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June 20, 2024

Everything Circles Back to Pee

Dissecting The Dead Files “Drained” (Season 8 Episode 12) which aired September 9, 2017.

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The Activity Continues

This week we are discussing The Dead Files “Drained” (Season 8 Episode 12) which aired September 9, 2017. To say that this episode confused us is an understatement.


We discussed peeing when you don't mean to, psychic vampires, horror films, and series of threes. We also learn what an organic witch is and we disagree on what the term “gravely” means.


Content Warning:

 In this episode we mention suicide, murder (ax), and exorcisms, so warning for those who need it. Also, we swear.


The Activity Continues is a paranormal podcast where soul friends, Amy, Megan, and AP chat about pets, true crime, ghost stories, haunts, dreams, and other paranormal stuff including the TV show, The Dead Files. We also sometimes interview interesting people, whether it be a paranormal professional, a Dead Files client, or a listener with spooky stories.


So, grab your beverage of choice, and join us where… The Activity Continues.


This episode was recorded on May 13, 2024 and released on June 20, 2024.


Chapter Markers

00:00:00 Intro

00:01:13 Hello!

00:03:32 Content Warning 

00:04:12 Overview

00:06:07 Segment 1

00:24:55 Segment 2 

00:40:58 Segment 3

00:51: 23 Next Week 

00:53:41 Outro


Episode links:

Mary the elephant: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_(elephant)

My Amityville Horror (documentary): https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1727523/

The Iron Claw (movie) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Iron_Claw_(film)

The Dead Files Official Podcast: https://pod.link/1642377102



This podcast is in no way affiliated with Warner Brothers, HBOMax, the Travel Channel, Painless TV, or the TV show The Dead Files or any of its cast or crew. We’re just fans that love the show and want to build a community of like-minded people who would enjoy hanging out and discussing the episodes and similar content.



Hosted by: Amy Lotsberg, Megan Simmons, and Amy Piersak

Production, Artwork, and Editing: Amy Lotsberg at Collected Sounds Media, LLC.

Theme song. “Ghost Story” and segment music by Cannelle https://melissaoliveri.com


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116-Everything Circles Back to Pee

Amy Allan Sound Clip: What the hell? Is there a demon here? Oh boy…

[intro music “Ghost Story” by Canelle]

Amy VO: Hi Ghosty Fam, Amy here. Welcome to The Activity Continues a podcast where three soul friends talk about all things paranormal, ghosts, hauntings, psychics, movies, and TV shows, especially The Dead files and other spooky and spooky adjacent things as well. We also like to interview people in the paranormal community as well as past Dead Files clients and other interesting people. Sometimes we even tell your stories, we hope you enjoy the show.


[00:01:14] AP: But yeah, so bear with me. It's a, I will mute myself as fast as possible if a coughing fit comes on, but luckily they haven't lasted too long. Like the one that lasted over an hour the other night in the middle of the night.

[00:01:27] Megan: Yeah, I hate those.

[00:01:28] Amy: I hate those. That's the worst.

[00:01:31] Megan: And now for me, when I cough, I pee, so it's like coughing and then clenching my legs together to try to prevent the pee from coming out.

[00:01:38] Amy: You need to do your Kegels.

[00:01:40] Megan: I do.

[00:01:41] Amy: Oh, you do?

[00:01:41] Megan: Mm hmm. Today we visited the juvenile detention center in St. Paul and on the way back, I tripped and peed.

[00:01:49] AP: I was like, how is this connecting?

[00:01:50] Megan: I tripped and peed.

[00:01:53] Amy: I was like, wow, we changed, we changed topics real quick.

[00:01:57] Megan: You just gotta, just give it, it circles back, everything circles back to pee.

[00:02:04] AP: Okay.

[00:02:05] Amy: Well.

[00:02:07] AP: If you leave this in, there's the title for the episode.

[00:02:10] Amy: Everything circles back to pee.

[00:02:11] Megan: It should be the title of every episode.

[00:02:18] AP: Hello. And welcome, everyone, to The Activity Continues. Thank you for joining us again. Thank you for having me back, ladies, after I was gone last week.

[00:02:29] Megan: We thought we'd let you come back.

[00:02:31] AP: Thanks.

[00:02:32] Amy: We had fun, but we missed you.

[00:02:33] Megan: Yeah, we did.

[00:02:34] AP: Thank you. Yeah. It's, it's a weird day. We're recording the day after Mother's Day here, which I'll tell you, for me personally, has been a little, little weird with it'll be a year for Briggs on the 14th, but that was also mother's day.

So I feel like I have two days that I'm comparing of things. So lots of fun, everyone. But today we are going to be discussing the Dead Files episode “Drained”, which is from season 8, episode 12, and originally aired in September of 2017, September 9th.

The short little synopsis from our dear friends at the Travel Channel: Steve DiSchiavi and Amy Allan investigate paranormal activity threatening the lives of a Ripley, West Virginia father and his family.

They are convinced their house became haunted the day their neighbor's home burnt down. But Amy finds something far more dangerous and primitive lurking on their land, a powerful demon that terrorizes the family, along with a psychic vampire who threatens to suck the life force out of everyone.

Megan, what are we warning people about today?

[00:03:38] Megan: Just a few light topics there's mention of suicide, a very brutal murder and I also added child torture, with the clients.

[00:03:47] Amy: Oh, okay. For the daughter.

[00:03:50] Megan: For the little girl, yeah. Yeah.

[00:03:52] Amy: Okay.

[00:03:54] Megan: And if we forget anything, Amy will add it to the show notes. So as always, please check the show notes for any content warnings as well.

[00:04:01] Amy: That's right. We try not to go into too much detail about stuff anyway, but sometimes it's just  

[00:04:09] Megan: just flows that way.

[00:04:11] Amy: Okay. So the overview, the dramatic reading of the, I'm not going to dramatically read it.

[00:04:19] Megan: Why? What other reading is there? Amy, was this your episode or AP, did you choose this one?

[00:04:25] Amy: I chose this one.

[00:04:26] Megan: You chose it. Okay.

[00:04:27] Amy: I did. So today we're traveling to Ripley, West Virginia. The client is Scott, his wife, Wendy, and their three kids.

About six months after they moved in, their neighbor's house burned down, and they are pretty sure that that stirred up something evil. They've been experiencing loud noises, apparitions. Shadow figures, nightmares, and physical attacks. Also, their teenage son's personality has changed. Amy discovers a screaming woman, a tall demon dressed like a priest, and two elderly couples.

Steve uncovers the suicide of a former owner, which took place in the house. He attempts to debunk the loud noises by having a plumber come out and check pipes. And he also learns about a brutal, actually quite brutal, triple homicide that happened near the property.

Amy has a sketch done that is very disturbing.

Megan: It was very disturbing.

Amy: Very, but also really amazing artwork. At the reveal, Steve connects almost all of the things Amy saw to things that he uncovered, yet still tells her that what she's given him is, quote, not much to go on.

Megan: I know. I'm sorry. Sorry.

Amy: That’s alright! Amy explains that the old man is actually a psychic vampire who feeds off the living and is draining them.

Amy tells them to get a Catholic priest to get rid of the demon priest, demon slash priest, and have the house blessed. Then a physically intimidating male psychic needs to come in and remove who she calls the, quote, “elderly dead lunatic”. She confirms that the house burning down has nothing to do with the activity in the house.

They say they will take her advice, but at the end they're still searching for a priest and a medium.

Okay, so where shall we begin? I will say that one of the first things that happens, this is by my notes two minutes in, where Amy says, “what the hell, is there a demon here?” And I thought it sounded like she was like, knock, knock, knock. “Is anybody home?”

[00:06:26] AP: I said, Hey, starting strong with the Demon devil talk.

[00:06:33] Amy: Yeah, I know it really was. Does anybody else have anything for like that first part?

AP: Well, I …

[00:06:39] Megan: I just wrote “we got demons right away.”

[00:06:42] AP: Well, yeah. And I mean, if you're going into that first part with Steve and stuff talking You all find it really interesting that it was the father that actually called them in this time?

Megan: Mm hmm.

Because I thought the dynamic between Scott and Wendy, like their dynamic was fine, but the the way that they approached it both seemed opposite of where we see most roles come into play. So I kind of, you know, just the fact like have you heard the jokes about like, if a farmer goes to the doctor or calls the doctor without being prompted, you know, something's really wrong.

That's kind of the feeling I got with this is like,

[00:07:18] Megan: he stopped repairing the fence.

[00:07:20] AP: He came in on, did his wife tell him to come in? No. He came in on his own. Oh guys, we got to like code red right now, but, but that was kind of the way that it came across to me. It's like, this guy's obviously very concerned but it was just kind of felt so opposite of what we normally see.

[00:07:41] Amy: It did. And it, it did seem to me more like the wife, Wendy was more like willing to just. Pretend like it's not happening and push it under the rug. And he wanted answers and he wanted it,

[00:07:54] Megan: which makes me wonder, is this a smaller town? Like we don't want. You know, people to know we're odd, quote, unquote.

[00:08:02] Amy: Well, that they're making a mayonnaise commercial.

AP: Yes.

 [00:08:05] Megan: What?

[00:08:07] Amy: Remember when Donalyn was on, the client, Donalyn, and she said, they had to tell all their neighbors that they, they were like, what are all the cameras for? And she said that we were told to tell everybody we were filming a mayonnaise commercial.

 [00:08:18] Megan: the least spicy of the condiments.

[00:08:21] AP: That easily could be, or, you know, I noticed just throughout the whole thing and even into the reveal, like Wendy was very tight lipped, like literally tight lipped, like her facial expression hardly changed.

You saw a little bit of change in her eyes on different things, but I mean, even

[00:08:38] Megan: even in the reveal.

[00:08:39] AP: Well, even when Steve, when even Steven started the conversation, she was like, yep, yes.

[00:08:46] Megan: Yeah. It was very, like, not volunteering information at all.

[00:08:50] Amy: I was like, she's a fun interview. Yeah. Really gotta drag anything out of her.

[00:08:53] Megan: Well, it also doesn't help that Steve tends to ask yes or no questions. Like, let's try to ask more open-ended questions, Steve.

[00:09:00] Amy: That's true. That's true.

[00:09:01] Megan: Like, stop leading her. This isn't a murder investigation.

[00:09:05] Amy: We're not interrogating anyone.

[00:09:06] Megan: No. We're just, like, asking, so, you know, what experiences do you have? Oh, you must be having a really hard time. Come on, Steve.

[00:09:16] Amy: Well, and that, that kind of brings up also, I was thinking when he was talking to the son, Donovan, who's having the issues, he doesn't want to leave the house and all that. When he was like, “are you doing any drugs that you're not telling anybody about?”

[00:09:30] AP: “Come on, I know teenagers. “

[00:09:31] Amy: Yeah. And then he's like, no, I'm don't, “don't bullshit me. I'm serious.”

[00:09:34] Megan: Don't fucking bullshit me. Yeah.

[00:09:35] Amy: And I was like, why are you going to be so scary? Yeah. He didn't commit a murder.

[00:09:40] Megan: I was like, calm down Steve. Like he's 15. Alright.

[00:09:44] Amy: Yeah. And he's, he got cameras in his face. He's probably, he's already on edge because of what's going on with him so

[00:09:51] AP: Well when he's, he's already been like trying to protect his sister. I mean, when she, when she's talking about how she was crying about something and then her, you know, she was uncontrollable and then her brother said it's okay, and then she stopped.

[00:10:03] Amy: Yeah.

[00:10:03] AP: You know. when Steve was talking to the dad about well, like, well, isn't he just a teenager? Cause it's like, fair point.

[00:10:10] Megan: Yeah.

[00:10:10] AP: You know, that, that's a, I taught teenagers. I saw that.

[00:10:16] Megan: Yeah. I mean, he's more emotional. He doesn't. before he was happy, shoves everyone out, wants to stay in his room all day. I'm like, but he's 15.

[00:10:26] Amy: Yeah. That's how I was.

[00:10:28] AP: And they've only been in the house for a year and a half. And they said, it's only been happening for about a year. So then, I mean, still some, some of that lines up with like going from middle school to high school if you're in a typical six, eight, nine, 12 type. So yes. logistically

[00:10:43] Megan: I mean, I agree. Everything that was going on is bad. It just doesn't seem like it was enough for me to like warrant them being called in. I feel like there've been worse cases.

[00:10:58] Amy: Yeah. I mean, sure. There have been some really hideous ones.

[00:11:01] AP: I think this one was this one was like an onion. It had layers because from the outside, it didn't seem as bad.

Megan: Mm-Hmm.  That's true.

AP: What was it a couple weeks ago? The bruising that we saw. Oh, that one was bad.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. You know, and, you know, there was, there were some scratches and there were some things, and like the bouncing off the walls or like hearing banging noises.

Megan: Mm-Hmm.

AP: or, you know, Steve thought was the plumbing

[00:11:26] Megan: Yeah. He brought Landon out.

[00:11:28] AP: Fair, fair point. But yeah, as far as some of it goes, but, you know, Steve kind of said it, he, he took this one because of the kids.

[00:11:37] Megan: Yeah. Mm-Hmm.  which he usually does. He has a soft spot for the kids.

[00:11:41] Amy: Yeah. Yeah.

[00:11:42] AP: But I can't imagine that out of the hundreds and thousands of other applications that there weren't other kids.

[00:11:48] Amy: Mm hmm.

[00:11:48] AP: Just.

[00:11:49] Amy: That's true.

[00:11:49] AP: It's always interesting. But I'm glad that they got, they got help because the center layers of this were rotten.

[00:11:55] Megan: They're bad. Yeah.

[00:11:56] Amy: Yeah. Yeah. Well, I hope they've gotten help since because, you know, like I said at the end, it's that they, they hadn't yet, but I thought too, it was interesting that Amy found this, or saw this demon that was dressed like a priest, what was that all about? And then he was able to, like the, there had been a barrier put up, but he was able to, a psychic barrier that is not a fence.

He was able to dig under and get in and then was all snotty about it and said, “ha ha, they can't keep me out and neither can you. “

[00:12:34] AP: Yeah. And

[00:12:34] Megan: he said there was no hallowed ground to keep him out.

[00:12:38] AP: Well, and you know, he said that, like, what was that about with the Catholic priest get up or whatnot. But, you know, in, in a lot of ways, and especially being, you know, how long in the U.S., West Virginia is one of the areas that's been more, you know, had people there longer than other parts of the country, right, of, or not people, but have had settlers there.

[00:13:01] Amy: Mm hmm.

[00:13:01] Megan: Mm hmm.

[00:13:02] AP: So, you know, it's, it's got that theory of it, to me, it felt like, oh, he's dressing up like this or it's dressing up like this to, so if they see it, they're not as scared of it, so they allow it to get closer and that sort of thing.

[00:13:16] Megan: Because you trust priests. And so if it shows itself as a demon, obviously you're going to be like, “ah, demon”. But if it shows itself as a priest, you'll be like, “ah, good priest”, or whatever you would say when you say priest.

[00:13:27] Amy: I don't know that I would say that.

[00:13:29] Megan: Ah, priest.

[00:13:30] AP: Ah, priest.

[00:13:31] Amy: Especially when she said he's dressed like a priest, but he's got horns and a tail.

[00:13:35] Megan: I don't like that, yeah.

[00:13:36] Amy: He should have hid the horns and the tail if he was going to really try and fool anyone.

[00:13:39] Megan: This is Priest 101. You hide the horns in the tail. if I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times.

[00:13:45] AP: Was it Priest or was it Demon 101?

[00:13:46] Amy: Yeah, it's Demon 101.

[00:13:48] Megan: It's Demon 101. One thing that really stuck out to me that I felt really bad for Scott was he was talking to Steve and how he had heard a gunshot and he woke up and he thought Donovan might have shot himself.

Yes. And I felt so bad for him because I cannot imagine the panic that that man must have felt thinking that his child had killed himself.

[00:14:10] AP: And, and the description of the concussion being so close. Think of the fireworks that explode really like loud in the sky and they make that pop and it reverberates in your chest feeling.

That's the concussion that he's talking about. And so if he's feeling that, that's how close he's feeling to something like that.

[00:14:32] Amy: See, when he said concussion, I was thinking head, and I was thinking gunshot to the head. And so I was thinking, is he a physical medium?

[00:14:42] Megan: Yeah.

[00:14:43] Amy: Because he was feeling a pain of somebody else.

[00:14:46] AP: Concussion is a pretty common term for…

[00:14:48] Megan: I didn't think either of those. I thought it meant like a kickback from a gun.

[00:14:53] AP: No, that that's just a kickback. The concussion is the sound that is

[00:14:56] Amy: kind of that 'whoosh'

[00:14:57] AP: yep. Or I just,

[00:14:59] Megan: I seriously felt

[00:15:00] AP: sound waves.

[00:15:01] Megan: I wanted to hug him because I'm sure for that, you know, those 30 seconds where he thought his son had killed himself were, took years of that poor man's life.

[00:15:12] Amy: Yeah,

[00:15:13] AP: he's like, well, we, we did have a neighbor that died. The neighbor said that the person who lived in this house died by suicide in the 90s.

in the 90s. Yeah. And so it's like, okay.

[00:15:23] Megan: So I'm sure that was in his mind too.

Like, right. This house has already claimed somebody to suicide. I did notice that there are a lot of threes in this episode. Like Scott said, he hears three knocks, he heard three knocks, and then he saw an apparition of an old man. Lacey had three scratches on her chest. So I thought it was very interesting, especially with demon, they're, you know, known for their threes.

[00:15:48] Amy: Right.

[00:15:49] AP: And you know, because they're making fun of the Holy Trinity.

[00:15:51] Megan: right. Yeah. Yeah.

[00:15:53] Amy: Yeah. I thought that I didn't catch the three knocks, but I did think of that with the, with the little girl with the scratches on her.

[00:15:59] Megan: He, it was when they were outside talking and it was right after he thought Donovan might've killed himself. He said, I heard three knocks and then saw an apparition of an old man.

[00:16:09] Amy: Okay.

[00:16:10] AP: And now as we talk about, you know, that, that shot and the concussion that he felt and stuff when then he mentions the suicide, well, don't we find out that the man who lived there who died by suicide, died in his bed in one of their rooms. So that would make sense as to why he heard and felt the sound and the, the, you know, reverberation of it.

[00:16:33] Amy: Right.

[00:16:34] AP: Yeah.

[00:16:34] Amy: Yeah. I think it was in their bedroom.

[00:16:36] AP: Yeah. I couldn't remember if it was their bedroom or if it was Lacey's bedroom.

[00:16:41] Amy: Oh, okay. I thought they said it was his. I, I, I mean, I've got the transcript. I could take time looking for it, but…

[00:16:47] AP: yeah, it was one of theirs. Actually, I think it was because isn't he attacking the wife? Isn't he attacking Wendy in there too?

[00:16:54] Amy: Yeah, that's what the sketch is.

[00:16:57] Megan: Mm hmm. It's terrifying. That's one of the scarier sketches she's had.

[00:17:01] Amy: It really is.

Okay. So yeah, the old man with the peppered hair with the wide nose. I wish, I really wish she would have had him sketched because he had such a good description.

[00:17:13] Megan: Yeah, he did.

[00:17:13] Amy: Scott did. And then when, when Amy was talking about the description of what she saw, it sounded exactly like what Scott saw. So I'm really surprised she didn't have that drawn.

[00:17:22] AP: I was wondering if it was that or if Scott saw one of the two old men from the couple who, the two couples that were there and one of those old men who are trapped there.

[00:17:36] Amy: Isn't that …

[00:17:37] AP: No.

Amy: Wait.

AP: So there's the old man who runs around like the kid, that's Lucas, that's the guy who died by suicide. And then there's two couples, two elderly couples that are not him.

[00:17:50] Megan: And they don't ever really touch on who they are No, but he's,

[00:17:53] AP: but their mind is gone. And they're the ones that are snogging around. And he's right, keeping them there.

[00:17:57] Amy: Bouncing off the walls.

[00:17:57] AP: He's the one holding them there, but he's not one of the couple. Mm hmm.

[00:18:01] Amy: Okay. Well then, but she says one of the men in the couple is the one that can disguise himself as a child. And I thought that was the demon. Am I wrong?

[00:18:13] AP: No, the demon is a demon.

[00:18:14] Amy: That's just separate?

[00:18:16] AP: Yep.

[00:18:16] Amy: All right.

[00:18:17] AP: Yeah. Cause I don't think,

[00:18:18] Megan: Oh, I missed that where she said that then.

Amy: It was in the reveal.

[00:18:20] AP: Yeah. I don't think she um,

[00:18:23] Megan: Oh.

[00:18:25] AP: Cause I was going to say, she, she said earlier on that it was two couples and they're being kept here by the man who disguises himself like the little boy.

[00:18:33] Amy: Oh, okay.

[00:18:35] AP: But she felt like one couple lived there, but we have, there's, we get no indication who these people are.

[00:18:42] Amy: No, we don't know who those people are.

[00:18:43] AP: And he didn't, you know, both couples were in their eighties and nineties. He wasn't, he never made it to 80. And then, you know, his first wife was only what, 47 or something. And then his second wife left him when she was in her early thirties.

[00:18:58] Megan: No, She left her when she was 38 because he married her when she was 33. Okay. And then she left him five years later because that's a disgusting age gap. Gross.

[00:19:10] AP: It's, I mean, it's not like he had money or something.

[00:19:13] Megan: I know. Like, what was the, maybe he had a third leg, I don't know, firecracker in the bedroom. And she's like, that's not enough to keep me here. I'm gonna leave.

[00:19:28] AP: Oh going back to the dad though for a minute when he was talking about after we hear about the two couples at some point before we talk to any of the kids or Wendy, Scott says, I, I want to be strong. I don't want them to see me cry. I don't want to see, you know, any of this and whatever's here is evil and not human, but I don't want to show my kids that I'm scared.

I'm like, understand that, but it's also okay to, it's okay to cry. It's okay to show emotion and more than just anger.

[00:19:59] Megan: Yeah. Well,

[00:20:01] AP: but I was just like, it's, you can be strong and cry like a lot of us do that on a daily basis. Yeah.

[00:20:09] Amy: Yeah. We were just talking about that.

[00:20:10] Megan: It's called being a millennial. Like deal with it.

[00:20:13] Amy: Yeah. I'm Gen X. We're not allowed to cry.

[00:20:15] Megan: You cry, then you have avocado toast and then you go on with your life. All right. It's fine.

[00:20:20] Amy: I thought avocado toast was a millennial thing.

[00:20:22] Megan: I said millennial. Oh, I'm a millennial.

[00:20:26] Amy: I thought you were saying I. Okay.

[00:20:29] Megan: I'm an elder millennial.

[00:20:30] Amy: Got it. Got it. Yeah. Got it.

I also want to mention I liked the time when Amy and Matt are walking through and they're looking and I see you put a note in here too. When she's talking about the devil priest guy and she said the kids sometimes get scared, but doesn't know how bad it is.

And Matt goes, I mean, is this something that could be dangerous for him?

And she goes, yeah, it's a demon.

[Sound clip: Could this be something that is dangerous for them? Yeah, it’s a demon!]

Yeah, like a doyee.

[00:20:56] Megan: Come on, Matt.

[00:20:58] Amy: I thought that was funny.

[00:20:59] AP: I did appreciate he, he asks the dumb questions though.

[00:21:03] Megan: He does.

[00:21:03] AP: I think he must do that, especially when she's not really either one coherent in her, what she's putting out or she's only being like, well, And you know, she does that little tap with her fingers on her hand kind of stuff too.

And is, I think he asked some of those like, well, “is it dangerous? Because we need this for the show, Amy, come on.”

[00:21:24] Amy: Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, Steve asked if it's the dogs. I mean, they have to ask the dumb questions, right? Because there are people watching who are like, but what if it's the dogs or what if that demon's not really scary or dangerous?

[00:21:36] AP: Yeah. You know, I think in that whole sequence too, like when she starts talking about Donovan, well, one of the children being an organically a witch, you know, Matt's like, well, then is he not having experiences that she's like no. Just because he's protected doesn't mean he's bulletproof.

[00:21:56] Megan: I thought that was interesting. I don't remember where she's ever said in anything in a walk before that somebody's organically a witch.

[00:22:04] Amy: No. And I looked up organic witch and I did find somebody's Facebook page called Organic Witch, but it's just a

[00:22:10] Megan: I would think that would mean that you were like born with it.

[00:22:13] Amy: Yeah. I think that's what she meant. I just, I was hoping to find like an official

[00:22:17] AP: definition

[00:22:18] Amy: definition other than what, what Amy said, but It just says that she, they know how to do things to protect themselves without ever having to learn it.

[00:22:26] Megan: Yeah. They just do it.

[00:22:28] Amy: Which is, that's really cool.

[00:22:29] AP: Which explains why he never wants to leave his room.

[00:22:32] Amy: Right.

[00:22:33] Megan: Cause he's protected it.

[00:22:34] Amy: Right. All right. Let me see where we are. We are, I think that's pretty much, do we have anything else in the first section before Steve goes into town?

[00:22:44] AP: No. No. Other than I wrote down after Lacey. I said, when we hear about the devil thing is beating the child and torturing the fuck out of this person, I just wrote, “no, this will break the dad at the reveal.”

Amy: Yeah.

[00:23:00] Megan: I have two more things.

[00:23:01] Amy: Okay.

[00:23:01] Megan: When Wendy talks about how she saw Donovan have an experience, he came into the kitchen and she said his eyes were black, like his pupils are fully dilated. Then he went into his bedroom and started crying and said, make it stop. And so I thought that was… Yeah.

And then another three she said she woke up, it was three o'clock in the morning and she woke up to a man screaming in her face, “get up. What the fuck are you doing sleeping?”

[00:23:26] AP: Yeah.

[00:23:26] Megan: So there's a lot of threes in this episode.

[00:23:28] Amy: Yeah.

[00:23:29] AP: And three kids.

[00:23:31] Megan: Three kids.

[00:23:32] Amy: Ohhh

[00:23:33] AP: mean, if you break down a year and a half is three sets of six months.

[00:23:37] Amy: Yeah. Yeah.

[00:23:38] AP: But yeah. Did anybody else question if Donovan was being jumped with some of the

[00:23:44] Megan: literally? Yes. Yes.

[00:23:46] AP: where he like. It's talking about how he blacks out then feels hopeless, but then he gets back to his room, and which was then the same thing as Wendy said about like, he's, you know, like, he wasn't there and now all the, you know, and he goes back to his room and is crying.

I was like, is he being jumped?

[00:24:02] Megan: I think he is being jumped, least something's trying to jump him.

[00:24:06] AP: Yeah. And something's taking over until he gets to his room. And then it's like, on the show “Ghosts”

[00:24:10] Megan: cause that's his safe space

[00:24:12] AP: they hit the end of the walkway and they returned

[00:24:16] Megan: his abilities. Yeah. Yeah.Yeah. Interesting. It's one, it's interesting. They never, uh. touched on it, or revealed that they touched on it.

[00:24:26] AP: I also said, great, another slithering thing when we hear about the

[00:24:29] Amy: Oh my god, yeah, when she said it was slithering on the walls. So gross.

[00:24:33] Megan: Yeah.

[Break 1]


[00:24:35] Amy: So we learned about Robert Lucas born in 1927. He was 60 years old when he bought the client's house in 1987. And he, they talk about his wife, which we touched on a little bit already. He married his first wife. Her name was Joyce Cameron in 1952. She died at the age of 45 of throat cancer. And then He, oh wait, she died in 1978.

And then Steve goes, “does he remarry?” And I'm like um, yeah, that's why he called her first wife.

Megan: Yeah.

Amy: 10 years later he married his second wife. Her name was Stella. She was 33 years old and he was 60.

[00:25:13] Megan: Gross.

[00:25:14] Amy: Yeah.

[00:25:15] Megan: Gross, gross, gross.

[00:25:16] Amy: And then that's when they moved into the client's home. And Steve. “So he married a much younger woman. How'd it go?” James Pauley says, “not so well.” Yeah. After five years of marriage, Stella left him. So that's when he that's not right. When, five months later he, on January 5th, 1993, he goes back to the bedroom, laid down in the bed and shot himself in the chest.

[00:25:38] Megan: Which also might be why or when Scott felt that in his chest. Mm-Hmm. The reverberation. Mm-Hmm. . That could be from that too.

[00:25:46] Amy: Yep.

[00:25:46] AP: Yep.

[00:25:47] Megan: Which is a really weird. way for to kill yourself.

[00:25:50] Amy: I know. I can't imagine doing that anyway. I'm such a chicken. I would chicken out, but I don't

Megan: Right.

 [00:25:59] Megan: your chest.

[00:26:01] Amy: I mean, I, people do it. I just, they

[00:26:04] Megan: do it. Yeah.

[00:26:04] Amy: But I just don't,

[00:26:06] AP: have either of you watched The Iron Claw. Yeah, so it's a movie about the Von Eriks, the wrestling family. Five of the six boys died before their dad. Three of them were suicide. Fourth one, they are curious about if it was, but his cause of death was enteritis.

But one of them shot himself in the chest on his family's property.

[00:26:32] Megan: Yeah. I don't think I should. I'm not going to watch that movie.

[00:26:34] AP: It's a very, if you have, if you've watched, it is very good. If you ever watched wrestling growing up or anything. Like I watch, we watched it a lot in the nineties and early 2000s and stuff, but it's, it was well done.

It tells a story very quickly and it actually only, they, combined two of the sons together because they didn't want to put a third suicide into the movie.

[00:26:58] Amy: Oh, is it uh fiction… I mean, not fictional, but is it an acted movie or is it a documentary?

[00:27:03] AP: It's acted. Zac Efron plays one of the brothers.

[00:27:06] Amy: Oh, I've seen pictures of this.

[00:27:09] AP: Yeah. Jeremy Allan White plays Kerry.

Amy: “The Bear”.

AP: Zac Efron plays Kevin, who is the only one who's still alive. Zac Efron plays Kevin, who is the only one who's still alive.

[00:27:17] Amy: Yeah.

[00:27:18] Megan: No, thank you.

[00:27:20] Amy: I just want to know one little funny thing that was right around this time when the PI is telling Steve about the man who whose wife left him.

And he said, well, it looks like the heartache finally got to him. But when the closed captions wrote “hard dick”, it looks like the hard dick finally got to him. Maybe that can't be what he actually said. It was not the closed captions, the trans, the transcription when I had it done in Word.

[00:27:48] AP: I do wish we had gotten a little bit more information about Robert Lucas. We don't know hardly anything. We don't know the type of person that he was because in death, he sounds like a pretty shitty asshole.

Amy: Right.

Megan: Yeah.

AP: But we don't, we don't know anything.

[00:28:02] Megan: He married a 33 year old that's 60. So that's a 27 year difference.

[00:28:07] AP: Ok, but you've got, what is it? Catherine Zeta Jones and her husband,

[00:28:12] Amy: Michael Douglas,

[00:28:13] AP: yeah, but it doesn't mean he's an asshole.

[00:28:19] Amy: They seem happy and she's not as young as she says she is either, but

[00:28:23] AP: well, yeah yeah,

[00:28:24] Megan: shots fired at Catherine Zeta Jones. You heard it first folks,

[00:28:29] Amy: not if you were paying attention in the nineties when they got married, because I remember everybody talking about how she's not as young as she claims to be.

[00:28:37] AP: Oh, that's been going on. Yeah. Yeah. That's been following her for a long time.

[00:28:41] Amy: That's not new news. There aren't a whole lot of actresses that are probably very especially that long ago. Now, anybody knows anything. All you have to do is put something on TikTok and five people will come out and say, I went to high school with her in 1952.

So, you know, but they did have a picture of this man, this Lucas. So I'm where'd they get that? I mean, they must, did they have fam? Did they talk?

[00:29:05] AP: Cause that wasn't a photo from like a, like a newspaper clipping.

[00:29:09] Amy: No, it was like a family photo.

AP: Mm hmm.

Amy: Like a candid So it

[00:29:13] Megan: Maybe the PI did work on him and they gave him that photo Family member or me Stella. Maybe he tracked Stella down.

[00:29:21] Amy: Yeah, but I'm just wondering why we didn't get any more information. Maybe they just decided it wasn't interesting or maybe they got it on the cut it.

[00:29:28] AP: Why was it a PI?

[00:29:31] Amy: I don't I don't know

[00:29:32] AP: That I didn't understand either other than he's talked to James Pauly Previously because

[00:29:37] Amy: “he's my old buddy”

[00:29:38] AP: Yeah, it was the, hey, thanks for meeting me again.

[00:29:40] Amy: Yeah,

[00:29:41] Megan: well, maybe because, I mean, you wouldn't really necessarily talk to local law enforcement because there wasn't really a crime. I mean, they, you know, might not have known a lot.

[00:29:51] Amy: Maybe there wasn't anybody else to talk to, like you said, maybe a smaller town. I didn't look up. I looked up the town, but I didn't look at the population.

[00:29:59] AP: Yeah.

[00:30:00] Megan: Yeah.

[00:30:01] Amy: I don't know.

[00:30:01] AP: I did. I did appreciate when we go to the plumber though, and did you notice that they had to put subtitles on for him?

[00:30:08] Amy: Because he talked like this. He talks like the guy from “King of the Hill”.

[00:30:12] AP: Yes. Oh my God. I was thinking the exact same thing.

[00:30:15] Megan: Oh,

[00:30:16] AP: Boomhauer.

[00:30:16] Amy: Boomhauer. I'm down, dang, dang it, down, down, down. Oh, that made me laugh.

[00:30:22] AP: Yeah. I mean, I, again, appreciate. I feel like there is more of these, like, let's call them the exterminators. The, you know, the plumber and these kinds of things. Yeah. in the earlier seasons, but I don't feel like in the last couple seasons we saw, I don't think we saw any of that in the last season.

[00:30:38] Amy: No, I don't think so.

[00:30:39] Megan: I will say I liked him looking around with his little flashlight.

[00:30:42] AP: The way they stage things.

[00:30:43] Megan: Oh, I, I literally wrote, “this is so staged”. Yeah. He's like, “I'm going to turn on the pipes and look with my flashlight.”

[00:30:51] AP: You know, at the end it's like, “so is it the pipes?” “No”.

[00:30:55] Megan: Okay. Thanks.

[00:30:57] Amy: Okay. Bye.

[00:30:58] Megan: Bye. Yeah. “Nothing you saw could explain the noises”. “No, sir.” “All right. Well, appreciate your work. Bye.” Thanks Landon.

[00:31:05] AP: Yeah. And then um, thanks. That's when we hear about, you know, The creepy kid trapping the old couples and their minds are gone. And so they just run into the walls and Amy's like, I don't like him and she like kind of trails off like great. Yeah, sounds awesome.

[00:31:23] Amy: Yeah, I actually highlighted that too.

[00:31:26] AP: We go to Steve with the magnifying glass and the, with the light.

[00:31:31] Amy: With the Inspector Gadget theme playing in the background.

[00:31:34] Megan: Okay, wait a minute. Rewind. So James Pauly, he doesn't know him. He knows the other guy who talks about the triple murder.

[00:31:42] Amy: You're right. It's James Casto, who is Steve's buddy, and we have no idea what kind of expert he is.

[00:31:48] Megan: Right. He's just there because he's a buddy.

[00:31:51] Amy: He's his buddy. Yep. And this is when we learn about Henry P F O S T,

[00:31:59] Megan: which reminded me of, the Golden Girls episode with Mr.P-feiffer, and he's the funeral home director, and they're going to do burial for somebody. And then Sophia goes, “Mr. P-feiffer, how'd you like to get punched in your p-face?”

[00:32:17] AP: So question with this one, did we know who Henry Fogle was earlier in the episode? Because it, I feel like

Megan:  Pfost, it was a Pfost.

AP: Oh, it sounded like they kept putting a G.

[00:32:29] Amy: It was P F O S T, but it's, they pronounced it like. Faust, Faust, Faust,

Megan:  which is where the P-feiffer came from.

[00:32:37] AP: Did they talk about him at some point? Because it all of a sudden they're like, yeah, so Henry's mom and I'm like, who's Henry?

[00:32:45] Megan: They just said one of the victims of this homicide was the mother of Henry Pfost, and that's when James Castro was like, well, Henry's mother, Chloe, adopted John Morgan. They didn't really, like, lead into him. It was, like, just out of the blue.

[00:33:01] AP: Steve, kind of Le Le learn that he owned the house that they live in.

[00:33:07] Megan: Mm-Hmm. 

[00:33:08] AP: And so then it makes me wonder, is Henry and his wife, one of these couples that's being kept?

[00:33:14] Megan: Henry didn't live there. John Morgan, the guy who killed him ended up living there.

AP: No,

Megan: he moved out and moved into the.

[00:33:22] AP: No, I thought the house was owned by Henry, and that's why Henry was brought in here.

[00:33:26] Megan: Oh, no, you're right, you're right.

[00:33:27] AP: Because why else would we have brought Henry in?

[00:33:28] Amy: Henry's mother was one of the victims. This is what Steve says in the, as the scene is starting: “Searching through old records, I come across another former property owner named Henry Pfost. Turns out Henry's mother was one of the victims of a brutal triple homicide near Scott and Wendy's house.”

Not in Scott and Wendy's house, near. “I'm headed out to meet my old buddy, James Casto, who looked into this case for me.”

[00:33:51] AP: But Henry owned the property, so it was like, Chloe had a house and then Henry had a house. So Henry was older than John Morgan, who we will talk about shortly.

[00:34:02] Megan: Yes, because he was one of the original children of Chloe.

[00:34:08] AP: Yes.

[00:34:08] Amy: Yes. And, and yes, Henry was one of the.

[00:34:14] Megan: So Chloe is Henry's mother.

[00:34:17] AP: I just had a really weird moment. I thought maybe one of my dogs was behind me because I felt a nose and whiskers on the back of my knee.

[00:34:26] Megan: Mm hmm.

[00:34:27] There's nobody back there?

[00:34:29] AP: On the back of my left knee. Wesley had just been over here, but he's not here right now. So that was, sorry, that was just really weird. In the moment.

Amy: Weird.

[00:34:41] Megan: It's interesting that when they talk about Henry's mother, Chloe, and her other children, James, Matilda, and Alice, they don't mention Henry in that.

[00:34:49] AP: I guess it was because he was out of the house.

[00:34:52] Amy: But it does say she treated him as if he were her uncle and her other children. James, Matilda, and Alice. I think when he says other, he means other than Henry, not other than John Morgan.

Megan: Oh yeah you’re right.

[00:35:03] AP: I think, I feel like Henry was older and already out of the house. Maybe Henry was 18 by the time that John Morgan was adopted kind of thing.

[00:35:11] Amy: Yeah. So anyway,

[00:35:12] AP: that was what I got.

[00:35:14] Amy: So, this is 1891, just to fill this in a little bit.

[00:35:18] Megan: Great year.  

[00:35:19] Amy: 1891, Henry's mother, Chloe, adopted the 16-year-old orphan boy by the name of John Morgan, and they treated him like one of their own. They were great. He lived there for six years. He got married. He moved out. And then he still was a frequent visitor of the home. Chloe, the mom, had sold a valuable horse for a tidy sum of money.

[00:35:38] Megan: Mm hmm. Which they don't disclose how much.

[00:35:40] Amy: No. It was probably 1. 98, but it was a lot of money back then. And so um,

[00:35:47] Megan: with tax, so they rounded up to 2.

[00:35:50] AP: No, you know why you have it as a 99 or 98 or 97, why they started doing that? So that you had to open the till so people couldn't just pocket the money. Oh. So that's why you'll have things that are $4.99. They hardly ever, especially in that time, would have had an even number of something when you had to do a transaction with a, for a bill because otherwise people could just pocket it and just say, I don't know what happened to the inventory.

[00:36:16] ALL: Oh yeah.

[00:36:16] Amy: Yeah. I always thought it was just because it made it sound like it was cheaper, like a dollar something. It sounds cheaper than two dollars.

[00:36:24] Megan: Yeah.

[00:36:26] AP: That does, but it was because they had to, yeah, I learned that I don't remember how long ago, but because they had to be able to open the tills to document.

[00:36:36] Amy: Well, anyway.

[00:36:37] Megan: So she sold us a horse for a tidy sum of money.

[00:36:40] Amy: That's right. And then Henry Morgan decided he wanted that money.

Megan: John Morgan

Amy: John Morgan, sorry. I don't know their names, but John, James, Henry.

[00:36:47] Megan: Jingle heimerschmidt.

[00:36:48] Amy: That's right. “His name is my name too.” I like the hoedown dance. Okay. So yeah I'm not going to go into the details of this, but anyway, he came to the house and tried to rob them and ended up killing…

[00:37:04] Megan: everybody.

[00:37:06] Amy: Almost all of them.

[00:37:07] Megan: He thought he killed everybody. The only person who survived was Alex.

[00:37:10] Amy: Yep. Alice

[00:37:11] AP: Alice killed Alice, not Alex. There's no Alex.

[00:37:14] Amy: She was gravely injured.

[00:37:16] Megan: He killed James, killed Matilda, and killed Chloe.

[00:37:20] Amy: It says “gravely injured Alice”. It doesn't gravely mean.

[00:37:25] AP: Yeah, I would have thought, but she must have survived long enough, at least for them to, for her to identify who attacked.

[00:37:31] Megan: Well, in the reveal talks about how she survived. So she must, to me, gravely just means seriously. It's not fatally.

[00:37:40] AP: Oh, but it usually means usually means fatal.

[00:37:43] Amy: Usually means fatal. It's a grave. I mean, I think that's what that's supposed to mean. I think they just use the wrong word when they described it. Anyway, anyway, the rest of them were all killed, including Chloe, the mother.

[00:37:52] AP: Close relation to, it's the, you know, if you think of the Villisca Axe House murders.

[00:37:58] Megan: It just says, “to a degree that gives cause for alarm. He fell gravely ill.”

[00:38:03] AP: I think it's a bit more than that.

[00:38:06] Megan: That's from Oxford.

[00:38:08] Amy: Well, Oxford's wrong. I'm kidding. I'm kidding.

[00:38:11] Megan: They could be. We don't know.

[00:38:13] Amy: Yeah. Amy does hear a woman screaming and she hears a man say, “shut up, bitch!” And then a, I don’t want to read this. Skip ahead 10 seconds if you don't want to hear this, “she heard a nasty cracking, like a mushy, wet sound and then he stops. So he killed her.” That's what Amy said.

Megan: Yeah.

Amy: Okay.

Megan: Yeah. Yeah.

Amy: And then Morgan was caught there. I don't know why they did so much about, Oh, they caught him and they put him on trial and there was guilty in it.

[00:38:43] Megan: Well, they, they were just talking about why they expedited the trial. Cause they were afraid of mob mentality and mob justice.

[00:38:51] Amy: Well, and it does kind of fit in though. I guess I can see why they left it because they talked about how he was executed hanging-style in front of 10, 000 people.

[00:39:04] Megan: Yeah.

[00:39:05] Amy: That's a lot of people for back then.

[00:39:07] AP: You know, but those kinds of things were seen almost like fairs, gatherings,

Amy: Where they parade them around.

 AP: where you, you came in from out of town.

[00:39:16] Megan: But I thought that was more like older, like 16, 1700s

[00:39:19] AP: Oh no, honey. I mean, around here in. In the 1800s, that was very common. I mean, they tried to hang an elephant in one state. I can't remember what it was because she,

[00:39:32] Megan: Poor thing.

[00:39:33] AP: Yeah, you, you can find that one. And yeah, it was a…

[00:39:37] Megan: I'd rather not find it.

[00:39:40] Amy: But yeah, I, the reason I think they kept, they, they made this connection is that Amy did feel like she was in a crowd of people. It's pitch black. She feels bodies up against her. There's a crowd, a bunch of people.

And she says, “I don't know what the fuck's going on. And I'm hearing men and women screaming. There's panic and chaos. It's pitch black. And then it feels like I'm falling. I'm falling in the darkness.” So she must have been in his body.

[00:40:05] AP: Yeah.

[00:40:05] Megan: That's what I thought too.

[00:40:07] Amy: And then. When she says, like, bodies up against her, that makes me think of when they, like, walk them through the town and walk them right next to everybody. It's so barbaric.

[00:40:15] AP: You know that the, this was another one of, let's use feet to describe how far something is.

[00:40:22] Megan: I thought of that too.

[00:40:23] AP: 1, 700 feet is about a third of a mile. So they try to use feet to again,

[00:40:29] Amy: to make it sound like it's closer,

[00:40:30] Megan: to make it sound more.

[00:40:31] Amy: Yeah. That's on the bingo cards.

[00:40:33] AP: Yeah. This would be, if you have a normal block in the suburbs or something, this is going to be a couple of blocks.

[00:40:39] Amy: Yeah. Okay. Okay. Well, that's pretty much the end of that segment. The sketch is the last thing that they do there. And then we have, da-la-de-du-du-du THE REVEAL




[00:40:52] AP: I was actually kind of thinking that Donovan could potentially end up at this one. So I was a little surprised. That was only Scott and Wendy, but

[00:41:00] Amy: yeah.

[00:41:00] AP: Um,

[00:41:01] Amy: Maybe cause he's so young, but I mean, they've had, they've had kids before. So, It's not out of the question. Maybe the parents just didn't want to.

[00:41:07] Megan: That would be my guess.

Amy: Yeah.

[00:41:10] AP: Yeah. I will say again, throughout the whole reveal, like Scott's very, you can see it on his face, what he's thinking. And Wendy's very, like has a screen across, but you can kind of see the color drain out of her face a couple of times. But it was hard to tell, like, are they just using the same shot over and over again?

[00:41:32] Amy: Oh, they may be.

[00:41:34] Megan: The population of Ripley, West Virginia was 3, 074 at the 2020 census, so a very small town.

Amy: Yeah,

[00:41:41] AP: Well, that's not very small. I lived in a town of 300.

[00:41:46] Megan: Pretty small.

[00:41:46] AP: It's small.

[00:41:48] Amy: I can't imagine 300 smaller than my graduating class.

[00:41:53] AP: Mine too.

[00:41:54] Amy: Okay. So I think the only note I had was that when, when they showed the picture of Chloe, the mother Amy gasped.

[00:42:04] Megan: I know.

[00:42:04] AP: Mm-Hmm.

[00:42:05] Amy: She was like, like

[00:42:06] Megan: I was like, so she recognizes that?

[00:42:08] Amy: Yep. That's the one she saw. Yes. That's what I saw.

[00:42:12] AP: Yep. I like, when they were talking about Donovan and, you know, Wendy's telling her story about the dilated eyes, blah, blah, blah. And Wendy says something like, it's weird to think about that with my child. And Amy goes, “well, it runs in your family”.

Amy: Yes.

AP: And, and we just kind of leave it there. There is no further explanation that they show. And it's like, it seemed like it was a big revelation for Wendy, because that was actually a time where you see a little bit of like the facial change.  And then they just kind of move on.

[00:42:39] Megan: Yeah. Well, they did touch on it a little bit later where they, she did say that, you know, Wendy is a physical medium, but yeah,

[00:42:47] AP: but not at, not at that time. It was just like, it was a weird cutaway of,

[00:42:51] Megan: which they probably talked about it, but yeah, like, but yeah, I felt that was like,

[00:42:54] AP: right.

[00:42:55] Megan: Even my notes, I said, okay, so we, and we're not talking about this again or like what?

[00:43:01] Amy: And I, for me, it was like, I thought to me, it looked like the mom was like, she knew she just didn't want to, she didn't want anyone else to know. And she didn't want to talk about it.

[00:43:11] AP: Yeah.

[00:43:12] Amy: And so she was like, Oh fuck. When Amy said that.

 [00:43:16] AP: I also want to go with, I feel quite vindicated when Amy talked about psychic vampires, because I'm pretty sure I got ridiculed for calling any vampire, any person who leeches energy, a vampire.

[00:43:34] Amy: Oh, no, you called, you called him an energy vampire. And then we were like, no, there's a difference between an energy vampire and a blood vampire.

[00:43:42] AP: But they all take energy.

[00:43:42] Amy: Yeah, that's true.

[00:43:44] AP: So I'm going with, I feel a little vindicated here.

[00:43:47] Amy: Okay.

[00:43:48] Megan: We didn't say you were wrong.

[00:43:49] Amy: No.

[00:43:50] AP: Well, you kind of indicated it.

[00:43:53] Amy: I remember that conversation. I was like, yeah, that makes sense. I don't know. I don't have a dog in the fight, so I'm not going to say anything.

[00:44:02] AP: Your blood carries your energy.

[00:44:03] Amy: Yeah, that's true. That's true. If you don't have blood, you don't have energy.

[00:44:07] AP: Correct.

[00:44:08] Amy: Amy did mention that the elderly man who, who committed suicide was, she said he was very elderly and he was only 60.

[00:44:19] Megan: 68. 

[00:44:20] AP: Yeah, he was, he was closer to 70.

[00:44:23] Amy: Oh, was he? I thought he was,

[00:44:24] Megan: yeah, because he bought the house in ‘87 when he was 60.

[00:44:26] AP: He was born in 1927.

[00:44:28] Amy: Oh, I, I wasn't doing math. I was just going by what they said.

[00:44:30] AP: Yeah. Math.

[00:44:31] Megan: I thought that too. But then after I thought about it more, I was like, he bought it when he was 60 and then six years later he.

[00:44:37] Amy: Okay. Okay. Well, then she was, she was spot on as usual.

[00:44:41] Megan: Yeah.

[00:44:41] Amy: I should never have doubted.

[00:44:42] Megan: You should never doubt her.

[00:44:45] Amy: Yeah, it bugged me. It really bugged me. I know I brought this up in the, in the overview too, but that when Amy would talk about something and Steve would be like, “well, it's not a lot to go on.”

And he did that twice. And I'm like, she, Fucking spelled it out for you. What do you mean there's nothing to go on?

[00:44:59] AP: My favorite though is every time he's like, well, you know, “that reminds me of”, and I'm like, cause you just looked at this two days ago. Like,

[00:45:09] Megan: well, it's not much to go on. You just gave me a name, his age, a year he died, method of death,

[00:45:14] AP: where he's located,

[00:45:15] Megan: where he's located, but I don't know why

[00:45:17] Amy: that sounds like something I have, but that's not much to go on.

[00:45:20] Megan: Do you think this could be it?

[00:45:22] AP: If we draw a Venn diagram, do we get close enough?

[00:45:27] Amy: Oh, Steve.

[00:45:30] AP: Yep. I did say the sketch when they show it. I do remember the sketch. I don't really remember the episode from when I first watched it, but I remember the sketch.

[00:45:37] Megan: It was terrifying.

[00:45:39] AP: Yeah. I said, creepy as shit. And Wendy has um, definitely has that front. She has, she's used to having to have a poker face of some sort for some reason. And she has set that into stone of like, and she cracks.

[00:45:56] Megan: Yeah. Yeah. That was a really scary sketch.

[00:46:00] Amy: It was.

[00:46:00] AP: Especially when Amy then goes yeah, “you're a sensitive and could die”.

[00:46:04] Megan: Yeah.

Like you could have a heart attack.

[00:46:07] Amy: Yeah. Sudden death.

[00:46:09] Megan: Yeah.

[00:46:10] Amy: Sudden death. “My concern now is that Wendy would die. Heart attack.”

[00:46:14] AP: Wendy was, you know, she was like, I was concerned about my family. How many times have we seen this recently? I was concerned about everybody else, but now you're saying I should be the one that's concerned?

[00:46:23] Amy: Mm hmm.

[00:46:23] Megan: Mm hmm.

[00:46:26] AP: We saw that with Christa.

[00:46:27] Amy: With Christa, I was going to say, we just saw that. So let's see. So then Amy gives her, you know, what they need to do. They need to have a Catholic priest come in and when they're not home,

Megan: Yeah.

Amy: Do a home blessing.

[00:46:41] Megan: Which makes me like wonder what could, I mean, Maybe I'm just being like

[00:46:46] AP: attachments.

[00:46:48] Amy: Oh, oh, I was, I was thinking, I was picturing like swirling things.

[00:46:52] Megan: Yes.

[00:46:53] Amy: Candles flying through the air.

[00:46:54] Megan: pictures all over.

[00:46:55] Amy: Yeah.

[00:46:56] AP: Okay. You two have watched too many movies. And Megan, do you I doesn't even watch those movies.

[00:47:02] Amy: No, I do.

[00:47:03] Megan: I don't watch those movies.

[00:47:04] Amy: I don't like them. I don't watch ' em that much anymore. 'cause they really do freak me out. But,

[00:47:08] AP: oh, there's some good ones that recently came out I need to go watch. Oh,

[00:47:10] Megan: No, thank you.

[00:47:12] AP: “Abigail”. And

[00:47:13] Amy: I have not seen “Abigail”

[00:47:17] AP: I haven't seen it yet either.

[00:47:18] Amy: I have not seen “Abigail”.  “The Exorcism of Emily Rose”. Is that the one with the girl from well she was a girl at the time, from “Dexter”.

She played Dexter's sister. Carpenter, I want to say her last name is. Jennifer Carpenter. Anyway, that movie, terrifying.

[00:47:36] Megan: The previews alone scared the shit out of me. I couldn't watch them.

[00:47:42] Amy: It's, it's really scary. And the thing that about those kinds of movies that freaks me out is that

Megan: They’re real?

Amy: so often you hear about stuff that happened on set or things that like, where it just, it's a little too.

[00:47:59] AP: Yeah, wasn't it “Psycho”? That was kind of the cursed one.

[00:48:03] Amy: Was it?

[00:48:03] Megan: I know there was another one too, but

[00:48:05] Amy: “Poltergeist”.

[00:48:06] AP: Poltergeist. I thought it was a “p”

[00:48:07] Megan: “Poltergeist”.

[00:48:07] Amy: “Poltergeist” was a big one. “Poltergeist” was a big one. Like, everybody that was in that movie is dead now.

[00:48:13] Megan: To me, that's just playing with fire and you're inviting stuff in.

Amy:  mm mm.

[00:48:18] AP: The priest exorcism was pretty, or exorcist was pretty good. I mean, it's terrible, but it's funny.

[00:48:24] Amy: Was it Pope? “Pope's Exorcist”?

[00:48:26] AP: Yeah, “Pope's Exorcist”.

[00:48:28] Amy: Oh, yeah. I saw that…

[00:48:29] AP: With Russell Crowe.

[00:48:30] Amy: Oh, I saw that roll up in my carousel or whatever on whatever streaming thing it's on. And I was like, I don't think I want to do that. I don't think I want to.

I'll watch documentaries about it, which is weird because that, that's closer to being truth than Hollywood fiction. But for some reason, the Hollywood fiction stuff creeps me out.

[00:48:52] Megan: I don't like any of it. I don't really like documentaries about it. I watched “The Amityville Horror” I didn't sleep for a week. The, the new one with Ryan Reynolds, I think.

[00:49:02] Amy: Oh, yeah.

[00:49:03] Megan: Scared the shit out of me. The shit. You should

[00:49:06] Amy: watch the documentary, which is, is the son talking about how all of it's bullshit. So…

[00:49:13] Megan: you know, I've wondered that because nobody else who's lived in that home has had issues like that.

[00:49:19] Amy: Their dad was mentally ill and made up most of it. I'm not saying there was nothing in the house because there was something that was getting in his brain. But that could have been un- not paranormal related, but

[00:49:31] Megan: just stick to my Disney movies. Thank you. Thank you so much.

[00:49:38] AP: Back to the demon. But yeah, a Catholic priest coming in. I got it more that they needed to be out of there so that it didn't try to attach to one of them because they weren't, they didn't have boundaries and ways to be protected from it.

Amy: It seems like everybody is sensitive in that family.

[00:49:53] AP: Yeah. And then if they get that Catholic priest, then they do, it does the blessing, then needs to leave the crosses in every room. It'll get the demon out and prevent others.

[00:50:05] Megan: And blessed crosses too.

[00:50:07] AP: Yep. I said that.

[00:50:10] Amy: Well, I, I hope that they eventually got help because they didn't as of the uh, ending.

[00:50:15] Megan: they were still looking.

[00:50:17] Amy: Yeah. And I wonder if, if, if this was before. Spirit Mechanix was connected to Amy and she just didn't have anyone to call.

[00:50:26] Megan: Oh Yeah.

[00:50:28] Amy: I don't remember when they said they started working with Amy.

[00:50:31] Megan: but I don't remember either.

[00:50:33] Amy: I would be curious to know if they just, you know, couldn't do it when, when did this, was this 2017?

[00:50:40] AP: Yeah. September 9th, 2017. 2017.

[00:50:43] Amy: It might've been before. They were working with them.

[00:50:46] AP: I was kind of, I was kind of sad to see that it was still kind of pending.

[00:50:50] Amy: Yeah. Yeah. So if anybody knows this family and knows if they got any help or if they would like to talk to us, we would love to talk to them.

[00:51:03] Megan: Well, thanks everybody.

[00:51:05] Amy: Yep. Thanks for joining us. And next week we will be discussing, we're back to season nine again. We're going to, we're going to beat that dead horse.

AP: Yep.

Season nine, episode 11, Devil's Triangle. Now this was AP's pick.

And this is another business. So the, the quickie little synopsis from Travel Channel is “Amy, Steve and Amy traveled to Pittsburgh to investigate paranormal activity at a tattoo parlor where the artists and customers fear for their safety. On her late night walk, Amy encounters a group of malicious demons who are set on collecting souls.”

[00:51:42] Megan: Is there any other kind of demon other than malicious?

[00:51:46] Amy: No. No, I don't think so.

[00:51:48] Megan: And that's like,

[00:51:49] AP: yeah. I just wanted to note, isn't it funny you can tell that somebody's writing these differently because the one I read at the beginning of this had “Steve DiSchiavi and Amy Allan”. Yeah. And this one just says “Steve and Amy”.

[00:52:00] Amy: Yeah. We're like best buds, so we don't need their last names.

[00:52:03] AP: Just their travel.

[00:52:05] Megan: We text.

[00:52:06] Amy: Yeah.

[00:52:08] AP: Can't wait.

[00:52:08] Amy: Well, the, the synopsis that you read this earlier for this episode that we just covered.

[00:52:13] AP: Mm hmm.

[00:52:13] Amy: That I found three different synopses and so I just merged them all into one.

AP: Okay.

[00:52:20] Megan: That's a lot of synopses.

[00:52:20] Amy: But one of them did say, I mean the one, because I grabbed one and then just spliced some other things in there, did say “Amy Allan and Steve DiSchiavi”.

[00:52:28] AP: That's funny.

[00:52:28] Megan: That's funny.

[00:52:29] Amy: So remember friends, let us know what your favorite episode is. And if we haven't already covered it, we will, as long as it doesn't have some things in it that we don't want to. So

[00:52:39] Megan: it's mostly just child death,

[00:52:41] Amy: just child, just child stuff. Yeah.

[00:52:43] Megan: Anything else is fair game.

[00:52:44] Amy: Yeah. I mean, we could talk about demons and exorcism and all that.

[00:52:47] Megan: I mean, yeah, I just don't want to watch a movie about it.

[00:52:52] Amy: No, that's fine. And also, we are still looking for listener stories. So send us your spooky stories.

[00:52:58] AP: I've been talking with people at work lately and they're like, yeah, I have stories or so and so. And I was like, if they write them down, I'll read them. Or if they want to, you know, like record it.

[00:53:07] Amy: Yep. Yep. They could just talk it right into their phone or like WhatsApp message or whatever. Yeah. All right. Well, thanks everybody.

[00:53:17] AP: Thank you.

[00:53:17] Megan: We'll see you next week.

[00:53:19] Amy: Yep.

[00:53:19] ALL: Bye. Bye.

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