranormal stuff including the TV show, The Dead Files. We also sometimes interview interesting people, whether it be a paranormal professional, a Dead Files client, or a listener with spooky stories.


This episode was recorded on June 3, 2024 and released on June 13, 2024.


Chapter Markers

00:00:05 Hello

00:01:24 Lip Balm Discussion

00:06:32 Accommodations for Neuro-spicy brains

00:14:05 Cooking Competition Shows

00:20:31 Owamni Adventure

00:23:34 Cocktail Hacks

00:28:33 TV Show Recs

00:36:44 Podcast Rec

00:38:14 CPAP Update

00:40:33 Outro


Episode links:

Lip Smackers: https://clickamericana.com/topics/beauty-fashion/lip-smackers-bonne-bell-1973-1983

Sucreabeille: https://sucreabeille.com/

Copy Me That, online recipe organizer: https://www.copymethat.com/

Selena Gomez cooking shows: https://g.co/kgs/13SEqUA

Chauhan Alehouse: https://www.chauhannashville.com/

Owamni: https://owamni.com/

Bodkin: https://www.netflix.com/title/81423482

Geek Girl: https://www.netflix.com/title/81637842

Ripley: https://youtu.be/0ri2biYLeaI?si=UxwCc5SbEAJoaf8J

The Talented Mr. Ripley: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0134119/


*Fotor for AI artwork: https://www.fotor.com/referrer/1ygaknya

*XO Coffee Candy Amy talked about: https://amzn.to/3VzygoN

*Amazon and affiliate links may give the podcast a small commission



Hosted by: Amy Lotsberg, Megan Simmons, and Amy Piersak

Production, Artwork, and Editing: Amy Lotsberg at Collected Sounds Media, LLC.

Intro music: “Sawdust and Splinters” by Martin Klem

Outro music: “Ghost Story” by Cannelle https://melissaoliveri.com


Socials and other goodies:

Our website, https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/ 

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Thank you for listening, take care of yourselves. We’ll see you next week when we recap The Dead Files again!


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AP: Hello!


Amy: Hello! …put my mic near me.


AP: I was gonna say, you sound really distant.


Amy: I won't be chewing on this the whole time.


AP: You're fine.


Amy: My mouth is kind of dry already.


AP: Oh, God my camera.


Amy: Oh, yeah, do I need to send you a new camera.


AP: I don't know what the fuck is going on with this thing. Alright. Given it the old N-64.


Amy: What's that? Turn it off, turn it back on?


AP: No blow on it.


Amy: Oh!


AP: You know, you just see blow through the yeah. I'm sitting down today. I was like, you know what? I'm not gonna have a lot of time to sit down. So we're just gonna go ahead and sit.


Amy: I was going to sit in my other chair, but I was not in my office for most of the day, and so I was like I really miss sitting in my nice comfy crisscross chair.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: My TikTok chair, so I wheeled it all the way over here and didn't run over my foot this time.


AP: Well, that's exciting news.


Amy: Think this might be the 1st time.


AP: Well, that's good.  I just didn't. I was like, I don't feel like standing today. I usually do pretty good with standing so.


Amy: Yeah, I don't know how you do it. I can't stand that long. I can't even stand long enough to wash the dishes.


AP: I have my Crocs, and they're pretty comfortable.


Amy: So what else?


AP: Just us for chitchat today.


Amy: Yeah, just us for today. I have some things too.


AP: One of the things that I wanted to bring up before we get into like show recommendations and things was…

I'm curious how many lip balm is too many lip balms for people, you know, like, you see, the videos of people that are like, Oh, I lost my purse ChapStick. So I had to move my my night stand ChapStick to my purse, and now and you know lip balm, you know, cause I know ChapStick is a brand, but…


I was just thinking about this the other day, because I have a whole bunch of them. I have 2 sitting out…I have 3, 3 sitting out on my desk right now. I have a my in office, I have one, I have purse lip balm, I have car lip balm, I have bedside table lip balm.


 How many lip balms?  I am one of those that I obsessively use my lip balm till they get down to the nub, and you can't use them anymore.


Amy: Oh, yeah, I stick my pinky fingernail in there so that I can eat…just eat it. So that I can use all of it.


AP: What were those really flavorful ones that?


Amy: Lip Smackers.


AP: Yes, so it.


Amy: But smackers.


AP: Amy. She's over here chewing on her Dr. Pepper LipSmackers.


Amy: Oh, my God! Oh, okay! So the Dr. Pepper one. So good, and I always like thought that it tasted like it. But it didn't, really. But when my friend Jancy and I were little we all used to collect them, and they came. There were the big fat ones. They were really big and fat when we were little.


AP: Yeah, they they figured out by the time I got a little bit older that they're like, Hey, you know what kids are eating these things.


Amy: Yeah, well, and they were so big you just I mean in back then your lips are so tiny. But so, my friend Jancy seems like you know what I realize you can do. And she rolled down the the the stuff so the balm was on. You know the bottom. So just this this skewer thing.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: And she put her mouth over it and breathed in. Because she's like that's how you get like the taste of the Dr. Pepper without eating the Dr. Pepper lip smacker, and she breathed in, and the little tiny nubbin of Dr. Pepper lip balm went shooting out of there and went to the back of her throat.


AP: Uh huh!


Amy: So picture her going, and then the whole thing just went.


AP: Oh, God.Oh, oh, man!


Amy: But yeah, oh, back then we had a lot of them we had. Yeah, it was like a thing to have as many as possible.


AP: Oh, yeah, I mean, so I have.


I am probably close to double digits with the amount of lip balms that I have around places. So I'm just. I just want to throw it out there to see, you know. Maybe we throw it out on our socials and throw. See how many, how many is too many for people?


And how many people how many people are like us, and obsessively get down to the bottom? Because I had somebody ask me this question once.


And I said, Oh, yeah, I'm almost down to the bottom of one. And they looked at me like.


“what do you? You can actually get down to the bottom of a lip balm?”


But yeah. and I am a vanilla mint is my favorite lip balm.


Amy: Ooh nice.


AP: Fruit ones are fine.


Amy: Hmm.


AP: But in, especially in the winter, I want one that tingles my lips. I want.


Amy: Yeah. I like the mint stuff, too. Yes, Burt’s Bees make a really nice minty one that I love. The peppermint one. I also like Burt’s Bees the clove one. It smells so good.


But yeah, those are yummy. I have. I have 3, I think. At my normal desk. I have a lipstick over here.


AP: I also have several lipsticks, and.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: I also have several lip glosses.


Amy: Yeah. And then I think I have like 3 in my purse, one upstairs in the bedroom, one in the bathroom.


AP: Oh, yeah, I have a bathroom one too.


Amy: There'd be one more back here in the bathroom, too, and then in the winter I have them in my coat pockets, too.


AP: Yep.


Amy: So. Yeah, no, I like them, too. I mean.


AP: Sure that you don't put them through the washing machine before.


Amy: Oh, yeah.


AP: When that gets there's a wash machine it leaves waxy residue on everything, and you don't notice it till it's too late.


Amy: Yup, that's not good.


There's also, when you met first mentioned to me that you wanted to talk about excessive lip balm, it reminded me that I'm that way with perfume from this one perfumer that I go to. It's called Sucreabeille, which stands for stands.


AP: Sugar Babe?


Amy: Translates to Sugar Bee in French


AP: Sugar Bee


Amy: and so I I bought. These are the 3 that I have at my desk all the time this one is called Goth as Fuck. That's my favorite.


And then this one's called. You Caught Me Monologuing.


AP: Oh!


Amy: And this one is called Forest Witch, and these are my favorites. I have another one that I night the Night King cause they name them after like groups. So like they have a My Favorite Murder series. And so they have. You're in a Cult, Call your Dad, Fuck politeness. I can't remember what they all are but they have a whole  Game Of Thrones series.


But they're so good, and they're so I just cause they don't last super long on you. So I just I just put them on. When I get down here, put them on like.


AP: Yeah, you'll have to show me those next time I'm over. Because I am. I'm that super scent-sensitive person. So  I have to be very careful. I have to reply to an email really quick. It’s a work one.


Amy: Okay. That’s fine, go ahead.


AP: Oh, yeah, I draft things, and then she makes it sound pretty. That's that's how we play.


Amy: Yeah. that's usually I'm the “make it pretty” one. People are like. This is what it has to say. Make it sound good.


 But I feel like nowadays at work. There should be different drafts for different people like like you know how I have written up stuff for you and Megan before.


Amy: and I think I'm saying the same thing when but I have said it like maybe we've done it twice. I don't remember what that was we were doing where


I think it was talking about the new layout.


AP: Oh, yeah, it was the new layout cause. Yeah, because there was one. There was a way that you said it that I was like, ‘Wait, are we not doing like this?’


Amy: Yeah, and you're like.


AP: That's how we I meant we were doing it.


Amy: Yeah, I changed it.


AP: Because mine and Megan’s ways are not the same.


Amy: Right. I changed it because Megan didn't understand it, and so I'm like, Oh, I'll I'll rewrite it and make it clear. And then Megan's like ‘perfect. I got it.’ And then you were like, ‘wait a second. That doesn't make any sense.’ Okay? And I I'm like in the.


 The way your brain works on the way her brain works. I mine works a different way, but sort of like both of them, but not exactly, and so I always feel like I should be able to put myself in AP brain in order to write it this way. But then also Megan brain. So I can make sure that it's explained this way.


I probably just need 2 documents instead of.


AP: I've now started to realize that because, like a lot of lot of people that I work with really just want things called out in lists that I do well like. If you just bullet point and just put those in which I think is why, when I looked at the Transcript this week my brain was like, Oh, this is easy, whereas 2 weeks ago I looked at it, and I was like fuck. No, I can't do this.


Amy: See! And I thought I did it the same way.


AP: No, if you go back and look at them, they are like you use bigger words to separate the sections.


Amy: Oh!


AP: And you use different colors, and it could even just be the. But there was more spacing between everything, whereas before it was like trying to read a book, and I'm like I can't read a book and watch a show.


Amy: and watch TV, yeah.


AP: And and try and and connect, and my brain was just all in like I can't do it. It just went into shutdown mode.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: And then I was like, Okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna take a look at this and see how it goes. I'm gonna test it for myself. But when I opened it this week I was like, ‘Well. is this exact? This is not how I remember it being last time. Is this different?’ So that's yeah.


Amy: I made it a little prettier this time.


AP: And the weird thing is is, I obviously have color association. Using blues, the first, st the one that we did a couple of weeks ago was all oranges and reds.


And blue is calming for my brain, I guess, because I looked at that, and even just the colors and the way it was broken out. I was like, this is easier for me.


Amy: Huh? Interesting. And you're looking at it on black background, too.


AP: Yes.


Amy: Yeah, so that's gonna be different from the way I see it.


AP: I only see like I barely see when yours are highlighted.


Amy: Oh, see, and I can barely see when yours are, because they're green, and that looks just like the black.


AP: And I and I. I use the darker green so that it wasn't the like bright neon green like this. I can. I mean, I can use whichever color.  I don't know if you use a different font, too.


Amy: I did. I changed the font.


AP: Then that I'm Arial gets cause it's usually Arial and Arial gets so tight.


Amy: Yeah, yeah, I, like that.


AP: I know these are so like small and little things, but it obviously it triggered my brain completely, differently. In two different weeks.


Amy: But good, good.


AP: So.


Amy: Like it better this way, too. It's easier for me, too.


Amy: I like it better with the with the lighter font and the colors all helps me, too.


AP: Yes, well, and I, I know, like I remember in college, I actually used to take notes in different colored pencils or in markers, because I and I remember on a zoology test. And the answer was like A, You know, it was like multiple choice, but it was fill in the blanks and it showed up blue in my brain.


And so then the answer, like changed to blue in my head.


That was the color that I had written. That note set of notes in was blue.


Amy: okay.


AP: It was right.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: So. It's just something I figured out.


Amy: It is it? Brains are so weird, it's so interesting. How how this, how some things work for people and some things don't.


AP: I haven't done it for a while, but I, when I had to do really extensive lists. I would do every other row in a different color, because then they pop out differently to me, or I'll do them. It's kind of like. When I make a grocery list, I make it based off of where things are related in the store. So then, I do all my produce and things that are in the produce section.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: yeah, that's that's how like this is how it or everyone else is listening and going. ‘God! This is boring as hell.’


Amy: But there are people going. ‘Oh, my God! Me too! Me, too!’


AP: Or hey, maybe somebody recognizes a pattern with their kiddo and.


Amy: Yeah, or spouse or something.


AP: can help them study different way of things, so.


Amy: Yeah.


I use a cooking, a cookbook, an online cookbook called Copy Me That and it. So you can go to any website that has a recipe on it, and you just click that they have a chrome, you know. Doo-Hickey…extension.


AP: Okay.


Amy: And so you just click on that when you and it finds the recipe, and it puts it in your recipe book.


AP: Oh, nice!


Amy: Right in there and then, when you have decide what you can make menus so you can do like plan out your week.


Tuesday. We're doing this da da da, and then you can make a shopping list with all of that and it clicks it. You click the button. It makes a shopping list, and it puts it all in like you said, produce,  this aisles, this aisle, this aisle dairy, whatever. And so it's all separate like that, and it will even merge like if you need a cup of milk, for one thing and a half a cup of milk for something else, it'll merge it together and say you need a cup and a half of milk, so.


AP: Nice, it's a.


Amy: Really nice. I love it. Yeah.


AP: Oh, that's cool. Yeah, we've just been doing. I have a when my grandpa was in the hospice care or well, not Hospice. It was the rehab facility. My mom had bought him a whiteboard calendar so that she could put on there like when his appointments were, and when people were coming, because he would constantly, he would just, he would call us several times a day and be like, Well, when are you coming.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: I I guess they forgot to pick me up, and it's like grandpa at 7 30 in the morning he was thinking it was 7 30 in the evening, because he couldn't regulate his days. Basically.


Amy: Right. That's what my mom's doing, too.


AP: Yeah, it's hard.


AP: So we have that and just been putting writing the calendar on that and then putting in like, what we plan to make for the week, or what we have made for on different meals.


AP: We kind of keep an eye, and then there's a spot for notes at the bottom. It's like, what do we have in the freezer we haven't used yet.


Amy: Yup, I did a whole inventory of everything. That was because we had a big big freezer, like a deep freeze.


I did a spreadsheet with our entire inventory of all the stuff that we had, and then I I was like, so when you take something out, you have to check it off so that it comes off the spreadsheet it lasted. I


AP: I bet Greg will love that


Amy:  He loved the idea, but he did not love remembering to check stuff off when he took it. So then I'm like, well, the spreadsheet shows that we have 4 pounds of chicken, but there's none in there, so it didn't last very long.


AP: Yeah, it? Well in? Well, meaning well intentioned. Then you're like, this is a lot to keep up.


Amy: It was a lot, but it was fun to do it, you know, and until I realized we weren't going to do it anymore.


AP: Well, then I, I say, speaking of all the food stuff that we're talking about, you and I have been really chatting about Top Chef and Tournament Of Champions and all sorts of fun stuff like that.


Amy: Yeah. Oh, we're getting so close to top chef, and I am on. I'm behind you on TOC, so we are on season 4, but there's only 4 chefs left. So that's where we are. We'll probably finish that tonight. Actually, so I'm excited. I think I know who won. But that's okay.


AP: Who do you think?


Amy: I think it's Maneet.


AP: Okay.


Amy: And either that or she won is is season 5 over?


AP: Yes.


Amy: Okay, she may have won that one then, cause I saw her on Instagram holding that belt, and it wasn't the 1st time because she won what the 1st season.


AP: She won Season 2.


Amy: Okay. Season 2. Because then, when Season 3 was over and she wasn't the winner. I'm like. “I thought my Maneet won!” and Greg’s like. “Who told you that?” And I, said Instagram. And then I went. Oh, my God, we're watching this like! 2 years later.


AP: Hmm.


Amy: So she won either 4 or 5.


AP: The 1st season was 2020.


Amy: Yeah. And everybody was in mask. There was like 5 people in the audience.


AP: Actually, I don't think the 2020 one they were in masks 2021. They weren't because.


Amy: Okay.


AP: Because.


Amy: It was.


AP: 2020 would have would have been filmed in 2019. Right.


Amy: Right. Right. Yup.


AP: But yeah, I I love the concept of that show.


Amy: I do too.


AP: I I love the randomizer, you can tell. I mean, there are ones that I'm on there, and I'm like, the what would you do like what I don't. I don't know what I would do with that, but it's kind of fun, cause you can definitely tell the difference in the chef's styles, ones who really came up in this whole competition type.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: World that we're in, or have been thriving in that, and ones that are well known, chefs who just can't get it.


Amy: Yeah, they're restaurant chefs, not competition chefs. Yeah.


AP: And you know, like there's a reason why some of them are just have always been the judges.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Be awesome to see what like Eric Ripert or.


Amy: Oh, my God!


AP: Nancy Silverton would come up with.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: And some of those you'd have to give them as much time as they wanted, though.


Amy: Yeah, “you have 2 weeks!”


AP: Yeah.


Amy: I would love to see that. Yeah, like both of those, and also Scott Conant, he judges everything. I have seen him cook on “Chopped”, is it? No, not “Chopped”, What's the one where they.


AP: Yeah. He's done “Chopped”, I think.


Amy: Was it “Chopped”? It was, what during the pandemic, when they would. Just it was, Guy’s show, though. Must have been.


AP: He, yeah.


Amy: And they would send them home.


AP: Grocery Games at home at home. Yeah.


Amy: And they'd send the whole box to them, and then they cook in their kitchen. That was so fun. I love that.


AP: Yeah. Which, by the way, so sidetracking have you watched the Selena Gomez? One where she learns to cook? And oh, she's.


Amy: I love her.


AP: She's adorable.


Amy: She's the cutest.


AP: So she had ones that where she either had them on video, or they came into her house and taught her, and she's got like her best friend there, and my mom and I are watching what I'm like. Her best friend's kind of the comedic relief like she's in there to just say things. Well, she's eating mozzarella, shredded mozzarella out of a like, you know, one of the plastic tubs that they use for like prep work. Yeah, and it's falling down her shirt. She's digging it out. And Selena looks at her, and he's like.



Amy: That would be me.



AP:  so we're not using that. Like. So her her show now is that she is going to restaurants, and she is learning like. So she goes to Shirley Chung's restaurant.


Amy: Oh Shirley!


AP: And she, her goal is so like they sit down and they eat like the top items on the menu and that sort of stuff, and then Selina's goal is to make a meal in the restaurant that maybe one of the dishes they would put on their menu.


Amy: Oh, okay.


AP: So it's it's kinda cool. Just so to kind of see it cause she's she's not classically trained chef, like.


Amy: Right.


AP: She knows things like the rest of us have figured out. And yeah, she gets to work with a lot of really cool people. Yeah.


Amy: Yeah, I'm sure she learned a lot from the 1st show where she was teaching, or they were teaching her how.


AP: So.


Amy: I adore her.


AP: I would I would throw that on on your your list of things to watch. But back to TOC. I


I hope that they start shifting from east and west. Competition.


Amy: Yup, cause it's the same people are  battling each other a lot.


AP: And you'll see it again in season 5. I mean, they're great competitions, but it's always the same same two competing against each other, and that show is constantly evolving. It has never been the exact same.


Amy: Hmm.


AP: Season after season, you know the. For between the 1st season and second season they added, another whole 16 people basically.


Amy: Yeah, it's amazing the names they get there with the first.st Whenever you watch the 1st episode of a season, you're like, ‘Oh, my God, she's on this! Oh, my God!’


AP: ‘Know that person!’


Amy: I know most of them. I'm actually shocked when I don't know somebody I'm like, ‘who's that guy? I don't know that guy.’


AP: I know I've had to do the who's that? And I gotta look up where they're probably.


Amy: What have I seen him on before? If I've seen him on anything.


AP: Actually watching that show is the reason we went to Nashville in 2021 because they talked about Maneet's restaurants in Nashville. And I was like, I wanna go try those out. So we did, and we went to the Chauhan Alehouse, and it was so good that we none of us realize that when you're ordering the entrees because it is Indian style food like you, you should be sharing them.


Amy: Oh, they're big. Yeah, that would be good to know. Cause usually Indian food restaurants.


 That their portions are kind of small when you just order for yourself. So it's like a little tiny thing that's like this big and it it fills you up. But.


AP: No, these these were, these were. There was a plenty.


Amy: Good.


AP: And it was. It was so good. so.


Amy: Maybe I'd like to go there for a food tour.


Nashville, friend of ours, Dave wants us to go to New Orleans, but


 and I know they have good food, but I don't think I can handle the humidity in New Orleans, so I don't know if I want to go.


AP: Yeah, but.


Amy: We'll see. So we have a couple other things. So we wanted to talk about not just cooking shows.


AP: I know, but you went to Owamnni.


Amy: Oh, yes, since we're on food. Yes. the Saturday this past Saturday we went to Owamni, and this was because couple episodes ago of Top Chef. The chef…


AP: Sean Sherman.


Amy: Sean Sherman that's his name the Sioux chef. S-I-O-U-X chef.


He was on Top Chef, and they were showing his food. He was judging up one of the competitions, and so they were showing all of his food. And I was like, Oh, my God! It's so beautiful!


So good, and the chefs are out eating, and they're like, “Oh, my God! I've never had anything like this before! This is so good.” And I thought, you know, we've been wanting to go to Owamni since it opened, and it's always been like months and months out for reservations, and I thought if I don't check this right now, especially now that it's been on Top Chef, we're never getting in.


So I pulled out my phone and I got a reservation like 2 weeks.


And so yeah, we went this weekend. It was so good it was. It's a really cool place. 1st of all, the the it. One side of the building is, or one side of the restaurant is all windows looking over the Mississippi River.


They have a nice patio outside and it was a beautiful day, and it's just it's all set up really kind of long and like. There's only like 2 tables across from each other, the width of the restaurant.


And then the length of the restaurant is really long.


But the food was really good. It's all shareable plates, too. I mean, you could eat the whole thing if you wanted to, if you were super hungry, and you just wanted to try one thing, but we wanted to try a bunch of different things, and so we bought. We got a whole bunch of like just small plates, and then one entree, which was a shareable entree, which was duck breast.


And it was, I'm not a huge fan of duck, but it was.


AP: I do like duck.


Amy: Really good.


It was really good. They cooked the skin really crispy, so it wasn't blubberry, you know. Sometimes duck.


AP: Yeah, if you don't get. If you don't render the fat down in duck, you can. Yeah.


Amy: It can get kind of fatty. Yeah, but it wasn't. It was delicious. It was so good. We had a corn chowder, which was the thing. I was super super excited about.


AP: Yum!


Amy: And it was a corn chowder, and it had popcorn on it, and it had a corn dumpling in it, and it was. It was really good. Everything was really good.


AP: That sounds amazing. Yeah.


Amy: You gotta go. Gotta.


AP: Yeah, yeah, I my, I think my mom and I want to try and get in sometime. And I know with my brother would probably want to go to


Well, good. I'm glad you had a good experience with that.


Amy: It was wonderful. I highly recommend.


AP: Good.


Amy: And I think that he has another restaurant in Wisconsin, which is the one that they were kind of promoting on Top Chef, because, of course, that takes place in Wisconsin. But ours is in Minneapolis downtown.


And parking is no fun. But yeah, to walk a couple blocks, but that's fine.


AP: That's the way it is.


Amy: I can always use the steps. I know he's need steps. So yeah, it's all good. Super fun.


 Okay? What else? What else should we go.


AP: Well, I have. I have stand by a hack for cocktails for the summer.


This is, I mean I did it, and I was like dang, why haven't I done this before? So if you're like me, you like to try new things. So you end up getting half bottles of crap laying around. And you're like, I gotta get rid of like I gotta use this stuff up at some point.


Amy: Oh, you froze!


AP: Oh, I'm here! Did you find me?


Amy: Yeah for a little bit. And then I.


AP: Rude. How rude?


AP: But I took a couple of partial bottles of vodka, dumped them into mason jars with some frozen berries in them and cut up some lemon slices, threw those in shook them up, put them in the fridge.


Next day I took them out and muddled the berries around a little bit, shook them up, threw them back in the fridge for a little while and I did the same thing with some Bourbon. And now, you know I'm not a Bourbon drinker. I am like brown liquor is not my thing.


But I had some of these, and we had some dark cherries and some Clementine, so I threw in the frozen dark cherries, and sliced up a Clementine and put that in there, did the same thing, shook it up next day, muddled it


and then I was like, you know, we've got a pool. We're getting the patio redone, which is another nightmare.


And it's like, Well, why don't I just get a bottle of lemonade like good lemonade, dump a little bit of it out, and then pour the vodka in, or pour the Bourbon in. So I actually tried the

 Bourbon with lemonade. It was so good.


Amy: Hmm.


AP: Because it took, like the cherries, the sweetness of the cherries, and the the little acid of the orange like pulled out that bitter part that you get out of Bourbon and mix that with lemonade. It was just, I mean.


Amy: Yum.


AP: So good, so easiest little hack. If you have like a group coming over, just get a bottle of lemonade instead of like you can make your own with, you know, juicing your lemons and your limes, and make your simple syrup and stuff.


But you know what Simply Lemonade makes a damn good lemonade.


Amy: It does, it does, and their lime aid makes a good Margarita.


AP: And they also have mocktail ones right now. So they have a lime. They do have a lime, Margarita one they have like a sour peach, and I can't remember what the 3rd one is.


Amy: Nice.


AP: Yeah. So that is my, that is my little hack of. If you've got people coming over, or if you just want to have something where you can pour something easy without having to measure stuff.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: You just mix it in that? I mean, how many videos have you and I sent each other of people doing like freezer door espresso Martini.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Things like that. It's the same concept. So.


Amy: Or like The pitcher margaritas, where you just throw in the frozen lime made frozen lemon air, frozen orange juice, and then just some water, some booze and shake it all up.


AP: Yeah. I guarantee people have a partial bottle of rum or gin or vodka sitting around, and they're going. I don't know what I'm gonna mix this with.


Here you go!


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Frozen fruit.


Amy: Yeah. Good idea, I love it. Thank you.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: Like, okay.


AP: Last on our list is recommendations.


Amy: Yes.


AP: Because I have shows you've got to show or candy, and.


Amy: I do have candy. Let's do the candy, since we're still on food and drink right now. So I went to the Asian store yesterday again and I got this. I can't see me right now. I can only see you so like.


AP: XO Coffee.


Amy: XO coffee candy.  And it is all individually wrapped little lozenges and they are so good. It's like a really really rich candy flavor or really which coffee flavor, I mean.


They're from Jack and Jill says Jack and Joe excel coffee candy.


I don't know where you would get them other than you know Asian grocery store. Oh, they're from the Philippines.


 Well, they're delicious. So if you see those in the store


I think you're frozen again. Are you frozen? I can't. You're not moving, and I can't hear you.


AP: Only me that has the problems.


Amy: Ohh what happened?


AP: I don't know you froze, and it looked like you're holding up like a little fish.


Amy: Oh!


AP: Your your candy.


Amy: I was holding up a little, They're individually wrapped so.


AP: Yes, I think I've had those


Amy: Really? So good.


AP: They look really good. I love anything. Coffee like like that.


Amy: Oh, you would love these, and they're really nice, deep, rich flavor, and I whole bag’s only $3.


AP: awesome. I would love that.


Amy: Yeah. all right. What else? We got anything else Food related, I think.


AP: I don't think I have any more food related. I do have a couple of shows that I have binged since last we spoke. And yeah, I would.


One “Bodkin” I told you about is.


Amy: I forgotten that you told me about it, and I started watching it today.


AP: Will Forte in it and.


Amy: That’s his name, I’m like. It's the guy that's not Bill Hader.  I get them mixed up because.


AP: Yeah, yeah.


Amy: Both on SNL, and they look some sort of similar.


AP: Yep.


Amy: Yes, Will Forte


AP: Similar mannerisms. Yeah.  It takes you on a little wild ride.


Amy: Hmm.


AP: And.


Amy: She froze again.


AP: You're gonna have some really fun audio when you start listening to Audacity.


Amy: Yeah. Oh, I suppose.


AP: And I mean.


Amy: I'm going. ‘Where'd she go?’ I know.


AP: Well, I don't know what's going on. There's some Gremlins are happening, or something.


Amy: Well, I I put my incense on. But yeah, waft that around” Sage This Shit”.


AP: Yeah, I mean, both both times I like all of a sudden you've been frozen, and then I just don't hear anything. And I'm like. Well, she's gone again.


Amy: That's what I I see. It looks like you're just listening to me. But then you don't move. Oh, it's just happening again.


AP: Oh, nope!


Amy: But just happened for a second.


AP: I know I saw it happen on my end. So it's something between our connections, cause it's happening, not, it's happens, happening simultaneously.


Amy: Yeah. I wonder if we should? Should we just get out and go back in.


AP: No, it's loading my apps. I don't know why it's doing that!


Amy: What does that mean?


AP: I have No idea. That's fine.


AP: I'm going with. It's because I'm decided to sit down today that the Gremlins decided to be. No, you should have been standing. Thanks, helpful gremlins!


Amy: Who knows?


AP: But yeah, so, Bodkin, I just I, I just enjoy the show. It's there's a couple of mysteries. And at 1 point you're like, would you just get to the bottom of this mystery so that we can like but they're all intertwined.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Unravel together, and you learn a lot in the like penultimate episode. And there's only 7 episodes.


Amy: Okay, I think I watched 5 today.


AP: You learn a lot in 6.


Amy: Okay.  Well, and I I had got. I had to switch my cell phones around. I'm moving some of a couple…moving my work phone to, but whatever. So I had both my phones up and I was trying to match them up so I could get. So I wasn't really paying attention a hundred percent. But I think Greg would like the show, too. So I think I'll just start over and watch it with him.


AP: Yeah, you're gonna want to watch for the little details and some different things. So.


Amy: I noticed in the beginning, and there were some things that I would have missed if I wasn't paying attention. And then I got busy with doing this other thing, and so I wasn't. I'm like, I bet I'm missing a lot. So.


AP: It was, it was very good, and it's that's on the darker side. And then I have. Geek Girl, is the other one that I want to recommend to people, and it is so much on the lighter side.


And but what I love about this show, my There's 10 episodes they're like half hour shows. We watched 5 of them last night.


Amy: Wow. Okay.


AP: So it's about a girl in. We're in London High School age for us Americans. So teenagers. 16, I think, is her age. Socially awkward like.


I don't. I related so hard to this character because there's just like she. They give a little bit of her internal monologue that where she's like don't say that. Don't say that. Don't say something smart and say something cool.


We've all been there where we've like. Don't say that, don't say that, and then it comes out of your.


Amy: It falls out, yeah.


AP: Why did I say that?


She's the like kind of a fun fact person. So again, super relate like, especially in those situations where you don't know what else to say. She's like. Did you know that blah blah blah blah blah, and I'm like I relate to this. And I was like this in high school, too. I've always been like this.


But she ends up going. In the 1st episode. Her friend is obsessed with modeling. They end up.


They want a contest, and their class got to go to the London Fashion week show, and so they got to go, and in hopes of some of them being discovered, or whatever. Well, she falls and gets somebody records it and makes fun of her, and they post it online and stuff.


But the people who come over to help her up are modeling agents.


And they there's something about her that they like. And she's unique and quirky, and

she doesn't wanna do it because she doesn't wanna be up in front of people being made fun of, or any of that sort of stuff. And then something happens in one of her classes where literally a girl stands up and goes, who hates so and so raise your hand, and it's horrifying. And you know.


Amy: Girls are so mean.


AP: Oh, just you know the bullying, the bullying of her just because she's different. Oh, and she's good friends with her dad and her Dad's wife. Who's her step, mom, and all this stuff. So she has.


And she's a unique, you know, quirky friend who lives across the street, who, I think likes her other friend, but anyways, so she decides that she wants to try and pursue this modeling thing because she wants to change how she sees the world, and how the world sees her.


Amy: Alright!


AP: I would highly recommend it again. It hits all the different kinds of fields. It's not dark, like Bodkin, but it is. I found it very relatable, just because, like


 I still, I still do that. You guys know this. If you've been listening at all since I've been on, you know that I'm like, “Fun fact! Did you know?”


 and I can't help it. There are sometimes where I'm just like, no, that's not right. You have to do it like this and I don't mean it. I like, I'm sure some people are like, oh, she's kind of mean about this. I I don't mean it. I just it.


 It goes in my brain like gotta correct. I'm not trying to make somebody like call somebody out on being wrong about something. It's just my brain is like you'll get it.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Yes, I'll get that.


Amy: I understand.


AP: I think you'll I think you'll like it, and I don't think it's a Greg show.


Amy: No, I'll watch that one on my own. I probably should have watched that today instead, cause it's funny that came up for me today, too.


AP: Mmhm.


Amy: And I and I ended up watching Bodkin instead. But I didn't remember you talking about either one of those I remember you talking about shows. And actually, when I saw the geek girl when I was like, is this what Amy was talking about?


 But I didn't remember for sure that it was.


AP: Yep.


Amy: yeah, I should have watched that one. That's okay. I'll watch that one next time I have a day off.


AP: Yeah. do you have any shows to recommend.


Amy: I do. I have. We just watched one episode of Ripley.


AP: Oh, yeah, yeah, I've heard about this.


Amy: Is Andrew Scott, who is, was, if you remember, Fleabag. He was hottie priest.

 The hot priest.


AP: I didn’t watch Fleabag.


Amy: Fleabag, it's good. so he's he's a cutie, and he


 So you know the older movie, I can't remember when it came out nineties sometime. Matt Damon and Jude Law, The Talented Mr. Ripley.


AP: I remember the name more than I remember the movie, but I'm sure I've seen the movie.


Amy: Probably Gwyneth Paltrow was in it, too. And so he it's the same character.


AP: Mmm.


Amy: It's Tom Ripley is this character, who's a he's grifter con man, kind of yeah. And so Andrew Scott plays him, and he. So I just saw the first episode where he's meeting Dickie, who was the Jude law character and it's really good. It's shot in black and white.


AP: Yes.


Amy: And it's very artistic. It's very beautiful to look at. which is like I, you know, it takes place in those beautiful locations, too. And so you're like.


AP: Mmhm.


Amy: Like kind of do want to see that in color.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: But at the same time it's shot really. Well, it's really artistic. It's funny. It's well written.


It's got Andrew Scott. And yeah, I'm excited to see more.


AP: I mean.


Amy: Just watched the 1st episode. Yeah.


AP: I've heard good things about it.


Amy: Yeah. And the only other thing I wanted to recommend is, and I believe we talked about this before. I know we talked about it on Patreon with our patrons. But Lisha, our patron, recommended this podcast called Unobscured.


And I remember this is an Aaron Manke Podcast so it's the Lore the guy that did Lore and Cabinet Of Curiosities, and he's got a bunch of them. But this one it's a different thing each season and season One was about Salem Witch Trials and Season 2 is all about spirituality, and, like The Fox Sisters, and how the history of how spirituality has come into the world, and I've been listening to it at night when I go to sleep. And it's so good it's keeping me awake, but it's cause I'm so interested.


AP: Is the exact reason I can't listen to things to fall asleep to.


Amy: Yeah. I can listen to some stuff, because either I've heard it before, or it's just so like mumbly and inane that it doesn't matter but if it's stories I will usually.


Usually lay awake and listen, or I'll fall asleep and then wake up and be like it's over. What happened. I didn't hear how it ended. And then I'll put it back on again, and I'll fall asleep at the same spot.


There's 1 podcast Episode. I can't remember what it which one it is, but I think it's Fairy Tales For Unwanted Children. But I've listened to it 3 times, and I still don't know how it ends, because I keep falling asleep.


Amy: cause he has a really nice voice so I think that's probably oh, I did want to just mention, Shannon noted on Patreon today that I, because I talked about how I was going to get a CPAP.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: And I had some problems with the CPAP last time we recorded me talking about it, and then I cut it out because I figured out what the solution was.


AP: Aha!


Amy: But she did, she said, oh, it's you're gonna feel so much better. You're gonna sleep so much better. That's what everybody's told me. I've been sleeping with it for I think 18 days now.


And I don't really notice a difference. I don't think I feel like I slept any better and it's kind of a pain in the ass to have that thing on my face all night.  So I have. You only have to have it on for 4 hours. They want you to have it on for 7, but you have to have it on for 4 in order for insurance to pay for it.


Amy: So I wake up, and I'm like, is it been 4 hours yet? Has it been 4 hours? And then, if it is, I whip it off, and then I go to sleep and snuggle in like I'm actually comfortable.


 Maybe I'll get used to it, and maybe it'll maybe it'll be something I can use all night.


But I like the feeling of it. I like the feeling of the air.


AP: M-hmm.


Amy: Blowing in my face and my nose cause it doesn't. You'd think that would feel weird. But it doesn't. It just feels nice, except that mine just goes over my nose, not my mouth.


So you're supposed to sleep with your mouth closed right, and if, when it's blowing air in my nose, if I open my mouth, the air comes out of my mouth.


Amy: cause it goes like this. It comes out of my mouth. So I'm like, Hey.

 it's so weird talking with that thing I won't, or like. I try to yawn or I cough, and I'm like.


AP: Oh, God!


Amy: It's so bizarre.


AP: So it's odd. I know


Amy: it's cool. Anyway.


AP: Well should we dive into it now?


Amy: Just dive right in. It's been an hour.


AP: I knew we'd have a lot to talk about.


Amy: Yeah, I know that's good. Glad we can. I'm gonna try and get us through the actual run through quickly, like, just hit the things we have like. We don't have to talk about anything. We don't have a comment about.



Sounds good to me.


Amy: I'm gonna try that. alright.


AP: Yeah, right. You wanna do your countdown.


Amy: I'll do. I'll do a countdown, and then you can start. Yeah.


AP: We’re ending. Here, Amy!


Amy: This is, we're ending.


AP: Cut here!