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May 30, 2024

TAC Sideshow 03: Toots for Days

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The Activity Continues

This week we chat about fiber gummies, podcasts that release their episodes ages after they've been recorded, and gin…lots of gin talk. Watch the video version if you want to see Amy's pretty new purple gin.


This is the conversation we had before recording episode 117. Be sure to listen to that episode that followed this discussion. We discussed The Dead Files “Devil’s Triangle” (Season 11 Episode 9) and our episode will be released on July 4, 2024. 


Content Warning:

We didn’t find anything we thought deserved a content warning, we didn’t even swear…that much.


The Activity Continues is a paranormal podcast where soul friends, Amy, Megan, and AP chat about pets, true crime, ghost stories, haunts, dreams, and other paranormal stuff including the TV show, The Dead Files. We also sometimes interview interesting people, whether it be a paranormal professional, a Dead Files client, or a listener with spooky stories.


So, grab your fiber gummy of choice, and join us where… The Activity Continues.


This episode was recorded on May 20, 2024 and released on May 30, 2024.


Episode links:

Aviation cocktail https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/aviation

Origin Blue Morpho gin: https://internetwines.com/products/1220-spirits-blue-morpho-gin

Microfiber dog paw cleaning mat: https://amzn.to/3yqeDXc

Fiber gummies: https://amzn.to/4aqGrIo

Amazon links = #CommissionsEarned




Hosted by: Amy Lotsberg, Megan Simmons, and Amy Piersak

Production, Artwork, and Editing: Amy Lotsberg at Collected Sounds Media, LLC.

Theme song. “Ghost Story” and segment music by Cannelle https://melissaoliveri.com


Socials and other goodies:

Our website, https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/ 

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/theactivitycontinues 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theactivitycontinues/ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheActivityCont   

Blog for extras: https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/blog/

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/theactivitycontinues

YouTube: https://bit.ly/TAC_videos 

Newsletter sign-up: http://eepurl.com/hWnBLL


Thank you for listening, take care of yourselves. We’ll see you next week!

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Megan: Bet it is, holy shit.


Amy: There it is. Yeah, I need to get a scissors hang on.


Megan: A scissors.


Amy: Scissors. So I have to show you guys this, gin. I sent Amy a picture of it already, cause I know she likes gin and Megan, I know you don't so I didn't include you.


Megan: It's so gross. I tried it this weekend.



Amy: Okay. So I wanted to show you guys this gin. Look how pretty it is!


Megan: Like it's I like it.


AP: Yeah. It’s made with the pea flower protein.


Amy: Yep.


Megan: Very pretty. Very kind. It's kind of witchy, too, with the eye on top.


Amy: Oh, I know it's called origin. Ori-gin is the gin name, and then it's the Blue Morpho.


Megan: Oh cool.


Amy: So I'm going to pour.



AP: Yeah. So if you, when you have gins like that cause I usually have the Empress 1908. So that's gonna be it has that kind of cool color, and then when you pour it into the glass, it turns more blue, and then when you add tonic back to it because you're adding acid back to it. It goes more to a light purple color.


Amy: Yup! See, here it is in the thing, and even this looks way more blue.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: In the camera. Then it does what I'm looking at it. This looks purple to me, and it looks blue in here so, and it smells so good it's got, let's see. Inspired by the traditional aviation cocktail, the best cocktail ever.


Megan: Oh, my God, aviation! I know that cocktail only because you guys drink it.


Amy: It's beautiful, and it's delicious. Morpho gin is distilled with a beautiful blend of traditional botanicals and violet, lemon peel, lavender, and pea flower.


Megan: [singing] Natural botanicals!  It's from Herbal Essences


Amy: Oh!  This is what it looks like right now. I put a lot in here.


Megan: Rough day? Oh, my God, I okay. So I stayed super late at work, like, normally, I leave at 4 30. I didn't leave till 5:50, and I left at 5:50, because if we park in the parking garage you have to be out by 6 to get the early bird special.


Amy: I was like, or they keep your car?


Megan: Or they kill you. You actually.


Amy: You are just dead.


Megan: You're dead. So I'm booking it out there, cause I was like, literally in the middle of ordering a background check. And I'm like, oh, my God, I've gotta fucking go! So I grab my shit and I'm booking it out. There. I get in my car close the door, lock it immediately turn my car on, whip around, grab my wallet…grab my wallet!


Where's my wallet? Oh, it's up in the it's up back in the office. Oh, that's so pretty.


So then I had to go. I couldn't get in the building because my badge stops at 4:30, so somebody had to let me in.


Amy: Oh my god!


AP: Well, yeah.


Megan: Yeah! Yeah!


AP: Because they would have they put in for your hours of what time you you're typically there, so that if somebody were to find your badge after hours and try to get into the building.


Amy: They wouldn’t be able to get in?


AP: Yep.


Megan: Sothen I had to get the security guard to let me up, and I had to be like, I promise. I work here like this is my badge. I go up to floor 5.


Oh, my God! It was just so. I didn't get out till 6 15. I got home. Luckily there wasn't any traffic I got home at like 6:45. I made myself 2 quick eggs like 2 eggs on toast, and I ran down here. I bribe my child with a fiber bar fiber gummy that I call candy, but it's good because he needs help pooping, and he loves it so.


Amy: I need to get my mom some of those. I mean, it's candy, so she'll eat it right.


AP: Yeah.


Megan: Tastes really good.


AP: I just love the connection.


Amy: I had fiber gummies once, a long time ago I got I had got a thing of them, and They tasted fine, but they made my stomach all foamy, so I couldn't.


Megan: I will say when I eat like one, cause they taste good, so I’m gonna fuckin’ eat them. I've gotthe Toots for days like.


Amy: Toots!


Megan: I got the toots!


Amy: Alright. I just want to show an update on this beautiful drink.


Megan: Really pretty.


Amy: Amy’s right. It turned way more purple than now. It looks pink to me in real life, or like like a red light lavender.


Megan: Yeah, it's very, pretty.


Amy: Is delicious.


Megan: I went to a baby shower. My cousin had a gin and something I don't. It wasn't a gin and tonic. I don't know what it was.


Amy: Soda maybe?


Megan: Yeah, so I tasted it. And I was like, [blech].


Amy: It depends on the gin, I mean if you.


AP: Gins are getting so much better nowadays.


Megan: It was Tanqueray.


AP: Tanqueray is basic.


Amy: It's a good gin, but it's just gin.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: It doesn't have any flavors in it or anything except for pine tree.


AP:  I have a blackberry and raspberry bramble gin that's from Bombay, the Bombay sapphire. I have the Empress. I don't. I think I'm out of the Empress 1908. I had the Empress. the I have the other Empress, 1908. That is the or maybe it's not Emperor. Well, I can't remember. I think Empress is the company, but it's the rose and elder flower gin.


Megan: Mmm, oh that’s a good scent.


AP: It’s gorgeous.


Megan: Yeah, I mean a flavor, not a scent. I mean, it is a good scent too.



Amy: It’s a good scent too.


AP: Amy. Next time you have you have us over for cocktails. I'll have to bring the Mermaid gin, that my sister got me for Christmas, cause you'll love it. It's very floral and fruity. It's made with strawberries off of the Irish Isles… or the English isles.


Amy: Oooh!


[Megan is trying to choose the episode she wants us to cover for our upcoming Chill Series.]




Megan: Oh, somebody already picked the one that I was gonna do.


Amy: Oh, no! Which one was it.


Megan: Arctic Wrath.


AP: Girl. I chose that one back in February.


Amy: Yeah, that was already in the schedule.


Megan: Yeah, I didn't see that. Dammit. I thought I was like, Oh, my God, it's Alaska perfect!


Amy: Did you look at the spreadsheet, because I thought we put it in the spreadsheet too.


Megan: I was looking at the Dead File episodes, and it was not in that spreadsheet.


Amy: Really?


Megan: Hmm-mmn


Amy: I just went through that spreadsheet today and rechecked everything.

I thought it. I thought I.


AP:  For everyone who is unaware. Amy keeps a spreadsheet for everything


Amy: I do!


AP: which I appreciate, because I also like spreadsheets and checking things off and looking for things.


Amy: It helps me to figure it out. Don't worry about it, , Megan. You have until next week to do it, so.


Megan: That's fine. yeah. Nope, it wasn't in there, but that's fine. I can put it in there right now.


Amy: OK


AP: Yeah, we had it. I had it at the bottom of the current season document since we did the spring break ones, and we started, or we were getting towards the end of the spring Break series, and we're like we should put some more episodes into the bottom of the document and.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: So that we have orders to pick from. And then, Amy, you were like, I wanna do one when it's hot as balls out in the summertime.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: That was a direct quote, actually.


AP: I might be able to find that in my...


Amy: But I eventually moved the Arctic one into the list in the schedule for the next one we were doing, which we were like, Oh, it's next week. But then then today, Amy said.


I picked the one we're doing today. And then the next one we're doing. I picked too, and I was like, wait a minute, that's wrong. Then we can need to move that down a bit.


Megan: That’s fine.


Amy: So that's the next one we'll do will be mine, and then it will be Megan’s, and then it will be that one.


AP: Or you know, there are people that have been doing this for almost a decade, and they still can never remember who has. Which episode first.


Amy: I know!


Megan: Oh, my God! Em and Christine! Yeah.


AP: I was going with. I was going with Karen and Georgia.


Megan: K and J, G?.


AP: because I always know. Em always goes first.


Megan: Yeah. but even they were this this week on the latest one. They did their notes like a long time ago, and they totally forgot about it. So they were like, we're gonna take this journey together because I don't remember these notes.


AP: Well, that was kind of like when they were here for tour Stop in Minneapolis, and they're like this is the end of the line. So we do come a little more unhinged.


Megan: But it was great..


AP: Yeah Oh, it was! It was fantastic, but I loved that. They were more unhinged at that point.


Megan: It was perfect. It was beautiful. I had something I was going to say, and then I totally forgot so clearly. It's not that important.


Amy: Must have been a lie. That's what my mom always says. If you had something to say and you forgot it, it’s a lie.


Megan: Okay, well, let's calm down Barb. Barb let's calm down. You can't even raise your arms. Kidding. I'm kidding. That was so mean.


Amy: But she can. That's the funny thing.


Megan: I know it is.


Amy: Okay.

And then I have one more little thing. This is good news. We have some celebrating to do.


Megan: [singing]  Celebrate, celebrate!  sorry I'm done so sorry.



Amy: That’s OK I just. I didn't want to interrupt your musical interlace.


Megan: Little 3 Dog Night for everybody.


Amy: Oh, okay, God, my dad used to like Three Dog Night.


Megan: I love Three Dog Night. Okay, I'm sorry.


Amy: Which I know I'm going off on too many tangents already, and we'll talk about this in the

main episode, too. But when this one is released.. It's going to be the same day as the one

that where we celebrated Amy's birthday it's going to be up may thirtieth.

However, that is my dad's birthday also, so we need to say happy birthday to Allan.


AP: Happy Birthday, Allan.


Megan: Isn't it crazy that I just started singing Three Dog Night, and he loved Three Dog Night.


Amy: I know. That's what that's what made me think of it. That's so crazy.


Megan: Okay. Allan.


AP: What was his favorite color?


Amy: I don't. I don't know that he.


Megan: Allan can't be defined into one favorite color.


Amy: had a favorite. Probably blue. He had a lot of clothes that were blue.


AP: So the reason I asked cause I was gonna say this earlier. I went for a short. I went for a mile run, and then my calves were super tight, so I just started. I just went for a walk for the rest the last mile.


Megan: Because your body was like. Please stop doing this to me.


AP: No it was Please get me new running shoes. I'm wearing blue and.


Megan: You are.


AP: And every single runner I saw out there today was wearing a blue shirt.


Amy: Really.


AP: I saw, like 5 or 6 other guys out running, and they were all wearing blue.


Megan: My headphones are blue.


AP: Yeah, I saw that. Yup.


Megan: Allan, you're here, I mean he's always here with us.


AP:. I noticed that when I was when I was going around through the neighborhood, and I I mean I have a path a couple of different paths that I take. So I crisscrossed a bunch of people, and I was like, oh, he's wearing blue. He's got blue camo on. That's a different color blue. I saw that guy in his garden earlier. He was in blue, too, and he's in blue now, and like it was just all these idiosyncrasies of blue.


Amy: Synchronicities, yeah.


Megan: How.


AP:. Yeah.


Megan: How old would your dad have been on May thirtieth.


Amy: He was born in 1932.  I can't do math.


Megan: 98, 92, 92.


Amy: 92, okay.


Megan: Look at me! Oh, my God! I'm so fast.


Amy: You are so fast speaking of blue. Hang on for a second, because I  okay. So I'm wearing my activity, continuous shirt. But it has a big hole in it. and I just ripped the hole even bigger. So I was gonna change my shirt to the shirt I have sitting in my office, but I hadn't. I didn't get.


Megan: Is it blue?


Amy: I got late, hang on!


Megan: I bet it's blue.


[Amy comes back holding a blue shirt]


Amy: Isn’t that weird? almost the same color as Amy's. No, it's a little lighter.


AP: But yeah, this one's pretty oceany blue.


Megan: Yeah, yours is more of like a robin’s egg, blue.


Amy: Yeah, it's almost a greenish blue.

Megan: So during my ADHD testing on Friday it was. There was some math problems like word problems. And I'm like.: fuck you. But I I was really good at them.


Amy: Good.


Megan: Because one of the only one I remember that I was good at was, if I don't remember the name, but we'll say if Amy runs 22 min Monday through Friday and 30 min on Saturday, how many minutes does Amy run a week?


 And I was like, Paul. you're killing me, but I figured it out, and it was 1 40.


Amy: And that was the right answer?


Megan: Mmm-hmm


Amy: because I, here's me, they would hate me because I'd be like, do we know that those are the only 2 days she ran that week, or did she even.


AP: A Monday, Monday, through Friday and Saturday.


Megan: And Saturday. So she ran 6 days.

So first of all, Amy needs to get evaluated psychically or psychiatrically for running those many days.


AP: It's so beautiful out. It's a great day, great way to be outside.


Megan: But so yes, anyways.


Amy: I have to tell you guys about our celebration.


Megan: Oh, that's I thought that was your dad.


Amy: No.


Megan: We're celebrating your dad.


Amy: No, we have some to celebrate between each other, but I also have to, because we went off on this and this and this and this and this, and now we gotta scroll back a little bit.


Megan: Sure circle back.


Amy: Amy Allan circle back Amy Allan’s birthday that we were celebrating last time. Yeah, is not on the thirtieth. It's on the thirty-first.


Megan: Oh, we're silly!


Amy: So we celebrated her birthday and said, Happy birthday to her in La La. And it her birthday is not until tomorrow. When this comes out.


Megan: M-hmm.


Amy: But my dad's birthday is May 30th .


AP: Close enough.


Amy: Close enough. anyway, this is what we have to celebrate. So I checked the analytics today.

and, as you know, we hit 20,000 downloads last week. It's now like 20,700 or something.


Megan: That's a lot in a week..


Amy: Yeah So then we also hit our all time high of downloads per month. 1,511.


Megan: Oh, my God!


Amy: And then we crushed that today at one.


Megan: Today?!.


Amy: Today at 1,559.


Megan: Not in a day.


Amy: No, that was last Friday, Friday was when we hit 1511. Today is 1559, and that's an average. So average number of downloads per month.


and I do believe that's due to the episode, the extra Sideshow episode that I put out yesterday at 5 o'clock.


Between yesterday morning and this morning we had 87 downloads in the one day, which is quite a lot.


Megan: That's a lot.


Amy: That's a lot for us.


Megan: That's yeah.


AP: That's awesome.


Megan: That has To be close to a record for us.


Amy: Yeah, I think it might be. And then but 46 of those were for the new Sideshow episode.


But that wasn't even released until 5 PM. So it's not even 24 hours.


Megan: Whoa!


Amy: And then


AP: People like hearing us talk!


Megan: Take that, [redacted name of “friend” who thinks we have 7 listeners].


Amy: Well, here's where the here's where [friend]’s number comes in. 7 of the ones from yesterday and today were for the Spirit Mechanix episode.


Which is weird, that only 7, because that means that. So we have 87 downloads. 46 of them are for the new episode. 7 of them are for the the spirit mechanics episode, which means all of the other ones are other people are people downloading other ones, past episodes, which usually means that new people have found us, and they're grabbing the old episodes.


Megan: And they're catching up. Yup.


Amy: So what this all tells me is that we have approximately 45 to 50 people who subscribe in an app and download automatically, because I did not promote that sideshow episode at all. No socials, nothing.


And I think the growth is due to spirit mechanics, because Raymond has been a super beast at sharing all of our staff.


Megan: Oh really?


AP: He’s awesome.


Amy: He’s liking it, sharing it and commenting and everything. He's really and great at helping spread the word. So is Steven.


AP: Patricia couldn't laminate it, so.


Megan: So she's like, I don't fucking care.


Amy: So I think it's mostly that. But then it by, like the idea that people are listening to our older episodes. That means we're hearing. We're getting new ears, which is fantastic. So congrats to you both.


Megan: To us, to all.


Amy: Us, and.


AP: Nostrovia


Amy: And thank you to our listeners


AP: Butcher butchered Polish supposedly.


Megan: Thank you. You guys are amazing.


Amy: Amazing. So and then I just wanted to quickly run down to let other people know, because we did talk about it a little bit before, and I did a voiceover in one of the other sideshow episodes about why we're doing the sideshow thing and the couple reasons are That I know that some people who are really dead fast fans don't really give 2 shits about what Amy, Megan, and Amy have to say personally.


So I, yeah, some some podcasts, one that I listen to in particular, likes to leave all that stuff in. But they put right in the beginning fast forward 22 min and 30 s. If you don't want to listen to us, talk because they get A lot of feedback.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: of people saying, You talk too much.


Megan: Yeah, which is, fucking dumb cause. It's a podcast.


Amy: I know. We only got the one bag review, but.


AP: I was going to say, I mean. if you're aren't you listening to podcasts to listen to people talk.


Megan: Literally, yeah.


Amy: What she meant is that they don't wanna listen to people talk about something other than.


AP: I, I get it. But you know what if you don't have anything nice to say, move on, there's hundreds of thousands of podcasts out there. If we're not for you.


Amy: That's fine!


AP: We're for a lot of people.


Megan: But you don't need to be mean.


AP: We’re not for everybody.


Megan: At least 10.


Amy: At least 46.


Megan: We're in the double digits.


AP: Not even counting our families.


Amy: Right. My family doesn't listen. I don't have anybody in my family that listens not a single one.


Megan: Knowing your family. That's probably for the best.


Amy: Probably for the best. Yeah. My mom thinks it that we're going to be too scary.


But so I also had been toying with the idea of doing cutting all of our episodes in half, anyway, so that we could release them in parts so that they weren't an hour and 25 min hour and 40 each.


and then I thought, Well, I think it makes more sense to do the the chit chat. gossipy stuff as one episode, and then the dead files guts as another. So that way we have 2 episodes not every week. We are now going to record every other week. And the episode that we record will be split into sideshow. All the fun goofy shit.


and the Dead Files guts, or the interview, or.


Megan: Whatever.


Amy: Listener stories.


Megan: Main the main event, right.


Amy: So just to let everybody know that's what we're doing.

And today we are recording episode 1 17. So the gab portion I was calling it the gab and the guts portion.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: Noodling this around in my craw.

So the Gab portion will be out on May thirtieth, which is the day before Amy Allen's birthday, the day of my dad's birthday.  and the guts will be out. July fourth.


 That's how far out we are. Yeah.


Megan: Wow, yeah.


Amy: It is. And then I'm gonna keep the numbering the same. So it's gonna be like.


 well, episode 1 17  sideshow three. Episode 1 18 so you know, and then, if we have to split them, then it'll be 1 17 part, one  sideshow, 1, 17 part 2.

Such a like.




Anybody else have anything we want to talk about in the gabby session.


AP: I just can't. I can't believe the beautiful weather that we're having so definitely been spending more time outside as I can.


Amy: It has been really nice.


AP: I did some hiking this weekend and some patio sitting with the dogs. So speaking of, we're getting our patio, Redone.


Amy: Oh!


AP: Finally. So they were here today breaking out the cement pad that's back there

 It's I'm not really looking forward to the rain the next couple of days with the amount of mud that's gonna come in the house.


Amy: Yeah. Yeah. And I need one of those. One of those like rug type wipers for dogs, feet that are real big and fuzzy of the big loops. Have you seen those?


AP: Hmm. Try sixteen paws at a time.


Amy: Yeah, no they’d have to wait outside.


AP: Because I can tell you they do not wait outside.


Amy: Mine won't even go outside everybody peed in the foyer this morning. Everybody.


Megan: oh my God.


AP: They all went outside, but they were yup they were soaked when they came back in little like little seals. But Talon is the one who will go outside, and if it's lightly, drizzly, and she's like, No.


And you're like Talon, go potty. She's like no, and you have to go stand outside in the rain with her, and she's like fine.


Amy: It Mine is Digby. He won't. He won't go out when it's raining. He doesn't want to get his princess toes wet. I think we're good on personal stuff unless you guys have anything else.


AP: I'm good.


Amy: Alright! I'll do the 5, 4, 3, 2, one.


Megan: Okay.


Amy: And then it looks like I start. Huh?


Megan: Yes, you start. You're number one. You're no number one.


Amy: okay.


Amy: 5, 4, 3, 2.